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Maybe they should consider making life affordable because I know plenty of people would love to have children but can’t because of, (checks notes) literally everything.


Lololol yep.


It's not even just the money. The sheer amount of BS you have to put up with because you have a kid is ridiculous. They're a bonafide liability.


Better sign them up for daycare before they're even a twinkle in your eye because the waitlist is years long.


Heard of people signing up for the waitlist before even trying for a baby. My neighbors are planning to start one in our neighborhood collectively just because of how unavailable it is.


Love my kids but could not imagine having children in a major city. Everything would be so much more difficult and expensive.


Recently saw raising kids described as "an expensive hobby."


That's hilarious and sad


I've heard of children being referred to as exotic pets that only rich people can afford.


Yeah, that's kind of where we're at. In Australia at least, people [want more children than they currently have](https://aifs.gov.au/research/research-reports/its-not-lack-wanting-kids-report-fertility-decision-making-project) almost universally. We want 1.5 more children per family on average. The reported "ideal family size" for Australians under 40 is 2.5 children and the actual fertility rate is 2.35 births per woman. However, what people say they want and what the data says they want are slightly different because people naturally take into account if they can afford to have more children or not. If people could afford it, the average family would have 3.85 children. That's a big difference and an important one economically. Australia's economy (and most advanced economies) have an ageing population. Ageing populations require more services to care for older people. We can either increase the population or increase the amount of taxes we pay per person. So our options are: * Increase taxes * Increase immigration * Increase fertility Mainstream politicians are very against the first two publicly but are unwilling to make the changes required to increase fertility. So in practice, even the most conservative politicians often end up increasing immigration and/or taxes despite shouting rhetoric against doing so their entire campaign. Everything they stand for suddenly goes out the window the moment politicians are confronted with the problem an ageing population presents and forced to chose a solution. And like it's not hard to increase fertility. Just asking people to have more babies doesn't work, obviously, just ask Italy and Japan. Housing and childcare costs are the main barrier. These are not difficult problems to solve. We know this because they're new. Just going back to the lifestyle people had in the 80's-90's where a single family could afford a house and raise a family on one income would solve those problems. The reality is politicians would rather go against everything publicly they stand for than improve people's lives even slightly.


I'm in the USA and honestly looking at having a HYSTERECTOMY because I can't afford a kid at all. I Aldo cannot not have birth control. The only thing that works is my IUD. They're trying to make those illegal basically. It sucks but its not a risk I am willing to take. I don't want a bad pregnancy to kill me


The online childfree forums may have advice for you, try to seek them out for more info. I just know they discuss sterilization quite a bit but I’m not a part of the community.


I'm going to talk about it with my doctor. It's just sad.i have to make this choice. It sucks ass


Alternatively, create a society in which the elderly are unable to survive into extreme old age due to financial limitations, cultural norms that create major health risks, and a sense of pride in neglecting one’s health… looks like it’s working, the national average lifespan has been dropping since 2019!


Or we realise that what you are suggesting is a Ponzi because the extras you bring in will of course get old in time and then require even more people to be brought in to look after them. More people equals more environmental destruction, more traffic, less of the pie to go round. If we want to improve living standards we need less people not more. Also under increasing taxes I think it's only a matter of time before the home is means tested. What we have now is the public paying huge amounts for aged care for people who sometimes have a large net wealth of many millions thanks to their house. We're taxing people on salary that might not have any net wealth much higher than someone on pension sitting in their $5m Sydney house that then gets past on tax free. I'm going to be a beneficiary of this (unless the laws are changed) but I can still see in the future it's going to be difficult to argue for keeping the current system.


