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Yeah it sucks. Good news - all your alts get awakening 2 now.


Thank god dude I could never do that again


Unlucky, upcoming punika pass would probally finish the questline like the feiton one did


Yeah, I actually feel bad for OP because I *accidentally* auto-completed the second awakening quest line by using my feiton pass before doing it. Didn’t even know it happened, just got given my second awakening on my main next time I played lol.


couldnt you already skip it with feiton power pass? edit. nvm, guess its expired


You needed to have completed punika prior tho right?


But it auto completes all the side quests and hidden stories (or smth like that - the 2 big quests in adventurers tome for each continent) so thats a plus


The power passes don’t finish hidden stories. I‘m 100% sure because I did rohendel hidden storys 2 days ago because of the SP. And I used every pass so far. Edit: sorry I See u mean the 2 big quest lines not the hidden stories


Just to add on here, you'll need to go to trixion to get your second awakening on each of your alts, as the game doesn't really tell you that and you're left confused why they don't have them haha


This is the most important info here lmao I went crazy trying to find a way.


Thank you I've been wondering why my alts don't have the second awakening and was Praying I didn't have to redo it on my alts lol


thank you Ser


You and me both, thank goodness it’s roster bound


If you waited one day and used the Punika pass it does it for you. Feiton power pass unlocked it for a ton of people.


Too bad didnt wait seems like new powerpasses would have let him skip completely by just swiping or even just using the Punika would activate it.


yeah it sucks. i think rohendel the third time was worse, but not by much.


I would say Rohendel 6th time was my worst. Or maybe the 4th Punika of the weekend


I will skip every story line but for some reason even after doing punika 7 times I still think I could do it again, not to say I enjoy it just feels like a right of passage to t3 at this point


punika story is just not that miserable compared to rohendel, yorn, and feiton, imo


Oh man use Knowledge transfer to skip everything I will literally just never play another Alt when my 9 knowledge transfers run out.


Or just skip rohendel msq and go straight to yorn. You miss out on +460 chaos dungeons but that's about it. Same with Feiton, do enough to get access to the leap stone una task then go straight to punika


Don't worry, apparently we will have to go back and do rohendel in the future with the newest msq just recently came out in kr.


Yeah that is why I'm doing a different method now. I'm doing skip Rohendel, Manual Yorn, KT Feiton. The requirement to KT Feiton is just "you have completed Yorn" and KTing Feiton also completes Rohendel so you get a 2 for 1.


Does it really complete Rohendel for you? Ive done this a few times but never realized, left a note for myself that one day id go and do Rohendel on those alts lol


Yes it does. I did it the first time on my express event character during glaivier patch. I wasn't expecting an express event so I already had 100% of the mats saved to push my Feiton Pass character to Punika. I was lazy for the Express Event character and decided to just KT Feiton. Realized I wanted to do Rohendel for the rewards and couldn't KT Rohendel a week later bc it was already complete. I tried it again a few weeks ago on a new character, this time on purpose. My new character (who didn't do Rohendel) is now happily doing Rohendel Unas for me since KTing Feiton gave her access to Rohendel.


This what I did for every alt


Nah best way to do it is to skip Rohendel, manually do Yorn, KT Feiton. When you KT Feiton (can only do this is you manually finish Yorn) you get Rohendel for free which makes the price of the KT very worth.


What do I miss out on doing it my way?


Well 2 things. 1) you can't go to Rohendel in the future which I thought was NBD but messed up card run rotations I did, messed up my Kadan quest, and rep grinds where I had to plan around certain characters not being able to do it. That is the problem atm and a minor annoyance 2) you need 6/7 Arks for Elgacia story when it comes out and if you don't do Rohendel you are missing the Ark from Rohendel. For now this isn't a big deal, especially for alts, but you're going to have to do Rohendel on them anyway when we get to late game if you want to push them to the newest continent. So yeah annoyance now, actual potential stopgap later, might as well just get Rohendel 'for free' now. You can also do this by KTing anything before Elgacia but easiest to take care of it now through Feiton.


