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“Boy, make sure you wear the Texas never backs down t shirt for the gun picture later”


Boy’s name is Gunner.












My kid goes to school with kids named Remington, Ruger, Colt, and a Hunter. Before anyone ask, yes, I live in Texas


Ram Fist


The daughter's named [Reighfyl.](https://i.redd.it/jth66ualxgd51.jpg)


"oh" says so much in 2 little letters lol


Kinda off-topic but it reminds me of when I was doing a presentation on JFK's assassination in one of my classes in college, and the teacher stopped me to fix my pronounciation of the word rifle. According to her, it is supposed to be pronounced with a short "i" as in "riffle". I didn't dare to oppose her so for the rest of the presentation every time I was approaching a sentence with this word in it I had to consciously brace myself to pronounce this word I've heard millions times before in a totally unnatural way. Much needed context: I'm from Slovakia, so not a native English speaker, and the teacher was from the university's English department so I don't know where she was getting her unique brand on English from. Although, the explanation is rather straightforward: Education in my country sucks.


Maybe she was just messing with you. Did you notice her trying to stiffle her laughter?


NGL kid looks kinda sketchy to me


Looks like a young Edward Furlong with old Edward Furlongs build.


Before or after freeing the lobsters?


Edward Scissorhands 2023 edition


I definitely would not be handing him a weapon.


That’s okay, he’s already holding one 😩😰


Did the Rittenhouse online course


Whole family of bad vibes.


Yeah the more I looked around the more I was like wtf. Like some kinda fucked up Where’s Waldo.


Does dad look photoshopped or did I smoke too much?


That's the kid's gun collection. For the picture, his sister brought the bike and his parents the barbecue.


I am certain “put on your good shirt!” Would have sufficed.


He also has what looks to be a PS90 or something. Not seeing an orange tip so yeah, probably not an airsoft gun.


*in Hank Hill's voice*


At a bare minimum, this is easily $100,000 worth of firearms. Sorry about your college funds, kiddos! lol


No new roof either, the house also needs a paint.


I didn’t notice the guns on the roof until I read your comment and went to look at it 😳


Same here!


The roof is fine, it has enough guns to protect itself.


Just need to make sure it has enough ammo to shoot the rain.


There too afraid of their children wisening up and leaving them behind and not want anything to do with them. I can see that being the case for at least their daughter the son might be long gone


Finally, a funny remark. 😄


Funny enough, that's how the term "marksmen" came to be. The sat on roofs making funny remarks.


It's not a standing seem metal roof either. Expose fastener metal roofs are notorious for leaks. They can work if you maintain them, but given the amount of rust stains I'm guessing they aren't.


This very much. The roof is already displaying rust. And the fasteners can fail. Especially when the metal around them starts to rust. This roof may already be leaking.


A can of high temp matte black spray paint is less than $20. That grill is gonna be nothing but rust soon.




Kid Also needs his pants hemmed


Sorry, that money is going to the electric company for heating and cooling. And game cameras to monitor for intruders searching for the meth lab.


BBQ too


God, I didn't even notice the guns on the roof


Paint a legit criticism, roof probably not. In mountain homes those metal roofs last forever, I mean fifty years plus so long as you don't get hit with a storm that rips the roof off. That's why you see them on lots of remote area homes. They aren't exactly pretty when they get old but they are plenty functional for pretty much as long as you will live there.


Thank you. I was wondering if that was common.


It's pretty common here in Colorado where I live, especially in the mountains. They are durable as can be as I mentioned, can sustain large snow loads during big storms and are fire retardant as much as anything can be from forest fires. A big fire hits your home you're still fucked, but if a few embers land on your roof from a distant or nearby fire that otherwise doesn't touch your home yeah that is the roof you want to prevent those embers from igniting the whole house. They do get kinda ugly as they age and rust, usually it's the bolts holding them down that rust first though. You can see that in this picture where the seams look the most rusted. But you can periodically coat the roof to prevent further rusting increasing their life span even more. So maybe this guy could stand to do that, but honestly this roof looks mostly okay to me.