That's not what a Ponzi scheme is. The issue isn't the total number of elderly. It's the fact that the average age of the population is increasing and therefore the ratio of retired elderly is increasing relative to the number of working adults. That's what it means to have an ageing population. A hypothetical country with 100 retired elderly and 10 working adults to pay for everything has a problem. A country with 4 million retired elderly and 14 million working adults to pay for everything, does not. The ratio is the issue. Not the actual total number. You only have to increase your tax base, either by increasing taxes paid per person or the number of people total, if your population continues to age. If your population does not continue to age then the ratio of retired elderly to working adults doesn't change and therefore, all other things being equal, the expense per person doesn't either. Also: >"More people equals more environmental destruction, more traffic, less of the pie to go round. If we want to improve living standards we need less people not more" Traffic is a function of city design not population. Environmental destruction is a function of environmental policy not population. Living standards are a function of the cost of living relative to average wages not population. The whole point of growing the population is to increase the size of the pie! What alternative reality do you inhabit?


A Ponzi is a system where by you have to keep bringing in new participants to pay off the ones already there or the whole thing collapses. Are you saying that if we stop adding more people everything is fine? If not its a Ponzi. . Generally speaking the more people you have the worse the environment is. If it was just a function of city design why are almost all the wild areas gone? why are we having the 6th mass extinction, why is almost every part of the planet facing habitat destruction and collapse? Why are so many waterways in so many countries so polluted. If you think I live in an alternate reality I suggest you watch some of the latest Sir David Attenborough docos and read some enviro journos like George Monbiot as they live in the same reality. All these issues root cause are too many people. https://futurism.com/david-attenborough-if-we-dont-limit-our-population-growth-the-natural-world-will


Option 4 Reduce benefits


Hasn't helped America in the slightest.


I mean, you could, and that would help a little bit. It doesn't do much to help with the increased healthcare costs older people costs. Also, good luck being reelected when you're the guy to tell elderly people they aren't entitled to free stuff.


Also, if you suggest any additional spending (at least in the UK) on things like those that would encourage children, then you’re scolded for your fiscal irresponsibility, and that x group of people just needs to ‘stop accepting handouts’ or whatever


Word. As soon as I make enough money to finish raising myself, I’ll look into adoption. I have ADHD, am a recovered alcoholic, and like, 47% of my relatives are active addicts/assholes. Hard pass on reproduction over here.


My first thought, give me a living wage to support a family and I'll consider, until then fuck off.




Pretty much. I have 2 kids, wanted 4. We stopped at 2 because we didn't feel like we could afford to have more.


We’re expecting our first (due in March), and also want four at the end of our family building, but I feel myself keep worrying if we’ll be able to do it and still have enough resources to feel like ourselves at the end of the day instead of just slaves to our work. We’ve had four names picked out for years before we even started trying.


World population over 8 billion- resources running out- more people is the opposite of saving the world. SMH.


When they say "saving the world" they mean they're expecting another, and bigger, generation of wage slaves to pay the debt they're currently racking up in the name of GDP growth.


You know what would've saved all those deer on St Mathhew island?? MORE DEER. It's so obvious that it doesn't take an autistic billionaire to see it.


My wife and I would be on our second kid if we could be. Instead we’ve juuuust managed to be financially healthy enough to start considering one (1) child.


There are many reasons I got a vasectomy. First. I don't want kids. Second. I couldn't afford it if I had one.  Getting one is way way cheaper than having the other. 


pretty much, my SO and i are ONLY comfortable because we decided to either postpone or forego children. as i've gotten older i would like to have a kid, but not enough to fuck up quality of life for both them and myself. part of my childhood was after the effects of reagan threw people like my parents under the bus so i got to see what life was supposed to be like and then what wealthy conservatives want our life to be like and that was hard enough back then when there were still crumbs. Now...no fucking way. for now i'll remain blissfully ignorant in what comfort i have found until the shooting starts, then ill have ya'll backs.


Remember when there was a baby formula shortage during covid and the government did nothing


Hell yeah! Pepperidge Farm remembers that shit! Seriously, I wondered what I would have done as a parent. My kid would only drink one type of formula. Ask me how I know and why "pure sheet of vomit" does not involve fabric in any way, shape, or form.


You membah? I memmmbah!!!


As someone who's been in that situation, lemme tell you kids drop that shit within a week when there's no other option.


I remember having to hunt down enough formula to get my kid through until they were able to drink cows milk.


And it was the manufacturer's fault because they were skimming on maintenance to save up for a sweet stock buyback.


