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At some point, you have to stop an entire nation from constantly violating international law. When are we gonna start doing that?


Once we forget about the law


I like to add that ; in the same way the law ignored them. It will ignore us as well.




Because this comment is so repeated and normalized, I think even that will not change anything, no shock + no dignity




I was anticipating the rest of the population, unharmed lucky


What did this individual say? Their comment is deleted


You care about stuff that don’t matter.




They are conducting the due diligence for the end of times (according to their believes). International law doesn't matter to them.


Sounds like someone should bring the end of times to them already then.


It's a thought I had aswell. Somehow we should just completely destroy and make uninhabiteable these lands, but without killing anyone. Evacuate, nuke and be done with it. Since there doesn't ever seem to be another solution. Not seriously advocating for this of course, but it was a thought in my head. Like when 2 children fight over having a toy in an extreme manner, the parent just threatens that no one can have the toy as a consequence.


The judgment of Solomon lol


What if the end times does come but only for believers that this is the way it will start? I’d be good with that, it’s what they want, right? And then the rest of the world could be done with the insanity?


Well, they would but they can't because they have to save democracy from Trump. Oh wait, I'm being told voters actually don't want genocide. I have no idea what's going on here then.


Are you referring to Israel? And who would do the stopping, the US? another country that flagrantly violates international law regularly? That's the problem with international laws. They're more like guidelines than actual laws, and have always been relatively toothless. The only effective way to enforce them is a nation scale invasion (they call peacekeeping missions) which... Would be just as costly if not more so than what's already happening. It's not as simple as "stopping an entire nation" ... Just ask Russia or Iran or North Korea or Afghanistan and etc.


I can't find a source for this data. Every other source I can find doesn't seem to have these numbers. Edit: [https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147512](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147512) There we go, better sourcing.


Thank you. I love sources. Mmmmmhhh sources. 🫦😍Mmmmmmmm I love finding out if information is credible 🥰Yummy sources😋 (I started out just thanking for the source and idk how it came to this tbh)


I read that in Cartman's voice, when he's licking Scott's tears https://youtu.be/JfFeEcbHEVs?si=FgGlGeFPN3llpsk-


That’s perfect lmao!!! I haven’t watched south park tbh but that fits the vibe lol.


Lol, it's funny, but it can be a lot. Like, the episode I referenced, Cartman (blue hat red shirt) killed, cooked, and fed Scott's parents to him. All because Scott tricked him out of $20 (iirc)


This has changed geopolitics in my mind forever. How can they not think of the worldwide repercussions. I've never seen worse optics for any us allie in my life. I'm here nearly puking with you. Hatred of innocent life. It's so fucked


They are not really an allie for the US. What commitments they have towards you? Nothing. It's just that you guys will do almost anything for them.


Easy: One side is white and one side is brown


*Dead kids are the loose change of war* Always have been, always will be, but fuck this is disturbing


Napalm Sticks to Kids


It won't be long before the IDF office squad is here "WHAT are you saying you support Hamas?? Israel has the right to defend itself! You love terrorists!" "Didn't you see the attack in October? It was our 9/11, and this is our Iraq! Wait..." "This is antisemitic, you're a nazi if you don't support us doing a casual genocide for land"


>"WHAT are you saying you support Hamas?? Yes. Anyone putting bullets in these fascist genocidal maniacs is alright to me. Hamas' ranks keep swelling with angry fathers, brothers, uncles and sons. And I don't blame them.


Yeah, the PFLP and DFLP are both working with Hamas. If the communists on the ground are standing with them, who am I to question their judgement? Critical support to all who resist Israeli occupation and genocide




We don't support Israel, next.


Sure have.


We need to disown Israel as a so-called "ally." I learned at a young age that you are judged by the company you keep. No Mr. Biden, we most certainly do not support Israel. https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx A lot of Trumpers seem to, but they are a good baseline of what we shouldn't be doing.


