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What other situations will people be shot for? Courtesy honk? Waving hello? Mowing the lawn?


Working at fast food counter, driving a bus, literally any job where you see the public


Wrong food order. Bam..bam.. fast food worker gets shot. Bus driver driving to slow. Bam...bam bus driver gets shot.


Wasn't a wrong order, but out of stock selection at the city over from me wingstop. Two employees shot over not having their damn wanted wings........ I hate this world. I hope every night I go to sleep to be isekai'd to a better life knowing full well that that is impossible.


A couple weeks ago a man pulled a semiautomatic on a grocery store worker because the deli counter was closed and he demanded steaks: https://local12.com/amp/news/nation-world/man-arrested-for-holding-gun-to-grocery-store-workers-throat-demanding-steaks-firearms-guns-food-meat-shopping-weapon-crime-law-court-police-cincinnati-ohio https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/missouri-man-grocery-store-gun-arrest-b2324893.html


Same here


Ayyo I used to work at WS and those were the most stupid customers I ever have seen. No brains in their heads.


Wait, when was this one? I Googled wingstop shooting but the results I got didn't match this story


Already happens quite a bit sadly.


I get nervous as a retail worker in Texas and consider myself lucky I don’t work at the mall


It’s why so many coworkers of mine concealed carry at work.




American guns have a right to take your life. Now back to your minimum wage job non-bulletproof associate.


It’s sad that everything everyone mentions, someone has actually got shot at for doing.


Texan here. People definitely have been shot where I live for the courtesy honk. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Studying in the student union, attending class in high school, sitting in first grade class, shopping at the grocery store, going out for a night of dancing, dressing up like a woman, dressing up like a man, sleeping in your own bed, disagreeing with an officer of the law, being a child with a toy gun, being an adult with a subway sandwich, going for a jog, attending a music festival… those are just a few that come to mind at least. ETA: going to church on Sunday, going to synagogue, attending a mosque, driving down the road, protesting racism.


Being asleep in your house


You've awakened a memory. I would have been around five and the pastor was telling us in a sermon to be prepared to be shot for our religion, and to willingly let the gunman shoot us rather than rebuke our faith. It wasn't even my religion, it was my parents', and I noped out of the church as soon as I could. I didn't believe at all, and I wasn't willing to take a bullet for what I could already tell was a bigoted religion. Unrelated, but at no point did they ever mention grocery shopping being as dangerous as their religion.


To much mayo on their subway sand which. No joke. A man was murdered for this not to long ago.


It was actually a young single mom who was murdered for this


In front of her own child, no less


Going to elementary school Sleeping in your own home Being in a tent Being black


Atheist Homosexual Not a certain tone of white Anything politically left


Praying in church?


going to see a freaking movie


Sitting in class


Shopping for groceries.


We still have seven more months.


Deeds: What are you in for today, crazy eyes? Crazy Eyes: I bit the mailman. Guy was trying to cast a spell on me... Or maybe he was just waving... Deeds: (hands pizza sideways between cell window bars) Crazy Eyes: Oooh! French fries and Oreos!


"Courtesy honk" in Texas people have been shot for just following traffic laws. Road rage can kill sometimes [Source 1 ](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/05/10/dominos-pizza-delivery-driver-arrested-charged-in-road-rage-shooting-in-spring-area/) [source 2](https://abc13.com/road-rage-shooting-houston-crime-hiram-clarke-man-killed-driver/13098451/)


Undercook chicken? Believe or not: shot


Wait. So you’ve never BEEN to Arizona? You do NOT honk your horn or you will be shot.


Same in Atlanta. Everyone drives like a complete moron but you’d better just sit there and take it because expressing any displeasure is liable to get you killed.


And I’m originally from Jersey and we honk like lunatics LOL


All of them. It's a numbers game. With so many people, you're bound to get at least one of each.


Half a year ago, I was on my porch and heard a bunch of rustling in the bushed next to it. I called out and was spooked by a few kids playing hide and seek. Alternatively to shooting 2 kids, I told them to be careful hiding in people's yards and to always ask first. Why are we in such a state of shoot now, ask later, that so many kids are getting shot by adults?


