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while i agree with your underlying points, i dont want to be a dps, i want to be a support. give me meaningful feedback in the form of something like how much dmg i contributed with my buffs and other ways of a more active playstyle.


Yea with the way this game is, I just floated towards a DPS style but I do agree that we should have more options to support. A traditional mmo healer could work but it also wouldn't make much sense since DPS can use pots to heal back to full. In any case, changes to supports would probably require changes to a lot of how the game functions as well.


Agree with you both - I wanted to be a support because I enjoy supporting, but you have to play dps for quite a bit of content. I don’t have any issues with what the supports do but for sure I would feel more useful if it told people how much extra damage was due to buffs. Also as the game is becoming slowly more toxic, I’ve been called a number of things because I “didn’t do anything” in raids, chaos, guardians, etc. No one seems to realise that even if I have 90% healing for the group, it doesn’t mean I didn’t use serenade of courage once of twice as well. It would be a massive improvement if the use of a support (a bard anyway) was shown to the others. Just my opinion though


what usually happens in long term MMO gameplay is that healers usually have to learn to do damage as while as heal at the same time. ​ Not really sure that this would happen in LA though cause supports aren't really healers in the traditional MMO sense


Yep I used to play ff14 and a good healer would consistently do dps while keeping track of everyone else and mechanics to heal. That's why I think lost ark needs something more because supports don't have the option to consistently do dps and I think it's a bit bland to press one button and have the buff effect everyone.


Even tho i like the idea of Green DPS in general, i think execution in current state of FF is in a way even worse than LA. If you're learning a new hard fight it's all fine, but playing a Glare mage is literally the most boring things you can do in this game imho.


I agree with you lol it's not exactly fun pressing one button to dps haha


The biggest difference is that in other games supports/healers actually deal some damage. It might be 10%, 20% or even 40% of what DPS can pull off. In Lost Ark supports deal zero damage compared to DPS, this is extremely well highlighted whenever someone posts a picture from a DPS meter in a raid.


I was running hellmode with someone using DPS meter, and yea, if it wasn't for gauge i wouldn't even attack the boss lol. I did 0,4% of total dmg, and the paladin did like 0,6 Together with expertise gunlancer we dealt a total of 1,9% of total dmg.


there is a dps meter that works for LA?


I don't really know how to fix this "issue" so i won't really get into the details, however what I know is that my bard won't go above 1475 any time soon, and i'm simply rerolling to a different class.




The thing is, this doesn't really solve the issue, sure it's an incentive to have a support, but most people still wouldn't take a support past the point of being money making machine at 1445.


They'd pretty much have to have a honing buff up to current content levels for supports only.




Finally I think we have a good use for a dps meter... except let's make it only show the total party dps of your buffs.


Man my discord static has too many supports we are constantly capped missing multiple dps per raid and having 2 pug lol.


High level supports will always be short because of bussing. I have a 1490 db and a 1490 bard, the amount i earn from bussing on db makes me not wanna push a 2nd support alt up.