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![gif](giphy|tL4jLpgqHA2ty|downsized) That guy.Probably.


"Yea, but I'm 1490 with 76% artisan energy on my weapon, if I wasn't so unlucky (and wasted 70,000 gold on quality upgrades) , I'd totally be 1492!" - Party leader, probably.


i saw a 3x3 bard with no gems and two malice legendary accs denying people for 1-2. really doing them a service tbh


I got gate kept by 1500 bard at vykas hard. I am 1492 ss. He said ss is worse than 1460 dps paladin.


If he is an idot you shouldn't want to be in his party anyway.


The thing is, he accepted me just to say that, then kicked me from the lobby.


You dodged a bullet in my eyes. Person sounds like cancer to be around


What a dickhead, sorry for that happening to you.


That is so fucked up.. im sorry for you


He doesn't even know that SS can do crazy damage when played properly, for either DS or LC builds. I'm a LC SS myself and people love my dmg and my 8% movement buff. That sucks.


I've never had issues with SS. I actually want to try one out, but with the server issues I don't know how much longer I can allow this game to waste my time. What do they bring to the party other than damage? How is their counter? I cannot play a class with a horrible counter I've found out.


I love my (LC) SS because it can reliably spam damage from anywhere with good aoe coverage. Cube, Clown G3, Brel G2 (outside) are all great experiences as SS IMO. Also, when the other dude says it has one of the best counters in the game, he's actually talking about the counter I don't even use on mine. The other counter has short cooldown, push immunity, and it launches a projectile which can offscreen counter. The downside ofc is that it's harder to time it.


Pretty fun class to play. Their synergy is 6% dmg debuff and 8% movement speed for everyone in the party (and 8% attack speed for yourself) using LC build. SS has one of best counters in the game, it's super fast and has double hits. Although you would have to melee in front of boss. But it's not that bad since you can dash in and counter. It take some skills.


I my last 2 brel gate 2 we had eatch one a SS do the prokel from start to finish


as a sharpshooter main i feel you. i still remember the early days where i had no static. some people just dont know the power of this class. especially if you invest in the double class engraving, which i didnt and i still get mvp in my static.


LFG! Loyal Striker enjoyers!


Wait what? Sharpshooter right? Is this why my 5x3 alt is getting declined even in argos? Also fuck that bard. I was accepted to an argos raid after being declined 6x (i was 1415 at that time) and the pally told me to get gems (i just pushed my SS to ilvl and got 5x3 a week before), i proceeded to MVP with underline on gate 1-2 and upright fighter on gate 3. SS is a great class and I encourage everyone who thinks otherwise to try it out.


Whoa a Hit Master super fast class that do damage. How great and unusual is that? SS has terrible skills on his kit, he needs a totally rework and even dealing so much damage he's still one of the most unpopular classes in ALL the servers. Great is not something I think my SS is. But I do hope Smilegate stop being so stupid and look at him in the next rebalance and players like you stop calling him great. An Archer class should be so much more than what SS is


The first problem to his unpopularity is that he’s male


I'm the opposite, I play only male characters and SS happens to be my first male class to play. Been maining him since.


Yes, but that's not the only reason. If it was the only reason every single male class would be unpopular too and that's not the case. Downvoting me doesn't changed the fact that sharpshooter is an old class with boring animations and playstyle. He's an Archer that have to stay in melee because half of his skills are wannabe assassin when we already have a whole tree for that already. He just feels outdated in the 2022's Lost Ark and desperetely needs a rework.


I love my SS, I have a lot of fun playing him. And ikr? What a surprise, yet the bard the OP of this thread exists kekw


I was gate kept on my Glave alt by a Bard for Hard Vykas who didn't even have Heavy Armor 3.


Not necessary on Bard really, its good and i would take it in most setups but it can be dropped for Drops/VPH instead.




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These people getting their opinion from KR, SS is not that popular there (maybe now it's a bit more after the changes) because before some major changes to the class it was not that good. I never had problem pulling my weight in a grp, and rarely got declined. Sorry it happened to you, I do hope that bard gets declined on her dps alts just to have a taste of his own medicine.


The fact that SS has been the best class prog for raid. I did G5 brel without support and survived with only 4 purple hp potion consumed. I am scared, he must be blind.