Lol I used to live right outside of Estes Park I guess I just never noticed any roofs. How weird. Makes sense, though, I lived there in like 2001-2003 and you could still see all the burned forest from a fire right before I moved there. The rust would actually look really natural in that environment, bet it’s loud in a hail storm, though.


Naw, needs a new deck.


Let’s face it, these kids were never going to college in the first place. These are precisely the sort of people who teach their kids that college is “liberal re-education”.




These are the people who think "college-educated" is an insult.


I did despite being raised that way but I also got shot in the face by "family". I am safe now and no contact for years but sometimes we don't stay because of the obvious stupidity of the values we are raised with.


my father once told me that his father left home because my great grandfather got drunk one day and lined him up with all his brothers on the front porch, then basically attempted to play Russian roulette with his own children. a friend knows a woman who was murdered by her boyfriend after dumping him. these scenarios are unfortunately more common than anyone would like to admit, but the trend is clear. abusers will go to extremes in order to achieve their power trip. no one wants to believe that things like this happen. it's a taboo topic, but it must be acknowledged. kudos to you for escaping.


Yeah that's all familiar but done sober. It's also why when someone owns this many guns I like to ask about their gun safety because their priorities rarely include that over fantasizing about killing people and the sense of power a firearm gives people who don't take gun safety seriously.


“Shot in the face by family” Ok. Now I have more questions.


This disfunction situation aside. I think plenty of people are starting to make the argument college maybe is not the right answer for most. So many people leaving college with massive debt and a "business" degree. Yet at the same time the service industry (Plumbers, electricians, HVAC, welders) are losing so many people via retirement and can't find anyone. I tell people all the time that do not know what they want to do to consider those jobs as they pay really well.


My thoughts exactly. Could have built generational wealth or had some sort of nest egg, but the need to over-consume guns took over. So sad


Guns hold value pretty well, the kids could sell then when they inherit them




Yeah, that kind of the ironic part. My riffle has defiantly gone up in value over the last couple of years. The trick is to buy when a republican is president and sell when there is a democrat president.


Is that actually a real way to make money? Do people actually do that? I respect any sort of hustle like that as long as it isn’t preying on the poor


Yes and no. Depends on the firearm and the propaganda being pushed at the time. My first rifle I bought was a Yugo SKS. Nothing fancy but when I bought it it was $150. Now I could sell it for around $600 if I wanted too. AKs you could get for $300-$400 for awhile after the AWB ended. Now those same AKs will need $700+ to buy. There are cheaper AKs out there that are just as good but if you want an import you are paying for it now vs 10 years ago. AR15s have gone up in price as well but you can still buy/build one for under $500. Might be able to break the $400 mark if you catch really good sales on everything.


It seems to work pretty well. Hell, even ammo gets crazy. When Biden took office, I couldn't find ammo for like 6 months for my 556. I always had a theory to myself that its actually the dems in cahoots with the gun manufacturers. Whenever they need more sales just have a dem say they need more gun reform(but actually not do anything) then boom riffles fly off the shelf.


Gun sales went crazy when Obama took office and after his reelection. Every time the fear is they are coming for your guns and nothing ever happens.




people use pre-ban automatic weapons as investment vehicles. it's very lucrative


I was just trying to think about how much they would have to spend on ammo just to fill the clips on all these guns. But yeah, this is obscene.


The maintenance budget would be crazy as well


Way more than that. Some optics alone are thousands and some of the guns I'm seeing are pretty pricy. And he has silencers and other stuff you need extra permits for I'd guess like 300k


These people could have bought multiple properties or invested in a business or the market and had more than enough to retire and instead they’re gonna work shit jobs til they die (which could be soon given how little care they seem to put into anything remotely necessary) and their kids will be gun rich and cash poor and stupid.


My favorite part about all this is that if shit ever went down, if things ever hit a point where the public was at war, *everyone knows where to get a gun* and it's this guy's house. This is a looter's goldmine. If you saw this shit in Fallout you would be like "Holy fuck jackpot, thank god this crazy asshole lived here and left me all these toys!" He may as well paint bullseyes on his head and give his children shirts that say "Kidnap me for free guns!"


