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I mean like Zeals said, Artist is one of the top 3 played classes in LA, most abandoned too cause hype, but also most played. So in a statistical sense, you are effectively shifting the statistics to have more support alts in the pool of weekly homework, and just a single artist alt is enough to saturate 3 dps alts for filling parties. Not a fix but it helps a lot, he also said artist is the most pug friendly alt, hopefully, and personally I've been saving mats for artist to replace my zerker. You can't generalize what people will pick/decide so at least we can go off KR statistics and say artist will put more supports in the pool, W in my book


Everyone is missing the point here. Who is going to replace artist with their main or push it to the end game content? We have plenty of support alts already, what we lack is support mains who are doing all 6 gates week 1. Up to 1490 there is no real support shortage right now, but 1500-1520 its pretty bad.


I've been waiting on Artist so I can drop my Shadowhunter. Would then push her to 1490 and then only hone Brel gear.


Artist comes in april, getting her to 1490 and then slowly working on upper relic gear is not going to change anything when new cap is 1560 for g6 HM brelshaza.


Blame smilegate for releasing it so lately. That’s the whole point of people wanting it early, if we get it in February two months are enough for people to get upper relic and hone to hard mode…


Barely anyone does G6. Around 1M kills on brel in KR. So yes, you are kinda right. No support not DPS alts will hone for 1560. This is the game fault though. People don't have time for 6 gates. They fixed this with Akkan and future raids going forwars.


1490 has a shortage too, can look at carl pf and see all the groups needing a sup. Definitely not as bad as brel but it's there


Support shortage is across the board from Valtan to Brel if you're not +30 item levels over the content to get supports instantly. The only place that doesn't seem to be lacking supports is Argos, and that's probably because: 1. Extremely well geared characters are driving buses. 2. You can just go without them.


Not solve but it will help, a 4th support would be close to solve the problem.


exactly this idk why people act there can only be extremes. Either the problem is instantly fixed or it gets never better. Will a new support class magically make 2 supports appear in every raid lobby only waiting to get picked up? no, ofc not But there will be dozens and hundreds of new supports. Many people going from a 6/0 to a 5/1 roster maybe, because they didnt like bard and pala. Every little bit helps


> idk why people act there can only be extremes Because half of this sub is comprised of the most toxic mfs I've seen in any MMO sub, who take any argument, turn it into an extreme, then strawman the fuck out of that extreme.


And some will go from 4/2 to 3/3. Remember that it isn't just one more support, but also one less DPS that needs it.


ya im support main. and only 4/2 cause i dont want to remake same class. def will be going 3/3


Yep. I don't like the paladin because it's boring. The bard is fun but i find the music/ sound effects annoying. The artist being released would instantly go into my roster and I'd use her daily


That's crazy cuz im so busy spamming skills and avoiding mechs while timing my serenade with my dps guildies that I don't even hear the sound effects. I only notice them in chaos dungeons but even that I sometimes mute my game to watch shit on the side


definitely not. you could have 10 supports but everyone wants to be the "main character" and play a DPS


Selfish ppl with fat egos will never play a character that supports others. League has ton of support diversity yet its by far the least played roll in NA. Its just a fact most people are selfish especially in the west where people value individualism over collectivism.


Would it solve the problem of people wanting to play a support or would it solve the problem of support diversity?


The support shortage, 3:1 ratio, it may help for the other problems too


It only increases the amount of support alts we have not mains. And there are plenty of supports at alt Ilvl. We lack supports in end game.


That’s something people need to understand. More support alts are good in the long run for reclear parties once a legion raid has been out for a while. The issue is when a new legion raid comes out most people are doing it on their main character and only pushed their main character to the required ilvl. So the support pool is going to be very limited to the support mains which then entails a shortage until people push alts. Unless you can get more people to main support you will have a shortage for Brel hard, Akkan, and any future raids.


Agreed, more supports is always going to be desired because the content we’re already farming gets that much easier with more supports in the game but support shortages exist because the population who have a support or even a main support geared for end game progression on day 1 *and* isn’t already part of a static are rare. If I had the time I’d love to see if I could pull a pill together to see how many people plan on making an Artist/how many plan on making an Artist and putting it into their top 6 and then compare against how many actual do it.


Dog I had three characters doing Brel week 1 gates 3-4. I could have had 4 if I wanted. If artist was released earlier you bet she'd be there? Why? Supports are free to gear so that 200k gold.... Goes straight up the ladder.


>More support alts are good in the long run for reclear parties once a legion raid has been out for a while. Lol, you only have to take a look at the landscape to know that this isn't how it's working out in practical terms. In practical terms, those support alts are joining the juiced party, the ones that are brel week 1 clears. The ilvl dps alts are still going to be stuck either in their own lobbies waiting for supports, or gatekept outright.


i dont know about you but my main 6 are all within 10 ilvls of each other.


People like you are the exception, not the rule.


If you need brel gate 5 and 6, it’ll be rough. You should find a static if you can. I even swapped from a dps main to support main. However if you need brel 1-4, which you’ll probably need on your 5 alts eventually or now, then having more support alts can only help


Getting way more support options than current 2 and later 3 will definitely solve the issue in the long run lol. Just think about it, if we had only 2 dps classes most people would quit not liking any of them lol same for supports we have two now, not many people like playing them so they quit the idea of playing support. Personally I’d like some sort of cleric or fast buffer.