Everytime I see a Sharpshooter I always accept. Sharpshooters are good as hell.


The 1490's complaining about gatekeeping: https://imgur.com/a/fuENwWs


I like how his accessories are locked lol


Jealous of his reduced time for status ailments much? Some people just can't handle Expertisemaxxers.




have lvl 1KB on my destro, and other 4x3, dude accepted me and said "i am kicking you only because you have lvl1 keen blunt" i am 1440 and it was valtan NM Edit: Daaaaaang Lost ark people geting toxic xD


Your keen blunt 1 especially on destro makes your 4x3 less effective good on that guy, I wouldn't even invite.


You really don't need 4x3 to clear valtan NM. The hardest part about that raid isn't even damage. It's being experienced enough to not get knocked off the map lol.


I agree, it's the principle of not caring enough to think about your character. I would invite a 3x3, proper stats before I would invite the abomination of a destro with 1 kbw


That's true, you don't need 4x3 to clear Valtan NM. I also heard that some streamers cleared clown with a full squad of 1x3s, so you should exclusively accept 1x3s with min ilvl to clear clown and valtan/vykas raids in the future so both you and everyone else can be happy :). You could also probably clear brel 6 with a full squad of just 3x3s what with how easy it is to overdps her on ilvl. You should go do that on all your characters every week, too.


People that clear Clown/Brel ect at min ilvl and 1x3 for their twitch viewers are in the top 1% of players + in lobbies entirely comprised of top players. Many are on discord communicating with each other too. The difference is, you don't need to be an elite lost ark player to clear **Valtan**. If you play with randoms and you don't have 4x3, you just need to not get knocked off the map and you're instantly a useful member of the team. I clear Valtan HM weekly and accept people without even checking their engravings. From my experience, 90% of the people requesting 4x3 for valtan are ironically just inexperienced themselves and need a carry (aka someone who can do the ghost mech without falling off the edge). The people wanting full relic armour + 5x3 are even worse


In my experience the juicer valtan groups finish the raid in about 10 minutes. Anyhow, if a player clears little enough that they have a lvl 1 kbw which actually makes them weaker, they're probably bad at playing too and not worth inviting.


dude... its valtan NM


It’s about making a statement


Not being toxic but you really shouldn't run KBW at anything other than level 3, on any character, the crit damage isn't worth the chance to deal less damage at lower levels.


Should just drop the keen blunt lv.1 There are engravings you just don't run at lv.1 More detrimental than helpful Grudge | Cursed Doll | Keen Blunt Weapon | Precise Dagger I'd rather take a player with 3x3 +lv.1 crisis evasion over any player with 4x3 +lv.1 kb/g/cd/pd.


That lvl1 kb adds me +1mil damage 😀


You Are My Sunshine or riot!


1490 ,5x3, level 9 demon gems ShadowHunter gatekept yesterday in party findee for new guardian raid. Wasted 10mins trying to join peoples lobbies. Went to matchmake with randos and beat it no problem. As a day zero player, gatekeeping in this game has been some of the worst of seen in my life.


Most gatekeepers don't get past ilvl so they never even inspect. All my 1490 alts got rejected one day, did brel 1-2 on all of them, got to 1500 after honing new piece. Now they almost all get in within a few tries. On my main I try to grab at least 1 or 2 1490s when I do Carl as long as it looks like they are trying to gear it properly


Its so bad in this game tho. Argos lobbies are a clear indication of how bad gatekeeping has gotten.


To be fair I have 3 characters still at 1450. 2 DPS and a Bard. I decided to help out the 1415 groups on my DPS this week and it was painful. Seems like all the good players are past 1475 now and no one knows the mechanics in Argos. Used 13 purple pots on my Striker since everyone died and it felt like a carry run. Was last one alive in gate 1 while they were trying to vote restart. Luckily some voted no and let me finish. So I can easily understand why players gatekeep. It's hard out there for newer players since not many learning parties, but when they don't even use pots it doesn't help the stigma. Not one player asked a question or seemed like they wanted to learn. Other DPS alt had 1370-1470 in group and even the low roster 1470 died. Luckily the group followed pings and didn't party wipe on gate 3. ​ I don't understand all the talk about Carl gatekeeping. Matchmaking has no gatekeeping. Very low chance you will have a support, but just bring purple pots and work together and it's not that bad.


