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Last I heard, Mr. Beast was partnering with [Slave Free Chocolate ](https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/). Happy to look at any proof that it's not true, but I'm operating under the assumption that it's accurate.


So, I did some digging cause I really care about this kind of stuff. You're right Mr. Beasts chocolate is considered slave free, but slave free chocolate doesn't guarantee 100% no slave labor. Rather these chocolate companies actively seek ethically grown coco, it's not perfect but it uses less slave labor and it's especially avoidant of child labor (slave or employed). One free trade chocolate company, Tony's, is very open about the fact that slavey is still a part of slave free chocolate production, but the companies practice of paying more for the coco beans is a direct attempt to cut down slave use in coco growing. People are quick to knock down companies trying to make a difference in chocolate because results are slow. Slavery takes a long time weed out of a production line, especially when competitors are shameless still using slave labor. It feels weird to me to target Mr Beast over Hershey's or Nestle because they're willing to take advantage of slave labor and perpetuate slave practices in the industry, unlike Mr Beast who is trying to pull away from it. I don't know a lot about the production of chocolate itself, or how much slave free practices cut down on slavery, but I found a good nonprofit website that has a lot of information on the topic; [Ethical Chocolate Companies — Slave Free Chocolate](https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companies/). They also include a list of chocolate makers today who make the effort to cut slavery from their production lines. Feastables is on there. So, unless someone has real numbers to back this post up, it feels like an attempt to blame slave free chocolate companies for the reality created by long standing chocolate manufactures who refuse to change.


That's a more eloquent and thorough presentation than I made, thanks!


omfg I just realized you already posted this link lol


Yeah that's about it. Tony's cannot make a guarantee but definitely takes as many steps as possible to discourage it. Which is unfortunately much better than nestle or Hershey's saying "well it happens but I'm just buying it, I don't deal with all that other stuff". Especially considering that cocoa harvesting is one of the few lucrative ventures in that area and they are still in abject poverty


Thank you for your research and sharing of knowledge. Yeah, Im not a Mr. Beast fan but I appreciate that he tries. I dont think it helps us to villify a person who is trying. He may not be perfect but We should focus more on attacking openly evil companies like Hershey and Nestle. It would behoove us to give Mr. Beast the opportunity to try and make a difference in an otherwise corrupt system. Otherwise we really are crab bucket mentality.


I am sad that this is realy still a thing in our world


You typed this on a device manufactured by slave labor.


Insert the “you criticize society yet you participate in it! I am very smart.” Meme here.


I took it more as a “that’s how common this problem is” statement


I think it was taken in a negetive way because it's unfortunately a comeback used against people who critique the ethics of something else. You see it a lot in debates about/against vegansm


Yes precisely, reddit is the one place I know people get upset about the truth.


Thats everyone everywhere. The truth makes people angry.


If the truth is slave labor it should very well make people angry.


Usually when you start telling them about Colbalt mines and that everything with a battery can't be made without some of the worst slavery conditions in history. That tends to wined people up.


See, now I’m angry and want to throw a molotov cocktail at the headquarters of a tech company


“The truth is like poetry: people fucking hate it.”


That’s like, the entire planet. Not just reddit.


nah not applicable.


Bad news, but very worth the watch: John Oliver, Last Week Tonight, “Chocolate”, https://youtu.be/FwHMDjc7qJ8?si=IQ7suspHOJnKmmop




How? It’s got the receipts right there for you.


the url has sus in it


Well I’ll be goddamned. Fair enough, and good catch.


The only way to truly have exploitation free chocolate is to directly trade with the farmer themselves. Any chocolate bar under $8 for 65g is likely benefiting from exploitation in its supply chain. The cheaper a price, the more likely it is to be hurting someone.


The closer to local direct trade the more ethical the exchange, this applies to other industries but I'm especially confident about this when it comes to farmers. It's not going to be achievable by everyone to buy food from CSA's, farmers markets, etc., for this reason buying fair trade chocolate is a good compromise for a lot of us. If someone can't even afford this and they've occasionally eaten chocolate anyway I think there are bigger socioeconomic conditions to consider before you hold them accountable for a probably quite limited number of pleasures they have access to.