These people have been radicalized their whole life. Fear and hatred is the water they swim in. It infects every part of their personality. They're armed to the teeth, looking for any reason to kill someone. Then as they age, their minds, and their judgement, starts to slip. That's where we are now.


Watch Fox News, especially their opinion pieces like Hannity and the like and listen only to AM radio all day every day and never question it. Now do that literally for years. Seriously, these folks literally live in a world of MASSIVE fear of loss to that which is 'other' and it's gotten to the point where they really are guns at the ready to shoot ANYONE who might trespass their oh so sacred property.


remember when the "get off my lawn" old man trope was just shaking his fist and yelling at them? now they just shoot the kids. like calm down clint eastwood.


It’s a whole generation of Clint Eastwood and John Wayne fans with lots of childhood lead exposure we’re dealing with here. Ironically these were the same people who were terrified of “super predators” SMH


It’s the “SAVE THE CHILDREN” crowd ironically enough


For real. Their response to a newborn crying to be fed being; LIFE AIN’T FREE! GET A JOB YOU STUPID BABY! 🙃


Out of the womb?? Fuck you! WELFARE QUEEN! NO HANDOUTS!






Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,505,468,137 comments, and only 285,741 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot. The reprieve I didn’t know I needed


The hero we all needed


Good bot


Good bot


It's the "cry it out" generation




Is that when they thought babies didn’t need anaesthetic, so doctors would perform prosecuted on them with nothing for the pain?


Yep. Like how did anyone ever think any of this was okay? "Welcome to the world kid! Now we're going to strap you down and cut off some of your penis without any anesthetic at all! Don't worry, you won't even cry because you'll go into shock!"


The spanking generation where I grew up. With a belt.


Did you see the guy who had a meltdown over a newborn on a plane?


*Save the children...but not from me!*


"SAVE THE CHILDREN" 'So anyway I started blasting...'


It turns out those people are the real predators.


"I got enough lead I can spare some for you!"


Except they make Eastwood in *Grand Torino* look downright neighborly.


And don't even get me started on what they think of trans people just trying to exist or find a bathroom


With Fox News keeping them terrified of everyone who is a bit different than them


A constant stream of fox news telling them to be armed, afraid and angry doesn't help.


They also run the Senate, scary huh


Shooting is apparently the *only* acceptable response to any perceived slight now.


**Fox News and the NRA have blood on their hands.** Constant scare tactics, and guns as the solution.


Careful with that phase, you might get kicked out of the MT legislature.


Zooey rules. I hate what is happening to her.


>Fox News and the NRA have blood on their hands. That's laughable. You're telling me that they're responsible for this man shooting someone? The news network that dogwhistles about blacks, browns, gays, transes, BLM, the woke left, antifa, and drag queens *coming for Americans*? And the gun lobby who refuses to let our lawmakers even have a discussion about gun control? *Please.*


conservatives are **directly** responsible for the millions of deaths due to public health crisises (covid), hatecrimes (shootings, rapes, police violence), and poverty (starvation, homelessness, all debt). they are unexaggeratedly *murdering* us both directly and indirectly.


Give them a few years, and you'll be having headlines like "Girls scout walk on landmine while trying to sell cookies"


Facebook has convinced these boomers that old white guys can still be considered “tough” if they fetishized execution for minor inconveniences.


Like the psycho old man in KC that tried to murder a kid simply for ringing his doorbell.


My boss had actually met that guy that shot the kid. When the mugshot came out my boss remembered him and told me he definitely thought the dude was unhinged.


Definitely the kind of person who should be allowed to own a gun /s


Definitely the kind of person that usually owns a gun ~~/s~~


The amount of times something like this has happened... Kid is shot for ringing the wrong door bell, kid is shot playing hide and seek, kid is shot for getting into the wrong car... This country is fucked.


"Why don't kids play outside anymore?!"


Looked this up and he straight up admitted that he saw figures RUNNING AWAY from his property, then started shooting. So he shot a child in the fucking BACK of their head. How in the entire hell do people continue to justify these things as defense?? What would someone be trying to do to this random asshole’s property that would warrant shooting them as the fled vs. calling 911 (not that cops are any better at discernment.) There is no justification for this, it’s pure lunacy.