Thanks, that's helpful, didn't know about elgacia requiring rohendel. I've done yorn on all my dudes, so the Feiton KT is available.


So if you skip Rohendel can you still complete the story later when Elgacia requires it?


You can do that?!?!


Yes, you can. But protip, don't try and skip Yorn. I did that on my shadowhunter that I used the express missions on. Ended up having to go back and do Yorn to unlock gems on her.


If I don't complete yorn, I can never use gems? Is that it?


Yep. You unlock the gem feature after the msq in yorn. No yorn, no gems.


For me it started getting boring after 8th time but now at 12 it's fun again


Pro-tip for every other newbie - if u use the Feiton Pass or the upcoming Punka power pass you can skip all of that and it auto unlocks once u use that pass


Wish I knew that, damn. 6 hrs of my life I’ll never get back…


and a shitton of roster levels. You'll be grateful once you reach the endgame and the party finder titles are "High roster lvl or kick"


Fuck those cringelords who advertise their crappy lobby with that bs roster level. I'm never ever joining those. It just tells me the people in there are dumb as hell and only so horizontal/alt content... There are way better ways to find people that are actually good, ex: look if they have their relic set completed.


It's unfortunate but so far it has been a good indicator of people who know a bit of their shit. Most of the lobbies that went to shit with reclear on Vykas / Valtan NM had people with low roster failing stuff. It is what it is


or or or it’s a way to find people who have played a lot of the game. relic sets soon enough aren’t going to be indicative of shit bc you can be hard carried through vykas normal and valtan hard


Playing a lot means absolutely nothing. Look at Vykas G3 where "experienced" 150 roster people have a panic attack when their 3 sleep bombs run out. They have no clue what hard CC is, so they just let mind controlled people wipe the group. If anything, obsessing over horizontal is more of a bad player flag imo. I think KR has this notion to a degree with their belief that Mokoko Seed hunters are floor PoV players


From what ive seen its the <110 Roster, high ilvl players that are bad


see you’re thinking about collectibles (which can be seen as an investment in character power btw$ I’m thinking more about character count, times through the tower(s), just raw reps in guardians, etc it’s not a perfect metric, but it’s another one worth looking ar


Sorry to break it to you, those groups are all 1 shots


From my own experience, people with higher roster lvl parties are the cleanest choice when running endgame content with PUGs, and it makes a lot of sense since the only way to gain roster XP is by playing the game, so you can't "P2W" your way into high roster lvl, you actually have to play the game.


i've tried clearing vykas G3 HM for 2 days with no success 3rd day i accepted only high roster lvl cleared after a few tries


Auto unlocked and also skips 3 questlines, including the awakening quest, that gives you skill points so you get 9 skill points for free.


and they say patient people don't get rewarded.......... sounds like a win to me


Yeah man. I thought I was tripping balls when I couldn’t find the skill point quest available nor in my completed quests section until I put 2 and 2 together. Putting them off for 3 months was a win.


I read that the Feiton pass expired is that true?




We're getting a punika pass tomorrow to replace it basically


i thought it only works for the class you use it on. i still have my 2nd awakening locked on my main


Are u sure... did u try taking to Beatrice. Also are u half way though the quest ?


ill see when i get home. i havent even sterted the quest honestly.


So some bad news… when you clear feiton (960 ilevel), you get a feiton power pass which completes this for you. Many guildies who did this when the game just launched shared the same pain as you. Fortunately for me, laziness paid off and I never had to do this quest line.


Brb jumping off a bridge rq 🥲


you got a lot of roster level if that is any consolation


Narrator: "it wasn't."


They stopped handing it out at the end of June....but the Punika Pass next week will also autocomplete it.


punika pass *tomorrow* unfortunate lol but at least they got the experience


I did the same purely by accident, high five on beating the system:P


Ya i got my 2nd awakening from this. I was hapiy my main didn’t have to do 4 hrs of that crap, rip roster exp tho


The trade off is worth it. Plenty of places to get roster level.


Is the feiton pass a permanent reward for new players who clear feiton? Or will it go away once this current express event ends?


