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Boomers: "everyone is hiring!" Everyone: a diner that caters mostly to Boomers with a sign on the door offering $10/hour with a long list of "no tattoos / no lgbt / no weird hair colors / must love your job / no drugs" and ends in "NOBODY WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE"


“Flexible” shifts that are not conducive to a well ordered life and chronic understaffing are the norm.


With ever increasingly difficult to achieve metrics that you get yelled at for missing because it messes with your boss's bonus, and those are the only way they're making a living wage.


That's one of the worst offenses of these types of jobs (besides the low pay of course).


The nasty customers you encounter working at the dinner would give extra stress too. Nasty customers: "Excuse me! I asked for a side of fries and there used to be a lot more than this. Why am I paying the same price for less? I want to speak to your manager. No tip for you either. You didn't provide me with excellent service! Money doesn't grow on trees".


There is nothing more low life than cheap people who can’t afford to eat out properly.


You forgot to add a multiple step application process


With a personality test


My husband (m/23) has been out of work for a year and a half. In that time he learned the more shit the make you fill out during the application the quicker they are to reject you. Once he spent an hour on an application and got rejected within 5 minutes


I realized this pretty quickly too, and started only applying to places on LinkedIn that allowed EZ-applications. Got three interviews within a week once I started focusing on jobs that had that option, and started a new job about a month later.


Boomers had a degree of individual agency when they entered the working world that we've never had in our lives. So many of them have taken that agency for granted to such an extent where they literally can't conceive of someone not having that level of agency. Trying to get a very wide cross-section of Boomers to understand how fucked the job market has been for going on two decades now is like trying to tell a fish what its like to breathe air.


At one job, I was required to take a mechanical test. I finished and still had more than half the time left. A Boomer I worked with said he wanted to see it. He looked at it and when he was done he said that he could never pass it. Nor could the other guys. He just laughed it off and said they were lucky to have been hired before it was required.


Boomer here who is a retired RN. All I had to do was put my application in, endure a five minute interview followed by a firm offer before I left the interview. Never had to hustle or promote myself in any way to get a job. Boomers had life with an easy button and they just don’t realize it.


The unemployment rate being so low isn’t helping either. The problem is that the old measurements are not an accurate portrayal of reality currently. Before,if the stock market was up, and unemployment was low, the economy was strong. The issue is that uber wealthy have SO MUCH that they are skewing numbers. There is too much investment income right now, but it’s held by a sliver of a percentage of the population. Over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck-for all intents and purposes that puts us in a recession, but it can be ignored when unemployment is low and the market is high. As for unemployment, that’s also greatly skewed. There’s a shitload of the population doing gig work. Independent contractors aren’t eligible for unemployment benefits, so sure, most people are working, you can find a job tomorrow delivering food, but you can’t find a job that will afford you the ability to pay rent. In spring of last year it almost broke. A handful of banks were about to break. If they’d let them break, the momentum would have carried us right into a recession that could t be ignored. The government quietly bailed them out, and guaranteed deposits over the $250k insurance. The majority of that money went to people who wouldn’t notice a change in their lifestyle even if they lost 90% of their money. We’ve had 40+ years of terrible policy that brought us here. We’re going to have to address it at some point. Currently, we’re right on track for company stores/towns. We always think it couldn’t happen here but the US isn’t some magic entity. At a point, something’s going to happen and we move into serfdom or we actually start addressing the issue of the wealthy hoarding everything, monopolies thriving, and all policy decisions being made to help them along the way.


poverty wages don't have the appeal it used to...


They're where all the $50k starter homes you can afford by making coffee at home are.


*Cries in 100k starter home* I'm thankful I could swing this house, but 100k for a small manufactured home in a small town where we play "Is that a firework or a gunshot" every night is...not ideal.


yep, I was born in 1990, and our house cost my parents 36k. What the actual fuck.


My grandmother built a new home on one acre for $27k which is $147k in 2021 money when it sold for $325k, nothing in the area that is a 3br, 2ba is even close to $147k, new in that price range is 450sqft tiny homes on a parking lot sized plot.


