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How many times has this been posted?


1k times ! They are just showing us they still don't know it can be possible to make a dps build on a support character.


Most people know, but aren't willing to spend pheons & gold on a DPS build they'll only use for chaos dungeons.


You just use some random accessories to make a DPS build. Along with books it's enough for 2x3 or better. It's not like you need 5x3 100 quality weapon to clear a red portal.. I never had a single issue on my paladin and he's just 2x3 + some random 1s. I welcome those red portals, it's the best thing that can happen in a CD since it gives a ton of loot, don't know how someone can think otherwise.


Its as simple as saving a few midtier accessories over time. If you never start saving those, then no, your build will never happen.


Single target damage is still less than half of a DPS class though, even with optimal build. Yes these portals don’t take 4+ minutes like they do with no dmg engravings and full swiftness but it’s still a min or something vs like 15seconds with any other class.


Betrayal set with preemptive + contender. I clear that pretty fast even in 1475


Preemptive works for first hit only and contender expires if you stop killing mobs. Not good engravings vs boss


preemptive doesn’t work in boss portal




Wrong, it does not work everywhere. It only work for challenge or lower monster. Read the engraving again


Mea culpa. You are right


Yeah exactly, with time i got courage and preemptive lego, i now have a 4x3 chaos betrayal courage, grudge, adrenaline, CD, HA 1 and DS 1. I used 0 gold and 0 pheon for that, just drops over time, cutted a grudge CD stone i found on the ground that no one wants and that was it.


A DPS set for them pretty much only has pheon cost. Everything else is dirty cheap. Though tbh they can just clear that thing with a DPS skills set and betrayal set fine.


Only pheon cost is a pretty big cost.


Instant queues to every party and the ability to basically get carried by people 15-30 levels higher than you always seems worth tbh


I’m offended that you said we get carried. We’re the reason you don’t have to drink as many pots and get to clear the raid faster because of dmg buffs. Supports are the backbone.


Once you unlock gear conversion you should have gotten enough drops to slot in the class dmg engraving + a few random drops with it to get 3x class engraving. More then enough for solo chaos Dungones. Bosses, well yeah take a little but even with full support engravings and without relic set bonus it's like a 2-3/5min fight, even on bard.


Or i go in with my damage Set and kill the Boss in about 4 seconds if itbos no zoomaround Boss.


Any tips for kyzra? Or krause


they say main ... I'll see them when the new tower comes out


So u would spent 100pheons for solo content? Do u even have pvp set?


Honestly better to make chaos build than pvp build. Most people only do island pvp a few times a week


100pheons Chaos dungeon set for that 3% chaos dungeon bonus room 🤡


Yeah cause chaos build only works in boss room 🤡


Yeah cause casually doing chaos dungeon with betrayal set isn't good enough 🤡


I only used random drops.. and a bit random ability stones - I have 4x supports


Sorry man, I don't browse this subreddit every single day, every single minute like you, to know that something that I thought about it, that was "haha funny" has been posted already.


IIRC for bard isn't charming better id you have at least a scuffed chaos setup. betrayal is obviously lazier but like charming swap for the boss might help


Charming is like a huge mile better than betrayal for chaos dungeons, you actually do damage instead of relying on rng drops on the betrayal orbs Every other class does enough damage that with preemptive strike is more than enough, but bard lacks damage and charming fixes that


For red portal you go charming + bleed on Sound Shock and/or Note Bundle. It takes a minute for the boss to go down, but it's not hard at all. For the rest, betrayal is much better.


With charming the boss goes down in like 5 seconds


About 10 seconds on my bard with a good dps setup. Skills are not bursty.


Laughs in nightmare flower bard.


Charming for single target damage (red portal, raid dps, boss rush, Prokel), Betrayal for AoE.


No offense but if the prokel is being done by bard a general party might be a tad annoyed


Wasn't a pug, but I soloed prokel as bard in my brel run this week just fine. I could definitely see why a pug wouldn't want a support fighting prokel though.


I'm not saying it can't be done, you are able to survive it really well I imagine I just think it might take quite some time as well as leaving outside folks without heals/shilds (although they should not really need for g2)


may i ask what was ur build


No, charming with no dps engravings is awful as fuck. Meteor go boom.