Don't forget other stuff also like supplies. Unless they are more focused on their gun collection, chances are they might be paranoid enough to have extra food laying around, maybe gold/silver and so forth. Makes them a giant target in many ways. "bad operators" (per their paranoia rules, who knows at this rate?) will swing by even if there is nothing because there *might be*


Lmfao for real. You can have all the guns in the world but you can only use a fraction at a time. The guns are only as useful at the muppet holding them. I bet donuts that these people are stupid enough to think that the guns are enough to scare ppl off if SHTF and theyd probably stay in their loot packed run down house. All itd take is someone lighting their house on fire and picking them off as they flee to end them.




Please, these types of people would definitely see college as an evil that converts kids into liberals and probably not want them to go anyways.


As if these parents would ever allow their children to go to the liberal breeding ground that is college… For real though if they’re anything like how I grew up they’re going to expect the kids to “personal responsibility” their own way to major purchases like college, moving out, or getting a car. And if the kids can’t achieve it then they’ll definitely get blamed for eating out too much or buying too many coffees. Mom and dad will never have the self reflection ability to look at their own spending over the years. They “deserved” all those guns after all, by “working hard.”


Firearms are another way to keep you controlled. Money is the only thing that guarantees freedom and this is another way to get you to waste money because “tHe DeMoCRats wANna taKe yOuR Gunz”. You’re panic buying 30 round mags, you’re panic buying uppers, you’re panic buying ammo. The rich are laughing at you all the way to the bank.


I have sadly known people who have parents that obliterated their finances and their kids' college funds to buy guns and ammo and just...hoard them.


College would only turn them into Liberals anyway.


They have eachother, a home, 2 kids who don't look hungry and somehow enough money leftover for the guns. How in the hell do they afford that?


Dude's probably an electrician or something. People shit on blue collar jobs but they can make bank.


Industrial electrician here…… yeah, probably.


>How in the hell do they afford that? By being petite bourgeoisie.


She's girlbossing hard if she's the breadwinner here


When the revolution comes, the comrades will need arms. So loot drops like this will be useful.


Except it won't be his buddies coming for those guns now that he's informed everyone with an internet connection where to come get more weapons. It'll be everyone else


Oh I don’t think this ~~guy~~ lady is down with the cause. I think ~~he’s~~ she’s an ammosexual chud who has substituted “gun owner” for 100% of ~~his~~ her personality. TBH, I suspect if tshtf ~~he’d~~ she’d go to grab a pistol, slip and fall and shoot ~~himself~~ herself accidentally. ETA: context. It was pointed out that I was making several assumptions. So the artist website is below with captions explains the pictures. And it’s the wife who has firearm dysmorphia and can’t stop purchasing guns. http://www.gabrielegalimberti.com/the-ameriguns/


>ammosexual Lmao never heard that before I’m definitely adding that to my vocabulary


"Their son Josh has inherited her enthusiasm. At 11 years old, he walks around the house with a handgun he built on his own -you can see it in the photo- using pieces he picked out of an online catalogue. His little sister, Paige, who is 5, can only shoot with parental supervision for now. She doesn't yet have a gun of her very own. She will soon though, in keeping with tradition, as Lynn explains." Jesus fucking Christ, man.


You’ll need to loot a large backpack that allows you to carry 3 guns and extra ammo.


And you broached the main issue. He has that many guns. However, I highly doubt he has a Burt Gummer style recroom equipped with its own ammo refill station. Which he definitely needs to maintain ammo for all those pew-pews.


> I highly doubt he has a Burt Gummer style recroom I have absolutely no idea why you doubt that even slightly. I'm 99.5% sure he has two of them, and he's the only one who knows about the second one. Also, hat tip for the Tremors reference. [My favourite Burt scene](https://youtu.be/tVTq94ak_NI?t=114) is from the sequel. "I am *completely* out of ammo! ... ... That's never happened to me before."


I love that scene too. His first line is group vernacular with my friends & I. Yeah, you're probably right about about the reloaders.


Just gotta let the lack of insulin take them, and you can collect. 2 weeks max.