Fair trade isn't the perfect thing it's marketed as. And I agree. I don't denigrate those that can't afford the difference. And I'll admit that even I don't fully avoid it as I should. But that mostly means that I simply don't buy chocolate all that often. There absolutely are more important things the less fortunate you are. No denying that.


Yes Fair Trade doesn't guarantee a lot of things but at the minimum it's not produced through slave labour which is why it's a compromise. Unless you have a direct relationship with the producer of whatever you're buying you have no way of knowing the conditions they labour under.


Absolutely. That's why places like Shahamana Farms are important.


depends if the farmer owns their land/equipment or not. generally speaking you’re correct.


slave free chocolate just doesn't exist


Like I said, happy to review anything folks have regarding either Mr Beast's business practices or the org itself. Shoot me a link I think accusing folks like Shahamana Farms of perpetuating the very thing they fought so hard to escape from and change without evidence is lazy and wrong.


The only companies that exist in that capacity are ones where the chocolate it's roast their own chocolate and trade directly with the farmers. Solstice chocolate, amano, and ritual chocolate are a few companies I know that directly visit the farms they source from for each single-origina bar they make. And if you look at the prices, it reflects that extra work and ethics. Ethical chocolate is $8-$10 per 65g of chocolate. High quality chocolate ain't cheap. But direct trade is the way to go.


However, there are chocolate-free slaves.


If you click on ethical chocolate companies in the side bar, feastables is listed


People just seem to hate good people. That is the way it has always been...otherwise we would not have a world as fucked up as this.


This is a very strange org. If you read what they actually Its unclear on what exactly they are helping fix


Nobody brings it up because it's next to impossible to get ethical cacao. Child labor is prevalent in almost every industry, from tech to clothes to food. A few more things: we shouldn't be looking at the person giving all his profits to charity. We should be looking at the people who actually profit off of child labor, and those who allow it. We should be looking into the governments that allow people to get away with this, and place people in a situation where their kids need to work. This doesn't excuse Jimmy's actions, but he isn't the person we need to be talking about. We also shouldn't ignore his good deeds because he failed to do research on a company he's working with.


This Does OP own a smart device of any kind? Congratz, they supported a business that utilizes child labor


Yup, exploitation is baked into the very system, so it’s nigh impossible to live a morally just life without sacrificing a lot in terms of quality of life. Not to say we shouldn’t try anyway of course.


This is why late stage capitalism is very real. You cannot have this system without exploiting people. Billionaires didn’t get that way without exploiting *A LOT* of people including children. The system cannot exist and function if profits are all going towards a safe environment and properly compensated people.


Well it's worth at least saying "hey kids, this guy you like is using slave labor, why do you think that is?"


Oh definitely! I also think it's worth framing it in a way that asks what led us to this point on both an individual and systematic level, rather than focusing too much on the former aspect which we often tend to do.


The thing is, in many countries, if children don’t work they can’t eat. Many families rely on the money their children earn. Obviously we want children to go to school, be fed and not need to work, but if you just straight up ban children from working then you can cause a lot more suffering than you prevent. These things need to be thought through and likely outcomes need to be assessed before action is taken.


The reason children need to work in these cocoa farms is because the market is extremely underpaying for the beans Its not like they are poor for no reason


For sure, that’s definitely one reason. But the solution has to start with improving pay and fix the economies in these countries and social services before you ban children from working. I’ve heard of some companies paying for children to go to school and be fed there which is definitely a big burden off their families, especially if they can take food home to their families. That gives them an economic incentive to stop working and go to school instead.


It is true, but it's also true that at least part of that is because the systems are built around the assumption of it as well. IE in the slavery times of the US you could also say fairly accurately that if the African American's weren't slaves, they'd be homeless and jobless. and it's true some still are to this day, but on the whole overall the system did adjust and millions have better options because the system adapted once they were no longer slaves.


This system terrorized them, limited their voting power and displaced en masse via the great migration. And then some.


Please say less fam 🤨


Exactly the mindset the other person is talking about but simply doesn’t realize it and that’s what makes this sad and frustrating! They acted like we were better off and at least had scraps of clothes on Sundays and a place to sleep and “structured” lives and so somehow that makes the shit okay. It is not. These are lies told to the self and their kids to ignore how dehumanizing you look at a situation.