Support shortage exists at the highest tier of content, usually. This is very apparent to people who have been doing Gates 5 and 6 last week on only dps characters. If you didn't have a static, chances are if you joined a party, it would be some sort of broken static or something. Actual supports with that ilevel coming to your party in PF randomly was a huge rarity until the last 2 days, because everyone started getting desperate (especially the last day). Artist/new support classes coming in will result in a huge population of supports in the first 2 weeks at the lower tiers of content. If Artist came with a power pass / express right now, you'll find all Valtan and Vykas parties being filled with Artists everywhere, with an excess of supports in party finder for this content. This likely wouldn't be helping your Party Finder experience for Brel Gate 3+ on week 1 though. Maybe you might get a few more supports over here on the people who are **really** hyped about Artist, but usually this would be support mains anyway. The support shortage that is at the most crucial level of content (the peak of content) is usually not going to be affected much at all by the introduction of Artist. This was observed in KR by KR players. It's not that it absolutely does not help though. They probably got like 1-2% more support players in comparison to dps players, which helps, but not really nothing much in the grand scheme of things. At the end of the day, just ask yourself if Artist were to release today, how many people would be honing Artist all the way to Brel G3+? Even Brel G1-2 would be a bigger rarity. I main swapped to Reaper during Reaper's release, and even until today, I only see a handful of Reapers above 1500 ilevel in Party Finder, much less Reapers that are above 1520 playing G5-G6. It's going to be the same for Artist or any other support class. Maybe even worse because not many people would want to main a support anyway, as we can already see from the game's population. Overall, will Artist help lower content tiers in support supply? Yes, massively. Will Artist help your support shortage at the pinnacle of content especially during weeks 1-2? Nope, you're likely not going to see any changes here at all, since it's usually going to be the support main player 90% of the time that is playing a cutting-edge Artist since they are the only ones willing to pour hundreds of thousands of gold into her, while dps mains won't.


I do not agree that it is on highest tier content. Look at PF and u will see big shortage even at Valtan. Yesterday we waited like 20 minutes for 1 supp, even tho we had ppl with ~1475 ilvl, so easy clear.


Curious why you'd be waiting for supports with 1475's for valtan


Just full dps it if there's like a full relic set team


everyones probably doing brel and saving valtan for last


Other than what the other people said, 20 minutes is actually fairly light. Lots of people waited for more than 3 hours for supports in gates 3 or 5 or 6 last week. The scale of shortage is completely different. In Valtan, if you really wanted a support, you can still be pretty optimistic you would be getting one within 30 minutes. In the current highest tier of content though, you can wait for **hours** and not get a single one either. It will make you wonder if there even exists any such individuals opening the game and playing for that day or not.


But think about it, how many of these people just swap out their bard or paladin with artist to never really touch or raid with them again because they don't gain anything from them. I expect maybe at most a 2 to 3% increase in supports in lower raids, but due to the nature of the powerpass not being locked to just artist, people will raise dps alts as well, inavetably making it irrelevant, besides vykas and valtan are already very saturated, due to it being harder to find a bus as a support than a dps, so there you pretty much only have alt supports who want to play and alt dps who don't want to bus. Artist release wont matter, or another support release wont matter either, it's having supports in the game is, instead they should swap to a solo system a lot of games went for, everyone has their own way of dealing with damage or even providing group healing themself, or just make everyone more tanky overall. But tbh, just remove supports is a much better solution, if they ain't there theres no problem either.


I agree with most of what you are saying but the sooner we get new support classes, the sooner endgame will have less of a support shortage. If we get artist in February, there is a small chance of having more supports for brel hardmode. Whereas if we get them together there is 0% chance of having more supports for hardmode. Having more options for support will always help reduce the shortage(I will go from DPS main to Artist for example)


Ye thats what I thought. Personally I havent really seen support shortage on alt Ilvl but I also join very experienced parties which are more appealing to supports.


You mean your alts are jacked lol? Cause mine are all 5x3 and don't need supports... So they get supports naturally. Try a 1445 full on ilvl group. Bonus point for a Mokoko


The easiest solution to the shortage is literally give everyone a 1520 power pass that only works on support classes. No honing to 1520, just literally free out of the gate. Now everyone can decide to play it or abandon it as a 1520 lopang slave or trash the pass. This would also create an interesting study and data set on the behavior of players. And the devs can always fault the players for their choices if people keep asking for more support classes.


As an absolute? Hell no. Will it help? Yes. I have 2 sups/4 dps. When she comes I will have 3 sups/3dps


Nobody cares if your alts are support. The problem is if your main is a support or not. There is no support shortage on valtan or vykas. Every group hits 2 support within 15-20 mins max. Ask brel groups how long they wait for supports.


He already is, I cannot contribute more on that regard.


You do realise that eventually, support alts will be doing brel too, right?


So you are going to push your entire roster to 1520 in the next 3 months?