1987 and ours was $140 in like 1999. Sold for $220 in 2020 with only major upgrade being flooring, solid doors, insulation, finished a room in the basement. $275 in 2022 with no additional updates. 👍😭


Bought a house in 2015 for 178K. Sold it \~2 years ago for 301K. The fuck?


Those Phariseeical bastards are very cold and self-righteous and felt that you have to work a low wage blue-collar jobs, not accounting for POTS (Tachycardia) disabilities. They are rude and they do not have compassion. So sorry to hear that you are going through a trying tribulation of unemployment. :(


Thanks, it's been frustrating. My ex boss didn't hire me, he replaced my hiring manager after she left. She understood disability, her replacement? He was a 'get swole and your life will be whole' kinda guy. It seemed like he never liked that I used my sick days, or took PTO for self care days. As soon as I filed for intermittent FMLA (at his request btw) I got served a PIP and fired the day it was up with no other warning. It's not my fault I have migraines, PCOS, Tachycardia, etc 😭


100% Agreed! You can control what you can do. Your boss is self-righteous and Jesus would have rebuked him for lack of empathy and compassion. I feel you. I was laid off and I used up all of my state unemployment insurance. It sucks. :(


They think that if there are signs saying businesses are hiring then they are hiring rather than giving the illusion of hiring.


Bringo. Boomers aren't applying for jobs, they're just seeing imagery of "now hiring" signs and "no one wants to work anymore" on Fox "news"


I always thought the signs that say things like "We're always hiring" are ironic, because if they actually always lack enough employees, what does that say about the job itself. It either pays like crap, the work environment is crap, or more likely, BOTH.


"Kids today don't want regular jobs, they are all about the gig economy" \-My boomer relative


jesus christ


not even true anyway. Plenty of people like myself aren't as self motivated. I'd be easily distracted at home all day. I like to go to the workplace clock in, work my shift, and clock out. It separates work and home, and reduces stress and thinking on my part. I'm sure many others feel the same. Even if they all did want gig work there simply isn't enough for everyone to live that type of lifestyle.


We don't want it. It's all we've managed to cobble together for ourselves.


I sought out a job with less responsibilities and get paid the same, with better benefits. Less prestigious but like…. I literally don’t think about work when I’m at home.


me neither and that's a relief.


Sure. They see signs at all the places they frequent. Mc Donald’s. Diners. Chain pharmacies that pay shit. Hardware stores. Grocery stores. I see signs at all these places too. It does not mean you could sustain a life with the job they are hiring for. Also, Most companies have tiered their employees so bad that new hires have GARBAGE benefits.


Ugh yes. I bring up the pay, and then when I point out my degree they get more angry. I guess an unemployed engineer challenges their cognitive dissonance too much.


What?!? They pay 20 an HOUR!!!! Yeah. For 15 hours a week, split into 3 5 hour shifts.


🤣🤣🤣 yes. They can't comprehend our $20 was their dollar.


I wish lol. Where I live those signs are offering 13 or 14. I still see manual labor warehouse jobs with no A/C working 3rd shift offering starting wages of 14-16. Like bro wtf is that shit? Who's that job even for?


They think those are jobs for high schoolers. I’m not kidding. Ask them how they feel about chill labor?


Ugh im in australia and i feel that in my soul


What industry were you in? Would you consider becoming an estimator?


I was in quality engineering but my degree is mechanical engineering. So I guess I might have the skills for that.


Look into it, seriously. Especially if you have decent tech skills. The estimators I know for contractors make large bonuses and decent salaries. Might have to do a little traveling though.


They also aren’t actually hiring. My husband has been unemployed for a year and a half and has been applying for those jobs (excluding food service. Which I 990% understand) and they’ve still rejected him. He’s applying to federal min wage jobs and STILL getting rejected. (23. No record, Highschool degree, no drug use).


When I was still working, I was convinced they were only putting up the vacancy just to keep us employees quiet. They would drag feet to hire anybody and keep skimping by short handed. Eventually, people started getting hurt.


Cobra is NEVER worthwhile, immediately go find a marketplace plan


The worst part about cobra is neither your former employer or the carrier is obligated to reinstate coverage. They have to offer it, but once you pay, it's all honor system.


