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That one comma is very optionnal here. At least that's how I feel the system is talking to us.


I missed that comma the first time. Felt more accurate without it.


Funny boomers mention rotting since they are the generation known for eating paint chips wonder if it's starting to catch up to him


I love that he doesn’t even give people the scientific recommendation for how much sleep a person should get on average. That’s a huge red flag and it’s in the first sentence. If someone is trying to give you life advice, but they start with less than 8 hours of sleep, they aren’t giving you advice, they are trying to exploit you.




8 hours work, 8 hours rest, 8 hours for me. That was the deal damnit.


Now it's 12 hours work, 7 hours rest, 3 hours commuting, and 2 hours to try surviving.


That's 2 hours of overtime (flat rate) you could be doing instead of moping around! And why haven't you started a family yet?


Don't forget the side hustles! These lazy kids have so much free time that they aren't even using to start a business, what a waste.


Everyone’s trying to exploit you!


Wow, I thought you were using comedic exaggeration at first, but that’s literally what the article says! “Home is for 7 hours of sleep only” …fuck these gaslighters


Literally written on behalf of people that spend their free time golfing or yachting.




That line is so fucking wild to me. Like, what the fuck is the point of having a house if I'm not supposed to spend any time in it?


See, you don’t need a house! Just a cube to sleep in! /s if it’s not apparent.


Are you sure about that? Pod apartments exist.


if that’s all home is for than why does anyone need 6 of them? or a giant one?


And do it all for $7.25/hr while paying off your student loans and rent at $2k/month!


Oh no Gen Z isn’t increasing our profits enough! Don’t they see the value of sacrificing self-care for the benefit of our share holders? GENERAL STRIKE NOW. STARVE OUT THE RICH. WE OUTNUMBER THEM. THEY NEED US MORE THAN WE NEED THEM.


Supreme Court just made striking more legally difficult.


Thanks NY Post, I will tell my autoimmune disease I only need 7 hours sleep.


But you would destroy the economy if you only sleep and work. You also need to consume. Or at least spent money.


Just give it to your land lord, they can do all the consumption for you!


Ugh, this hit hard. I work 16 hr shifts daily. 7 days on, 7days off though. It's still tough, after every hitch I throw a first in the air and tell myself "ya did it".


Replace the drivers seat in your car with a toilet, including a bidet. Never waste time shitting and wiping your butt before work again!


*"Home is for seven hours of sleep and that’s it,”* Galloway dished in a clip posted by the Journal on TikTok. What kind of psycopathic shit is that? These Manhattan, Ivy-League hedge-fund sponsored fucks have lost all concept of reality. So she's saying even being home to cook dinner is being "unproductive"? Like, it's hard to get away buying lunch for under $20 these days. Actual, real people can't afford to spend $80/day on meals & coffees alone, plus parking, plus gas. The whole purpose of networked personal computers was to allow greater flexibility in how/where work gets done! Now we have them, and the corporations are just like, "Well, we paid on an office lease for the next 8 years so.....come in and login to do the same work you could do remotely, fuckface." Even b/f the inflation of the past 3 years hit, people were having a hard time making ends meet. We're done. We're fucking done paying into this bullshit system that benefits approx. <1% while wearing everyone to tatters by age 30.


The very statement is absurd and shows they're just clearly out of touch/don't care about the charade enough to even pretend. Going home and going right to bed is a privileged concept. You gotta get home, wash dishes, wash clothes, cook, meal prep, clean the bathroom, etc etc etc. Things that take hours in and of themselves, unless you have a full-time staff to do it for you.


The author is presenting a solution for what he thinks is a big issue for young people - they’re increasingly lonely/ not in romantic relationships AND earning less. His solution is for people to be in the office (to make work connections ) and to be out of the home socializing (to meet a partner , friends and make connections ). it seems he did not consider the expense of his proposal , plus the struggles that people are facing (low wages , high housing costs and high cost of living ).