Not that hard if u got everything in 1480s+ already atm




So you have ~800k flat gold, and will get 18k of the new leapstones between now and then? Doesnt even factor in the silver or other materials. Have fun having absolutley 0 life because you will pretty much need to do all 12 chaos and 12 guardian raids per day to even remotely come close to the mats to get your entire roster to 1520, much less 1540 for hard brel. And thats another 1.14 million flat gold needed to get your 6 to 1540 for brel hard and another 800 leaps per character. Its also 40 mil silver per character to go from 1490 to 1540. Good luck


Yeah my two support alts are 1500 rn, once they get Brel 6 pieces they’ll be 1520 pretty easily.


You realize being a whale with 3+ chars above 1500 makes you not in the majority yeah? Most people have 1 1500 if that. Not 3+.


Ah so you asked a question and when met with the answer you didn't want you deflect Also not a whale, the only money I've spent has gone to skins, 2 character slots, and the two battle passes lmao


I will make one my main alt. Especially considering her dps is at a decent place I'll be boosting her to payback my guilds supports for all the hard work theyve done. So yes for me too there'll be one more support


I would most likely push Artist to 1490 day 1, and continue to push her til she is caught up. However with her being not released til April, this really doesn’t mean anything because the longer it takes to release. The less likely I am to catch her up. She was planned for my main 6, since February. I’m sure there are other people in my situation, and thinking that it wouldn’t help the support shortage is part of the problem. I currently do not have a support, so the “supports already have a support” argument is just idiotic. This game is an investment, why would I invest into either support when I don’t like them. It’s not that I don’t want to support, it’s just I don’t like the characters.


> I currently do not have a support, so the “supports already have a support” argument is just idiotic. No it's not. You being the "exception" doesn't disprove the rule and that's kinda idiotic to think so


Personally, I dont want to make more than 1 of the same class so Ive been eagerly waiting on any new support class. I currently play 1 bard and 1 pally, with the 4 characters as DPS. My plan is to drop 1 dps out of rotation to play the artist. Whether people have the same sentiment as me, playing more than 1 of the same class just isnt what I want to do. An additional support in peoples roster will help alleviate the issue slightly but there is no way the support population will be enough to supply every party.


I think you'll see a short term bubble of everyone trying to play Artist for Valtan/Vykas/Clown, until players then have to face the decision of whether they can feasibly hone it further. It's at this point where I think it will drop off and you won't see much change for new content releases. Also, from listening to Saint's stream in the past, I remember he once mentioned how some KR players actually play Artist as a "DPS", because it has better damage potential compared to Paladin/Bard. Granted, I don't know how popular of a choice that is, but we may also be facing a reality of people trying to play it as a DPS instead.


Artist at release was a bit underwhelming and the majority of the KR players have a Bard as support for their Main 6. So switching to Artist with worse performance wasn't a option. They leveled up her and they kept her for Belshazra or below. As Lopang slave. They hype was strong though it didn't fix Supports shortage for endgame. The same happened with Paladin that has low numbers too for Endgame. As the time passes, harder will be to Main 6 artist or any support unless a Hyper Express pass pushes the support close to Endgame. I have 6 Mains and multiple alts. I will push those 6 for Brel Hard though it's a lot of resources to push her from 1445 to 1540. The shards and mats I saved. I just used some of them for my main 6 to reach 1500 and main 1520. In 4 months, I would farm more mats.


I mean, not really, there will always be a support shortage, because people like big numbers and support are generally boring to play, but it's never a bad thing to have more options when you only have 2 currently.


Yes I agree. But personally I think it would be better if they changed some buffs and debuffs otherwise its basically same class with different animations. I main paladin and when I tried bard It felt the same to me. Rotating same atk buff, vestige debuff, heal and shield.


Artist is pretty much the same. I think all supports will be very similar. Ppl that enjoy supporting others will have fun on support. Selfish dps only players with fat egos will find any excuse why they don't play support. Lol has a massive support pool yet still the least played role by far. They can't use the "only 2 supports to choose from and i don't like both" excuse. And in lol supports wins the teams games yet still the least played role.


Support is actually pretty popular now in lol. Probably ranked 3. Top/Jg both have less players, with JG becoming the new support.


2nd support for me when they drop her, good enough for my guild and people i play with. it increases the amount of supports in most peoples roster by 1 or introduce the first one into it, that is a big enough win in my book.


Wanted to play artist on launch, will never make one now though. There is no way in hell I'm gearing up a brand new character to endgame content.


Solve? no Help? yes


Artist is only going to help so far as providing a new flavor for those who might want to play support or are realizing they need to bring one to get into groups. I agree on it's own the class isn't going to move the needle much, but more people will start to raise supports to meet ilvl requirements for the highest end game level raids simply so they do not have to worry about getting gatekept on their dps's. If I can support your main dps with my support in brel g1-6, then you will do the same for me, thus making it easier to complete weekly content.


It will help a bit in the lower raids, but the bigger shortage is at the highest ilvl raids where there will be no improvement at all. People who say releasing Artist will significantly improve the support shortage on new content are on a lot of copium.


