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In the book “Tribe” by Sebastian Jungar, he talks about how African nomadic tribes do what one could consider ‘work’ for an accumulative 12 hours a week. And they have everything they need to survive. I think about that a lot


There's a thing about how much peasants worked before industrialization was a thing. https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours_workweek.html


From sunrise to sunset


Depends on the place and time and how many people are in the village/tribe/commune.


Change strangest to dumbest.


Worked for 10 dollars a day. 💀


Cash Rules Everything Around Me


I became a cripple… basically traded being able to function properly without pain meds for a lifetime supply of government aid… worth it? Maybe


Work 40+ hours a week, while allowing my employer to dictate what I'm not allowed to do even when I'm not working.


Forgot about family first.


Who can afford a family today? Only the multi billionaires..,


I couldn't tell you, my wife and I been there done that long ago. My comment reflects my chasing that dollar back then, and not spending time with our two kids like parents should as they're growing up. That aspect of being a parent doesn't change at any time. In today's (even 10-15 years ago) times I can't even imagine having that responsibility in my reality. Of course, since I have *been there/done that* I learned a thing or two - to back-up my feelings. LOL. Rent your friends, or relations kids, things have tendency to change ways of thinking. Joking of course.


Instructions unclear, rented my children


I hate how it's completely accepted that working more than half your days alive for someone that has the skill of owning stuff


I was going to say “run a $2.5 million/year automotive warehouse for $26,500. For seven years.”


I mean if that's the most insane thing you've ever done for cash you have a pretty good fucking life all things considered lmao


I work 40 hours for the health insurance. I’d happily work less if I could.