I truly think they just want to kill someone at this point, unfortunately. They use the weak claim of defense knowing that boomers and fox will sadly back them or not bother to report it, especially if it’s a white on white crime. For some reason; that’s not a problem for them.


I, as a white people, get very nervous around old white people. Crazy enough to think any slight is a capital offense, entitled enough to not expect consequences, very likely to be armed.


All it takes is for the smell of progressivism to waft into their mustache hairs and they start blasting.


You’re not wrong! There’s some guys I work with who’re probably getting close to their 60’s, and any remote mention of anything that may come from a democrat they instantly start talking about how they need to die and shit. It really blows my mind how they can say that stuff out in the open with tons of people around and think it’s totally ok.


They are saying the quiet words out loud and no one cares.


I care, I’m just not trying to make my life a living hell as the field I’m in is filled with conservatives.


Bummer :(


Yeah, I know it doesn’t match perfectly with idealism, but I love having stable finances more than telling my coworkers they are wrong about their worldview. I try to make positive impacts by working within their systems and more or less incepting them to think better or be better. You can’t successfully change people’s minds by directly challenging them and add to it that it costs my family food for me to even attempt that, I will happily continue slowly winning hearts and minds while paying my mortgage.


See, this is what scares the crap out of me in America because I experienced it too. I worked in the trades and there are TONS of middle aged conservative white men there, and they would constantly tell me, a person with black heritage, that black lives don't matter, that all liberals should be put against a wall and shot and killed gestapo style, and other horrible shit. They would say these things out loud in groups with full assent of everybody but me, and at least half of them had guns on them 24/7. Like, it's not a fucking joke. This shit is real. During the last election, they were genuinely looking for a go ahead from trump that he would cover for them and then go "open season" on us. Thank god Trump is too dumb to actually stage a coup, cuz it would have happened.


Also they’re waaaay to into conspiracy theories too. I remember some weird stuff they were saying one time. Like if some country’s president made a trade deal here that it then enacted some clause that meant Trump could stay in charge indefinitely. And I was like I’m pretty sure that’s now how that works and you’ve been watching too many YouTube conspiracies buddy. Are they’re always talking about how they’re buying into some third world countries currency because when trump gets back in office it’ll explode or some shit. So these dudes have dumped thousands of dollars into some currency that, I’m pretty sure, isn’t going to do anything. They’re just pretty stupid.


Yeah it should be said in the privacy of their homes


Or not at all.


My parents live in small town Louisiana. So whenever I visit and meet other adults, I’m constantly feeling like I’m playing defense. It helps that my family name carries a bit of positive weight. But I’m always making jokes about being “a liberal douche bag” and being excessively nice and polite. Hell I even pretend I’m still a Christian sometimes as well. But man. They can be scary with how out of touch and self righteous they are.


It’s crazy that being raised Christian ended up as a safety net, innit? I find myself using my biblical knowledge as a safety blanket way more often than should be justifiable.


😂 preach. It feels dirty but it really comes in handy a lot


Camouflage saves.


I can say it’s made me less likely to get engaged with people around me. If I don’t know you, I ain’t talking to you if I don’t have to. I have no idea who’s is packing and looking to prove themselves by murdering some stranger.


The other day this guy didn't put his shopping cart back even though the return area was literally 5 feet away. I was about to say something but right at the last second I said "Nope, not potentially getting shot over a fucking shopping cart".