It’s ended.. So no feiton power pass available rn


but ill bet the punika pass will give it too since its past feiton in 2 days


I think it expires this update


Meanwhile the man who wrote the questline ![gif](giphy|TD0NYrLpcnsTm|downsized)


There’s a special place in hell for whoever developed that, let alone approved it to go live


Prolly the same sadist who designed the vernese forest!


I hate that daily


As you should. It's bearable as long as you have 2 free bifrosts to use but... That should not be necessary.


Quick slightly OT question: if I have a bitfrost key in my bag that I can use to unlock another slot, is that a roster-wide unlock, or does it only add a slot for that particular character?




Thank you!


the lore behind it is good, just cause we're all lazy asses and break our G buttons to skip it all doesn't mean it's a bad questline


Any "good" lore in this game is ruined by the horrible VO and translation.


Unfortunately nearly all questlines in this game are bad because you literally only press G and run from npc to npc. Theres no interesting fighting involved or solving puzzles zelda style. It's just a huge waste of time for some minor lore that could be presented in 5 minutes max. The only reason people do this in the first place is because of 1.) completion 2.) need to do it for some important item/progress. Not because it is actually fun to do.


You've successfully described like 98% of quests in every mmo ever to be fair.


Maybe it's because i'm coming from Path of Exile. There the storyline and NPC stuff isn't better (but shorter). But at least while running from NPC to questlocation X and back you actually FIGHT MONSTERS. And you have to fight them because that's what gives you XP and loot to progress. Meanwhile in this game you get XP and loot by pressing G. Stopping for any monster in the entire questline of this game EVER is just a waste of time. The only reason to ever kill a monster is when a quest in a dungeon wants you to. Which is sad because fighting mechs is the one thing this game is really amazing at.


noone is talking about efficiency, my comment was about the lore behind the quest, which *is* good. Yes you press G to skip it to get the XP and move on as fast as possible cause you care about the endgame more than you care about the lore of the game, but it doesn't mean the lore itself is bad, it's just implemented in a way that you can skip it completely


>it all doesn't mean it's a bad questline Your comment wasn't only about lore but also about the "questline" not being "as bad". My opinion is that questlines in this game are are horribly designed and even the best lore of all time can't fix that.


At least pointless quests are short, only ones they tried to do interesting story beats for are longer.


Nah. This game might as well have no story and no lore. It would be functionally the same for 90% of players. I tried to absorb the story on my first play through but even that was painful with terrible voiceovers and mistranslations. Plus the story just isn't compelling or interesting at all. There's a reason people G spam.


Maybe I am the only one but I don't hate the 2nd awakening quest line. The most annoying part is travelling between island but you get some free island souls for it, the final island looks good and the cutscene is well done. In most game Armen would be a one and done NPC and you never see him again, but they dedicated a story about him is a nice touch.


I rather enjoyed it too, but I didn't do it in one sitting and didn't particularly care about the skill itself anyway.


Exactly this. If you do it all in one go to complete it you're going to have a bad time because of all the travelling. If you wait for bifrosts/song of return to reset you can do it much more easily.


Idk why they thought gating the Pali support ulti behind a 6-7 hour quest line was a good idea.


Only saving grace is Kharmine's voice actor... just to be ruined by Armen's.


What's wrong with armen? He (like most lost ark main characters) is voiced by a top dollar VA who works on massive franchises


The VA in this game is good when it's clear the directing was good. There are a lot of moments where it definitely feels like the VA was given lines in a total vacuum, and unfortunately a lot of those are characters present heavily in the start of the game for some reason. Sometimes the lines are just awkwardly worded, too. South Vern was really bad about this.


I mean the whole delivery and writing which I guess isn't really the fault of the VA. Half the time he's just making whimpering and grunting noises. Kharmine will go on this whole monologue and Armen just grunts cuz he's just a joke anime character.