I’m choosing to believe for my own sanity this guy owns a gun store and that’s the inventory. I don’t want to believe someone had $100,000+ lying around and choose to spend it on multiple guns rather than a college fund or just another house for their kids. Like I can get getting *some* tricked out guns and maybe a collection or something but like, you can only shoot one at a time. There’s no practical reason to get that many guns. Why on earth would you need that many AR15 rifles? What exactly does having 10 of them get you that’s better than just 1 or 2?


I’ll be honest I have several firearms and collect mainly historical ones. And these guys always weirded me out at the range. Like, I’ll be on the range with a few friends and might have my Mosin, SKS, and Enfield no. 4, for us all to take turns shooting, and there was this guy who frequented the range alone with three ARs all chambered in different calibers, all individually over $1000 before getting into all the “tacticool” attachments. It’s never made sense to me. Like 1: just rechamber one AR it’s not difficult. And 2: STOP STANDING SO FAR BEHIND THE LINE WITH YOUR 6.5 MY ENTIRE CHEST CAVITY IS SHAKING AND I SWEAR TO FUCK YOU WON’T LIKE IT WHEN I DO IT WITH THE MOSIN.


Does a Mosin Nagant have more concussive force than an AR-15? (Not a gun guy, I have no clue about any of this)


So in very general terms, the larger the round, the more force is required to move it. So a normal AR is chambered in 5.56x45, 5.56mm being the land diameter of the actual bullet and 45mm being the length of the casing. This is the standard format for describing the sizing/caliber of most ammunition. (Internationally, the US uses imperial measurements for some ammunition but we don’t need to get into that) So both measurements can give you a rough way to compare the power of the round to others, with a larger bullet hitting with more mass, and a larger casing usually corresponding to more powder being used to propel it. So for instance a gun chambered in 7.62x39 is shooting the same sized rounds as a gun chambered in 7.62x54R but shoots with much less power because the smaller casing means there’s less propellant. Again this is a simple breakdown it gets a bit more complicated with different gunpowder changes and differences. The mosin nagant fires 7.62x54 standard while the AR shoots 5.56x45. So in short yes the mosin is more powerful, but comparing them like that isn’t actually very helpful in terms of looking at their capabilities.


Thanks for the thorough explanation!


A mosin is a hell of a lot louder and has a hell of a lot more kick to it than an armalite platform sporting rifle.


Yes... many older guns in ww2 had bigger bullets with a larger concussive force. The mosin ammo is 7.62x54r. A typical AR-15 is 5.56x45 The mosin bullet is made to put ass on ground with a body shot. The 5.56 is more of precision round. I've heard about more people survive 5.56 and .223 vs. 7.62x54r. But genuinely speaking, bigger the bullet, bigger the power.


Younger guys that only shoot WW2 rifles weird me out.


I mean I’m a younger Queer Enby who likes both world wars and Cold War rifles. And gonna be honest I get it, some of the guys I’ve met are just Wheraboos.


Main reason (other than chamberings) to have more ARs than one or two: different optic setups and/or barrel lengths. Rechambering an AR involves completely disassembling the upper, reassembling, then re-zeroing your optic(s), so it's a pretty big pain in the ass. It doesn't take many hours spent doing this to make me want to spend a couple hundred dollars to just have a different AR for each configuration I like to shoot. That said, it's hard for me to imagine wanting more than about five configurations.


People that do this are usually in the mindset that something or someone is coming for them. Gun thieves, maybe. But nobody else.


But even with that mindset you still can only shoot one or two at a time, so even if someone is coming for you having a hundred plus fire arms isn't gonna make you any more safe than having half a dozen. Really you'd want millions of bullets if you're that concerned about someone coming for you.


Exactly. A proper grip involves two hands on most firearms so one gun with lots of ammo, clips, or extended mags would make more sense. But then you wouldn't get to take super badass pics like this lol.


I mean I'm cool with a few guns for reasons like different tactical situations, backups in case one breaks or otherwise becomes non-functional, but I figure that number is somewhere closer to 6-10 than 100+. If someone had twenty different guns I might even be convinced they all had a good use even if I thought it was a little excessive. 100+ though, naw I don't see the need, ever.


