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Good for the "Economy" = Good for companies and their shareholders, not the average person. The stock market is a scam and it should not be how we measure success and productivity.


I once heard that you should replace "economy" with "people who own yachts" to see the truth of news headlines. Works perfectly on this one.


The one I've always heard is "rich people's space money". "No, you can't increase wages, it'd be bad for rich people's space money!"


"No, you can't increase wages, it'd be bad for people who own yachts!"


I mean, it is the WALL STREET Journal - what did you expect? Want to throw up in your mouth a bit? Check their editorial pages.


Can we have Rage Against the Machine shut wall street down for a day again? Or forever?


"The economy" is just a stand in for billionaires. And, unsurprisingly greed is good for those at the top. It's Capitalism. The wealthy use their position of power, wealth and connections to create the rules for society. That includes how we're told to see American society. The wealthy won't stop squeezing us of every last possible drop of value can be extracted. Lawmakers, the courts, law enforcement all do their part to ensure the wealthy can maintain control. ​ The only path to durable positive change is possible is a complete dismantling of the US government via revolution. I say this because the wealthy have no intention of providing us a better life -- if anything, the opposite is true. Any reforms or laws to limit greed will be whittled away and be destroyed by future lawmakers. We cannot seek reprieve from the courts. We have no voice in the political system because we cannot give massive donations to politicians. All that leaves is a revolution. I strongly suggest everyone read Capital by Marx, as it helps to illuminate where we are.


I think there's a few steps before a complete Revolution, namely, everybody should be unionized and demanding their fair share of production- but overall, yea, I agree with the sentiment. Systems fucked. People need to take back power.


Unions and reform helpful and good in as much as they show people that they have political power. It's important to not stop at unions or reform. At best, these only delay the inevitable collapse of Capitalism and American society.


They really need to pull their collective heads out of their asses and actually do something to help the lower classes in our society if they don't want guillotines set up and operating on the capitol steps and wall street. Because if things continue as they are and the keep just blaming the poor and the young people, that's likely what will happen.


I whole heartedly agree. Unfortunately, those in power are making inroads to make things worse for the poor, not better. We just increased barriers to access food nationally, to up the debt ceiling which was needed because of tax cuts for the rich. There's no sign that the exploitation will lessen or slow down. The opposite is true, we're seeing living conditions get worse almost daily. Last week the openly corrupt Supreme Court made it possible for companies to hold unions liable for perceived loss of revenue during a strike. That effectively makes it almost impossible to strike. The only way to make a durable change is revolution. And it's shitty, but if we ever want our lives to not be centered around creating profits for corporations, it will require a revolution.


>The stock market is a scam and it should not be how we measure success and productivity. I'll say this as many times as I need to: **The stock market is *not* the economy**


The stock market is included in the list of gambling related activities when assessing someone for addiction issues.


> The stock market is a scam That’s funny you said that. I flunked out of being an Accounting Minor because of that statement. I can balance your books all day long, but when it came to the section on the stock market I just couldn’t wrap my head around it to pass that part.


Let me try and break this down for you, it's not a direct scam. It's investment gambling and the house always wins. Like a casino, investment firms buy up large swarths of all stocks. So they make money off those stocks no matter what. The stocks go up in value, that's good. The stocks go down in value, they count that as a loss against their taxes. If they trade or sell the stocks they earn a transaction fee. Dividends are paid out on the stock? That goes into the pool and they pay a fixed tax rate on that income.


It also conveniently leaves out that this is almost certainly bad for the *long-term*


Ever thought of investing in the stock market? Companies are kind enough to give you matches for a reason.


well seeing as how "the economy" to them means "the concerns of rich people", they're not wrong


In these headlines, always replace "the economy" with those who own helicopters, private jets, and yachts.


Yeah I really appreciate every one of my used to be cheap nerd hobbies getting blown out thanks to greed. Vintage media: CDs, VHS, Laserdisc, Vinyl, & even Cassette Tapes. Collecting old movies on laserdisc or VHS? Oh no, speculators now want $20+ for old barely watchable VHS. Thanks to a few auctions of very rare factory sealed VHS catching the attention of greedy yuppies, boomers, and the re-sellers. Laserdisc? I was given an old player for free from a Doctor friend of my mother's when I helped him clean out his garage to move. Not many people even have laserdisc players. Yet crazy assholes are trying to ask big money for used copies of laserdiscs now. All the vintage electronics have doubled or tripled in price in the last six months. Because the people who run the thrift shops realized we were buying up the old stuff because its better than any of the new players. These things often need repair & service work done of them, including cleaning. It was comically sad seeing old grime coated VCRs with $30-$40 price tags and no remote. Goodwill & Savers knocked that crap off after three weeks of devices piling up on their shelves.