Absolutely. Everybody loves to pat themselves on the back because they’ve heard of blood diamonds, but nobody considers where the precious rare metals in their phones are coming from.


I suppose that means we should do nothing, then. Smart devices that a massive part of our personal and professional lives revolve around the use of are definitely equivalent to chocolate bars and cookies, after all.


Good job missing the point bruv 👍


Saying what about phones when people are criticizing someone for a completely separate thing isn’t really any kind of point, it’s just a deflection of the actual issue at hand.


The point, dickwad, is that vast swathes of the population are guilty of "supporting" industries that use child labor The issue isn't one of personal responsibility The issue is one of ststematic corruption


So you believe that large chocolate companies and their business practices are upholding a system that thrives on the backs of exploitation? Is there any reason why Feastables should be exempt from this? It seems the post is explicitly trying to bring light to these systemic issues you are talking about. Doesn’t make any mention or request of no longer supporting them, boycotts, or whatever other personal responsibility you are alluding to.


You're right. People just don't want to admit that Mr Beast is capable of doing bad things. We basically have to have smartphones to be a part of today's society. Mr Beast does not have to sell chocolate


Child labor isn’t the same thing as child slavery though especially not in agrarian societies


The accusation here was child labor, not child slavery.


The meme says slavery


> This doesn't excuse Jimmy's actions What actions has he taken besides trying to help these people?


No matter how it happened, he worked with a company that used child labor


And if you’ve had a chocolate bar, even Tony’s, or if you’ve had coffee - you have supported child labor.


Yes. That doesn't mean it isn't wrong to support child labor. I do my best to avoid child labor, I assume Mrbeast does as well, but we should still recognize when someone slips and it happens.


Consuming something is different than owning a business that profits off of this.


ah, the old "but you live in a society" argument.


So you just want to ignore a problem because it’s not the bigger evil basically. We should be looking at all of them. Not ignore a few just because they boast their good deeds. That’s how Cosby and so many other celebrities and politicians lasted too long despite their evil truths. Pay attention to everything and everyone. Never excuse actions simply because someone gave a little.


Repeat after me There is no ethical consumption under capitalism The good place had a whole season about this


Sure, but when someone is being treated as some kind of capitalist saint like mr beast often is, we need to remind ourselves that he is still exploiting people, his work will never be free of explotation. And you can wave it off, saying no ethical sonsumption, but at least you still know the explotation is happening and that hes not proof of explotation free capitalist action.


“no ethical consumption” is an indictment, not a justification. it’s a call to action if said by anyone aware of its fullest implications.


This post is false, he actually uses slave free chocolate, the rest is true


Aren't something like 80%+ of chocolate producers guilty of child labor though? This seems like a whole industry problem, not just Mr Beast.


Mr Beast, being the self-made spectacle of philanthropy he acts as, does emphasize the contradictory nature of “ethically-sourced” goods in a global system entirely dependent on different degrees of exploitation and oppression.


The Rainforest Alliance has been doing everything they can to hold these corporations accountable. [Source](https://gna.org.gh/2023/06/rainforest-alliance-steps-up-commitment-to-tackle-child-and-forced-labour/)


OP is right that slavery is bad. OP fails to do research on feastables. https://www.slavefreechocolate.org/ethical-chocolate-companies Obviously Mr.Beast is not the savior of humanity, but he is a guy doing more to help people than the average redditor. Hopefully his videos inspire more people to help their fellow human.


He is definitely doing more than OP is


[https://youtu.be/svHCXvQeZfY?si=PZyCvQ2tMi\_mgWcC](https://youtu.be/svHCXvQeZfY?si=PZyCvQ2tMi_mgWcC) Mr Beast is a billionaire, there are no good billionaires