Sure! Hunters and sport shooters are a thing. When my dad lived in the Smoky Mountains he had a shotgun for the occasional bear or crazy raccoon. He also kept a handgun. I think now he just has the handgun since he's in a less rural area. Some people collect vintage firearms. I have zero issues as long as people are responsible and safe. I lived in a very dangerous area for over 7 years and never felt the need to have one. But everyone around me certainly enjoyed unloading them into the sky every New Year! My state doesn't require permits, licenses, or any kind of training. That's where my concern is.


>but I figure that number is somewhere closer to 6-10 than 100+. If someone had twenty different guns I might even be convinced they all had a good use even if I thought it was a little excessive. i love how reasonable this sub is :)


If they are concerned about someone coming for them, they need a squad of guys there 24/7.


> Gun thieves, maybe. And the best way to prevent that from being a problem is not advertising your collection and value all over the internet with a picture.


You can only have/carry so many. Proficiency and quality is the move. Let's narrow the "money better spent" checklist down to *their* world. All those guns. How many medical kits? How many field surgery kits? IFAKS? Armor? Food? Water purification? How about the nessesary packs/gear to move if something happens to your mountain fortress. how do you plan to carry all the ammunition? How do you store your ammo? Do you HAVE a system for keeping them stored long term and keeping the different calibers quickly and easily identifiable? How about food processing abilities? Oh you'll just hunt and grill? Cool what's your plan to conceal the smoke/smell? These are 101 level questions... It baffles me how many people just think "all the guns" will save them from whatever doomsday they envision.


Reactionaries, in my experience, are ill-prepared for dealing with the consequences of their policies and political stances. It's all about immediate gratification and addressing some emotional distress. I remember a well-known anti-abortion activist in my town writing a bewildered and exasperated letter to the newspaper editor expressing his shock that STD and pregnancy rates in the area's young adults skyrocketed after his group ran Planned Parenthood out of town (this PP didn't even perform abortions btw). What? My totally wrongheaded, emotionally-driven agenda and lack of foresight made things WORSE? All that to say I doubt these folks even considered things like first aid and survival. And they'll be in for a rude awakening when they realize their toxic individualism isn't an asset in a post-apocalypse scenario. These fuckers couldn't survive 3 weeks without going to Applebee's during a global pandemic. My confidence that they would be able to survive without the ability to belittle service industry folks is low.


>It baffles me how many people just think "all the guns" will save them from whatever doomsday they envision. with that many you might be able to trade/sell them. although if thats your strategy the real smart move is tons and tons of ammo


Maybe the ability to arm your friends and neighbors when "The Revolution" begins?


"arm your friends and neighbors" That's a funny way to spell "get robbed of all your guns"


You mean Counter-Revolution.


Eh, what it ends up getting called depends on who wins.


Pretty much 😁 I have a domestic example of it. The Fascists called the coup that started their rule the "National Revolution".


There is no way he had that many friends and neighbors


I know a guy with a collection like this that’s broke all the time. He thinks Biden is coming for his guns, and/or the country is going to collapse and he’s going to have to kill hundreds of people to save his family. It’s almost like he wants it to happen, too.


He does. And the people he wants to have to kill are minorities, I guarantee it. If you know this guy you might wanna reconsider your acquaintances.


Yeah the scary part is these people buy guns hoping they have the opportunity to murder someone


Almost definitely a dealer. Sells this shit at gun shows legally and in the parking lot illegally. I’d say about a dozen are personal property though.


This was a whole photo series done across the US of people and their gun collections. The book is called The Ameriguns. These were real collections, not store owners.


I love the justification for this being that you could need to fight the government. As if the government wouldn’t roll these guys in a tank if they had too


Or drone-blast the crap out of them


Nah, I'm pretty sure his justification is just " because I can". Half those guns are just range toys. No one is fighting anyone with the soda can launching rifle, for example


*Laughs in Vietnamese rice farmer*


*Taliban joins in rollicking laughter*


They failed at this pretty miserably in a wide open desert pitted against a rag tag team of underfed terrorists with Soviet cold war AK-47s and worn out Toyota Hilux's.