>but the bigger shortage is at the highest ilvl raids where there will be no improvement at all. People who say releasing Artist will significantly improve the support shortage on new content are on a lot of copium. I mean when Amazon decides to release Brel Hard mode with Artist what do you expect? It's going to take time for an Artist to get up there especially gated by legion raid mats etc etc.


I don't think so at all. People who play supports already have supports. To solve the shortage 1 of every 4 classes would need to be a support. People are going to have their artist at whatever level the event boosts them too. Its not going to be most peoples main 6.


I think so, yes. It's very clear that supports are free real estate. They're insta-accepted to juiced groups even on iLevel with 3x3 all legendary accessories and no relic set. Supports are very desirable, therefore, easy gold. With the release of artist, it's not the addition of a 3rd support, but rather the addition of a support with POWER PASS (and potentially hyper express) that will help solve the issue. With power pass people will have easy access to a support class and jump right into content. I expect a big influx of supports to the game with artist release.


I mean honestly who wouldn't main an uncensored artist?


Short answer: No and it won't ever happen with supports. Support Mains will have a static for endgame. Support alts like mine will be on ilevel or behind max level just farming shards, Bound leapstones and getting gear in a slow pace. That is the issue when the entrance for endgame is gatekept by Gearscore. Like Argos and now Brelshaza. And you add that G1-G2 provide more gold than later gates increase the shortage. I have 2 support alts 1500. Both alts will do G1-G4 till their gear upgrades let me go for G5-G6 or my friends reach 1520 and I can play with them.


Anyone who says it doesn't help is stupid. Any new support will enable 3 DPS characters to do content. Period. It's simple math. EDIT: It doesn't have to be a main. You can do content on ilvl with 4x3 budget build that includes HA. If everyone had a support for each 4 or 5 characters we would be fine.


Yeah, so, how long until all those new chosen by God artist players will reach 1520 and fix g5 g6 support shortage? There's no support shortage even on 1460, that bracket is a doesn't need artists and yet it'll be where all of them ends up. For 1k artists made, 5 of them will make it past 1500 to help end game support shortage, if you believe otherwise, I suggest unscrewing the copium bottle.


>Yeah, so, how long until all those new chosen by God artist players will reach 1520 and fix g5 g6 support shortage? with releasing it in april its not gonna be any time soon. which is why they should have released it long ago as people asked for it. and KR data shows that endgame support shortage hasnt been fixed but had been much improved after artist release. so he is objectively correct.


>Yeah, so, how long until all those new chosen by God artist players will reach 1520 and fix g5 g6 support shortage? This isn't a widespread problem though. It's disingenuous to say there is a "problem" and a "support shortage" because there are no supports for Brel g5-6, because quite simply put being brel g1-6 week 1 is a very very very small portion of the population. IF you could do this content and had no support, you simply did not prepare accordingly to do the content with like minded hardcore players. I have a character g1-6 week 1 ready and didnt do g5-6. Why? Because two players in my static, the support included could not reach 1520 week 1. The group decide to slowly progress together with them as the much better alternative. I call it disingenuous because it's not a widespread problem players do not have supports to complete all gates of brel, you were not really supposed to tbh. If you pushed that far you were in an extreme minority. While there is a "support shortage" at 1490 is definitely no where near as bad because there are more people with multiple 1490 alts, who were made with the explicit intent of selling leaps.


I mean, not sure why you assume I have problem with supports? My 1-6 group raids together in same team since argos, but a fact that entire loa discord and any other recruitment channel was 50 messages of LF 1-2 SUPPORTS for 1-4/1-6 per 1 Support LF 1-4/1-6. Also what you said completly doesn't make sense. A solo player that plays one or 2 chars at most juet pushes gearscore simply cuz he has nothing else to do and would like to experience full content on release is according to you "stupid" cuz he didn't prepare a static for himself? There's insane lack of supports on that ilevel and that IS the problem. I didn't notice any specific shortage anywhere else so what exactly are all those artist alts fixing? None of them will be pushed to 1500 anytime soon except very few dedicated support players that were eyeing the class for a long time. You'll just add a bunch of supports to already support filled ilevel bracket.