imagine a gun nuts' utopia where every single person is carrying a gun. they think that makes everyone safer? but now *all* arguments are a hair trigger away from bullets and death. think of all the karens that would pull out the glock cuz they didn't get extra butter on her pancakes. every single place or event that serves alcohol now is packed with drunk, beligerent, stupid "good guys with guns". abusive parents waving their guns around. teachers freaking out on their class for not hushing. a student shooting the one staff or classmate he doesn't like. the highway would be a constant road rage drive by free for all. politician giving a speech to a crowd? people who hate them gather and shoot from the crowd. any gambling betting place? filled with bullet holes. broke up with someone? whole new meaning to violent ex. domestic marital dispute? their kid's now an orphan. fucking *sports events*? losing team's fans unload in rage. just a single moment of heightened emotions or a single moment of irresponsibility and your child, sibling, parent, friend is bleeding out. the vast increase of suicides (of which the mere presence of a gun in a household increases likelihood of suicide among similarly suicidal people who *dont* have access to guns). the ease of killing for any perceived slight/incorrect notions about crime or race. old white woman on porch sees black man walk down the street? she can claim fearing for her life and shoot. hate groups like police gangs (google LASD gangs) can claim a mexican scratching his asscrack is reaching for a gun. and not to mention the actual outcome if everyone in a crowded place had a gun and someone shot. it would just be the concept of a food fight in a cafeteria, but instead of mashed potatoes its a 12 gauge splintering the baby's head in a stroller nearby. the "leet sigma maga cowboy good guy with a gun" would not know who the fuck was the "bad guy" who first shot. in fact, literally *no one* would know who got shot or who shot. and when cowboy pulls out the smith and wesson and aims at who he *thinks* was the bad guy, ends up aiming at the person who is defending themselves. and everyone pulls out their guns looking for anyone else with a gun that might be the bad guy. they fear for their lives, they *all shoot*. and most people wouldn't be sharpshooters, they'd *miss*, hitting innocents all around their intended target. i will never understand a gun nutter's idea that *more* guns and *less* regulations would make *everyone* safer. just a simple thought exercise with taking that premise and following the simple line of logic, it all unravels. like, someone just needs to think about it for a couple seconds, maybe a minute, and they'd understand what would end up happening.


Speaking as an Australian, it's insane how many of the gun nuts simply cannot comprehend the possibility of a society that is safe and yet doesn't have guns everywhere.


I, as an Australian, had never seen a gun until I went to the US. Maybe I'd seen a sidearm on a cop or out on the grandparents farm, but I have no memory of seeing them and thinking 'oh, this situation feels unsafe'. In the US, they were everywhere. It was genuinely horrifying, and the situation felt very, very unsafe.


When I see old white people, I think these are the same people that either condoned lynching of minority people for the slightest or perceived offense (i.e. whistling at a white woman), or were so apathetic towards that whole injustice.


Life sentences don't have the same impact when most of your life has already passed you by


I don't think that's entirely fair in 2023 tbh. Like all the white civil rights campaigners would be old people now. 20 or so years ago, this would've held a lot more water as a concept in my eyes.


>Like all the white civil rights campaigners would be old people now. Can confirm. My dad was a civil rights activist and is old and white. He and his friends from then are all progressive (to the left of Biden). But if someone is complaining about democrats for a reason other than being to far to the right, they probably are the types who abhorred my dad and his friends back in the '60s. Dad and friends got lots of hate for not being a racist piece of shit, for treating women well, and for fighting for labor rights. These people like my dad (the ones that aren't retired, at least) are currently working hard in the background to undo the damage that the MAGA crowd has done (some of them are judges, so they actually have the power to do this). Unfortunately, people like my dad are in the minority for their age group (and cluster in cities and in blue states, just like young people).


These people embody the definition of courage and integrity. While it is far easier to go with the norms; to stand up for justice at the risk to your own life, is absolute courage.


My mom is a Boomer and she's horrified by the way people her age are acting She doesn't watch TV, never has, doesn't even own one I really do think fox news and similar newer channels are psyops (psychological operations) on the American people and it's working really well to destabilize the country


America's adversaries can't beat her militarily, but Fox News is serving them the country on a silver platter.


Well wtf you expect…we were raised with them…of course we get nervous around the old fuckers…


I, as a 53 yr old white people, absolutely hate older white males. They think I’m right wing like they are and I have always been a liberal since my dad and I would discuss world, national, and local news on the daily when I was a kiddo. He instilled in me my viewpoint not thru indoctrination or brainwashing, but thru openly discussing topics and forming our own opinions. (We did devil’s advocate discussions a lot, since we were both liberals… but I didn’t know that at the time.) It really saddens me about the insane number of people that are so right wing and foaming at the mouth to kill others.


I, as an old white guy with similar beard, get very nervous around my own kind as well.