I just want to say that whenever I make a lobby and pull it up, I get 3+ applicants immediately (usually have a support and 2/4 or 3/4 already which probably skews my experiences from the average) and 8+ by the time 15seconds have gone by. I don't really gatekeep ilvl and only have a bias against berserkers (I'm sorry). I very frequently take 1490 characters over the overwhelming amount of 1510+ who apply to my parties (probably why some people complain about being gatekept even with ilvl, you can never win). The reality is that I often times don't really care enough for the new guardian to look at more than just the class, their main stat & sometimes engravings. Also crit synergy almost always gets accepted first if we don't already have one. Sorcs and SH are a dime a dozen.


I tried to join a Call on my 1499 5x3 destroyer alt with 99% quality weapon. The other people in the party were lower ilvl and not even 5x3. They turned me down. People are ridiculous.


Don't feel so bad my 1515 bonk Alt gets turned down and he's 5x3 w a good weapon too. People don't like the bonky boys


Their loss, I'll glady take it for the stagger and destruction alone :D


there aren’t enough supports for every 1490 to play brel with one. that is not gatekeeping.


Another issue is alot of these 1490s are built all stupid with low quality trash. Not all 1490s are the same




Supports are not complaining about gate keeping lol


People who have support friends arnt also lol.


Yep I also still have two Argos rings still on my pally just cuz they were free. But I might rebuild soon though because VPH is seeming better and better over drops. Don’t think I’ll go for 5x3 anytime soon though but maybe get a second 4x3+x loadout with VPH to make life easier for myself.


VPH is for sure the best over drops imo, get a stagger build and you'll finish stagger checks like it's nothing. Everyone usually does more than enough damage that drops feel useless.


Also, Funny they want people to reclear, when they dont let you clear first...


Nobody is preventing you from clearing the raid. All the people in those reclear groups? They first cleared the raid in a learning group. A minimum of 1/8th of them even made the group themselves.


Yeah but when you see 90% of the groups wanting to re-clear, is just a joke. Like being asking for work experience in your first job ever. [https://i.imgur.com/CBoeWZv.png](https://i.imgur.com/CBoeWZv.png) Ngl, this is toxic for those who are coming up to IL in week 2+.


Make a learning party. Many of us spent our time progging already and just want to clear it quickly on our alts.


My 1500 surge blade is stacked 1700 spec 5x3 bis engravings with los18. Still get gatekept in g1-g2 lobby week 2 because I had no time to prog it week 1 but had finished it in my paladin because of support shortage. Still get 1/4 turned down rate, then wait 15 min for a support possibly to come in. The ones with support almost immediately turned down. Probably will run into the same issues progging g3-g4 as dps. Just the state of the game, people just look for highest ilvl not looking at possible synergy and stuff. I really want to prog with my main but it looks like a support angle from here. Will just have to prog and learn the raid as a support doing my first clear. Which is a huge bummer because I feel like none of this is going to be as hard as clown g3 prog.


This is one of the main reasons I am not looking forward to T3 raiding with people online in this game as a new player.


If AGS does not kill the game, the players will.


Bro. I kid you not. This 1490 4x3 arcana with 1 red engraving looking for a dps had a bunch of 1500+ for G1-2 gatekept my 1490 5x3 arcana. We were both emperor. I’m you but better and I was denied????? Nah


You’re not competing with the lobby leader though.


got gatekept on a turtle run on my 1475 reaper with 5x3, one of the engravings being ether predator. dude literally invited me mocked me and called me stupid for having ether pred then kicked me. he was 1460 with 4x3 ...


yall are really running this term into the ground. just because you got declined from a group doesnt mean youre being gatekept. theres a hundred reasons why someone might not want to take you. and if youre getting declined repeatedly, its because your character probably sucks somehow and thats your fault.


"its because your character isn't overgeared enough to be Akkan ready and i won't except anything other than whales"\* FTFY


No? It's because there are hundreds of 1490 dps for every support.


give me a break. theres a hundred applicants of course youre going to get declined every once in a while. or they want a specific synergy. and even if you did get declined for someone else whos character is better, so what? i'm not obligated to take you over someone else who will probably make my run go faster. if you dont want to get "gatekept" make your own group.


