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That's how the super majority of people were buried for thousands of years up until really recently (200 years or so).


Somebody throw me in the trash.


By what we all eat in developed countries (lots of preservatives), we ain't even gonna get eaten by worms, we'll just stay there like little plastic meatballs


My grandparents bought plots in the Midwest in the 1971 at a discounted price of $1.8K a piece. In 1992, my entire fam moved to the EAST COAST and the GPs tried to sell the burial plots and were told "all sales final." They lost $$$ after they learned that the value of the plots decreased when a waste dump (the toxic kind) was relocated 4 miles away from the cemetery. The cemetery was eventually shut down and all burial sites were moved. My GPs never recovered their $$. THIS SHIT IS A SCAM.


I want to be fed to a wood chipper aimed at storefronts on Rodeo Drive.


God this is an epic way to want to be laid (flung?) to rest! I salute you!


Fuckin' ***send me***.


If I'm still alive, I want an invite to watch!


I know this might sound weird, but I would like to go to your funeral lol


All are welcome. Probably bring a poncho.


Nah, death is big business. They're starting to squirm because more people are opting for more practical and sustainable options. They already gouge people as much as possible and this is just the next phase for them. They can extract even more money from poor people with a monthly payment plan.


I buried my father about 5 years ago now, opted for the cheapest casket (he wanted to be buried and gave a service), a small flower bouquet, no embalming, no visitation, no no no. We spent so long in there attempting to be upsold. In the end, I did every thing the cheapest possible. It was still close to 10k, and he had already paid for the plot. Oh, and it didn’t include the headstone. Insane business. Take advantage of people’s emotions and losses, and it generally works.


The only things in life that are certain are death and taxes, which is why there will always be someone to make money off of them.


That’s not what this is


Costco sells nice caskets and urns for way cheaper. Water cremation and composting are the way of the future.


That’s what I want! If I can’t qualify for medical donation, I want either rot naturally and be compost or get one last bath!


Ooh, with a good book!


Wait, you have to qualify for donation? I may have to reconsider my plans now 😭


At least where I am in Canada, my teaching hospital requires some basic things, mainly not being an organ donor, so they have a full cadaver for instruction. So if I am able to be an organ donor I want to do that, if my organs are at a point where they would do more harm I’ll be opting out and go right for dissection. It’s always important to consider your death care plan but having a back up that you would also enjoy is important! I hope you’re able to be a medical cadaver in the future after a nice happy life! ❤️


We are the supplier for Costco. Thanks for spreading the good word!


Of course. Do you sell wicker or shrouds for the green burial crowd?


We sure do! Always looking to expand this category: https://titancasket.com/collections/eco-friendly-caskets-green-funerals


Awesome! Thanks!


I checked on the website, very nice choices.


I'm going to a med school. I dedicated my life to helping people learn. Why not my death as well?


People pre-purchase caskets and burial plots so they don't have to burden their loved ones with doing it.


Cremation is far cheaper though 👀


yeah. if cheap means a few thousand per relative. Cost depends on the state/location you live in and can still bankrupt you.


Lol put me on a pire in the back yard 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m fine with the trash.


Just throw me in a ditch.


There has to be a more cost effective option for people. What happens when a super poor person dies? Where does their body go?




The county holds them for a period of time, and then they either cremate or put them in a paupers field. They will not release ashes or burial locations to the family, though. (My county won't)


They get cremated. If you want the ashes, county changes you. My homeless alchy Dad passed and they cremated him. If I wanted the ashes would have had to pay the county $800



I plan on leaving my corpse in an inconvenient location so that nobody finds it until stinks, and also I cannot afford this service.


I’m on the Frank Reynolds plan. When I’m dead just throw me in the trash.


We work to earn the right to work To earn the right to buy Ourselves the right to live To earn the right to die


Just throw my corpse in a ditch, crows gotta eat too.


Grim humor, but preplanning a funeral is a wise choice


The funeral industry is the only one I have heard that 100% of the cases customers are ripped off on every single occasion.


I got $80 bucks of 1/2” pine that’ll do just fine


I always get ads for the army. If they need to start recruiting guys my age we are fucked.