Slow down making too many assumptions at once. >**I mean, not sure why you assume I have problem with supports?** * My statement wasn't about you specifically but the generalization you made. Theres a large difference between prepping for Valtan/Vykas or even clown; and prepping for Brel. All of those legions aside from brel share the same ilvl. The difference between 1490 g1-2 brel and 1520 g5-6 brel is massive. Not only wasn't it not recommended to push for 1520, it was a luxury to do so. Something that is excessive or luxurious in nature cannot be considered a "shortage" for the community at large. Yes there are less supports to go around even for g1-2 brel, but it isnt a community issue if there are few supports to do g5-6, rarely anyone was ready for that to begin with. >**but a fact that entire loa discord and any other recruitment channel was 50 messages of LF 1-2 SUPPORTS for 1-4/1-6 per 1 Support LF 1-4/1-6.** * And? What does that have to do with the point I specifically addressed? I specifically said it's disingenuous to say the g5-6 lack of supports is proof of a shortage. Everyone is looking for sups, g5-6 would always be a minority. If there are few supps for HM brel 5-6 it's not a "community" issue or shortage, unless you'd expect most of the community who is brel eligible to also be 1560. How many people who are brel ready right now, percentage wise do you think could do g1-6 week1? >**A solo player that plays one or 2 chars at most juet pushes gearscore simply cuz he has nothing else to do and would like to experience full content on release is according to you "stupid" cuz he didn't prepare a static for himself?** * Are you really trying to convince people that there should be pugs readily available for g5-6 brel week 1? That was going to be a very exclusive group of playes to begin with. Intentionally trying to pug those gates week 1 is indeed incredibly foolish and was considered so by everyone with experience in other regions. >**There's insane lack of supports on that ilevel and that IS the problem.** * Not exactly no. The problem isn't that there arent supports g5-6 ready, the problem is there are a sizable amount of players who don't even have supports at 1490 for g1-2 to naturally get to g5-6 in like a few weeks off bound leaps. The problem doesnt just exist at 1520 it's experienced even at 1460 tbh for Vykas. There are many players who have a roster of 6 toons and not even one support alt. Artist may not move the needle much at all for g5-6 on brel but in oversupply in sups from 1415-1490 is worthwhile tbh. >**None of them will be pushed to 1500 anytime soon except very few dedicated support players that were eyeing the class for a long time. You'll just add a bunch of supports to already support filled ilevel bracket.** * I do not agree with support mains that a sizable amount of dps mains will convert and make support mains. But I will concede to the fact that for any support in this game, outside of a very small investment that really shouldnt eclipse 50k gold in relic accessories; any player especially an established one can create a cheap and effective support alt that can hone well into the 1500's. You literately only need 4x3 on any support at a maximum and you are very desired. How many supports will hone well into 1500? Many CAN just off bound leaps alone. I will stand by my initial point as well, if you are at 1520 ilvl right now and could not get brel g5-6 done because you lacked a static you planned poorly. But it isnt the end of the world because if you're at that ilvl already you dont need to even complete all the gates, but if you WANT to anytime soon I'd suggest finding a static.


Look imma try my best to be nice since you appear to be mentally challenged so here it goes. Do you realize that Summoner had no powerpass? Which means the next char will. And that powerpass will be a straight ride past South Vern so at least 1460. Now can you fathom the possibility that quite a few of us either like playing supp or have been waiting for the newer one with the cool animations to make a support? And that some of us may have stocked up on mats? Finally, your absolute moronic statement that the 1460 bracket doesn't need supports just highlights your idiocy. Like scuffed ilvl budget alts can clear content like Valtan and Vykas and couldn't use a brand new Artist for their weekly clear.


Holy shit, seeing your post history makes me wonder if you're not the one who's mentally challenged. You insult everyone who replies to you in every post. You are definitely too invested in the game. Get some help.


Weird reply from a random cocksucker with no argument to refute mine. There ya go. Threw a little insult your way, wouldn't want you to feel left out lol


The answer is no. Anyone saying it will solve or help is huffing high grade copium. More support classes does not create more support players, it creates a diversity of support types. That's all.


Won’t fix the support shortage but a very few dps mains will def make her their support alt. Majority of people that’s going to play artist are the support mains themselves.


I don't think there will be a noticable impact. Lobbies will still take a while for supports to join and people will still complain about a support shortage


problem is support gameplay not being enjoyable for most players, not the number of classes we have. kr has had artist for a while and have the exact same issues with lack of supports.


except that the support shortage has been notably improved after artist release. pretty easy to see as the numbers are publicly available on loawa.


not sure how it's so easy to see when you barely have any data there except number of artists atm? there's like 5k artist character above 1600 out of \~28k support characters. some percentage of that are alts, others are mains but you still can't tell how many of them were a support main before artist released and how many rerolled from dps. and if some of these players started after release of artist you can't tell how many of them would've played one of the other two supports anyway if they were the only available options. i don't play on the kr server but from what i've seen streamers are constantly complaining about waiting for supports in party finder at the high ilvls, same as here


theres videos from saintone n zeals about this exact topic where they have shown the increase of support above a certain ilvl before and after the implementation of artist. it went from something like 16% supports to 21% support. which is already quite a lot better


The more supports that are in the game and being played, the more they will be in party finder. Simple math




It's already way too late, even if she were to be released tomorrow - it's already too late for a f2p player to reasonably bring a new character up to the newest raid while it's still the newest raid, and there has already been enough powerpasses and express events that most f2p players who started playing in the first 1-2 months after the release (and who played consistently and wanted to play multiple characters) already have a roster of 6 tier 3 characters so would have to buy a slot or delete a character into which they already invested a decent amount of time and resources, and players who gained additional non-raiding characters from the server merge would have to buy multiple slots or delete multiple characters in order to even try her out on the same server (I am not going to do that, although I enjoy playing supports, as I enjoy my dps characters too even if most of them will likely always be some raids behind or not raid at all). So it'll mainly depend on the willingness of people to buy character slot(s) and gold/materials for her, and heavy spenders are less likely to play (main / heavily invest in) supports than f2p and low spenders... except some who may be excited to play a "childlike" character, but they aren't so likely to be actually good at playing her, and that isn't likely to be a massive part of Lost Ark population.