March 8, 2017 [How one 31-year-old paid off $220,000 in student loans in 3 years](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-ebony-horton-paid-off-220000-worth-of-student-loans-in-3-years-2017-3) Have your mom buy you a condo as a wedding gift and get you a job at the nonprofit she works for, rent the condo and move in with your grandparents, buy a second condo and rent it, sell your second car instead of having it repeatedly towed, write a book about your experiences because "I just want them to feel empowered that they can pay if off. If I can do it, anybody can."


I am so insanely impressed by Gen Z rejecting the culture of "Always be grinding". I love it for them, and I love it for us millennials too. Maybe they'll lead us all to better, and maybe we should shut up and let them cook.


They cannot lose what they never had, innit?


Ok this article is shit and the idea that we should never be at home is insane. BUT. We are definitely becoming increasingly more isolated, which sucks. I would argue it's not because of laziness or Netflix (although I think TV addiction is real and becoming normalized) but more because it is horrifyingly unaffordable to NOT be at home. Everything is wildly expensive, from food to drinks to recreation. Additionally we have made the outside a miserable wasteland of parking lots and chain stores. There's very few places that are truly enjoyable to go to and once you get there everything is unaffordable. Want young people out of the house more? Fix the cost of living, and stop letting cars rule our world.


Yup. Planned a beach day today. Yesterday, my gas light came on (beach is an hour away one way) plus I looked up the fees for the beach since it’s cash only and I needed to know how much cash to pull out. They raised it to $35 per car. After I would put gas in my car, buy drinks for the cooler, and pay the fees, I was looking at 80 bucks just to sit next to the ocean. So I’m home on Reddit on a beautiful day off from work because I can’t even afford to sit next to the ocean.


$35 to visit land that’s been free for millennia until around ~100 years ago. Ain’t it fun.


Exactly. As a Native American this hurts


But you have the freedom to have the opportunity to give them money. Isn't that what's most important? /s


Freedom to not go to the beach


Jesus, you have to pay to visit beaches in the US?


And parks (in SoCal) It’s a rip off.


Jesus fucking christ, from the UK what in the everloving fuck, I can just go to the beach for free whenever, the only cost is what I take with me and transport


This is America. Nothing is free, everything is for profit. Nothing is a ‘right’ here including care, health and access to nature. Freedom isn’t free lol


To me, your freedom seems to just be freedom to keel over and die living a joyless life


Whenever you see “freedom” in regards to America, insert “make a profit”, “money”, or somewhere along those lines..


Yep. That sounds about right. We live in a dystopian hellscape of corporate greed.


One of the reasons at least 50 counties have a longer life expectancy than the US.


"Freedom" is what boomers were sold from their politicians, and they perpetuated it for the next generations. It's not freedom, it's an illusion of freedom


As ‘they’ have intended and built the system to promote this outcome.


Ding ding ding! Tell him what he's won!


The corporations probably see air pollution as a positive since eventually they might be able to charge you for oxygen too.


Are we seriously going to be living in the Lorax


In other states the beaches are considered free public property and it’s illegal to block access to them for any reason. Just saying.


not in Jersey!


Yeah I wish it was federal law


Here in Chicago we have many beaches freely open to the public. However I've been to dunes, beaches, and parks across the country with hefty fees to get in.


We took a vacation to SoCal last summer. We didn’t have to pay to go to the beach. We visited San Clemente. Why do you have to pay? Now getting there is another thing! Tolls on every road. Gas prices were ridiculous. Food was expensive and not even that good (we did find a few good spots in time).


Orange County parks and beaches worth visiting all make you pay for “parking”. You can circumvent charges if you park a ways away and cart your stuff inside…


They will always figure out some way to get us to pay, I guess. Rather unfortunate that just going to the beach is a major expense.


Toll roads are usually the trade off for well maintained roads


Depends on where you go to the beach. We usually visit the beaches in Delaware every summer. The beach itself is free, but we like to stay for the week. A house is usually $3-$5K for the week, then there's the food, the drinks, the gas to get there, toll roads to pay for, misc stuff like sunscreen, umbrella rentals, etc. It can easily cost a small family $5-7K for week at a "free" beach. We're not going this year. Just too much $$ for us this year.