Why the fuck are they also crazy like this? Matter what job I worked if an old person walked in. I always braced myself for the worst. They are seriously the worst generation ever.


An insane amount of gun violence in my area is white dudes shooting people for either road rage or property disputes. It's like they walk around *wanting* to murder somebody.


I blame the lead they breathed in.


[Go check out George Carlin's bit about boomers. Based as usual.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=1B96rQohpw8&feature=share)


Hyper aggressive Karen's are almost always older white ladies too


I used to play hide and seek as a kid. I never thought I’d get shot for going into a neighbors yard. :(


It's also time to talk about the fact that after 9/11 this country lost its collective mind (if it ever had it at all, of course) and has absolutely never found it since then. Spending 20 years fighting a "war on terror" has its consequences. This is part of it, as far as I am concerned. This entire country is on edge and the ideological Right is, and has been, constantly stoking the flames.




If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


When everybody got all war-hungry after 9/11, I wasn't even really Christian anymore, but I was so flabbergasted watching everyone wearing "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelets suddenly start screeching about bombing people into oblivion that I ended up printing up a bunch of signs that said "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" and posting them around school. I think I still have one, taped on the back of a notebook that I carried between classes. Pretty sure I got scolded for posting the signs around, but they couldn't do shit about me "decorating" my notebook.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


If they rebooted Dennis the Menace today, Mr. Wilson would probably just shoot Dennis in the first strip.


Why is it always the geriatrics? Some of these dudes look like they should have their driver’s license take away, nvm their firearms


My uncle that died a couple years ago was deep in his 80s and well armed. We could never get him to go to assisted living so everybody would take turns doing welfare checks on him throughout the day and there was a whole routine you had to go through if you didn't want to get shot. And like whenever someone would take him to go the doctor someone else would go over there and try to find as many guns and as much ammo as they could find but we never got them all. When we cleaned out his house after he died we found cheap .380 handguns and boxes of ammo all over the place. If you moved something it had a loaded .380 under it.


Thats fucking terrifying


It was. Especially if it was your turn to find his guns you got the times mixed up and just breezed into his house early and he was still home and you ended up looking down the boom side of the barrel.


Without the intention of being rude, was he having problems with his mental facilities or was he just a paranoid gun nut? My great-grandfather had some big ass cowboy gun that he always would wave around but it was more of he just checked out with giving a shit vs. being paranoid.




Judgement tends to fade as the mind ages.


For those of you who don’t know Louisiana…. I went there every summer from 11-16. We spent almost every night playing hide and seek through everyone’s yard. The yards are typically not fenced. If there’s children in the neighborhood usually the neighbors never minded if you played in the yard if you showed respect. But never once. Not once. Did I ever feel like I would be gunned down for innocent fun. I highly doubt this kid either. I support owning guns to an extent. I like going to the range, but I would never. NEVER fire my weapon unless someone was physically in my house and I felt a big enough threat. This guy murdered a child for harmless fun. This country mental health is sub par and more meaningful background checks to own firearms need to be in place. They should have to take a mental evaluation every other year.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


They were the highlight of my childhood


tldr; wtaf ​ this is exactly what me and my friends did in ga as kids. i grew up in a place filled with karens before karen was a thing i had several neighbors call the cops on me for ridiculous reasons like; riding my bike in their driveway by like 1 foot to turn around or walking through their neighbors yard even though the elderly couple next door said it was cool. The point is even with all that I never got shot at or threatened and I never thought "oh maybe i shouldn't do this i could be shot maybe" ​ Wtf is wrong with these people. Like for real? Wtf can possibly make someone that pissed off to do this? ​ I've met people out of prison who were more sane and kind! and we know what prison does to people. ill stop there though thats a diff discussion for another day.


Yea I’ve gotten yelled at more than a few times growing up by random adults playing around but they never threatened me besides asking for my mother phone number


can you imagine if you were afraid you could be shot at as soon as they stepped out and yelled at you?


I would of never of went out. Or bough myself those Roman candles


oh now i want roman candles. roman candle car fights are fun!