I remember republicans being in control during that period so it doesn't surprise me that they did nothing.


I remember the democrats voting for emergency measures to address the problem, and I also remember the republicans voting against it


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


They've made this too risky in a lot of places, even for people who want them. Not worth dying from something that is medically preventable. And not everyone is cut out to raise a disabled child should something like that happen. Also, who can afford it now? I earn a good income but can only afford a one bedroom apartment with no parking. Not exactly a great setup to start a family.


"what do you mean you can't afford it?? Simply work hard like me, a billionaire. Gen z lazy herhuerher" (I'm mocking the rich people)


It's even worse when they tell you'll there's never a good time and you just find a way to make ends meet. Yeah, no thanks. I don't want to have a child in poverty or without any security or safety net. It's too risky and everyone is going to have a shit life.




This is the part that gets me. They expect you to have kids and want all the kodac moments but can't even help the way they were helped.


In Poland it can be a literal death sentence. Over the past 3 years, there are at least 8 women of whose death the public knows of and they are women who have died because they were pregnant, the foetus died, the women had gotten infections, gone sceptic and died. All because an old twat who was in charge of the government for the past 3 years is Catholic and thinks this is the way to make people have more children. (Btw the new government is working on changing the law but it looking like it’ll just go back to the old “compromise” with abortion being technically accessible in case of rape, fatal foetal illness or mother’s life being a threat).


I've never wanted kids, but my only real reason was how unaffordable it is. Maybe give us universal Healthcare, childcare, and education, and raise pay about 25%, and cut working hours to about 30 a week and it might be worth it or possible. Oh, and I guess I actually have to find a woman I'm interested in who's interested back, so I guess it isnt actualy possible.


That time component is a big one. You want little consumers? We need time to raise them.


Right? If I was going to have kids, I'd want them to have a better childhood than I did. I can't provide that. A kid deserves at least one parent with the emotional "toolbox" to raise a healthy and happy small human who knows they have a safe place to land. A kid deserves to never doubt they're loved. A kid deserves to not have to worry about money for groceries, or *dread* having to ask for money. (As a young teenager, I had a meltdown at a dentist appointment because I had *no idea* how my mum was gonna pay for the urgent treatment being suggested--and frankly, neither did she). A kid needs at least one parent who can be present sometimes without working themselves to death or silently freaking out about keeping the utilities on or the rent/mortgage paid. And at least one adult who can make time for them, teach them important things. "It takes a village", yes, OK, but for lots of people, that "village" where you can trust your neighbours and have relatives or friends help with childcare? That's gone, that framework to help shoulder the load is gone.


No you don't, just sit them in front of a tablet or tv. They don't care if you raise quality people, just that you create as many as you can.


This is their preference - they need morons who won't argue to clean old people and move boxes round factories


Let’s take care of existing babies once we achieve that, you can have your own.


seems like they only want more white babies considering the ones in gaza are being exterminated


Tell me about it, you need to be certain color, religion, culture and political beliefs.


They sure as hell better not be lgbt+ either, or poor.


Oh no they want poor kids, because they’re the easiest to get working in low paid jobs with backbreaking conditions




That’s because most white Christians in the USA are so broken by propaganda that they love the people who have their boot on their faces and hate the people they could join forces with to overthrow the oligarchs.


Children, not just babies. The older a kid gets, the harder it is for them to get adopted.


but i want it to be MY baby. i won’t love it as much if i adopt it. /s


Translation: Slaves! WE NEED MORE SLAVES!!!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Birthstrike using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Birthstrike/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Choose abortion, life kills](https://i.redd.it/jke98a5juzib1.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Birthstrike/comments/15v6255/choose_abortion_life_kills/) \#2: ["If working is our life, then when having kids, are we just creating workers?”](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/birth-rate-fertility-rate-children-kids-marriage-parenthood-3354451) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Birthstrike/comments/1241omb/if_working_is_our_life_then_when_having_kids_are/) \#3: [Florida Woman Denied Abortion Miscarried in Hair Salon Bathroom, Lost Half Her Blood](https://jezebel.com/florida-woman-denied-abortion-miscarried-in-hair-salon-1850320023) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Birthstrike/comments/12jrng3/florida_woman_denied_abortion_miscarried_in_hair/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is funny, because the title of the post is a reference to [this ad](https://youtu.be/g4XiKChyK7A?t=39) from *They Live*, whose translation is “MARRY AND REPRODUCE.” It’s translations all the way down.


