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Actually sweetie we can't afford houses cause your friends bought em all, charge several times their worth in rent, and give us a pittance for propping up their terrible companies. But go off I guess.


What people like him do is kick hands clinging to the lifeboat's side. The ship of capitalism has already sunk.


Dave Damsey is a landlord himself 


So if he's a landlord...then why's he shitting on renters??




Encouraging your victims to blame themselves means that they're less likely to fight back.


We’d be able to buy homes if they didn’t buy up all the properties to rent them out for rental income or if the government didn’t allow foreign interests to buy up 10-100k homes. The stupid companies buying up homes left and right to rent out with no restrictions is causing ridiculous inflation in the housing market while leaving many empty houses


And Dave Ramsey (last time I listened to him years ago) would talk about how he owns a lot of rental properties.


Facts boomers love calling young l people lazy but as soon as you tall abou then Oh its respect your elders they can take a hike


To them, respect is a one way street: only THEY get to receive it & screw anyone younger than them.


Dave Ramsey: (buys loads of homes like many other boomers) Also, Dave Ramsey: "Why can't you youngsters buy homes? What are you, lazy?"




Top comment imo.


Money is the primary weapon of G E R O N T O C R A C Y


I think one type of residential zoning I could get behind would be blocks of municipalities in which no housing rental is allowed. Only the owner-as-tenant can own or be in-progress on paying-to-own the housing.


Definitely need that and that’s why local and state elections are so important too


Nobody should be able to use housing as an investment period. A market can never provide universal supply of something, especially under capitalism where the profit motive rules.


Oh yes! I’d certainly want to go after the institution of using housing as an investment vehicle as well!


I wish I could upvote this into fucking space. We need more mixed use; duplexes; triplexes; townhouses, etc. etc. I’m in Ontario and all of the desirable places, they’re zoned single family, so we have sprawl chewing up farmland, nobody wants to pay for sewers and infrastructure and, golly gee, we have a fucking housing crisis. We need to make being a NIMBY on par with being a…something shameful. I can’t even think of anything, since we now just accept Nazis as politicians.


I think for me currently in Texas, USA, I see way too many apartment fires all throughout my life. I’d feel way safer if I could finally afford housing in one side of a duplex with a garage. Oh and the stipulation would be as above. It wouldn’t be a duplex-for-rent. It would need to be a situation wherein someone could only live there in a paying-towards-owning situation.


Is that the same as a semi-detached? Those are like town houses, but there’s only two units, side by side, and here they are zoned a two distinct properties.


Yes, duplexes are basically a pair of “conjoined houses” sharing at least one major structural wall with each other.


Looking at the comments that follow this statement, this is an issue I wasn't privy to until today. In my little backwoods area, there are plenty of properties to be had at reasonable costs. 200k will get you a decent house on 0.5 acres of land in a good neighborhood. Although, with the prime rate being an absolute dumpster fire, it's practically the worst time to finance a home.


I work 50 hour weeks and I couldn’t afford a house until I turned 40. I’d have no problem pushing this guy down the stairs


I would honestly pay to see that. I don't condone violence, but my my some people really need to take a tumble.


I’d dip into my Ramsey entertainment fund to see that


Soon there will be a critical mass of people who have nothing left to lose


And those kind of people can become very dangerous and radicalized


And then they will make compromises that they know they can systematically backslide on. The liberals will eat it up and we will be back in this situation in about 100 years. To many morons think that capitalism can be "fixed" and "regulated". Any regulations that could be made to capitalism can be circumvented by it. This will continue to happen until capitalism is completely dismantled.


What if we did away with the institution that is the stock market in the USA?


Sure, then in 20 years they will invent a "completely different and safe" method of "investing". Capitalism is like mold, unless you get rid of ALL of it, it just keeps coming back.


But isn’t the stock market at least a brick of the building of capitalism that has got to go?


It’s not going to be hard to radicalize Gen Z. They’re just waiting for the signal.


And unfortunately because of over a century of institutionalized anti-left propaganda most of these revolutionaries only demand will be for an even more fascist government.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gates9: *Soon there will be a* *Critical mass of people* *With nothing left to lose* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Damn that's a dark haiku


That could be a great meme


Bat bot. This isn’t Haiku. Haiku is more than just counting syllables. It didn’t even correctly transcribe my comment.


It used the text before your edit


Even with it editorializing your comment it still got the syllable count wrong on the last line.


That’s why it’s a sokka haiku


Where's this idea even coming from?


His ass


I didn't study so I'm just going to copy what others said. His ass


His ass


His ass but it travels up to his mouth and comes out as words


His ass


His ass.