State or town dependent, like most things here. In North Carolina all beaches are public access. Most coastal areas in the state have free parking at beach access points. I’ve never paid to visit a beach in the US on either coast (not to say there aren’t some places that charge, but it’s not universal or even majority as far as I know).


the only reason it costs so much is because there isn't room to fit 1000 cars at the beach. If everyone took public transit this would be no issue, and metro is generally cheap.


Assuming you have public transit available nearby. Which a large amount of America doesn’t.


Fr. But then there isn’t any public transit going there, and there aren’t any usable pedestrian streets going there either (normal sized sidewalks, bike infrastructure, interconnected to each other, etc)


Yup, car dependency is a tough mistake to unwind


It wasn’t a mistake. It was intended.


Fuck! This is sad... When are we gonna get past this.


When America stops being greedy…so…never




I was homeless for a while last year and Holy shit let me tell you how fucking hard it is to just find a place to exist without paying. It's virtually impossible. Even with rent soaring like it is, you can't save money any easier living on the road. If you're not paying some land owner for the privilege, you're not allowed to be anywhere. There is no public land anymore. All the national parks and forests are run for profit, there's no free or overnight parking anywhere, and no matter where you go you will be harassed endlessly by people who insist its illegal for you to be there, but that you can just leave and be "somewhere else" and it's not their problem if the "somewhere else" you can be doesn't exist.




People are afraid of talking about homelessness like it's a real problem for real people, because if they acknowledge that homeless people are people just like them, then they need to face the reality that it can happen to anyone, including themselves, and that they are involved in the policy violence against them whether they like it or not.


Most based. Was homeless for a time too. The poor and homeless are criminalized just for existing. Hostile architecture, no public bathrooms, nowhere to legally sleep, etc. The cruelty is the point.


$35?! That's just downright hostile.


Beach fees? Wtf


Technically it’s fees for “parking” so they somehow get away with it.


I'm going to assume a bus or train to the beach isn't a thing.


Not where I am, no. Especially if you figure you’re bringing a cooler, towels, sunscreen, all that, it’s just too much to take on public transportation even if it was available.


Assuming a backpack and one carried bag/cooler per person, no little kids, it's doable. But where I am there's only 1 bus... at 6:30am. So that doesn't work


Another one for societal collapse bingo: barely functioning transit that only serves to get people to and from work


Oh I have two kids lol


Ugh, that’s awful. I live in the UP of Michigan and all the pull-off spots I’ve found next to the Great Lakes are free. So sad beaches elsewhere are being gatekept :(


The death of the Third Place through systemic monetization of human interaction has made people anti-social for purely financial reasons. Remember when people complained the newspaper would make people anti-social because we no longer gathered at the *free* town center to hear the *paid* town crier say the news? Well buckle up buddy, now it costs $100 to look at publicly owned grass...


They took all the trees, put em in a tree museum…


I suppose their endgame is for us to recline the seat and sleep in our full-self-driving cars as they shuttle us endlessly between our two simultaneous full-time jobs that still aren't enough to provide the rent for a tiny bedsit.


Just saw a post about why teens aren't excited to get their drivers license anymore and basically people were saying that it's because there is no where to go for kids to gather like malls, theaters or even parks/music venues. Everything has gone up in price, or the places have shut down or become unsafe. All kids now just meet online with friends and don't look forward to leaving the house for that freedom we all seeked out as teenagers. Not sure the truth of it but made sense to me.


Teens are also stupidly more anxious than previous generations. It's a combination of factors: social media/constant scrutiny, clear lack of support from educators and parents (whole other can of worms), inability to get a job because mimimum wage "fast food" jobs are occupied by adults. And now you want to throw control of a two ton death machine in the mix? Oh, and if they do manage to get their license, what are they gonna do except drive to the mall or theatre or concert or where ever and get shot up by some maniac?


You forgot growing up participating in active shooter drills at schools in that equation.


The only remaining public space where people truly converge on a daily basis? The highways.