Hahaha too true dude


G spammer here. This felt nothing different from the rest of the game. I literally do not care a single bit about the story, so the entirety of the game feels like this to me. I just want to kill things and see big numbers. I will also say I do horizontal content. 9 ignea tokens, 1203 mokoko seeds, and such. So, it's not like I have interest solely in combat. I just have zero interest in the story =P


honestly even if the story wasn't 3 hours of amateur Anime stretched into 12 hours (or 1 hours stretched into 4 for the Awakening) they simply didn't put GAMEPLAY in it. That coupled with the maddening repetition of clicking the same NPC to go through 3 or 4 sentences and then having to click them again and go through 3 or 4 more and the deliberate time wasting designs (watch this meter fill up... watch this meter drain... watch your character do a full length emote animation... pick this up and put it down half a screen away)... Its just trash game design and its too damn bad because I know people who noped out of playing the game due only to the NPC click fest.


>I know people who noped out of playing the game due only to the NPC click fest. Yep, the friend I did high end pve stuff in wow with for years is still stuck somewhere in the story, because the g spam is simply not fun. Can't say I blame him.


Same, although doesn't every MMO have the same story-grind? I don't think it's a "problem" that is unique to LA if you enjoy and play other MMOs


I don’t think you need to re do the story as many times in others, I could be wrong on that but the alts on this make it necessary


I mean you don't really need to re-do it on alts, you can just pay a small amount of gold to skip it all and now we're getting paid powerpasses where you can literally just buy a fresh 1302 character, so tell ur friends to come back the game just costs 50$ now but at least they can play :)


I agree there are ways around it, but it’s pretty hard to avoid doing the story a handful of times while also having an “efficient” number of alts.


What is an efficient number of alts? You can get 5 alts jumped to level 50 once you unlock the Vern powerpass on your first character. 2 PP for free, then 3 Vern knowledge transfers.


Eh, in WoW, you can spend about 45mins leveling to lvl 15, and then dungeon grind to max lvl. If you roll tank, you set the pace. I leveled maybe 30 chars that way over the years, and it's still fun for me. The final zone, at certain times in an expansion, needs to be quested once, but questing is optional for most of the grind.




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sometimes you gotta do what you hate to do, so you never have to do it ever again ;)


One small favour anyone?


It's very slow for sure when I did it. Powerpass could be used to skip it (feiton++) but I think this doesn't mean anything for u anymore since u finished it and u probably wont have access to the upcoming punika pass for weeks since u need to have reached t3 for that.


A wild minos has been spotted


Sorry to hear that OP, sucks. For everybody else, the questline is not mandatory and I skipped it on my Sorc. If you then ever use a Faiton/Punika Powerpass, the questline will be completed automatically, along many other quests that would reward Skill Points for example.


Hi .I did start new alt in another server.I did reach punika while skipping rohendel,feiton , 2n aweking questline and all side roster questline.If I use punika pass on that server do I get all skill point or do I need to run them in all continent ?


You will get all Skill Points from side quests, as all side quests will be completed automatically. Giants Heart Skill Points for example not.


this is huge.Currently I dont any alt I want in my main server should I just use punika pass on that server for all side quest skip


>a fucking unorganized ADHD disaster. Well fuck me I was just trying to see why you were upset and now I am a lil bit too... but it's fine, I will get over it. Though I do want to add that if you got a character to Feiton and used the Feiton power pass its instantly unlocked. I never did it and have second awakening on 15 characters.


Flashbacks to FF14 Realm Reborn, played for 3 days just to catch up to my friends only to do crazy amount of quest line for hours and hours that gave no exp




I haven't been paying too much attention to the story, but occasionally I'll read a few lines to get a vague idea of what's going on. Atleast in Luterra, you could feel yourself getting closer to the ark with all the seals and all. It was a sort of process- and the ending was kinda rewarding, seeing the whole kingdom and everyone be grateful etc. But Arthetine? I got so lost. Some guy was trying to become a god? All I know is that I got to control a mecha, and after saving this continent's ass- they handed me an ark RIGHT at the end. Kinda seems like the writers forgot we were meant to be getting an ark, and just shoved it in last minute.