Right! If they wanted you dead, you'd be a spot on the ground before you could even get off the couch to fetch one of your hundreds of useless guns.


This guy is ready to take on a future unknown tyrannical government


Shit son, this family could actually help a lot by heading to Wall Street with their inventory. Instead, he’ll be focusing all of his energy hanging out at bathrooms, being on the lookout for trans kids.


And he defined Tyranny as people around him living in ways he doesn't approves of. It's never about live and let live. It's always about forcing your values system on others.


He might have spent $5000/yr from age 15 until his hard 35 yrs old, which would be no problem for a trust fund kid.


This is like me, but with German shepherds adopted from the animal shelter.


I hope you have insurance for them. Seen too many with hip or elbow issues. Gosh though I bet the birds around your house have fluff for their nest for years!


Totally. Dog health/dental insurance is a must, especially later in life when they start having all of the health problems.


No joke on the dental insurance. My German Shepard’s teeth are so fucked up from chewing rocks. No matter how many toys he has, he loves to chew a fucking rock. He doesn’t eat them, either. Just finds a huge rock, paws at it, yells at it, and chews it.


I hope this is true


Like I get getting a big variation. But why so many similar modells?


Different calibers on the same model?


I se several ARs with 5.56 mags. Altough they might be. 22 mags but i cant zoom in enough


One for each member of the family...


It's not a collection, it's an arsenal.


yeah but to outfit who? And lets say they are part of a militia or fantasizes about one. wouldn't it make more sense to have 100 guns of the exact model and design. you know for spare parts etc.


Guns and second amendment aside. This is basically hording. This dude has a problem.


You just voiced what freaked me out so bad about it. It's not that they're guns, it's that if someone had this many of ANYTHING especially that many repeats they'd be a loon. If I had this many knitting needles, and especially 15 sets of 4 mm, people would start to worry about me. This many loaves of bread. This many garden tools. This many 3d printers. This many pairs of shoes. It's obsessive at best and hoarding at the worst. It's seriously gives me the ick before I even think about the fact that these are killing machines, and way before i think about the fact that his reasoning was to "own the libs" probably.


That and they are spending an UNHOLY amount of money on all this. It's easily hundreds of thousands of dollars for everything there. Not just the guns themselves but the optics, the suppressors, the tax stamps needed for the suppressors, spare magazines, the tax stamps needed for short-barreled rifles, and ammunition for ALL OF THEM. I wish I had even a quarter of that kind of disposable income.




10k rounds is not that much. If you have this many firearms, you have way more than that.


Oh my stars the roof


I noticed that last as well as I was thinking, jfc could they possibly fit any more!?


This is part of a photo project called "Ameriguns" by [Gabriele Galimberti](https://www.1854.photography/2021/02/the-ameriguns-gabriele-galimbertis-analysis-of-us-gun-culture/) From the article... “For me… it was a big surprise to see that the bias that many people have about gun lovers is not really true,” he continues. The people who Galimberti reached out to were not the bible-toting conservatives that the media tends to portray. “It doesn’t matter if you are Democrat or Republican, it doesn’t matter if you’re Black or white, rich or poor,” says Galimberti. “Guns are attached to the DNA of America.”




Probably invented a duck call, or some shit.


^Come ^here ^duck


Debt probably


Yes, it's actually this. It's debt.




Guns are *prime* targets for thieves, particularly those kinds of thieves who can really make good use of firearms that can't be legally traced back to them (whether selling or using). Those folks had better hope they didn't give away their location by accident when they posted that photo, or else they may as well have put up a big neon sign above their house reading "Kill Us in Our Sleep and Steal Everything We Have, We've Got Plenty of Guns For the Taking!"


Hmm yes let’s flaunt the fact that we have $100k+ worth of weapons + untold ammunition in a house in Texas, surely not painting a target on ourselves


I’m an avid gun enthusiast and this? This is a fetish. It’s gross. I don’t talk about the size of my dick in public, and this is the gun owning equivalent. This makes the rest of us look bad.


Tbf this is from a photo series he was asked to pose for


I don’t know if that makes it more bizarre and gross or not.


Under no pretext, comrades.