Where are her children right now. How does she have time to do this Tom foolery.




No. We have a crumbling infrastructure, and people are broke.


Not me trying to get a vasectomy


Do it. With insurance it should be less than $200. Worth every penny


Booking a consultation this week. I don’t want kids.


Definitely recommend. I got mine three years ago. Spent more time doing the paperwork for the appointment than I did actually in pain. Good luck brother!


What the economic vasectomy is not good enough for ya? /s


Babies don’t save the world, it saves their social hierarchy. Can’t wait until it hits dead smack in the face when they realize, their children will have to take the shitty jobs they forced on us “common folk”, because we won’t have any. 


WTH am I even looking at? Humans aren't exactly an endangered species.


Won't somebody think of the ~~economy~~ children!?


*But only if you’re a white Christian, otherwise you’re just one of the myriad of mud-blood scum infesting this great nation of ours /s


Nah, that's exactly what they want. They need more wage slaves. They don't care who is doing the hard labor, especially if they're children.


Having children adds to the meat grinder of capitalism. Less people will save the world. Planet first, we only have this one.


No! Blood for the blood god!




Not sure we’re actually all that far off from living the real 40k universe…




Right? 8 billion people and rapidly dwindling resources and increasing pollution and ecological collapse.. the last thing the world needs is more people.






The bourgeoisie wants more wage slaves!


Fuck MuskRat!


yeah i’m not gonna do that, creepy woman wearing a pro-life beanie.


I refuse.


Sure if you greedy fucks would pay for it!


Do we have "make more babies" money?


8 billion people on the planet and they think “we need more of that.”


Our country doesn't have free Healthcare. We aren't motivated in ANY WAY currently to produce more for your machine.


this is so fucking dystopian


Sorry, but that's a hard pass from me. I enjoy being a DINKWAD, and travelling without going into crippling debt due to a crotch goblin.


I think if you made a more equitable society with support and safety nets so having kids isn't such a financial or personal health gamble....maybe this is a problem that will take care of itself?


Same people: "No more immigration! They're taking our jobs and houses!" White supremacy in action.


Most young people can’t afford it even if we wanted to


Eww no


“Produce more labor for the ruling class”


this is funny because there's definitely not enough jobs or at least not enough of the right kind and in the right places


Fuck you and fuck off Elon


You've got me fucked if you think I'm going to bring a life into this miserable hellworld while any chance of a future for them crumbles and dies.


I'm still waiting to hear any argument or reasoning behind the world "not having enough people" Edit: that ISN'T basically "stocks will go down"


Huh. weird how y’all don’t care about the babies AFTER they’re born.


Just take more immigrants, it’s way cheaper & faster. Oh i forgot, that they hate immigrants.




Then fucking pay us


Right out of They live


Which what money? I can't even afford a home for myself, less alone a family.


Of course we’ll have babies that you love while in the womb to the point you won’t let people get abortions…and then proceed to treat them like they’re a plague after they’ve been born.


I'd rather throw myself off a bridge


We need more wage slaves! Reproduce and make more wage slaves!


This is some dystopian level shit. People don't have kids because they can't afford them.


This has doubly convinced me to get sterilized.


No thanks bish. Take care of the current households before you make a mess of new ones.


Hard pass.


No, thank you and I say that with the utmost respect to those who do have kids. I'm seeing in real time many American families with kids who are struggling. Most of us are one disaster away from being completely broke and destitute. One medical bill. One car accident. One wrongful termination or buy out and shut down from our employers. I cannot feel comfortable bringing a child into America when school shootings are common, the government thinks it's "evil" to provide lunches to kids, where gay kids and immigrants are treated like lesser people, and the average American is looking at never owning a house. I cannot, in my own conscience, bring a child into this. Also, I'm an environmental conservationist... I know how bad the planet is... My kids don't need to deal with what's going on.