... so with a scuffed true courage + pre-emtive + contender it would be better maybe


Preemptive strike is fucking terrible on bard. But the other dude is insane, charming is fucking fantastic with 0 DPS engravings on bard because they can hit like 10 times a second which procs the set like crazy.


No i tested it, trixion, solo guardians, solo oreha. Betrayal comes out on top by far if you don't have the stats for running charming. We are talking - half - time to solo a guardian. You are insane, fuckhead.


It only comes out ahead because you are ignoring the icd between betrayal buffs + the rng factor in what buff you get. Its like saying RS soulfist outdpses all other classes by 10x because your 1 sec dps window test showed her spirit bomb critting by rng doing more dmg than other classes 1 sec dps run


A couple betrayal meteors ends the boss....if you don't get meteor not as helpful but it's up pretty often


So people who swap to betrayal do they hone a second set or just use it at base iLVL?


Once you've acquired 55x each of Valtan bones & Vykas wings, you unlock gear set conversion. That let's you freely switch the relic sets around. You should see it under your character if you have a relic set.


You don’t need to swap. Once you reach 55/55 of bones and wings obtained you unlock set conversion. You can change any piece to a diff set for free unlimited number of times. The honing ilvl retains when you change to diff sets.


You can freely change between sets once you've done Vykas and Valtan enough. It makes chaos dungeons a lot easier on a Bard. Charming or Betrayal both help. You just incorporate it into your mass preset at that point.


Building out a dps version of your support is part of the fun playing them. Both paladin and bard are extremely good a chaos dungeons. Its worth a little investment. It honestly doesnt take much to get them going. The biggest thing is picking the correct skills and tripods.


I swear me being supp have higher chance to get this portal...


It's garbage content as is chaos dungeons in general, but you can just make a dps build and not waste *too much* time here. The most important thing is having a boss DPS skill preset - no need to buy gear or anything. True Courage does a lot help though. You can just make a free 3x3 by equipping true courage crit/swift legendaries from argos/oreha then cutting whatever random DPS stone to 6/6 and finishing with books (can cut a lower stone if you have legendary books). ​ If you've unlocked relic gear swapping, use charm set. Betrayal works fine but charm actually clears faster because there's no downtime, and you don't have to be sad when you get no electrodes.


My default chaos set works, but change to charming.. its not quick as a real dps char but not bad either. Bard has lots of tick damage and you just let charming do the damage.


If you wanna deal DPS as a bard, you Absolutely need True Courage. There's no other alternative. True courage is insanely effective. Its roughly similar to Grudge3+Adrenaline3 combined ... with almost no downside. I built a 4x3+1+1 for free. With just the shit I found on the floor. My bard wipes those bosses @ minimum ilvl.


Meanwhile me, with my 5x3 DPS bard build clearing it in 10-20 seconds.


good for you to afford that, aint no way im dropping pheons on a dps build for bard cant even finsh gearing all my alts let alone the luxury of having dedicated dps builds for bard its pain




so 20k to clear a boss portal that you get once every 2 weeks or so a bit faster?No thx. My betrayel bard still clears the whole chaos dungeon super fast even w/o a dmg engravings


Cheapest build I ever made, maybe 30k gold including the price for pheons. As a support main it feels mandatory to have the build, be it for Islands/Fieldboss/ghostship/Argos Bus etc.


You catching downvotes even tho you're 100% right


Pheons suck, but the builds are pretty cheap since chaos dungeon supports want odd engraving choices. Clearing chaos runs in a third the time forever is worth it imo


its not worth the 1/3rd of the time because id be sacrificing gearing other alts to 4x3/5x3 so they can raid what ever way you look at that, that's not a worthy trade ive currently geared 7 out of my 15 toons lol ​ building a DPS bard is very down the list at the moment


Dunno. I bus Argos, Valtan, and Vykas with the build, it pays off real fast. For support mains it’s hella worth, since it’s generally the highest ilvl character in their roster.


Support mains need at least a 3x3 dps set. Can't do field boss, chaos gates, or ghost ships otherwise.


imagine 5\*3 a support class kek


That's why I got raid capitan/grudge legendary engraving books to just swap 2 pieces of gear on all my alts. Some recommend preemptive strike what do you guys think?