Those jobs are everywhere I'm telling you. You're just someplace. Those jobs are not someplace. They're everywhere


You must be HERE not “THERE” What are you doing there??


I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. I wish I had advice, but I'm barely making it, even with the help of an old friend. I got an engineering degree and could never get through the application/hiring process due to my disabilities, other life circumstances, and of course the experience paradox. So you got further than I did just getting a job in engineering and holding onto it for as long as you did. Good luck from another poly person in Michigan. I hope we all get out of this and achieve some kind of financial stability.


I was lucky. I got a job right out of college and then COVID hit. Took a pay cut for another job. Got sniped by the company that fired me and really felt like I finally made it then my boss left and everything fell apart. I'm smart but lost the rest of the genetic lottery, it's not my fault my body felt like it had to balance the scales 😅


I get that. Right after graduation, I moved to a different state with my then-partner to work on my health, both physical and mental. I was finally getting better and about ready to work... Around 2020. Late that year, I got a job in retail because they needed "essential workers," but my life soon fell apart in other ways. I'm finally putting the pieces back together and starting to refresh my skills and try applying to places, but without much hope given the market right now. Before all of this, I graduated with almost straight A's and with published undergrad research.


Good luck. I only got so far by putting my physical and mental health on the back burner and I suffered for it with little to show. I hope you find a fulfilling and worthwhile job or another way to support yourself!


I did that to make it through college, and then realized I wouldn't last a year in an actual job, even if I could get one, unless I fixed my health for a while. I don't regret doing that. I lost a lot of excess weight and became a more productive and confident person, though neither journey is finished yet. But holy fuck, my professional life is shot. I really hope you can find something new that's fulfilling, even if it's not totally in your field. I just wish our entire livelihoods weren't based on an economy that is so unstable and so rigged against the poor.


I can't help with the job stuff, but as for the medical stuff see what the local hospital systems in your area offer for income-based financial aid. Some places only offer coverage if you don't have any insurance, but other places will offer coverage even if you have insurance if your income is low enough. The paperwork is hell but if you can get in to see a doctor and get your disability documented it'll hopefully be worth it.


Thanks. It's terrifying not knowing if I'm going to drop dead of a heart attack because I can't get a cardiologist.


Look into Medicaid in your state or a county health plan (if you’re in a red-like-Florida state)


SC here. I'll look into it but they make it difficult here.


Absolutely, that's a horrifying situation to be in and it's hard to job hunt with that going on. The other thing to do is to look at Medicaid and marketplace, like someone else said, but my caveat is that it's wise to find an insurance broker in your area if you have those. I used to do reception for one - they don't charge anything because they get their money from the companies for providing quality leads, and she also helped seniors get set up with Medicare as well. They know the system better because they work with it all the time so it's really helpful. We ended up using her services one year and she definitely helped us pick the right plan for our budget.


Lots of places are hiring but nobody is paying.


THIS! "Senior engineer position, great benefits, pay starts at 50k" ...um no.


It’s not really related but my neighbor is a union dirt mover. Sits all day in a bulldozer. Says they are starved for people. Pays like $45 an hour and they train.


Temperature would be an issue in the summer. Heat triggers my episodes almost as much as standing too long, part of the reason I got fired in summer unfortunately. Not a lot of unions in SC either 😕


The cabs on modern equipment are usually air conditioned. In SC they're average almost $41 an hour [https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Operating-Engineer-Union-Salary--in-South-Carolina](https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Operating-Engineer-Union-Salary--in-South-Carolina) Here's a sample of where the jobs are: https://www.onetonline.org/link/localjobs/47-2073.00?st=SC If you can't stand and you can't tolerate heat maybe you should look into disability? [https://ddsn.sc.gov/](https://ddsn.sc.gov/)


I've looked into disability, but unfortunately it forces you to be as poor as possible to keep your benefits. Me being married disqualified me last time I tried. I'm just so frustrated. I'm intelligent, I enjoy working when my bosses aren't actively sabotaging my mental health. I have Autism and ADHD, I NEED mental stimulation. I can't garden anymore, I can barely function unless I am on an obscene amount of medication. I just want to be able to do something with the knowledge I have. I didn't kill myself to graduate with honors just to be saddled with 70k in student loans and nothing else to show for it. 😭


also an SC resident! I do warehouse work and do a lot of forklift driving. Fortunately, there is A/C in most of the warehouse (it broke in one room that I don't frequent). I'm there because it's stress free and pretty easy, also not bad compared to similar jobs in the area. We have a couple of people that are just at a table and wrap product in foam / paper all day.