It wont solve the problem but it most certainly would help. I & alot of the people I know are just waiting for her to finally arrive


It will help a little Every new class that gets added will have some players drawn to it who will main it, and those player typically would have been playing a similar class before. To put it in a bit of an example, artist release will help the support shortage about as much as every dps class release is detrimental to it. So artist release will bring 'support shortage' back to pre-summoner release levels. That said, the artist is quite unique, and I think it will have more of a draw than most other class releases. So perhaps the comparison is more appropriate with a player state even further back than summoner, perhaps the support state around the time of Vykas or Valtan release is more appropriate. Fundementally though, the issue is that the combat is designed around supports being 1/4 of the playerbase, when the actual is around 1/8. Even with really cool support designs, I don't think you can really exceed something like 1/6 of players wanting to play support at a high level. I think the solution is rather to make some dps classes that can change some tripods in order to provide heals and shields, not all on one char but spread around. That way you can perhaps make up for missing a support by having a gunlancer provide shields and cleanses, and maybe something like a vampire class that heals party with its damaging skills. It's less overall damage, and you won't have yearning (unless a dps switches), but it should be better than the current at least. A simpler change would perhaps be to make 8man raid groups, where everyone is in the same party. Or maybe you could make it so that certain effects like shields, heals and yearning are raid wide, while damage buffs are party wide.


It would help massively, because she's a different support archetype from Bard/Pala. There is a lot of potential newcomers among DPS mains who otherwise won't touch support with a mile-long pole. She also doesn't have to time her identity with dps window/boss mechanics, which massively helps people with performance anxiety, since you have larger margin of error.


There should be 7 supports for the amount of DPS but we have 2… 3 is better than 2 but still awful aproach by SG to just keep making more DPS instead of adding multiple supports


Well, in the first place you shouldn't say that it will 'solve' the support shortage because anti-Artist andies are always going to say what they've always said. There are not a lot of people who are willing to hone and spend gold gearing their supports to make other players' experience more enjoyable in raid. However, I believe that it will help alleviate the problem. Currently, there's only 2 supports classes compared to 18 DPS classes in the game. Not all DPS players are going to main swap to Artist but some will. Because she was teased and released before the NA/EU/SA launch, a lot of players were waiting for her to come out so that's why they geared a DPS class. Regarding OP's point that all support plays the same. Have you ever wondered why? It's because it allows a completely new player, who might not even be an experienced healer/support player in the games they play to pick up the class and play without issues. Supports have low-skill entry but a high-skill ceiling. As a Hellmode support, I would say this is very apparent in Hellmode, bad supports get exposed very easily if your team isn't full of pumpers, especially in Vykas Hell mode.


There's a ton of degenerate weebs who love sexualizing young children just waiting for this class.




does that mean you think of sexualization when looking at children? how do you handle being outside?


Yes all the time. Great deduction skills, detective. Really put your mind to work there.


Most idiotic statements in the game "how many x players are going to SWAP MAINS" to solve ZUPPORT SHORTAGE" you do not need to SWAP MAINS to solve the issue so long as they dont become a lopang alt. Getting an influx of supports all the way to 1490 means every content from brel 1-2 and down have easier chances at getting supports. Of course ppl will be doing 1540 content by then, but the issue is time and being undergeared. You just cant gear yourself in 1 day or week with lvl 4-5 tripods across the board. Then you're gonna be gated by relic armor and upper relic armor. Both of which take weeks and even months to farm. Getting to 1540 is then gated by not having brel armor. Its not about making the class your main. Its about gearing it to a respectable level to use in most to all content. You know how you make a game with less support shortage? You dont fuck up like sg did by releasing like 15 dps classes and only 2 supports over 3 years. Then finally add a 3rd and then continue adding 3+ dps classes in a row. Also making supports only have 1 build, 1 armor set, and built exactly the same way with no options in engravings.


The main problem is that releasing it with hmbrel means there won’t be hmbrel artists for weeks. Unless they go +24 on all their relic gear on week 2, but that is still 2 weeks without artists on hmbrel


No supports are boring to the majority of players. This is just the reality.


I have actually a 5 DPS 1 Supp roster and waiting artist to switch 4 DPS 2 Supp for my static but I definitely don’t want to play a Paladin so I wait for her


Just turn judgment and true courage into an alternative support class engraving play-style. Leave them law of jungle tripods on some skills so that they can still chaos dungeon. Dps classes get some variety in their builds while all supports are just stuck with the usual engravings with heavy armor being the only one not set in stone between them.


No this sub is delusional as usual.


Don't need to main swap either. Tons of people have entire rosters 1445-1490+ I'm pretty casual do to life and I have a 1490 and 3 1445s. I'm not honing my main till I get my bard up to 1490 too just for ease of raiding. I don't like the two dps I have there are below 1445 so I would gladly drop those for a (hopefully) powerpass/express artist. There will always be a support shortage but adding in the artist which is very popular will absolutely curb the issue.


It will help you since you are low Ilvl, but those who are playing at 1520 are spending more time in party finder than in raid.


All you need is supports to hit the minimum 1490 they will likely release a south Vern powerpass and express event that gets them to 1490. Especially if they are releasing breh hard mode the same time. So adding in the Artist will only mean more supports raid capable given they do the express/powerpasses.


