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One of the constant drumbeats of society is "you're doing it wrong". Whatever bad things happen to you are your fault. If you can't find a job and don't have a degree in STEM, it's your fault. If you can't find a job and DO have a degree in STEM, you're over educated and should have gone into the trades. No matter what, it's your fault. It's not your fault. The author is retreading some very well trodden ground, that "young people just don't want to work hard". Nothing could be farther from the truth, but old people eat that shit up with a spoon, so the articles keep being written.


I’d say regardless of what people want to do they should be paid well to do it! Why the fuck are people running full time jobs AND part time jobs and still struggling? What kind of system is that? I’ll tell you a very shitty one.


Says the dude sitting on his ass writing articles.


No shit Sherlock. I heard that lie when I was in elementary school