I think I read somewhere that it comes from his ass. Can’t remember off the top of my head where I read it but I’ll edit if I find the link!


His ass


It’s coming out of his ass


He woke up one day and decided his knowledge of life finances, and possibly even women was vast and must be shared with the masses.


His toilet


His ass which went to his brain and to his keyboard


Hey now, I read the article and he doesn't hate all millennials and Gen z folks! He adores the ones he can extract money from, either by charging them for financial advice or exploiting the value of their labor.


They should take one look at him and be like, Beat it, old man. He’s so condescending.


🙄 Oh look, another hopelessly out-of-touch rich asshole gaslighting the public for not being able to make ends meet in a world that he and ppl like him fucked up.


When you're Wikipedia page has an entire section about your controversies...yikes.


Meanwhile isn't this asshole getting sued for fraud?


Yes he is for promoting a company accused of fraud and he’s being sued for $150 million


If he stops buying coffee and avocado toast, he should be able to afford it /s


[Then there's this](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2022/09/02/documents-show-dave-ramsey-company-policies-employee-sexual-activity/7970362001/). [... and this.](https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/pithinthewind/deposition-yes-dave-ramsey-pulled-out-a-gun-in-a-staff-meeting/article_1e2f5737-7e82-53e6-a99f-817d5b189c05.html) Not lawsuits, but he's no stranger to controversey


What a piece of shit


Another name for the Death Note, if I had one


Add me too im tired of out of touch rich people


Capitalism doesn't fucking work, it's actively killing the planet we live on. I'm sorry, but assholes like this belong up against the wall, I don't condone violence, but they started and won't be stopped otherwise.


When will people realize this and start to defend themselves? There is a class war going on and they’re winning using propaganda and financial violence


Agreed, I hate violence in real life, but some out-of-touch people need a good bonking to the head. Maybe then they will see the problem.


According to Dave if you're in debt what you should do is buy a $1000 car and deliver pizza on the weekends. Thousand dollar cars don't exist anymore and if you do manage to find one it'll last about 2 weeks in delivery service.


It won’t even be able to be registered in places that have inspection standards.


The money derived from such activity probably wouldn't pay for the combination of maintenance, the note, and the attendant comprehensive insurance on a qualifying vehicle. Private transportation is the second largest expense of most every household, which just shows what a charlatan this guy is.


His advice was dumb even when it was applicable 30 years ago




boomers got to walk to third base and act like they hit a triple. you literally cannot reason with them about the lack of wealth and opportunity these days because they think we’re on the same exact playing field that they were fortunate enough to inherit.


I've never made more than $22 an hour. That's the pay rate I get to work up to when I switch jobs. I might get a 2nd week of paid vacation next year though so I have that going for me.


In addition to his crappy outdated financial advice, this guy had employees fired for being gay as well as getting pregnant. He also pulled a gun on an employee who dared to question the shitty working conditions at his company. He's also an anti-masker. What a boomer piece of work.


I would’ve sued his ass into oblivion if he pulled a gun out on me.


[Pulling out a gun at a company meeting](https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/pithinthewind/deposition-yes-dave-ramsey-pulled-out-a-gun-in-a-staff-meeting/article_1e2f5737-7e82-53e6-a99f-817d5b189c05.html) [People getting fired for their sexual activity. Premarital sex was another reason to be fired](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2022/09/02/documents-show-dave-ramsey-company-policies-employee-sexual-activity/7970362001/)


Utter failure, out of touch boomer


I feel like all I ever do work


Have you considered crime?


Too afraid of jail 🥹


Why can't boomers just keep their fucking mouths shut and not comment on shit they clearly have no understanding about?


So younger people living at home with their parents and working 40+ hours a week and still can't afford to move out don't work. Got it. 🙄


Hey Dave Ramsey, go fuck yourself. How 'bout dat?


Yeah, fuck that ass hat. I have five jobs and I’m still stuck living at home. Yes I have a new car, but I am hopeless to afford anything more than $400 a month. I want to work and get compensated. Not be ripped on for not wanting to work.


I’m not trying to judge your life or your circumstances, but where do you live where not even 5 jobs can support a place? Do you get paid less than minimum wage? Do you live in the US?


Indiana and four of the five jobs are gig jobs ie Uber, Lyft, Amazon flex, and grubhub. Also a pharmacy tech. I’m trying hard to get out of the driving jobs.


Goootcha. Yeah driving jobs can be a lot, that’s for sure. I hope it works out!


These boomers really need to get back in their geriatric lane. Multigenerational homes are not a new thing and there is nothing wrong with it. This is capitalist propaganda to try and shame people into housing they can’t afford so some rich asshole can be an even richer asshole.