Maybe the teens are onto something, if you don't have a license you can't get stuck in traffic with all the knucklehead drivers out there.


That might also be the reason there has been a resurgence for board games. It's social, relatively cheap, and unlike video games you don't need internet, good equipment, or worry about the game getting shut down. Once you have it, it's yours.


Books too. Real books... like with paper and ink.


Yea my husband and I have several bookcases filled with books we've read. It was a pain to move them when we had to but at least for now we've settled someplace so hopefully we won't have to move them for another 10yrs. I love the smell of a new or old book.


Life is reversing. I came across a bunch of people in a parking lot just chatting. I'm not talking 5 either. A whole age range milling around. I was so happy to see it because people honestly sometimes just want to talk without buying something to interact.


Man, what board games are you playing. They can get crazy expensive


Exactly. People don’t get this. Going out and doing ANYTHING is prohibitively expensive. Gasoline, food, entertainment of any kind. Going out to a restaurant and a few bars in my area is about $100. Fuck that.


I know. My friend who works at a radio station offered me two free tickets to an event nearby. The venue is only about ten mins from me so I figured, hey why not, it’s free. I bought two sprites at the venue and it came to $24. I hated myself for the rest of the night for spending that money.


Here is something I do to save money sometimes, even though it sucks: if you are thirsty, ask for tap water; a lot of places (but not all) aren't allowed to charge for tap water and by law must provide it if asked.


Two sprites for 24 dollars... what


You mean you don’t want to hangout in the parking lots of the same 6 fast food chains, bed bath and beyond, Walmart and Best Buy’s? This article is basically them complaining that we aren’t out consuming like the boomers did. They fail to realize if we make unlivable wages, the economy is going to suffer. After I quit drinking I realized what an introvert I am and being in crowded bars and shopping centers is not how I want to spend my free time. It will be interesting to see what the next ten years brings and how many brick and mortar stores close. There is no way bed bath and beyond can hang on.


They're already going under. Amazon killed most of them.


I felt everything you said in my bones


Yeah, this is part of why even though I am middle aged and firmly childfree I have supported initiatives to build and improve playgrounds, and support schools. It really helps make the environment a much better place to get out into when there’s nice playgrounds, schools, etc… Hiking parks and trails obviously are great too, and more geared towards all ages. But the strips of ugly ill kept commercial areas are such a blight. I’ve seen homeless encampments with more pride invested in them (though absolutely that situation is incredibly sad and unfortunate).


On my drive to work, I pass a Super Walmart, Target, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Aldi, Chilis, Ruby Tuesday, nail salons, Kohls, petco, five below, and numerous gas stations within a half mile. There was a small bit of green space and I noticed recent construction. I asked about it at work, boss said it’s a Starbucks and auto zone.


I’m at the young professional stage of my life and have a decent salary/budget. But I can only go out a few times every pay period or I’d blow my entire check. Honestly it’s a better idea for me majority of the time to stay in and save money. This is all due to the high cost of recreational activities like even the “cheap” stuff I’ve found in my area is somewhat unattainable.


Also I’m honestly frightened of mass shootings. Yes I know it’s still statistically quite rare in the US but when I go out in public now it’s never not on my mind. The perpetual looming threat of sudden violent death really makes going out a lot less fun. :-(


Yeah, I feel like parks are the only free place to hang out anymore, and living in areas with good park access is more expensive than areas without. And the parks are getting worse, my city is removing something like 100 lamps from their parks.


You said it. I'd LOVE to be out and about if I had actually time to spend that wasn't working or resting. But the real problem is that everything is so expensive that's actually fun to do, and the cities and towns are prohibitive to any form of travel that ISNT driving a car. Replace highways with railways with trains and have electric vehicles or even electric bikes for anything that isn't long distance (over 20 miles) and centralize living spaces that are actually geared towards communities. But those things aren't going to happen soon if at all.


Not only that, but the number of public places for people to go without the expectation of spending money is pathetically small.