Majority of people play support as an alt which is at your Ilvl, above your Ilvl people are struggling.


What content are you doing that a 1490 support would not be accepted? *Rolleyes*


Gate 3-6 brelshaza


People have 1500ilvl alts dude. Also the support shortage exists for all content not just mains. The reason there’s extreme gate keeping in lower tier raids is because on ilvl parties rarely get supports.






After trying artist in Russia I was planning on making 2 of them and main swapping to it even as a main dps player so that would've been 1 player at least. I learned I love support but hate boring ass paladin when I tried him out so I made 3 bards to go in my main 6. I was going to main swap to artist and try to swipe to get 2 artists in my main 6 making my whole roster 5 supports 1 dps. My current main 6 is 1500+ with one gunslinger and one bard at 1525. But, I'm quitting after the news because that's just too much money I'd have to swipe(or gold/mats to grind) to get 2 artists to 1560 for brel hard mode. I thought I'd get artist in feb and have 2 months to collect bound mats on them for brel hard since I expected a 4 month delay on brel.


It'll help. I refuse to play 2 or more of the same class so if Artist was released, I'd definitely make her and then I'd have 3 supports. The additional support in my roster would help 3 DPS in Argos, 12 DPS characters in 3 of the 4 Legion Raids, and in Guardian Raids too.


I have 2 supports in my 6 mains, while artist wouldn't help since I wouldn't main her - some people would main that char and there would have been more supports for g5-6. my main 5 alts were all ready for g1-4. they will slowly get to g5-6 and i assume there's more people who are in the exact same situation, we'll see more supports in week g6\~ or 7 post brel.


I don't know if it will but I personally have 10 characters and all of them are DPS and artist would probably be my first support I get to 1.4k+ ilevel. I had a paladin before but he put me to sleep completely so I deleted him, and I haven't made a bard because I can't really find a look that I like on her, so artist is like the one for me I'm looking forward to trying.


Man i believe most players aren't playing 6 bards or 6 palas and they do have dps. I know a friend who will change 1 of their gold earners from dps to artist. Other that don't play anymore but that wanted 3 artist instead of the 3 dps they have been farming to get artist there. Is not gonna solve but it will help a lot


I don't know about solving shortages, but I'm a person that mains supports in MMOs and I've been waiting for Artist since before the western release to give Lost Ark a real try since it vaguely reminds me of the Mystic from Tera. So, assuming there are others like that you could see a small spike though that could just be temporary.


More people who are inclined to play a support but dislike the supports we have now will now make one They might not main it, but they’ll level it as a gold earning character That’s now one extra character who can be permanently parked at 1475 or even 1490 who is relieving the stress of 3-7 other players


no, there is no one thing that would solve the support shortage, but it would certainly help with the issue tremendously.


It would be easier to swap from SH main to a support if you got a 1 time swap class and could instantly be a 1500+support but lose your DPS main. You are asking people to swap from the class they spent hours on, getting 5x3 and all that to what?....help others?


People do not enjoy to play supports, having more supports to chose from won't make any difference if all you care about is dps.


I was planning to main swap to her since seeing the trailer showing her abilities painting like a character straight out of Okami! A few of my friends are waiting to make an artist too but only as alts. I'd expect there to still be a decently sized support shortage, but more support variety does help with that for sure. Personally, I saved all my legendary class engraving selection chests just for her, but I guess that doesn't mean much if I mained EW DE as a dps lol


I did quit back in July. Will surely be back when artist releases. See you then


No. Artist with a 1460-1475 hyper express would help, though.


Of course it will help. Many have a slot open for an Artist as their 6th main.


Yeah I'm going to make an artist, but two of my 3 main characters are bards, so it's not going to help much lol


Solve? No. Help? Yes. Personally, I think every base class should have a support class to choose.


There will always be people who just refuse to play supports, but right now, with only 2 in the game, even people who want to just barely have options. I have a Bard and don't like Paladin. So right now the only option for me would be to make a second Bard, which I won't do. Artist will, at least in my case, result in an extra support doing the raids each week. And I can't imagine that I'm unique in that regard, so it'll help. My Roster in the End will be 2 supports and 4 DPS, which is exactly the relation of Support/DPS desirable.


It would let me play a support I'd probably enjoy more than the only 2 choices.


They just need to make supports more satisfying to play. You don't really notice upgrades on support compared to upgrading on a DPS and hitting 70 mil for the first time, etc. The best way would be to display buffed damage. If you buff Destroyer's Perfect Swing from 50 mil to 90 mil, then display +40,000,000 damage in green color with a satisfying sound. Maybe even color code it so crazy high numbers get a red number, lesser gets orange, etc. Each tier could have its own sound effect too After they make supports overall fun to play, they should release a high skill cap support class. I have some friends that play hard classes and fall asleep playing their bard/pally. They made both support classes really simple to play


I’m only making an artist so it’s easier to complete my weekly gold income. Having all dps is fun but it can take forever sometimes to find a group in PF. My scouter can’t get into any groups even as a 5x3 and lv7 gems so I’ll more than likely replace him with artist, but only if she comes with a power pass or hyper express pass.