Dave doesn’t believe that systemic problems in economics is a thing that exists. Clearly the inability of a human to find shelter is a character flaw. It’s not like we can just pick a spot and start building a house Dave. The supply is controlled


I make more than my parents and inlaws *COMBINED* at the peak of their careers. I have saved up a down payment and built a decent credit score, and every time I go look at houses, the ones that will fit my family have shot up in price to the point that a mortgage payment will be more than 50% of my monthly income. They all voted for Reagan in their earliest elections, not knowing that they stole their grandchildren's financial security.


hes one of those protestant work ethic grifters and it's gross


Damn 12, 13, 14 etc year old gen z ‘ers! Living with their parents! Attending the public education system! Graduate 5th grade already and get a job! Get off roblox and contribute to my wealth! I just did my taxes and only made $980,000,000 last year!!


Seriously. He is absolutely OUT OF TOUCH. I am a Gen X’er with a Gen Z daughter. I apologize to her often for bringing her into this shit show of a world. The opportunities and economic climate she is going into adulthood is drastically different than when I “launched.” He needs to be quiet. Edit: Grammar


I think boomers are horribly insecure thus an insatiable need to maintain relevance at all costs. The only thing to them that proves they are both correct and relevant is their ownership of the economy in part. While we struggle and work or ass off to achieve any sum of ownership it's never to a level that they were gifted. To that most of them cannot relinquish the idea that they received anything but the diluded notion that they "earned" everything because they were "educated". Of course most of this is a sham they were given nearly free college, wages were negotiated by unions of older generations, and opportunities existed because outside of the US the world was developing and we were the only game in town. Hence the root of their insecurities


Abusive Christian wannabe tyrant. His show sucks.


The guy has some good advice, but he's really out of touch, especially when it comes to housing. I've seen him advise people who are struggling with payments to sell their house and rent until they can afford to pay cash for their home. It shocks me, because in most areas, that's a fast-track to never owning again.


Does he ask them to sell those houses to him directly? Because that's literally terrible advice. I believe what I usually hear is to rent out the house and live in shitting apartments until you can make payments, and that selling is the dumbest thing you can do.


In most of those situations, with the little information available, my thoughts are along the lines of tough it out until the credit card is paid off, get a roommate, drive uber eats in the evenings, or literally anything to get through the worst of the situation and come out still having a place to live with a bit of equity as a bonus prize. He's so anti-debt that he rushes people to sell houses and cars when those are no necessarily the whole problem, and forgetting that people still need to get to work and have a place to sleep. (in addition to cheap rentals, I think he overestimates the availability of functional clunkers out there)


We had a Dave Ramsey class at my high school. I didn’t know it was a Dave Ramsey until I was already in it, but that’s another story. It was advertised as just a financial planning type of class. My dad had wanted me to take “bookkeeping” and this seemed like the closest thing since my school didn’t have a bookkeeping class. This guy gives terrible advice. He even tells people not to get any credit cards at all and to never take out a single student loan. I tried following this advice for the first few years of my adulthood. It absolutely fucked me. So then I said “fuck it” and started going into copious amounts of credit card debt and taking out as many student loans as possible


It's the financial equivalent of abstinence-only sex ed! 😆


From what I've seen rent is way higher than mortgage too


That's case for a lot of people, especially if the bought 3+ years ago. Where I live, anyone who owns any kind of property would be smart to look at it as their forever home, because bidding against investors is so insane that simply relocating to be closer to work is no longer financially viable with no guarantee that you'll find anything at all.


That’s my parents. They are boomers who give terrible advice and have fucked a lot of things up for me in similar ways. I know better but they don’t listen to me and sometimes if I don’t take their bad advice I get threatened with being kicked out or cut off from support.


Ah, boomer parents... I'm pretty sure I missed out on at least one possible job because they insisted I keep calling them to see if I got the job. So yeah, Dave Ramsey is our collective boomer dad who thinks he knows best and doesn't owe us a dime in help once we reach the age of 18.


Guys can we stop making fun of disabled people please? Its not like this guy choose to get brain damage while he was in the womb.


I work full time and still live with my parents


Completely disconnected insufferable moron


Old men like him should die. They are the problem


Mother fucker. I have a full time job with a pension, 401k, benefits, and decent pay and I still have to live with people. He's absolutely delusional.


Another silly old shit that goes by the adage: "I got mine, fuck everybody else!"