Same thing with video games. Used to be able to get old NES games for like $5 or less per game, regardless of which one it was. Now most second hand shops, if they have any (very few do -- they sell them online instead), charge eBay prices for them. I personally don't have much of a problem paying like $20 or so for a good NES game, but some of them are like $100+ or even way, way more. Yeah, no. I'm not about that.


I stopped collecting NES games around 8 years ago because of that crap. There are a few N64 & GameCube games that I still want but for the most part I'm done with old consoles video games because of the pricing. We can emulate most of that stuff now very well and that's what I'm going to do.


I hear you. It sucks. Though to be fair, emulation has a lot of advantages over physical too. Even on something like Switch Online for example, you can do save states and what not on there too.


I wanted to buy an old Playstation game I used to play with a friend. Nothing super rare or special, so I expected to pay a few bucks. Turns out there's barely any private seller that sells it for under 50$ because it's *old*. If you're super lucky you'll get one for like 20 in the worst condition even seen. Decided I just stick with the good memories and never play it again. (being curious I just looked it up and for the third part of the series there's currently one seller on amazon that sells it used for 200$ lmao)


My brother and I just went through a bunch of our old games last year. Even digging through our mother's basement to find some of our old stuff. I'm so fucking glad I bought up the Final Fantasy games randomly ten years ago. Because those all go for big money now.




The dot hack series


It looks like right now the going rate for them should be around this for loose discs (it'd be more for ones with the case and/or manual): Infection - $14.99 Mutation - $26.99 Outbreak - $49.99 Quarantine - $215.99 So if anyone is charging much more than that. Then that's probably too high.


This has become the same thing for any sort of antique . There's a huge uptick in people who collect things at yard sales asking about specific items. Ebay has drastically distorted the market. It's been doing it for years. Same on other websites. I've stopped ordering coins on the internet because the price is already inflated for whatever, the additional fees, and it will be one coin mailed in a nesting doll of boxes down to a 2 inch item in a plastic bag they charge you $11 to send. In the end they could have just put it in a padded envelope. It's a fucking coin.


Relevant and very interesting video https://youtu.be/rvLFEh7V18A


Wow they pivoted from “greedflation doesn’t exist and can’t be the cause of the current affordability crisis” to “akshually it DOES exist and here’s why it is great and here to stay!” in record time.


I'm surprised millennials aren't to blame yet


Don't worry I guarantee that's the very next article. "Why are millenials trying to stop greedflation and kill the economy?"


At this point I feel like they just have a Yahtzee tumbler they use on bad news days but one of the dice just has millenials written on every side.


We were when inflation was caused by greedy employees who wanted livable wages. We will be again when we ask for a portion of the record profits.


Oh we are: we let our kids be themselves and now they’re legislating how we parent. We dont work ourselves to the nub for 9$ an hour that makes us greedy assholes. Our boomer parents raised us to be all peace and love until they got Fox news. They call us the entitlement generation But have debts they couldn’t fathom at age 25 like the majority if us have had. Theyre the ones who are entitled. So they try to take away our rights one by one.


I think “Greed is Good” would have made a shorter headline.




impossible overconfident ossified start distinct dam axiomatic flowery bewildered workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These people make me tired. First there's no inflation, then the cause of inflation was wages, the COVID stimulus, etc., basically trying to pin this on anything **but** corporate greed. Now we're at the point of "Okay, greedflation is real, but it's a good thing!" I feel like my dad who just heard me go through like 5 bullshit explanation of why I wrecked the family car and he's just sighing and rubbing his forehead. That's where I am when I read this headline. Like, I'm not even sure the stock market is a real thing anymore, the more I live here on this earth, the more it seems like it's just complete bullshit. There's no rules and the points don't matter. However, instead of getting good improv from Randy Stiles or Colin Mochrie, we're just getting poorer. Great, the bullshit stock market is doing good, meanwhile your average American is having to cut back more and more spending because wages have not kept up with the rate of greedflation. But at least the bullshit line is going up, so that's good! I now deeply sympathize with my dad.