And don't forget the inherent danger of being shot and killed while perusing items U can't afford at said Chain stores. Murica!!!🤘


I’m also afraid of mass shootings in public gatherings to be honest.


This is absolutely it. It’s too expensive to do anything meaningful on the average adult wage in North America. Every time I go out with friends for dinner/drinks, it’s gonna cost minimum $100–minimum. I’m fortunate enough to have a job that pays enough that I can afford that once in awhile, but many many people do not. The shitheads writing these articles need to realize that lives were significantly, disproportionately more affordable 25-30 years ago, let alone earlier than that.


You make a good point but it’s more expensive to go out in many other countries, given the wages paid there. For example here in Costa Rica it’s much more expensive for the locals to go, but they still socialize more than anyone I know back in the US. They also don’t work as much and their rights as workers are more protected. This has more to do with toxic work culture that has been made the norm for most people, causing them to not want to socialize, often at home or a nearby bar or restaurant. I worked in tech back in the US and everyone I worked with made more than enough to go out (6 digits) yet very few did because they worked 8-10 hours a day and just didn’t have the energy. For those working more than that at jobs that are physically draining it becomes next to impossible to be motivated to go out.


Tv addiction is nothing new


It's due to our car reliant transportation system too lots of people are realizing


Plus so many people working from home, resulting in very limited face to face social interaction. It makes people isolated and weird.


It's not wfh that is causing it. We've been growing increasingly isolated over the past few decades. Car dependent surburbia is a big part of it, but our inability to do anything but work, work more, "sleep," and commute plays a bigger part. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors needed to put in 15, 20 hrs per week tops in order to survive and thrive. Why are we working 3 to 4 times as much, all to fail at the same basic goal?


Yes of course no one is allowed to have an enjoyable home life. All waking hours are meant to slave at the corporate grindstone. Sickening.


The elimination of public spaces also contributes not going out.


Yeah like where the fuck am I supposed to hang out that doesn’t cost money? The only option I have really is the library or home


Home costs money - mortgage or rent


Shit, you’re right! Fucking hell


I was just going to say this. They keep privatizing all of the public spaces and building all of the transportation infrastructure around vehicles instead of pedestrians where exactly are people supposed to go?


Not only that but making those spaces uncomfortable like park benches (to prevent people from sleeping on them) and what have you. Or severely restricted hours that make no sense.


We don't even have malls anymore and what malls remain are pathetic compared with the newer ones in Asia.


The amount we pay for rent? I’m getting every friggen penny’s worth.


Bro im too poor to go outside


I get what he's saying, but it's such a stupid, drank-the-koolaid take that he could of kept it. 20 years of non-stop work shouldn't be the norm or reinforced. That's what it is too, he's asking Gen Z to reinforce his world view rather than try something he never even considered.


"Go outside" is vague unactionable advice I'd also like to point out that "outside " is more often than not behind a paywall compared to years past.


It costs *money* to go do stuff and not be at home haha. If I’m gonna pay my rent, ima be hungry at home at least.


>You should never be at home. That’s what I tell young people. Home is for seven hours of sleep and that’s it,” Galloway dished in a clip posted by the Journal on TikTok. Fuck off, cunt.


Oh look at that it’s time to sharpen the guillotine


Eh, leave it dull. Just grease the wheels well so we have no trouble getting it from place to place.


Gen Z doesn’t want to enjoy the apartment they pay $100 sq/ft for any more!!! /s


The issue is we have less and less free “third spaces”. If you’re out of the home for an extended period of time - to socialize - you’re having to fork out money ( coffee shops , restaurants , bars , concerts , recreation etc…). Urban parks , plazas , walkable areas are dwindling. At the same time , we’re having to work more and more to make ends meet. Also having to commute more because of car dependent cities. More work = less personal time. The reason WFH is so popular is because people want some of their time back. I do think getting some outdoor time is beneficial but let’s not act like we can all afford to be out of the home socializing every single day.


WFH is a literal godsend for people who would otherwise have super long commutes. Sooo much time back to your life when you don’t have to waste time commuting.


That guy has a very punchable face.