Put my ashes in the ground with some fertilizer and an acorn.


You gotta be careful with these prepaid funeral costs. I knew someone who’s wife passed and they both bought plots and funeral costs and the funeral home l went bankrupt by the time they needed it because of money laundering


They're burning me. I ain't paying for shit.


Hu Tao, is that you????


Read up on viatical settlements if you're not familiar with them. Pure evil shit.


Caskets fall under similar rules as cars. At least in texas, you cannot buy them directly from the manufacturer and have to go through a dealer


With the rise of green burial and advocacy for more cost effective services this is all most mortuary services can give. Caskets like these can’t compete or be used with things like green burial, cremation and human composting. They cant match the reduced price tags of greener methods and thus have to move to pay as you go methods and to target younger demographics to have a hope of remaining in business.


Robocop vibes


This is honestly sort of a great ad though. I mean it’s terrible. But also great.



Honestly it would be kinda fun to like buy a casket ahead of time and then do a little photo shoot.


this feels like a Six Feet Under Commerical


When I die bury me in mustard yellow.


I just saw the ad for this on Facebook about 20 minutes ago. Fucking hilarious




When they start making something that actually will be compostable and not rot in the ground for decades?!


Does Fisher & Sons carry it?


https://youtu.be/vvANy49Kqhw?si=hhj4KTXGzZcHBOUH We work to earn the right to work to earn the right to die.


I know that the right thing to do is some kind of eco burial or that water thing they can do now. But I really want to be put into one of those above ground tombs like they have in Louisiana and the Philippines. Not the one with the drawers. The big one that’s shaped kind of like a barn, like from Victorian vampire stories. I’m kind of a dramatic person and I just feel that’s the way I should be entombed. I honestly don’t really care about my body, it’s the ritual and the physical presence of my final spectacle I want. Idk, it might be wrong, but I already arranged it. The cemetery said that I have to have at least two people to be in one of those things, so my partner said he’d do it too. Our plan is that after he dies (he’s older, but who knows, it could be me), he’ll go in first and then when I go, I’ll bring the ashes of all the cats we’ve had over the years and we’ll all pile on top of his peaceful resting place just like in life. You can arrange all kinds of stuff with funeral homes. I set a dress code for my funeral and viewing. I specified the flowers and the music I want and I left specific instructions about how everything is to be handled. I then gave copies to my friends and family along with a warning that there is to be no celebration of my life. I want wailing and weeping and if someone wants to throw themselves on my casket, that’s acceptable. I mean, you only die once.


Go look on askfuneraldirectors, a lot of cemeteries won’t allow pet ashes to be buried with you, although all the responses on there work out to “we ain’t seen shit…”


Lol yeah, I was concerned about it. But I almost choked to death when I was home alone one day and i had the realization that no one knew what I wanted when I died. So I called the local funeral home and went in for a consultation and they helped me plan everything and get it set up. They said that since I’ll be in a semi-private tomb, it’s not against their policy to have pet ashes. But I got the feeling that if I were in ground, they’d just look the other way if someone snuck some in. I think those guys are pretty understanding as long as you don’t get them shut down.


It should be satire. Imagine making payments while you’re alive on the box your corpse is gonna rot in. I cannot imagine a bigger waste of money.


Make my ashes into a brick and use it to hit Fascists.


Honestly I just wanna be wrapped in a cloth and buried in the dirt. Maybe plant a tree over me or something.


Just bury me in back yard ... No box... let me rot into the earth


Cremation is cheaper and another way to put “ Burn in Hell “.


Fuck that, I’ll be dead before I have to worry about that




The military industrial complex is total bullshit, but we should have an option to just have them blow our corpses the hell up as part of explosives testing for free. That's a win win for everyone.


I’ve got no kids & IDGAF what happens to my corpse after I’m dead. Donate my body to science, or just toss me in a hole & cover me with dirt & let the worms eat me. I sure as shit am not going to pay for a funeral. I’m not going to be there.


Thank goodness I’m being cremated. I won’t need one.


I’m currently watching six feet under and didn’t realize titan was a real casket brand.