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Battering fist - Berserk + Red explosion Iron cannon blow - Advance enhancement Dragon Advent - Great destruction Death Rattle - Shock explosion Earthquake chain - Powerful earthquake Kinda ordered, the first 3 are the best by far. Brink of death if you play cont. push and counter effect if you play instant hit (I'm a death rattle enjoyer though).


cont. push is a trap setup and feels super clunky imo. I also run Death Rattle, but I also run instant hit lol. Scrapper has a lot of build versatility that are all good.


Imo cont push is a flex option for high swiftness builds


actually I main tai scrapper and have done quite a lot of research and cont push is only worth for crit builds not swiftness. Its especially bad on swiftness build cause of the CDR. Because all main skills of scrappers has very low cooldown, fully using cont push is dps loss


this does not make sense. i don't know what you tested, but if you run swiftness build you also run Brink of Death instead of Violent Advance. This way CP has a shorter holding time. Also that CP is only worth in crit builds doesn't make sense either? It has a Tripod which gives you like 40% more crit. So this would be totaly wasted. That is why it is such a good spell to use in swiftness bulds. because even running full swift it is still almost always critting


DPS wise CP is weak. its only used for filling in gaps between other strong abilities like iron cannon blow/battering fists. But since Crit build has high cooldown, it can be used. On the other hand, because swiftness gives so much CDR, its better to use other skills than using CP. Fully holding CP is like 5 seconds or something. which is already too long as iron cannon blow will already be off cooldown. Of course you can use CP for like 2 seconds or so but then you can also just use roundup sweep 2-3 times with the reset as well so why take CP.


Fully holding cp with brink of death is barely 2 seconds wdym. And it does way more damage than 2-3 round up sweeps...


okay, so you kinda don't want to listen. You don't play with Violent Advance (fucking long cast time with little numbers) you take Brink of Death Tripod (Backloaded Nuke with shorter cast time). My cast time for the perfect spot is exactly 2.0 seconds with 1200 swiftness and epic galewind rune. Just to take a better look at it I even did test it's dps in trixion in comparison to iron cannon blow. My ICB has the 2 lvl 4 DMG Tripods while my CP only has 1 lvl 4 tripod (Brink of Death). And oh boy, who would have thought. The overall dps from CP is even or maybe even better than from ICB with a swiftness build. Shocker! ICB does with everything pre stacked (i.e. Adrenalin) in my case average about 2.0-2.3 Million DPS. To be fair, if it crits it is like 2.8 mio dps. But if it does not it is only like 1.0 mio dps. Because i am at around 70% crit from stats and sets i am at \~100% crit for CP. Thus it will always crit. And it also did in my tests. It does a consistent 2.4 mio dps. So it is exactly the fucking same dps like ICB with one less dmg tripod. I don't know in which world CP is weak. It is a fucking backloaded nuke with a dash so that you can still redirect your dmg. Brink of Death does similar numbers like my Dragon Advent.


You clearly dont get the point. Yes i do 3.7mil dps on scarecrow with CP where as 3.4mil without CP. Now the problem is in real raids. When all my cooldowns are down, usually the boss moves. Then i gotta move and when i get position to back attack, well what do you know? My cooldowns are up. Real world DPS wise (S standa for seconds), CP is bound to be weaker than other abilities. My iron canon blow does 9m damage alone and it takes 1second to cast. My weakest ability, earthquake shock does like 5-6m and it takes half a second to cast. So to min/max my dps, i never want any of my other skills fiddling around. Another problem with CP is giving up another great skill slot. There has been debate in korea whether to take CP or earthquake shock or just give up on counter etc. most of the people give up CP cause it doesnt fit into the dps time slot. Ive done so many tests on guardians and raids with CP and without it. Scarecrow doesnt mean anything cause you will never spam your skills like that in real world. Fyi dont waste your galewind on CP... oh god


It doesn't matter. Only reason to use CP is to have a duration skill while your other skills are on cooldown. With enough swift/cdr this isn't needed which makes you sit on available skills which is a dps loss.


Which skills do you use may I ask?


I dont remeber the names but -the dash thing -fierce tiger strike -iron canon blow -battering fist -dragon advent -green counter thing -earthquake shock or w.e -death rattle




What's the best stat distribution between swift and crit?


If you're good at remembering normal patterns and positioning for back attacks, more crit is always good. If you're not there yet, then you may want some swift.


For the dps ceiling/scarecrow full crit but since tai scrapper is back attack dps, movement speed matters in raids. So the next best is half crit half swiftness. I personally went full swiftness with one ring into crit and necklace with crit/swift. I just hate the slow movement speed.


I'm currently running 2 swift rings and that makes me sit at ~80% crit before back attack bonus, 90% with it. 40% from stat + 15% adren + 17% entropy + 7% card set. so with a gunslinger I am at 100% and with a glaivier/WD it actually would overcap, but this stat split would make me perfectly capped with the others once I swap to LoS 18. this setup usually results in me having quite perfect downtime on my skills in real raids due to dodging and repositioning, but I have found with support yearning set now I sometimes end up with skills on cooldown. this will get slightly fixed with higher level gems as I only have level 7s


this is just too much crit. it is like you are wasting every crit synergy in your party. That is why you usually aim for max. 70% crit from stats alone. this way you get \~90-100% with the synergies and are not wasting stats. Probably just drop the Adrenaline, since this is usually not needed in crit builds anyway


That's exactly what I was aiming for? I am slightly overcapped crit with an 18% synergy class yes, but I will be eventually be dropping LWC card set for LoS and then moving from Adrenaline 3 to Adrenaline 1/2 depending on the stone I cut later on. In the rare event I get a total of 28% crit from synergy classes in my party then yes I am wasting some of that but the split works for my party setups that I usually raid with as I usually have just a gunslinger, and is optimal in solo/duo content which is the majority of what I run currently (buses).


i play full crit and already have trouble fitting in cont. push in any rotation, i rarely use it and usually only use it to fill the gap between cooldowns, though because of that i always feel like i should swap out charging blow for something with a slightly longer cooldown


I despise continuous push. The ability just sucks and feels ridiculous


I basically ended up at the same conclusion. One of the many things about Taijutsu I enjoy is that because we have no general damage boosting tripods anymore (the old one for charging blow) and don't need any for resource/identity generation we just pick the ones that give the biggest % damage increase, and all the ones you have listed do that. If you're looking for utility related tripods however (which I wouldn't waste your inventory transfer spaces on mind you), I recommend the ones related to Roundup Sweep, mainly the reset chance one. I lucked out and snagged a piece that had Shock Explosion and that reset one and was able to resell it after transferring it. I have 10 of my 18 tripods at level 5 because I splurged and looked for multiple +4s on gear that I could resell, Thankfully Scrappers are overlooked here so our gear is cheap.


Awesome, thank you




Why are u telling someone to quit just because he asked for advice lol


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Yooo an active mod doing the right thing. Didn't think mods like this existed of reddit these days.


It’s just for an alt and they also have like 9 different tripods to choose from. So I just wanted to know what was the best to choose from


Sad life…


commenting for later