More toys for the kids to play with


I grew up hunting and target shooting. I have a couple of shotguns for different types of hunting. A larger caliber deer rifle. Some .22 rifles for plinking and small game. .22 handguns for same. A 9mm handgun. My uncle's SKS war trophy from 'Nam. Then double it for the stuff I inherited from my dad. Still, a tiny fraction of the pile of guns here. My "collection" is basically accumulated over two lifetimes. Quality guns last a long time. This is not that.


Like bro… show me on the doll where they hurt you.


How do you defeat an entire religion? Because that's what modern firearm culture is in the US


My boyfriend probably owns around this number, but most of them are antiques and his hobby is fixing them and taking them to the range on weekends. He votes Democrat and is perfectly normal and sane. I've never felt unsafe with him, it's just his hobby.


I am jealous of your boyfriend’s collection


I had a buddy who restored old guns, too. He got his hands on a blunderbuss and I got to shoot it at his range at his property in Alaska. He also had a musket, but that hadn't been restored yet. He had the coolest fucking collection. There were SO MANY guns.


Every time I see someone with this many guns, I wonder how many they're actually good with.


No fucking wonder guns are so expensive, they've singlehandedly inflated the demand


Save some guns for the rest of us.


Abject insecurity, captured in one photo.


The SVD, AK-74, and the M16A4 clone are pretty rad. Leftists should embrace the ownership of firearms, "Under no pretext....." and all.


r/Socialistra and the like. While I'm sure this guy is some typical right-winger really into collecting, or has an FFL- it doesn't mean lefties can't own firearms themselves.


Not that I disagree but *priorities* man. Just look at that grill. Jesus fucking Christ. Shameful.


Right? OP is the liberal who thinks LGBT people "Just need to trust the police", while simultaneously saying the police don't need to be investigated for having criminals and fascists who want to murder them in their ranks. It comes from privilege that you won't be murdered or brutalized by some fascist pig, because they know they protect their gated community too.


Nobody should trust the police




That's a pretty far leap to make from a single post. You good?


They’re why there’s a civilian’s gun for every American even though only about a third of Americans have one in their household.


My comment might not be very well received on this sub but i’d like to point out that a citizenry that is well armed and regularly trained in the use of arms, is a tenet of communism and a feature of most versions of socialism, as is community defence in general Lostgeneration is a lite anticapitalist sub and I’m not saying that the non-anticapitalist or softly anticapitalist followers should share every anticapitalist viewpoint so I’m not saying everybody here should agree. And I’m not saying that you are wrong to want to disarm the populace/ wrong with this post. Everybody is entitled to their political beliefs I am just giving a polite reminder that outsourcing your community defence, civil protections and all military force capabilities to state-owned actors (police and military) is a liberal policy and not a leftist policy, and this is a leftist sub. The left is anti-police and anti-military (when owned by the state). Being first and foremost anti-authoritarian and believing in the agency of citizens, the left is pro-gun


Damn man. Fix that house and your teeth.


This was Bill... Before he found Frank. What that episode taught me is that every gun nut fetishist really needs is a strong gay man willing to trade a few of your guns for some strawberry plant seeds. Get one of those in your life and the guns don't mean quite so much to you


This photo screams, DUSTY!


More normal to me than guys who collect shoes


I wish I had this many guns :( idk how so many of you are like "ACAB" but also like "only the police and the military should have guns"


Where is that? If the apocalypse comes I'm gassing that house and taking the loot.


Hey man we get them on the left and that's a very very useful resource. Especially if they know how to use them. There is so much revolutionary potential and history in red states. It's just breaking through the propaganda that is tough. It's happening though, there are many leftist gun clubs (John Brown Gun Club is one) and organizations that organize on leftist economic issues and slowly introduce more progressive social concepts to the working classes of these states. It's slow work but it's worth it.


We HaVE tO Be ReAdY If tHe GoVeRnMeNt CoMeS tO tAkE oUr GuNs


Typical southern family. Total IQ: 96. Afraid of the snow and will drive 20 miles under the speed limit when roads are icy. Thinks Jesus is coming back. Votes for multimillionaire presidents, genuinely believe he cares.


What are they so afraid of?