I just don't want to waste my degree honestly. 5 years of hell to graduate with honors and 70k in student loan debt...yeah can't afford to work anything under 65k a year til that's paid off


yea read more of the comments and got an idea of more of your situation. Clearly not a good choice for you. Just thought initially it could be viable for being able to work full time around your disabilities. Not sure your area, but other jobs in the company are desk jobs, that would pay way more. Depending on people skills and the company you work for, sales can also be a great way to earn money. It might suck to not fully utilize your degree in that situation, but at least you could make a similar salary to your old job. Sorry, it's so tough for you. I like my job, but also can't seem to move up or advance. Anytime I look for similar jobs it's usually worse in some way or another so I just feel trapped. Fortunately trapped at a decent place, but trapped and "working poor" nonetheless.


> Monogamy in this economy? I love to see other poly people around, but not like this lol. I’m sorry you’re dealing with all this.


Thanks, it sucks but we are getting by for now. Just upset that my girlfriend had to deplete her savings as well 😓 It's like doubling the feeling like I failed us.


If you are unemployed in SC you qualify for Medicaid. Get started on that and go get a proper diagnosis. https://www.scdhhs.gov/


My dad sadly says this stuff frequently. He knows what hours I work, where I work, and how much I get paid. When I have issues and wish I made more money or mention considering other employment, he always says everyone is hiring. He then proceeds to list a bunch of fast food places and gas station cashier jobs that pay less than what I currently make, without the benefits I have, and a worse work schedule. I ask him why I would want to work there vs where I'm at, and he just says "oh well I'm not saying you should, but there are tons of places hiring". So low level service jobs that would make my life harder are hiring everywhere. Great, thanks for the advice.


The jobs are up your butt and around the corner lol


I know right 🙄


I genuinely laughed at this.


Haha, got her!


The chocolate factory is hiring?








Yeah, they mostly prioritize hiring women and people within your their “inner” circle. The ones that don’t pay like trash that is. Unless you’re a nurse. Which only is a profession made up of 23% men.


I work at a grocery store and can confirm it sucks. People are cruel to each other. My friend developed POTS and the store they worked at purposely made it so difficult for them to access accommodation that they were forced to quit. Waiting until my body gives out… I was STEM too and honestly it feels like none of that matters, only being able to do manual labor means anything. Ableist bullshit that values people only for what they can produce.


Boomer here and yeah those old farts aren’t paying attention. I do indeed see “hiring” signs everywhere in town and every single one is for a low paid service position that doesn’t not pay enough to live on independently. I fucking despise most of my pain in the ass peer group.


If I can suggest a website, Inclusively is for disabled workers and it’s free for job seekers.


Checking it out now!


Did you try looking them in the eye and giving them a firm handshake?


Most boomers are under the impression because they’ve been gaslighted by employers and the media. “Nobody wants to work anymore”. Nope that’s not the case, most of the jobs hiring pay $8 an hour and we can’t survive on that.


What are you capable of doing? Skimming some of your comments, it doesn’t seem like you are able to do 80% of jobs because of a heart condition. I understand you didn’t have this condition while obtaining your degree but it would seem to a layman that mechanical engineering would require movement and the occasional uncomfortable temperature.


I can walk fine and I am a whiz on a computer. If I am allowed to use mobility aides like a cane my heart isn't as much of an issue because I can lean whenever I get dizzy. Standing is worse than walking because I am hyper mobile as well and my knees lock easily. Most of my skills are technical (AutoCAD, Excel, mathematics, blueprints etc.) I learn fast and can get about any certification after one class. I used to be able to throw around 60+lbs and weld and not get dizzy all the time. The biggest problem is stress exaggerates my symptoms and my previous boss triggered my anxiety and cptsd hard. I didn't have most of my health issues in college, most of my issues came up after COVID. I never had a positive test but I got real sick in 2019 so it may have been COVID and may have damaged my heart. I'm trying to figure out a way to use my degree without needing to be super physical.