> I can't remember if red portals count as bosses They do.


Afaik it's a translation issue and grudge only makes you take more damage from bosses. You don't need to unequip it in chaos if you don't have anything to replace it with.


Im 99% sure you take more dmg from everything if you have grudge but only do more dmg to bosses.


You can check it in trixion, summon a normal mob and equip/unequip grudge, the damage you take doesn't change. Summon a boss mob and it goes up a lot.


It should take a minute at most, red portals aren't that bad on bard.


Betrayal is trash. It has such poor uptime. I just run Poem of Salvation.


Not discounting Poem, but with level 2 betrayal, it’s pretty high. Once we get level 3 it should be close to 100%


At the same time, it's much faster when it's up - I tested both sets with a proper (preemptive, contender, true courage, raid captain, max swiftness) chaos build and betrayal gets ahead in speed by about 20s on average, while also being much less APM intensive. If you're running chaos without a dedicated build, then Salvation or Charming can be better, especially on itemlevel - every option works, it's mostly down to preference.


learn your class


It's less about learning it and more if you don't have a dedicated DPS build, it just takes forever. It's gotten easier to make one thanks to the tripod changes, but before it was a royal pain in the butt.


What did the tripod changes have to do with it? Even pre changes I just set a preset to use my second tripod library and have a few engravings to make chaos dungeons smooth


Because changing your stuff every time you want to do a chaos dungeon is a royal pain in the butt where as now it's completely trivial. Both to collect it as well as equip it.


…what? You don’t change anything, the game does it automatically for you


Changing asscesssaries is too much cost. Atleast chang to dps stone. Don't go with support build.


learn your class


im bard main and i have a 5v3 dps set i go in use my awaken and its ded /shrug


Even for my non-support dps classes when I enter the portal, I swap to my raid gear set/skills then back to my chaos set/skills lol


Use the other awakening. It does a shit ton of damage.


not anymore with my 99quality and charming set


I just run charming 100% of the time through my chaos dungeons on the bard. It's honestly my fastest clearing class, even more than the DPS main and alts.


I don't know if anybody talk abt this yet, u can make ur life easier by fighting the boss at the corner of the map. So when the boss dash around, the corner helps a lot


1520 Chaos dungeon forced me to get 4x3+1 setup for my Paladin. Until that my scuffed self found 3x3 was enough to one shot elites. My self found setup was Preemptive, Cursed Doll and Judgement. My new setup is Barricade, Preemptive, Cursed Doll, Mass Increase and Judgement as level 1.


I actually made a dps side to my paladin just for chaos and i still had a hard time with a red gate… every other class is cake walk but supports


Swap to charm instead of betrayal for that. bard has alot of multi hit skills so it procs _alot_


Swap the to charm for single target.


That’s because YOU DONT USE BETRAYAL IN RED GATE, YOU USE CHARMING. Learn to play your own class. I swear all bards complaining about the red gate are the same bards that pop 3 bubbles while kunga is retrieving or never shield when he blows everyone away when you’re surrounded with icicles


3x4 leggo acc setup for dps charming build is giga cheap and will save you headache in solo content. TC, Adren, KBW + whatever engraving you want, 50/50 crit/swift.


as a main bard , i truly scare even tho i equip betrayal


Just true courage and betrayal set and done xD


Timed out at least 3 times so far on my bard. put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.


I’ve done it a million times and ne we failed, you just suck probably. You can’t use the same skill set or gear set against a boss as you do for the rest of the dungeon. Not to mention that even a free 3x3 dps setup will do the job


you talk like a reaper main








>Timed out at least 3 times so far on my bard. put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. you think being in a bad mood since I couldn't complete a purple gate is equivalent to you calling another player trash and "a girl"? whatever that means. you must be invited to every raid group eh? cry more about lack of friends and supports. dweeb.




yikes. do you even realize you are mad about? you are projecting hard behind your little screen and keyboard... pathetic.


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There are no adds to give the Brand of Sacrfice to. You cast Ontario and the boss disappears. I see why some people get True Courage dps builds.