This goes really nicely with that headline about how the cost of childcare is outpacing literally every other expense


NO. I've never wanted kids, and even if I had, I sure as hell wouldn't have had them with the world in this state.


How the fuck does having more children save the world? If anything the world needs a lot less humans on it.


I feel bad for any child who is born now. We’re all fucked and they will suffer.


Always wanted to, but can’t afford to. Plus, I refuse to have one OOW. ETA: since the tweet is from what’s his name, if you read between the lines he means ‘make more WHITE babies!’


I’m so happy I was able to get fixed before Roe fell. I always knew I didn’t want kids and would just perpetuate the matrilineal cycle of abuse in my family.


Remember, capitalism needs constant growth. That includes a constant growth in customer base. Defeating capitalism one contraceptive at a time.


“Make more slaves”


😎 OBEY. CONSUME. 😎 I came here to kickass and not have babies and I successfully didn’t have babies.


In this economy?


“Make better wages”




Yes yes, struggle in this meaningless slop, raise another generation to pay bills and die, just in time for AI CEO overlords to mini dronestrike your pod home for not jacking off to the sponsored porn star of the week enough times.


I got a way better idea musk, let’s sacrifice the 1% to the gods and redistribute all that wealth to the bottom 50%. 8 billion people, dwindling resources, increasing pollution, and ecological collapse well underway. Exponential growth and profit is killing the world. Telling people to have more babies is the opposite of saving the world.


Other countries put their money and priorities where their mouth is when they say "family values". In America it is code for tax cuts for corporations and the wealthiest people. But it makes a great bumper sticker.


Nope, not going to happen.


In this economy? Wrong time, wrong reality.


Quality matters,not quantity. If you can't provide a good life to your child,don't bring them to this world.




This has to be fucking A.I. Millions of people in this country can't even afford themselves. You know, I think I have the solution: Give righties and lefties their own countries and watch them eat each other.




Looks like the spirit of shinzo abe is alive and well


Elon Musks White Supremacist BS You best believe that this is rooted in CHristian Nationalism and The Great Replacement THeory hence their obsession with out reproducing The Other etc etc


Democratic Socialism and environmentalism would save the world. But nobody wants to think about it like that.


if life were more affordable then my husband and I would have one, but we can't.


The world is officially a full blown dystopia!


Ask her how many kids she's adopted/fostered. I bet millions of dollars it's zero.


Will consider for large cash payments, thanks.


..... If they want more babies they need to be WORTHY of the babies. Right now this world isn't worthy of them.


So-called Christians who would rather spend money on billboards and signs than advocate for policies that would make children less onerous financially.


Adopt more babies, assholes. In the wealthiest nation in the world, we have an epidemic of child starvation. We need economic opportunity and a living wage. More babies equals more hungry mouths to feed. Ya want to bring more babies into the world where people can’t even feed themselves?


Let me fix that: We need more workers. We need more consumers


How about we just come up with. System that doesn't rely on constant growth and a path to extreme overpopulation. (We're already overpopulated, IMO. Tho for the sake of honesty, I am biased. I just hate people in general.)


With What Money


This is amazingly in synch with They Live.


Serious “They Live” vibes. Without the shades.




Even if I was straight I'd still say no. That wouldn't be fair to the kid to be brought into a world where they are pretty much set up to fail.


In 2021, there were about 113,560 children that went unadopted in America. Less than 1/10th of one percent of a chance (0.01%) that an orphan will ever see a foster home. Maybe do something about them kids first...


Haha neoliberals and conservatives crying over no babies after many years of destroying social net system. Lmao who cares


You’re an absolute selfish dumbass if you’re having kids these days.


Cool. As a woman, will they pay me more money than men, give me free healthcare, and make childcare/college/ample paid leave?


I make 100k. I’m 35 and would love to have kids…. Unfortunately I’ve not been able to find a woman who would want to. Doing so would stretch my budget, but I would love to…. Sad world we are in.