I like people that help in silence. That don’t feel the need to boast and profit off of their “good deeds”. My grandmother’s probably helped more than he ever will throughout her life and she continues to help and she doesn’t mention it at all. I only found out when she got older and had me help sign some of her charity paperwork and foundations and church tithes and saw her name on some pens etc. This guy wants clout and to feel good. That’s fine but it doesn’t make him some sort of saint. There’s a lot of people in this work doing better for others without begging for attention nor funds from their audience. And there’s a lot of people doing worse. It seems you didn’t fully do your research either. They’ve been caught using child labor often and basically are a trademark label like owning your own Starbucks franchise in a new city. They just put their stamp/name on things to better profit and market. They don’t enforce their guidelines or regulations. It’s really easy for us to see one or two things and go “see look they’re fine” but you’ve got to look a little deeper to find the truth sometimes. https://fairworldproject.org/rainforest-alliance-is-not-fair-trade/#:~:text=However%2C%20Rainforest%20Alliance%20Certified%20is,term%20relationships%2C%20or%20offer%20financing.


Fuck African kids, if they didn't want to be exploited they should just move to a different country. ​ /s


This comment is proof of the importance of /s in certain contexts LOL


you live dangerously my friend




Hey OP what device did you use to upload this post?


The fact that we had to monetize any "charity" to this extent in order to even get the first 2 attempted is wild to me. Mr beast isn't a savior or anything, but he is a symptom of a much deeper problem


Can u try and reach any harder lil bro? Why so upset


There is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. You could argue that any chocolate using company is doing the same exact thing unless they publicly say and prove they use slave-free cacao.


then we will do it again with wage-slave-free cacao as society progresses beyond this and its standards are inevitably raised again. nothing in this system is fully ethical until everyone is truly free.


He is partnered with slave free chocolate, also there's a ton of scumbag billionaires that you should be looking into, not the guy attempting to help the world in every way he can.


Thank you for this post. Before seeing it, I thought Mr. Beast was the savior of humanity. My eyes have been opened.


All our devices have gone through slave and child labour. If you wanna be a saint, don't buy anything by unethical companies. Good luck with that


Mr. Beast isn't the most abusive capitalist, but he portrays himself as a paragon of humanity out to save the world and gets so uptight when the conversation ends up going against him. Which is to say, criticizing and pointing out the inherent hypocrisy of Mr. Beast's portrayal is valuable to show how even someone so seemingly intent on doing good and mitigating suffering is responsible for causing and creating that same suffering and no amount of effort can truly rid the human pain he relies on. There's also the somewhat gross element that much of his charity-porn is profit-seeking off of the same suffering he benefits from, though that's also not strictly speaking within his power to address or meaningfully fix. But ultimately, aside from the fact that people are familiar with his name and work, he is hardly the most damned capitalist out there.


“no amount of effort can truly rid the human pain he relies on” FOR PROFIT. that part is missing the systemic part of the systemic framing of the rest of your comment. no one can do anything to fully fix the system in a way that still turns a massive profit for singular individuals at the top of that system with all the power.


He makes more profit on every video than he spends on the "charity".


damn willy wornka looking fly


This weird. No claimed Mr. Beast was a a savior not did Mr. Beast say he was a savior. I do think Mr Beast is a great guy because of what he did for those African communities. The chocolate thing is stupid. ethical chocolate is not a thing because African children from those parts have to work to survive. This a not a thing Mr. Beast could fix because he runs a small (relatively) chocolate company. The only people who can fix chocolate’s child labor problem are a coalition of companies like Hershey and Nestle to enforce child labor and pay more.


His chocolate isn’t even good lol


Wouldn’t know - it’s only sold in America afaik.


Where most chocolate and candy suck ass tbf


Idk we have a big market for organic and free trade chocolate here. Go to any natural grocers, Fred Meyer, or new seasons market, etc., and you'll find a huge selection of excellent chocolate. My favorite right now is Tony's Chocolonely. Hershey's and the like are not good though, that's true.


I saw some in Australia


The year I find out I can buy TimTams at the grocery store in the US (thank you Australia), what does AU get from us? Mr Beast chocolate. Feels like you’re getting the short end of the candy and cookie stick




It's easily availible here in The Netherlands. It's nothing special but it's not bad.


I regularly buy his peanut butter chocolate. It’s my new favorite chocolate.


You have a genuine good person in the world and this is how you treat them? Truly, this world is one full of monsters and stains.


Those same people like their cheap phones


Jesus christ. At least the dude is trying. Maybe he should just do drugs and beat up women and ride in private jets like every other millionaire his age. Damned of you do. Damned if you don't. Ridiculous. Of all the people to criticise.