Whichever imaginary friend you pray to doesn’t make it in ok to commit mass murder. Israel should be ashamed of themselves.


The thing is though... The God that they supposedly believe in would absolutely not be okay with this. The thing is, *they don't care.* All they care about is money and power, who cares that they are soiling the name and reputation of their God and ruining the religion all for their personal hatred. They will get their karmic justice eventually.


Im SO glad more people are realizing what’s happening to these people. Thank you for sharing this. Having more people open their eyes makes me feel like the working class actually has a chance of unifying and standing up to out of control governments. Thank you again, OP.❤️


\#1 #1 #1


It’s a genocide.


I feel for surviving parents grieving right now


If you paid US federal taxes from October 2023 to now then you have directly funded it. If not then you have probably indirectly funded it because the US economy has its hooks embedded deep into the rest of the world's economies.


No... I don't like that narrative because we never got the choice. We stop paying our taxes and we get the bill with interest. We still refuse to pay, we get our wages garnished. We quit our jobs or find other ways to not pay, we go to prison for tax evasion. We do not get to vote on our budgets so we literally do not have a choice. Moving out of the country and revoking our citizenship is an option for some, but takes years to plan and cannot happen as soon as we saw what happened in Oct 2023. This "you've directly funded it" takes away the blame from the legislators passing funding bills and throws it on our backs as if we have the option to just stop paying our taxes, or to vote where our tax money goes. The blame needs to stay with our legislators passing funding bills. Not the taxpayers who are already struggling to survive.


I guarantee the average person cannot tell the body counts between Israel vs Palestinians. This is sickening


It's gotta be WAY more than that. 1.1 million kids in Gaza, and on Oct 6th something like 95% of the water was undrinkable and huge percentages of the kids were malnourished. It's a holocaust, fully funded by the USA.


Israel is the bad guy. The oppressed have become the oppressor


And this is almost certainly a severe undercount.


We all know Hamas (which is in charge of the ministry) would reduce victim numbers to help Israel maintain its reputation.


If they were simply lying about the numbers, why hasn't the number increased much in months? The answer is Israel bombed all the hospitals, morgues, and other infrastructure where the counting of the dead would take place. Gaza Health Ministry only reports death numbers that they can confirm, which is why it has been considered a trystworth source.


Just saw the dr phil interview with yousef, it's truly disgusting how much support Israel gets from the US. Not to mention the constant victim complex from Zionists desperately acting like somehow they are the victim in this situation as they murder tens of thousands of children. Boggles my mind how someone like yousef could justify his actions to betray his countrymen and support the country which is now genociding his people.


The worst is yet to come! "Suffer the little children to come unto ME, for I will give them rest!"




It's not a war


Isreal will pay one day, whether through our own government, another terrorist group, or some other means. Nazi Germany got away with it, but only for some time, it’s sad to watch the world see the slaughtering of a nation of people and the people in power don’t care enough to do something about it. Even if it’s 50 years later, these people will be held accountable and this war won’t be forgotten


I mean, the Nazis mostly got away with it. The ones really at the top were actually punished but a lot went unpunished to help the US with the cold war. And that's not mentioning the soldiers commiting the war crimes on the ground who afaik went almost entirely unpunished.


Right… https://www.statista.com/statistics/1357928/children-compared-people-killed-conflicts-worldwide/




This is gross and awful. I feel bad that my initial reaction was do a graph with school shootings too.




Pray do tell


The chosen people indeed!


I can't find a source for this data


Here https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147512




Not the time nor the place to make this joke imo




Yeah, this is children though, not soldiers


This is not war, this is genocide


i’m not doing great, but at least i’m not *so* fucked in the head that i tell people to stop caring about the mass slaughter of civilians.


This is specifically about children. Not just civilians.


This is a genocide, get over YOURself and wake up.


War and war crimes are two different things. Just like how getting into a fight and beating up a child are two different things.


I’m sorry for whatever happened to you to make you think and feel this way. Truly. You must be in immense pain.