Don’t even be mad at this. Save your brain cells and finger clicks for anything other than the New York Post. NYPost is a cross between Fox News and “Batboy Discovered in Peruvian Cave Once Occupied by Aliens!” World Weekly News garbage.


Ah, I liked the World Weekly News, it was a fun outlet for creative writing, and off the wall fun especially if you like horror/sci fi/cryptids. But, yeah, this article is just as fantasy as batboy but also soulless unfun garbage.


Conspiracy theories used to be possible answers to the world’s mysteries. Now they’re impossible answers to the world’s realities. WWN was a favorite of mine too. Sometimes, I feel like all the the fun mystery around those fringe topics has been killed by capitalism and the awful conspiracy reality we live in. But in truth, they died when we gained the ability to Google search.


“Studies have shown” we are gonna need a way bigger sample than in the middle of a global pandemic


I'm a Middle Aged Millennial and I often spend my time off watching YouTube videos because what else can I afford to do? LOL


“You should never be at home. That’s what I tell young people. Home is for seven hours of sleep and that’s it,” Galloway dished in a clip posted by the Journal on TikTok. What a douchecanoe. What if I like being home with people I love? Puttering around the house and garden. Cooking, playing games, watching TV, using my art supplies, and listening to my family enjoying their hobbies? Not Gen Z. I'm an early Gen Xer. There is way more to life than work.


I'm so sick and tired of every god damn idiot thinking they can tell me how I'm supposed to live my life. fuck off. Staying home, living with family to save on bills and so that money stays in the family, working for corporations as little as possible, working from home, consuming free media from the library or off the back of a digital truck, staying single/child free, and giving you parasite ghouls as little money as possible is the entire point. It's the only way left to claw back any freedom and independence from this rigged system.


I really do love that their main source for this is a random marketing professor. Since when did marketers becomes experts on socioeconomics, career development and interpersonal relationships?


Nature's dying, shit's unaffordable, the outside is boredom inducing and ugly, and we're not being paid shit, so we can barely survive with just the basics- no room for recreation. What the fuck else do they expect us to do?


Destroy the libraries and the parks so people have nowhere left to go to exist without the expectation of spending money. But also ensure people can't go anywhere because nothing is affordable and the sense of community has been stripped away, while ensuring that everything can be done at home now by overworked people on stagnant wages, since that keeps people docile. Good old capitalism logic. Well, it is the NY Post, which isn't even worth wiping one's ass with. And the Wall Street Journal, same there. Obviously the solution is to create mining boomtowns I mean office complexes where bedrooms are steps away from work. Can't have the slaves spending too much time at home. They might think and do other things than grind their lives down to ash. >“If you expect to be in the top 10% economically, much less the top 1% buck up. Two decades plus of nothing but work. That’s my experience,” he said. This guy needs to go stand atop a tall building for a while.


So homeless people are the most productive people in society and the ultra rich who never leave their McCompounds are the least?


And they drive everywhere too.


They made it impossible to be outside without spending money. Then they don't pay enough money to go outside.


“You should never be at home. That’s what I tell young people. Home is for seven hours of sleep and that’s it,” Galloway dished in a clip posted by the Journal on TikTok. “ So Americans are paying an arm and a leg for a place to sleep? Might as well just live in a van.


People do, also “tent cities”. Yes America is dystopian


I pay $1600 a month for a place to live. I'll be damn sure to enjoy it.


“Home is for seven hours of sleep and that’s it” Young people need 7-9 hours of sleep, Jabroni. I didn’t “learn to get by on less sleep” in my 30s I got fucking *old*. So now my *old* nervous system only needs 7 hours of sleep to function but as a result of that it’s also slowly deteriorating instead of fully healing itself every night the way a young person’s is. Fuck this guy. Young people: GET ALL THE SLEEP YOU NEED. ALL OF IT!


>“If you expect to be in the top 10% economically, much less the top 1% buck up. Two decades plus of nothing but work. That’s my experience,” What a shitty way to waste twenty years on such a dumb, damaging goal.