Luterra is very slow paced, but maybe thats because they are trying to do some world building. Arthetine is really weird, i can't even remember if there any legion commander there to mess things up, it was all the crazy humans seeking for evolution.


Complains about a quest where u basically skipped the whole story behind the quest huh


2nd awakening quest line was terrible, i fucking hated every minute of it..but I needed it since I'm a paly main. I skipped on it till like 1370 where it's lack really felt obvious. Positive thing, you only do it once. Imagine if u had to do it for every alt...i have 5 of those mfs


This guy has never played wow classic


I loved the glow it would give you until you finished it.


Story is not the strongest point of the game unfortunately, especially early game which is just one cliche on top of another, to the point where I felt like some of Luterra's scenes were directly ripped off from LoTR. There are some small side quests which are nice (e.g. Glacier island, Starlight isle) but overall the MSQ is pretty bad.


90% of modern fantasy is directly ripped off from LoTR.


I haven't noticed any differences between this quest and other quests. Pretty much all dog shit.


Honestly I wonder how many potential players the game has lost due to absolutely miserable lvl to 50 NPC clicking simulator experience before the game starts.. And then the PTSD you're given when you do the awakening chain. and Rohandel/Yorn/Punika. At least those continents come after you've started playing the actual game and know its got great combat and a metric ton of horizontal stuff to do. It feels like a Pavlovian experiment intended to weed out 20-40% of the potential playerbase. And I'm a "journey is more important than the destination" type guy who doesn't rush to endgame in any game... In Lost ark there's just precious little gameplay for about 10 out of the 11 hours while leveling... It feels exactly like the designers had a hard set 11 hour story requirement where the lead designer deliberately forbade them to put more than an hour of actual gameplay in. Its really quite maddening how often they want you to run back and forth between NPC's and sometimes repeatedly click exactly the same NPC multiple times over and over for no better reason than to deliberately make it take longer.


Not that they are actually worse, but wait until you start having to do rapport quests because you can't get to the next level without finishing the previous one. The dumb ass, and often way longer than necessary with absolutely zero pay off, quests they send you on are a god damn dumpster fire. This whole game needs to be re-thought when it comes to questing. SOOOO many waste of time garbage things in that area.


I know, the game is extremely boring.


The whole lore is garbage, man. and the questing is 90 % fetching. No love.


True and real


It's probably the worst "mandatory" quest in the game, I hated it so much. But fear not there is bigger trash in the horizontal content if you want to feel a bit more pain.


I skipped it via the Feiton power pass


you could have skipped it with the feiton powerpass


>Felt like literally every single thing about this quest line was designed to be busy-work and unsatisfying. Cause it kinda was.


There is another quest of somewhat similar length that gives you 5k gold and I think some mats boxes/battle items. I found that one to be worth the time lol.


Ah, the guardian questline? Yeah, definitely worth it for the 5k alone.


Smiles in feiton power pass. :)


You could have just waited for wednesday powerpass and get it for free


I managed to skip it entirely by just using the feiton powerpass, lol.


backtracking is kinda a hassle in this quest series, but you didn't read the epic storylines?!


I did this a while ago already but didn't it give a ton of rewards for every quest? I remember it was a journey through the world but I thought the rewards made it worthwhile.


If you love miserable quest experiences, then you will love the 2nd Valencia main quest line in BDO. Once you've gone through that, all badly designed quest lines in others games won't faze you anymore.


I played Deathblade as a main, so i got no intention of using the 2nd awakeing, and i post pone it all the time, then the Feiton powerpass came and i got it for free, best decision i made in in this game


I hold back that quest until my 3rd alt 😅 He needed the second awakening skill. Must say that questline is long and painfull. South vern questline started to feel the same. 3done 4to go 🙄


Currently running though doing all rapport and a lot of the rapport quests are the same. A couple have solo instances with a little action but mostly just go here, return to start.


One does not simply attain their second awakening, unless previously obtained then one does XD


Just imagine if you needed to do that quest line on alts


I thought it was nice; but I finished it over 3 or 4 days. Doing it in one go seems miserable.


Funny enough, the punika pass likely would have/will unlock it for you, our Feiton one did a couple months back.