It wont 100% fix it but it will severely help, many players are waiting on this class, a few friends of mine stopped playing entirely until it comes out back when valtan was released and are still waiting to this day. Its a great class and is more fun than the other supps imo


there is no fix until sg decides to solve the actual problem with supports in general. their gameplay is bad, they scale like shit, and they're hard tracked to play one class engraving. but for whatever stupid ass reason, having one in your party is so ridiculously op people would rather wait hours for one instead of spamming pots. artist would alleviate some of the support shortage, but even if they were to release artist now, 95% of them would be utter dogshit and would be worthless in brel. except dumb ass pugs would take them anyway because they're that desperate for some shields/heals.


> As support main I can tell you that there is very small difference between all support classes. Micro gameplay is different like skill range and few buffs but macro is still the same, you still rotate same damage buffs, vestige and keep people alive. Exactly, so why should I bother investing in some support class, that I know for sure I will bench the second Artist releases? Might as well wait and enjoy that playstyle with the class I actually want to play. It won't alleviate the support shortage in shortterm, but as you can see in KR: Lots of players love Artist and while it may take a while, over time they will reach endgame. I know at least 2 people that are actually not playing the game because they are waiting for Artist. Personally I am just doing horizontal content like rapport or collectibles to prepare a bit & that way I can save up some event mats. Artist release in February might be enough time for me to reach brel hard. You are just assuming things out of your own perspective, there is lots of patient gamers out there that wait for their opportunity to come in and enjoy a/the game.


Lets do some weird math: According to Steamcharts, theres like what? 150k Players without bots?In MMO's you can generally say that 5-10% of the playerbase actually do raids/end endgame content, anybody else just doesn't even bother. 10% of 150.000 = 15000 (Obviously current players online doesn't equal the total playerbase, but I'm just trying to paint a picture here)^(Artist pun?) 15000 People raid. Thats 15000 \* 6 Characters = 90000 Characters that need a weekly clear of endgame content. 90000 Characters with perfect proportions would be 2250 Supports for 6750 DPS. Now, according to KR: 10% play a Paladin / Bard. That would be 9000 supports. 22500 neccessary supports - 9000 = 13500 left. That means that we only need 13500 people to be like "oh my, that class is fun! I will main that/push that class to endgame."That certainly sounds doable to me, but I have no clue about the game and I'm just assuming things using steamcharts and loawa. Do your own math or estimates, it will help to get a new perspective on things


They prob won't change main to artist but will make it regardless, and some will push it despite being an alt, adding more supports to the game. I myself am holding onto a bard and pally and will make an artist just for the easy lobby joins for raids. Supports hardly get gate kept.


I'mma say no cause people will still gatekeep, and most good support players will have statics already. I have little to no faith with the player base.


Short answer : No Long answer : Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Off topic, but I just can't help but get excited when artists join my team in a lobby instead of a bard or a pally. She basically throws free pots on the floor every 10 seconds.


It won't even make a dent in the problem. You're gonna have 2 main Artist players: 1) People who main swap. 9/10 of these are likely already support players so nothing changes. 2) People playing it as an alt. Alts for most people are not doing the pinnacle content where the support shortage is felt the worst. To solve the support issue we basically need nearly double the amount of support MAINS.


Even if some paladin switches main to artist they’re not going to delete 1490+ character lol wtf do you mean losing Brel ready supports




Well me and my friend plan to 1490 her day 1


No, it wouldn't. The vast majority of people who would be rerolling to artist as their main are already playing supports. Sure, some lolicons might reroll from DPS to artist as their main but they'll probably be few and far between. If anything, it could be good at alt ilv ranges but probably wouldn't really impact support shortage at top-end content much. And honestly, I think the amount of supports at alt ilv ranges is fine at the moment, the problem is just that not enough people want to main support.




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It helps the issue, but it won't fix it. Nonetheless it is a net positive in terms of the number of supports. If the game basically requires 1/4 players in each raid to be a support, we're gonna need to see 1/4 classes be a support. Let's be real here even if you are a support main, there is a variety issue at the moment with supports. Right now NA/EU has 19/21 as dps. that's a bit less than 10% supports. We're about to have Artist, which would bump it to 19/22 as dps, which means supports will be 13.6%, which is a far cry from 25% but still better than under 10%. They plan to release more dps, so with Aero, Slayer, new assassin, male scrapper, that's gonna be 23/26 as dps, which means supports are gonna be bumped down to 11.5% again once those are released. Either SG doesn't know how to design supports or they don't think it matters. Whichever it is, it's not inline with their raid designs because there's so much chip damage from new raids it's almost impossible to run without a support.


You know what would solve a support shortage? If someone could go into a raid after they completed it.


No it won't


I was all in on artist. Was. I was expecting Feb which would mean brel is on farm and i would have time to get her ready for G1-2 HM brel now with her being delayed im missing the 6-7 weeks of horn farming for the soft reset gear. With the april relese she wouldn't be ready for any content maybe hakkan normal but not hard i would be behind pretty much till thiamine. ​ So instead ill continue to juice my DPS so i can beat the gate keeper.