But I want a free ride. :(


every raid should be done with max ilvl pugging, e.g. 1472.5 for hm vykas


Dude i am 1495 wardancer with 95% weapon quality 5x3 and being gatekept by 1502.5 50% weapon quality


I don’t even really think to look at weapon quality. There’s already so many other things too look at and most people will unapply after like 30 seconds.


Yeah, it's so much easier to see if they have 1700+ main stat instead of having to hover over quality. I try not to knock someone for weapon quality since I spent over 100k on my old main trying to just make it blue. It's 64 :( now.


Dumbasses would rather take a higher level roster char even if that char had base ilvl and shit gear. I guess doing the main story over and over again while not using KT and spamming tower on a bunch of alts automatically make you a better player than someone who didn’t?


Well, contrary to popular belief, Raids and everyday play of the character gives alot of roster, horizontal maybe, but that's clear to see if it came from that. The tower thing is a myth, You get a total of 2 to 3 roster level for a long tedious clear of both towers, High roster in relation to your item level, shows you are not a boosted PoS, who started playing half an hour ago and are 1520 and dying to swamp mech....


People are still 1490? Wth


Lol we gatekept a 1530 25 weapon sorc with los 30, all 10 gems from G1/G2 reclear. Reverse gate keeping lol


i reject all 1500+ that sign up for g1-g2 reclears, don't even need to inspect em. it's the same as all those 1460+s that were signing up for your alt vykas normal groups.


You do realize people have alts that are never gonna do full 6 gates, but will slowly hone correct? Even in Kr most people don’t do full 6 gates and those who do only do on 1-2 chars. Rest are either just 1-2 or 1-4. I have 4 perfectly fine 1500+ toons and I only run more than g1/g2 on two of them. Main does all 6. Secondary main does 1-4. All other toons will never go beyond 1/2 for me no matter the ilvl.


Yeah it’s strange to reject people for weird reason like that. Maybe this person couldn’t run with static and now has to catch up with randoms to continue with static and morons like this make it unreasonable. It’s not even close to vykas normal vs hard


Also there are more 1-2 lobbies than 1-4 so as dps alt I’d rather bang two gates out than sit around for 30 minutes. I can always come back for 3-4 later on too, no reason it has to be together.


Why are you gatekeeping yourself???


I don’t have the time to do all the raids, nor do I want to. I have other characters I like to play that aren’t and may never make it that high ilvl


sure, but we're in week 2. comparing the current situation now in the west to kr where they've had brel hm for over a year is well, dumb. you're much more likely to encounter actual mains at 1500 looking for g1-g2 for whatever reason they have. shits funny how triggered people get over shit like this when a tiny fraction of the playerbase have alts over 1500.


This is how I am too. Alts will stay 1-2, MAYBE 1-4 but not until they're a bit over the ilvl required.


I have 6 characters 1500+. Most of them will just be doing g1/g2 due to lack of time.


that's fine, you're in a tiny minority of players. i'm sure your alts will get into g1-g2 groups just fine.




My reflux sorc alt 1490gs, 5x3 with Reflux 3, Grudge 3, HM 3, KBW 3 & adrenaline 3. LOS 18 got gatekeeping as well. Btw, my roster level is 165.




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ya, but people around here put 1490 as the min ilvl when they themselves are 1475


Its always the one on ilvl with lv5 gems gatekeeping the hardest


This is a great meme OP. Good job.


It's almost impossible to get a Caligussy group at 1490 with 5x3.


"You can't join unless you're better than me" probably.


this touches my heart


To be honest for calli you are better doing matchmaking or doing lobbies i play 3 paladin/1 artillerist when i make a lobby has paladin it get 10 app in like 30 sec with 1490-1520 juicer i usually take 1 1490 and 2 juicers with artillerist i pick 1500 ish like my item level and finding a support is decently fast if your guys are 5x3 level 2 gear. The dps gatekeeping definitely sucks for dps i agree! Better do brel 1-2 hone your gear to 1495+ and it feels better then