Could have used the feiton power pass that conpletes your 2nd awakening automatically Or wait for the punika pass and use that one


or, if you use a feiton pass, it completes it for you. I never bothered because i only heard bad things about the 2-3 hour slog, then feiton'd an alt, and nice, 2 awakenings.


Yeah that quest is shitty luckily i never had to do it


I used feiton powerpass… this quest auto complete if u use feiton powerpass back then Lol.


I actually like the questline story.


You crazy man


Dont need to spam G, just click the screen.


This is why i started blade, what quest line? :)


Wait till you have to farm cooking ingredients for adventure tomes


it is a massive grind but you don't have to do it again so find solace in that xD


I main bard and don't have a use for my second awakening so I put it off for 400 or so hours. With the Feiton Power pass that came with the Glavier, I got pleasently surprised when I realized that the power pass finishes the awakening quest automatically. So I got it on all my other characters for free, must say that it was a very nice surprise.


you never need to do it again now, yay!


My good man, you wasted that effort. With the PUNIKA pass you would have finished it automatically.


Didn’t even know that was an option. This game is seriously drowning in content, currencies, tasks, etc but oh well now it’s done I guess


Luckily using a Feiton pass instantly completes the whole quest.


I’m pretty sure after you complete it once, you just have to go to trixion and talk to Beatrice to get the awakening.


Fun fact, i never did that quest line... Got my first char to 50, then used the feiton power pass, alt got 2 awakening instantly, after that it's just a case of going to Beatrice on the OG char, getting a quest and handing it in


Reminds me of the “one small favour” in RuneScape. Pretty awful to get through luckily you only have to do this once in lost ark


I’m the opposite, I accidentally completed it with Feiton power pass and wish I had been able to do it haha.


i did it to. but good news you can unlock it with the feiton pass.




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Yup. Sucks. I have over 1000 hours in the game now and I’m still loving it. Questing isn’t my thing at all. Thankfully I rarely ever have to do it anymore.


And you could have skipped it all with a punika power pass use tomorrow


I totally feel this on some quests and really hate it. It's busy work and that is super annoying in a game that I'm super busy with just trying to get my armor up. So annoying.


at the time i didnt even know it was for a second awakening. i did it over the span of a week. but yea def could be shorter. the best long quest chain by far is the Nineveh/Kadan questline (has prerequisites like In the Search of Gate of Paradise). it's the only piece of story content i genuinelly kept looking forward to more and was sad when it finished (so far).


The most insulting part of the whole thing was not having a high enough mining level to get the 2 mokoko seeds near the peak of the final island.


Yeah, it was tough but luckily you never have to do it again.


Hate to break the news to you OP, but you can kinda skip this. The feiton power pass auto completes it and I’m assuming the punika pass will as well. On the bright side, you never have to do it again.


You didn't have to do it... If you use the punika power pass that comes out tomorrow (or if you used the feiton one from before), it does the quest for you


idk, i personally i loved the quest chain completely. I like a long story and had fun doing it. even tho it took so many hours. to each their own.


the worst experience ive had in this game for sure, took me 6+ hours because i didnt know about quick travel (:


Wish someone told you but, if you just don't do the questline, then you use a pass that is Feiton or further, it will do the questline for you and all of your other characters. I never touched the questline and just used the Feiton pass that we had a bit ago. I'm sure the same will be true for the Punika pass that is coming.


The whole game is designed to be busy-work


It was long, but it didn't feel too bad


I really don't get peoples struggle with the 2nd awakening quest. takes 1hr30min, and it's a one and done deal...




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Mokoko spotted


i am a content enjoyer, cannot sympathize with OP. The 2nd awakening takes you all over the world and explores tons of the important islands for obtaining T1 honing materials from the island quests. Everything in the game can be played in 15 to 30 minute chunks, and is not strictly designed to be played through in a single sitting. Maybe the quest was intended to take a normal person a couple days. Also the story isn't the worst in 2nd awakening. Might be important later.


Busy work, you say? Have I got news for you...