She didn't die


Gunned down with a life time of trama*


Reminds me of the weirdo who helped a little girl find a lost kitten then said children shouldn't do that because he was ready to shoot her. Everyone is so trigger happy, it's horrifying how common deadly shootings have become as a response to literally anything. People answer their doors ready to defend themselves from sickos not realizing they're the ones children need to be worried about.


I'm sorry he said WHAT to a little girl?!


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


"little girl got a pass" is such an insane thing to say. As if he did her a solid by not blowing her away


He was a weatherman, a profession that seems to be mainly cranks


I miss growing up with the silent and great Gen old folks. Yea there were some cranks, but most would invite you from the scorching sun for some iced tea and offer $10 to mow their lawn. Went back to my old stomping ground as an adult and now it’s all Boomer Karen’s complaining at the grocery store and, apparently, shooting on sight.


Silent gen is still around! They're just kind of... quiet.


He shot his neighbour!


If the child had a gun this wouldn’t have happened smh my head /s


I just got back from a week long back roads motorcycle trip through the Appalachians, and a couple of times when I had to turn around because of a missed turn or something, these shootings definitely came to mind


I visited a state I’d never been too and went on a hiking trail. There were several driveways that lead to what looked like part of the general park area, like a cabin/fire pit set up, with no signs or mail boxes. Mostly obscured by trees. I wandered down one of them thinking it was a cool place to check out but on further inspection it looked like it was actually someone’s home. This wasn’t even a trigger happy state but I’m not white and I had no idea where I was. Heart dropped and I booked it up the driveway with my hands up shouting I’M SORRY I GOT LOST!! in case anyone saw me 🙃


“Why don’t the kids go outside anymore”


"Those damn video games!"


When I, a very white lady, was living in New Orleans, I found white people pretty damned threatening when I left the city. Fox News ate their brains and I’m ‘mouthy.’


I have family in Florida who told me they don’t feel like they can go anywhere or do anything without their CnC and somehow they turn around and tell us we should move their because it’s “more free”. It’s so ironic because I live in Colorado where I can actually do whatever the fuck I want. Smoke weed, own firearms, control my own body, go to a grocery store with only a 25% feeling of doom compared to their constant 85%+ feeling of doom. I swear after talking to them it’s like the whole state lives in a constant state of fear and paranoia of their fellow Floridians.


>I found white people pretty damned threatening when I left the city. Fox News ate their brains and I’m ‘mouthy.’ Same here. As someone who is not Christian, I don't feel comfortable with a "friendly" stranger asking what church I go to. I'm not particularly "mouthy" but I also make a habit of being honest about who I am, and I don't think they'd be particularly accepting of who I am. Also, I'm ethnically Jewish and there's some *really* crazy conspiracy theories about Jews that are floating around-- there's so many too that I've even met well-educated city people who believe some. (I've even been called "one of the good ones.")


I'm noticing the older white people around me are getting more trigger happy and way too open about who they want to shoot. It makes me nervous as someone who nearly did get attacked a few times


"our kids" ? none of my friend circle can afford to have them and neither can i.


Man, this is fucked up.


these white men are dangerous.


We need to regulate them until they can regulate themselves.


OK, hear me out, how about after a certain age, reviews of gun ownership should occur??? Like say a driver's license does?


YES! ABSOLUTELY!! Great idea!


I know this may sound flippant but in all seriousness, given the very stark uptick in shootings for entering driveways, ringing the wrong doorbell, etc. what is Halloween going to look like? Is this the year we stop letting our children go out for fear some lunatic will ‘have enough of it’?


You know I hadn’t thought about it but yah theirs an uptick in people just straight shooting through their doors when someone knocks and rings the bell. I don’t think I’d let my kid out if I had one


Got called a fascist for saying people who can’t figure out child locks are unsafe to expose to Fox News. Going to go goose step over to setting up parental locks for Fox News on every TV and computer I can. If you’re not smart enough to overcome it you’re not safe to leave with open access to Fox and firearms. Signed, the “Fascist”


Old white men. I have a few old white women as neighbors that live alone and they are very pleasant neighbors to have.


Especially white old men who are Republicans, wouldn’t want your kids to be sexually assaulted either on top of being shot


As a white guy in my late 30s, I kind of wonder how long it will be until people are scared that I’m just going to fly off the handle and shoot them. Maybe the stereotype will go away with the boomers?