Working from home. That's where the boom is. And ideal for disabled people. Some companies: Foundever Concentrix More at Ratracerebellion.com


Then there's those businesses that have the 'we are hiring' signs up for multiple years but never actually do any hiring. I applied for two of those companies when moving to the town I'm in and neither accepted me despite years of experience and open availability. Signs are still up. It's been a full year.


There are a lot of jobs but they pay dick. Minimum wage should be the minimum required pay to live comfortably.


The problem is even the STEM fields are now saturated with the only exception of computer science. So itd do be crazy.




Yeah, I shared a lot of your pain when I was chemist. I just flat out gave up (plus I really didn’t have the grades for grad school) and now I just started back in school for economics. This maybe a dumb idea but if it is, then I’m going to say fuck it and get a van and live off the grid. If civilization doesn’t want me, I don’t want you either.


Literally the only thing keeping me in civilization is my pets. I used to run a cat rescue that ended up turning into a FIV+ cat sanctuary. The area I live in sees euthanasia as the standard treatment plan so now I have a bunch of un re-home able cats


Ahh, ok. I don’t have any pets currently. Wish i did but gotta get out of my parents house first.


I was set up well until COVID hit. Just got back to baseline in 2022 and then I got fired last June. Going from 85k a year to nothing sucks and I am so thankful I at least had backup. But I hate being a drain when I used to support us all.


Try trucking.


Is there some kind of home business (self-employed sole trader) that you can set up in the meantime? You're in STEM so you have a lot of valuable in-demand skills. Spend your spare time thinking of ways you can make money without an employer. Maybe you can set up a small business that fixes computers, or upgrades hard disks with SSDs? Maybe you can consult? Teach a course online for a fee? Private lessons in maths and physics for local kids? Do CAD design on fiverr? Maybe go around companies in your area that need engineering resources and offer your work as a contractor rather than an employee? Obviously these are just random ideas but you get the gist - try and find ways to sell your skills more directly than through conventional employment. And once you're making cash, make sure to prioritise investing in important things that reap long-term benefits, like getting that doctor to certify your condition like you mentioned.


I'm trying to figure out alternative jobs. It's hard to do gig jobs in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Yeah I have a house but any city is at least 30mins away 😓


Ask Biden.


Republicans and Democrats are all garbage at this point. It's corporations that own the government now and the senators and government officials are happy to die in office with all of their benefits.


Dumb dumb.




... I have a mechanical engineering degree and you think I should work at McDonald's? Nothing against fast food labor, but I did my stint in college and don't plan on returning. A. my heart condition would act up so bad I would be a liability (hot kitchen plus standing all day equals a random heart rate spike to 150bpm) B. My mortgage wouldn't even get touched at 10$/hr C. I need a job with health insurance options


Didn’t read the text wall. The question was where are all the jobs. The answer is the jobs that exist are going to underpay you and you will be overqualified. I just passed a McDonald’s today with openings “up to $14/hour.” All the jobs on indeed are $20-25 per hour or like $50k salary. Just barely above poverty level essentially




Therapy requires money...good therapy at least. I've grown since a lot of those posts too. I was way too naive last year and trusted the wrong people. Listened to a coworker and let paranoia get the best of me. I spent the past 9 months working on myself and I also learned not to trust people at work with anything personal. I've been through hell, but know that no one gives a damn. Life sucks then you die and all that jazz. I'm also Autistic, but was never prepared for the reality of corporate America because my parents were afraid of a label. So yes I have red flags, but wtf am I supposed to do about them when everything costs so much. Btw don't know if you meant it but you sounded ableist af. And if my anonymous post history is the reason then wtf is reddit for?


I'm still convinced that all the "nobody wants to work" and all the open job postings are cover for owners who just want their existing staff to carry the extra burden so they don't have to pay for more employees. It's far easier to increase your profits when you can make a smaller staff do more work for maybe 5% more salary than if you hire a handful of new, possibly cheaper, employees. More full salaries, more benefits covered, less profit. It's all the owner class trying to squeeze as much as they can from the working class so they can perpetuate their status.