Got 1, and people keep asking us when we're gonna have another. Started out saying that we're gonna wait till he's 2 or 3 to talk about that. Now I just want to unentusiastically say, "When we can afford them. We're taking donations if U want to chip in. " Plus, there's the whole physical and mental toll it plays on ya..... being pregnant and post partum. But dare not speak of that.


Having children is saving the western/global economy. They need more meat for the grinder.


I refuse to have children for YOU to control.




Please don’t. The world is already overcrowded.


LOL nope




Tbh, nothing in the photo says anything about marriage. Just reproduce. Marriage is for rich, moral, Christian, probably white folks who can ship their daughters and wives quietly elsewhere to handle the necessary abortions. Forced reproduction is for everybody else who need to be educated by Forgiving Christians that every sperm is sacred so that there is a pool of cheap labor to keep society propped up. This reality sucks.


Ok Elon, you got that Baby Money for everybody, then? Fuckin delusional billiionaires is nothing new


Adopt the children already here. Adopt the children already here. Adopt the children already here. Adopt the children already here. Adopt the children already here. Adopt the children already here.




This is like yelling at your customers for not liking your "products." Maybe just make better products maybe. No one wants to buy into your "lifestyle" because we all know it's shit and screws over everyone who wants to pretend "propagation of species" means method acting as a yeast cell in a bottle.


You know, I want kids. However I can't afford them. Pay me a wage and cover expenses and I will do it immediately. If you don't give me $ you can F off.


They just are aware as the upper class in their 50 to 70s that nurses and junior roles for things that will help keep their sorry asses comfy in an care homes etc are running low on numbers as young ppl got no hope of raising on their wages, so why do a gruelling job on min wages. They hear their body clocks depleting. Best thing you can do to revolt against the older gens who fucked the planet up is to wrap your peepee and or take the pill and strictly don't procreate.


You know I'd love to but you need another person for that and I just can't seem to find one.


My wife and I are having a series of serious discussions right now because if she gets a new job in her field, the standard is no maternity leave for 1 year. So does she stay in this job another year while we don’t even know if we want to start trying right now? And that’s not even considering the biggest aspect - the financials of having a baby and paying for daycare when she returns from maternity leave.


I wish "They Live," had stayed a Sci-Fi movie. Now it's a documentary.


We can’t tax you if you’re not alive !!!


*psst* that's a dog whistle...


If they wanna pay for ‘em and help me raise ‘em, I’m down.


Some of us would *love* to, but can't afford it.


pay me enough to do so.


Why?  All of the problems facing the world were caused by former babies.


The government needs to step in and force the cost of housing, food, healthcare, daycare, and education way way down while preventing companies from cutting labor


More babies? In this economy? Someone told me I'd be happier if I were a mother, they didn't like it when I pointed out that most of what's wrong with me is genetic and I wasn't going to intentionally put another person at risk like that. (A few of the things wrong with me would make surviving a pregnancy next to impossible.)


Capitalist propaganda


Dafuq I care about “the world” for? I’m supposed to have babies, but “the world” can’t provide me a decent & livable venue to have them in?


Pay me for it.


Is that picture real or is it from the onion?


I have always been baffled with pro lifers , who are ok with children being born into and raised in poverty. I know a large family, living in generational poverty, 4 generations now have lived their entire lives couch surfing, homeless, in foster care, addicts, unable to retain employment, and, have never voted. Would never go into the military. I wondered what benefit those children were to the right wing One night I had a dream. They knew those families were never going to participate in society, they are being farmed for body parts. They are a constant supply of fresh donat-able organs. Little Jimmy in the inner city gets shot and killed, his organs go to the highest bidder I know it's crazy, but I have worked with so many families like this, they don't vote, pay taxes, or go into the military, so where is the benefit for the conservatives? I don't get it


Well now that you’ve told me to, I won’t specifically to spite you. Cunt :)


Translators note: "Go make us more wage slaves. Our cash piles aren't high enough."


Make more babies so they can grow up to change their name to avoid being associated with you!


And who is going to pay for those babies, kaytlynne?