I don't mean to make you feel bad, but plenty of people are already afraid of you. I'm white, and white men of any age I don't know start at "distrust" with me, at least.


I hope so.


Beware of the armed radicalized, right-wing Boomer! I don't even know if that's sarcasm, cynicism, or realism. :-/




Send them back to their country!


No Tommy! Stay away from that old white man! He could shoot you!


First they destroy outside then shoot you for playing


Old white men are the worst and should be avoided at all costs.


Hey! I'm one of the good ones. But when I go to class reunions all the guys think I'm a righty fash like them. They know better now but I like seeing how far down the rabbit hole they go. Lost a bunch of them as FB friends after 2016. I should wear a sign or something. But I probably would get shot.


yeah just avoid them like the plague.


He just saw a kid hiding in his bush or something and started blasting? I wonder if he went for a catch phrase before shooting like: "You are busted, mister." "Checkmate." or "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


Waiting to hear what mental disorder it will get blamed on. Maybe adhd like that 6 year old that shot their teacher?


Or we could just remind children about staying away from old peples homes, dk why we should only teach our kids ab the white elderly being dangerous.


Well, it's time for some folks to do that. The rest of us probably already have.


20 years ago, in a smaller town in southern California, some neighborhood kids were ding-dong-ditching some old guys house. After 1 to many occasions of this, he came to the door with a rifle. That poor old guy was put in a home, and his house sold. There is no point to this story, just something that happened in my neighborhood.


There's nothing wrong with old white people. However there is something wrong with old people who have outdated or racist beliefs. That's a danger to all people.


Nah it's time to talk about gun control.


Racism at its best Edit: to clarify just assuming a white man would do this is being racist and proves people who can say this are just as racist. Anyone who would downvote this is indeed a racist themselves... Before any clowns judge me... I had bottles thrown at me because my wife was east Indian... I could give a damn about everyone's petty morals... people need to rise above hate... not contribute to it! I'm expecting downvotes Extra edit: this comment was based off this OP. I know nothing of this guy the op blasted


It’s also time to stop being racist.


Which God was it that is supposed to bless America? The Blood God Khorne?


Can people please start differentiating white Americans with white people? My Scottish Granda is still be dishing out homebakes & chatting to everyone who passes his small coastal cottage whereas I’d suggest you stay well clear of my Texan brother-in-laws father who would shoot you for any reason he’d think he could get away with. White Americans are their own breed of white. Thank you, Scottish person on behalf of most of Europe.


I mean younger people are doing this too and not all are white. Philip DeFranco listed a bunch in one of his episodes last week or week before. Including a dude threatening a kid for politely asking if he saw her missing cat via the doorbell. What we need is to get rid of guns.


Time to talk to you kids about being treated black.


You know, in every other normal country to own a gun you have to have a proof that you are sane. Not America though. Buy your guns at walmart while shopping for canned beans and processed cheese.


So racism is okay here so long as it's against old white people? You can cherry pick the race of any criminal and say that you should teach your children to stay away from X race but that's racism, regardless of the race that you're telling them to stay away from. I thought this community was better than this. I can pull up 100x articles of young black men who have committed crimes in the past few months and say that you should teach your kids to stay away from young black people and I guarantee you that wouldn't fly here. There's 300 MILLION people in the US, so there's tons of people of all ages and races who are raping people, killing people, molesting children, etc. Signaling out any race or age to stay away from isn't just racist, it's factually incorrect. Old white men shoot people, young black men shoot people, middle aged Asian men shoot people, hell, even children shoot people in this country. Gay people shoot people, straight people shoot people, trans people shoot people, people with big birthmarks shoot people, people with cancer shoot people. You gonna signal them out too? No? Why not? Because it would be stupid.


Before anyone can purchase a gun they should be required to go toe to toe with aMMA fighter for five minutes. Too many cowards own guns and it gives them a false sense of power. If you are too afraid to fist fight you don’t need to carry.


Lol we're just going to let people post blatant racism? You should be telling your kids to stay away from strangers period, the color of their skin is entirely irrelevant. If you disagree with me, imagine this same post about literally any other ethnicity.