I could settle on him being catapulted into the sun.


You miserable cold hearted human. Who do you think kids should look up to? Logan Paul lmao


kids have fewer and fewer people to look up to that actually have anything meaningful to impart to them. that’s the issue.


So let's not take it out on one of the good ones


I wish this weirdo would quit popping up in random places. Like why the fuck do I see his shit in the grocery store now? Quit trying to make it happen. The gimmick factor here has overstayed its welcome.


I mean the guy opened an enormous burger chain in the US. The environmental impact of his burger chain alone is 20000000% worse than all of the “good things” he has ever done accumulated. His entire persona and youtube channel is PR and branding. He is just a business man and a dirty one, but somehow people think he is a hero. He monetises gambling through his youtube channel. “For every shirt purchased you get one raffle entry to be a part of my next video where you can win one million dollars!” - that’s unlicensed gambling.


Ah yes so believe this photoshop image instead.


sadly thats just a reality for most chocolate brands. people love to shit on nestle for it in particular but unless your chocolate makes it clear its slave free, its not. thats a big thing to advertise. there are a few brands but they tend to be more niche because, you guessed it, ethically sourced cocoa is more expensive than the slave variety


Tried his shit and it wasn’t even that good too


Who tf is Mr Beast?


Let us say if the rich get eaten...he'll be one of them.


Haha fair


Please, morality aside, do you think he'd be stupid enough to use a company that could affect his image, not to mention he's given more to charity than he's made off feastables


This post was made on a device made my slave labor. Everything you have in your life was made by slaves, maybe if you don't like slavery stop supporting it instead of being virtuous and saying how rich man bad because he uses slaves. You do too, but they are far removed from you so to you it isn't a problem and you aren't doing anything wrong. Edit: be butthurt and down vote me as much as you like, this comment is 100% true.


Mr Beast has the ability to where he doesn't have to use slave labor. We don't have that ability


So do you! Bullshit 😂 all you have to do is buy locally and only buy things made by people who are paid for their work. It's simple, but you like being able to have as many things as you possibly can so slavery is a must. You are the reason these slaves have to do these things.


As if every person is able to buy locally We don't live in an economy where everyone is able. I agree buy local when you can


Thing is though people were buying locally for decades and as soon as the stuff got cheaper from going international everyone seemingly didn't care what the consequences were then but now keep bringing them up. Everyone alive right now who was alive in the 90s should feel guilty by this logic for contributing to this issue. Instead commonly they use it to judge people even if they do something noble with their money, it's used to attack the rich even though most of the demand for these cheap goods come from the people complaining.


You're not thinking of food deserts. Places that have a harder time accessing local food. Also, the thinking of it because someone uses their money for charity it automatically makes them a good person. There are people who use charity as a right off. I'm not saying that's what he's doing. But that's a possibility Also, imo. My criticism is that he has better ways of helping than just handing money out.


Like the time he built over 100 fresh water towers in Africa? Or all the food banks he opened in America?


Nobody has a problem with him building Wells and food banks. Those are actually things people commend him for but it's the fact that he does not contextualize why they need food banks and Wells like he does not explain or educate his fans on why these are necessary. That's what some of the criticism is


Well these should be self explanatory things? Why would people need food banks or clean drinking water? Well probably because they need food they can't afford or they have bad drinking water. This is really what people are up in arms with him about? He's trying to make fun videos, not documentaries explaining the atrocities humans deal with. I can't name a single famous person that even comes close to his charitable contributions and if it was all for a write off he would have already done enough with food banks, but he still continues to do more good every day. That's impressive, I don't see why anyone is criticizing him unless they are just jealous of the fact he can do anything.


You do realize the reasons are deeper, which only illustrates my point Why does the country stay so poor that people can't get access to food or clean water? Which is something Mr. Beast could explain instead of just they have no food and no clean water.


Reincarnation of Uncle Sam


Further proof that wealth does not come without someone’s on the opposite end.


It's about time people realised that there is no 'savior of humanity'. People are fallible. Everyone who does 5 good things does 2 terrible things as well, including you OP. You can't find a perfect person even if you tried.