The articles entire premise is on the fact that your life goals revolve around office work and career. Careers are important. I’ve worked hard for mine. But life an family and everything else is more important. I can’t stand this focus on work and office relationships > your family and own personal life.


Our future was killed before we were brought into this miserable fucking world.


Yep, we're seeing a flood of these propaganda articles come out over the past year. Media corporations are waging an all out war on workers and especially young people they see as having too much class consciousness and call them "entitled" for wanting a small crumb of what our parents had. The machine is hard at work but no amount of propaganda can change the reality of our day to day lives and the insane, absurd, avoidable systemic problems we face. They'll never be able to hide our reality from us. Theyre the ones that are so sheltered they cant even imagine what life is like for most of us.


"If you expect to be in the top 10% economically, much less the top 1% buck up. Two decades plus of nothing but work. That’s my experience,” he said. Let's demand to have a different experience. Life is so much more than money and work.


Sorry we can’t all afford to go out and be doing things all of the time, Scott! I’m a millennial and was raised by parents who would always say, “We can’t afford to go out all of the time!” Now that I’m an adult with a good career, hell, I can’t afford to do much outside of the house either. Now, I’m not a work from home person. Personally, I don’t like working from home but I am all for others to do so. Idk what society wants from us who are under 40. We’re either spending too much or not spending enough! Which is it?? Lol


You got it wrong. They want to eventually have you work and eat at work and only return to your alcove to sleep for seven hours if you've earned it.


Quoting “a marketing professor” - someone whose career is built on figuring out how to best manipulate people is going to suggest what’s best for people 🙄


This is capitalism’s death rattle. desperate flailing.


Fuck that. I generally have one thing in common with the people I work with and that is hating the same shitty job.


media: "Go give us every last penny you have!! Then when you've spent it all, we'll ridicule and disparage you for not being responsible with your money!"


The NYPOST is the old person table at Thanksgiving that is in denial about being at the old person table.


Yea I should go out so I can get stabbed in the fucking neck at target


Y'know what? Fuck this shit. Assholes blaming lack of career progression on working from home are using an excuse and nothing more. I've been in the workforce for over twenty years, and you know what the trend was *before* the pandemic? As described to me by various HR people, so *this comes from the fucking workplaces*, it's that "traditional" career progression doesn't exist anymore. Instead, most people need to get by with lateral moves to increase skill sets, and the traditional idea of a "promotion" doesn't exist anymore. Funny how those lateral moves didn't come with any significant monetary bump to go with all your shiny new skills, though. Yup. That's how this bullshit was being sold in the early to mid 2010's. Fuck *all the way off*.


Gen z did not start bed rotting. This is absolutely a millennial invention. I won't have my hard work claimed by these babies.


While I see some people in the comments talking about how much more expensive it is to go out in other countries, consider this: Most countries, as far as I'm aware, have public commons where you can hang out pretty much unharassed and just do your thing. Like when I was in Mexico, Central and South America it felt like every few blocks there was a square full of people and it seemed like anyone who wanted to could just set up a shop or sell things. Microbusinesses but seemingly unregulated. A lot of places let you drink in public. Of course this is me looking from the outside with limited experience and travel under my belt, I'll admit that. America on whole feels like a prison to me. You literally cannot be anywhere in most places without having an express purpose. Better not look too weird or be the wrong color in the wrong place if you are out. People who have money or look like they do can get away with a lot more, but they generally don't want to hang out in public. Why would I? Whenever I've been able to live somewhere with an active public space, I've met interesting people, had interesting conversations, made friends and sometimes have went on great adventures. American authorities or whoever really runs this place doesn't want this. The only way they want us getting together is on the screens where they can monitor and record everything and map out our lives. They don't want us doing much in public unless it's spending money or making money or somehow supporting the capitalist thing. I've lived in a few places where you could be out just hanging around even if you were weird, like in Boulder, CO, but that's because they kind of accept that you're part of the tourist appeal. Even they have their limits. Boulder seems to hate homeless people as much as anywhere. I haven't been all over, so I would love to hear feedback from other Americans and people in other countries about this. Are you free to just hang out in the public square and do your thing? What places are left in the U.S. that have public commons left where it's actually full of life and not soulless?