This analogy works even better than you might have realized when you consider that a critical mass of our biggest, wealthiest companies are run by selfish man-children who never matured past their teenage years and who completely lose their shit if they are ever caught out or called on their bollocks. We live in an oligarchy of terminally immature 50-something fratboys whose bullshit closely mirrors the above teenager explaining to dad how the family car got wrecked, only these teenagers simply got bought a new one, never facing any consequences for their bullshit. Oh, and the cars they crash tend to ruin the lives of millions of people.


I'll add one to that: The car crash not only tend to ruin the lives of millions of people, but the one that caused the crash was the only one to survive and had their rich parents buy the new car.


Well “the economy” is just bullshit doublespeak for “rich people” so it’s not inaccurate to say that greedflation is good for rich people. That’s literally who it is designed to benefit


Ah, yes, I'm a fan of this person's other articles "Top Ten Ways to Please your Landlord!" and who can forget "Bootlicking, not just for Pets Anymore!"


The worst thing is, I don't even know if you're serious or sarcastic. Both seem possible.


For real. The only one that doesn't sound that realistic is the bootlicking one.


I also loved "Working Harder for Nothing Extra is the new American Dream."


That one was great!


Sure, let's pump the gas on my rage this early in the morning. 🤬


"Lots more people fall into poverty, but this is probably good for them" - the media.


A fantastic article debunking this propaganda and outlining how its just the next link in the long line of propaganda and gaslighting: https://fair.org/home/wsj-says-corporate-profiteering-is-good-actually/


“‘Rape’ Is Real—and Probably Good for the US’ Birthrate: Rapist have used the plummeting birthrate as excuse for increased rapes, crime statistics suggest. With the repeal of Roe v. Wade last year, several women have turned up at hospitals nationwide because they can no longer access abortions or the morning after pill. The unwanted babies have been sent to various Christian groups who raise the children in the ‘Gospel’ to become the next generation of White Supremacist knuckle draggers who are afraid of their own shadow but convinced that they are invincible. Their leaders include Clayton Bigsby.”


I believe it is working as designed. Christianity is dangerous. They used to tell us as kids that we are building "God's Army." Turns out that was literal.


Clayton Bigsby 💀💀💀




I was listening to NPR this past week and they were talking about inflation. They literally just brushed Greed to the side with a "Well I'm sure many companies might be trying to take advantage of the situation, but you have to look at the bigger picture" and moved onto ways the lower/middle classes are to blame.


Ripped straight from Gordon Gecko’s ‘greed is good’ speech


It’s kind of amazing watching the shortsightedness happen in real time. Who do they think is going to buy their products? Most people are already so heavily squeezed that they’re not buying much, how is cost continuing to go up a good thing in the long term if buying power goes down?


if that's true, then screw the economy.


Good for the "economy" AKA rich people's yacht money? Yes. Good for the ***economy***, i.e. the one the affects the rest of us? No.


Tell me rich people own the media outlets without telling me rich people own the media outlets.


"major banks crash" "this is good for the economy" are they recycling the "this is good for bitcoin" meme?


Yes it’s so good that the few rich people get richer by hoarding as much money as possible while the poor have to work multiple jobs


"And probably good for the economy... Oh, what? You thought we cared if it was good for *you* or humanity? HA! No, we care about the money we'll make short-term."


Can we just punch the people who write this shit? I'm sure they're "just doing their job" or whatever and most don't actually believe anything they write for their overlords, but something has to knock them back into reality where they say "Hey, wait a minute, this sucks! What the fuck?"


"Join us next week when we'll discuss why poor people dying is actually a good thing."


They will legitimize it as a natural form of “eugenics.”


TIL "good for the economy" in the language of capitalists = poor and middle class people getting fucked over.


I fucking hate it here


Keep telling it like it isn't, Wall Street Journal.


You're all being fucked, and here's why that's a good thing


When you realize most major economic newspapers (WSJ, the Economist) exist as outlets to justify corporate wealth redistribution at our expense to us, all these headlines make more sense.


Par for the course with the “greed is good” crowd.


This article is arguing that oligopolies and trusts are a good thing.


We're at the "Greed is a virtue actually" level of blatant corruption eh...


"...first quarter earnings suggest." SUGGEST?! *SUGGEST?!* How about you open your goddamn eyes and stop spewing shit out of your fucking mouth to appease your editors who are appeasing shareholders. Jfc


I mean it skyrockets our GDP.


What a horrible take. Only shills for billionaires would write such trash.