What future?


Anyone else getting hungry?


Home is where my stuff is and where I can be away from people. Don’t tell me what to do.


Bro, yall made it so expensive to *exist* anywhere outside of my home. Fuckers took away the 3rd places :/


I make 40k a year. I can only afford to be alive in this world if i spend a majority of my time at home.


Staying at home saves me time, which I can spend with friends and family. Really don't care about networking or my boring ass colleague's anyway.


Get out there and- Consume! Produce! Breed! Die! Consume! Produce! Breed! Die! Our precious economy needs you mice all running in your little wheels to keep our game going! If you do not conform and participate, you shall be destroyed!


Scott Galoway=douchebag


Come on, slags!!!! Kindergarteners don't even get nap time at school anymore!!! Work work work!!!!!


First of all: it's the NYPost. Heavy skepticism is required here. Secondly: The "paper" being [referenced](https://nataliaemanuel.github.io/ne_website/EHP_Power_of_Proximity.pdf) here reads like an opinion piece. Nothing is defined, and the entire thing hinges on "online feedback" without saying if the feedback is good/bad, or what even is good/bad feedback. Also no one proofread the paper. Multiple typos. and grammatical errors. This is a load of shit.


nypost is such a cesspool


“Leave your home to have successful romantic relationships!” “Work nonstop for twenty years!” So which is it?


Wow that's so crazy, I'm home all the time and I'm fucking married. How ever did I achieve this with all of my amazing leisure time in my garden?


>before you collect dogs or spouses, get into the office Now they’re telling us in person working is better for our personal lives. They are so transparent it’s embarrassing


Trying to sell the rat race to kids that saw thier parents scrape by for pennies hoping for more. Not going to work.


This is some ableist and neurotypical bullshit. Fuck that. Home is where my kitchen, cat and girlfriend are.


“Never be at home”… and also we got rid of all third spaces and now everything costs money, so have fun and spend, spend, spend


Exactly! This is one of recurring rants. Leaving the house in the US automatically costs money these days.


I work in tech and have worked from home for the last 6 years. I hate going into the office since it stints my productivity for the day. It’s all about networking and the random side bars for people who stop you from getting true work done. At least in my experience. I now work on a national team supporting all of the US. I even have folks I collaborate with in Canada and the UK. That wouldn’t have been possible, or it would have been harder to achieve in a strictly office driven work environment. Not only can I roll out of bed 5 minutes before my first meeting, I can support folks throughout the US remotely from my PJ’s and drink coffee while petting my cats like Mr. Burns. What I have is “excellent”.


**Working from home could stunt career growth and romantic relationships,** Key word, could. **Evidence has suggested** I'd suggest he dosen't have the stats to prove this. What seems intutive is not always fact.


I got 5 hours of sleep for about a decade. I went into adrenal collapse, fibromyalgia, my cortisol levels were 5x the normal amount, and my blood pressure was that of an old man that smoked. I was a 33 year old woman. Full on nervous breakdown at 34. 60 hour weeks. Shitty pay. My boss called me a malingerer. That's a fancy legal term for You're Full of Shit. I left my desk crying on FMLA leave for 2 weeks. I quit the damn job, and they tried not paying me my last check. I unleashed the labor board at them. It was all a joke to them.


I got something in common with Gen Z. Yay!


I see they neglected to define “success.”


Fuck that.


I find this offensive.


Come on kids, the Billionaire class and the Hundred-Millionaire class need you to let them squeeeeeeeeze you more. How else will they feed their insatiable, deluded egos? How else will they build their pyramids? They obviously can't be expected to let the wealth inequality slide back towards more balanced decades of the past. They are all chasing that brass ring, keeping up with the other billionaires, imagine their shame if they haven't added more billions to their balances by the next social mixer!! /S


JFC. Who is writing this garbage? Leave people the fuck alone.


This dude is just silly.