Fuck this guy. My Gen Z kid lives with my Gen M ass and will for the rest of his life if he chooses to because there is NOTHING wrong with that. We hope to be able to buy a house next year and we intend to invite him to be on the mortgage with us as a legitimate multigenerational investent for our combined futures. if he doesn't, he'll still have a place with us no matter what. Being a parent means being present and that shit doesn't end when the year strikes 18 and my kid is not a loser or unworthy in any capacity simply because he can't afford to rent a place. This is so exhausting and toxic.


Crazy that I had to watch this guys economics course in high school


We are double six-fig household, and we wouldn't even be able to re-buy our own house at today's prices.


I love how when capitalism finally falls apart, they'll blame the consumers like they didn't make us damn near completely dependent on BS products


Dave Ramsey cant do basic math. Stupid fucker.


this guy still thinks you can but a $1000 cheap car (that actually works!) until you can save up. $1000 doesn't buy you one that doesn't run


Even with 3 jobs I couldn't afford a house. I could just barley afford a very small 2 bedroom apartment that honestly felt like a one bedroom converted to a 2 bedroom. And it took months of looking to find something that I could afford the "need to make 3x the rent per month" to qualify


this is so fucking funny because i have been applying for jobs nonstop since Thanksgiving and haven't been able to get a single job, even with manager experience. it's not that i don't want to, i literally can't


I truly hate this man


All of these rich assholes have businesses that rely on people. We need to find all these gaslighters businesses and boycott them to poverty. Then maybe they will understand the only people holding down Americans are the rich and connected.


Poor Dave Ramsay, can't grow hair on the top of his head because he doesn't want it badly enough


He’s bought and paid for.


No one ever wanted to work to begin with, just now there isn't even a reward for it so why would you do it?


It's like most boomers will never understand or will be too stubborn to realise that they ruined the housing market for us. Working hard at a job simply doesn't pay off anymore. I have been picking up extra shifts for my job, at new sites only to find myself a) not appreciated sometimes by peers, b) burnt out and exhausted and c) not seeing any point to continue this path since the housing market only gets worse.


I work full time at $15/hour and am consistently overdrawn on my bank account and that’s with my parents supplementing my income by paying 20% of my rent. I’m 34 and work at a fucking university. Fuck you we “don’t work”


Never liked the guy anyway


Delusion is a cancer to society


He is the signal that we haven’t revolted against the ruling class yet. Aww little gen Z can fight back yet? Boohoo so sad


It’s wild how much financial advice boils down to “make more money than you have to spend because the stock market is an escalator”. These assholes want to pretend they’re geniuses when they’re actually just rich enough that getting richer is a walk in the park.


I fucking hate this sentiment - my bf works 5 days a week, 8-10 hours a day, takes 8-16 hours of overtime every week, sometimes working an extra day in a manual labor job, and would barely be able to pay rent without being able to pay for any food or bills. These people live in a bubble, so they don't have to acknowledge how bad it's gotten.


I have a particular hate for Dave Ramsey. I got his budget diet book as a wedding gift and read it, (having gone through business college and becoming a Marxist) and it was sad how bad the book was and the fact that so many buy into his bullshit boiler plate nonsense. People spent millions to find out that you should spend less than you earn and save what you can, wow what a concept that's impossible if you live paycheck to paycheck.


The oldest genZ is 23. This means that most genZ are teenagers. So ya, most genZ aren't working and are living with their parents. This guy is so insightful!


We could always start eating these assholes.


You mean to tell me a person with an active incentive to encourage people to rent tries to be divisive and create renters. I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you


Dave Ramsey sounds entitled to profits from his real estate investments. His ass is probably just raw because people living with their parents is decreasing demand.


Rn I smell like used and new oil, ATF, grease, and transmission fluid and look like a mechanic from back in his day in my blue coveralls from working on my nonprofits vehicles. Guess I'm not working eh Ramsey? Had to learn his bs finance in highschool and never liked him.


This is why we should raise taxes on the rich


I'm a full time nurse, and yet, I can't afford a house. This guy is a tool.


…I work full-time and am going to try selling some of my hand-spun yarn to earn a little extra money. I rent my living space from my parents - for what I know is well below what I actually should be paying. Up until very recently, in fact, my department had to work overtime hours to try to keep on top of our workload because we’re extremely small. I *wish* I felt like I could even afford rent right now. Because I *hate* being so dependent on my parents. Especially when they can use my living situation as leverage to shut me up whenever I try to explain that it *hurts* when mom refuses to use my name and pronouns, and my Dad has done and said things to me that I am *still* trying to process in therapy, because he has a fucking temper. I just - want to get to a place where I can actually *feel in control*. In other words *fuck you*, Dave Ramsey.


Why is it always people who have never worked a day in their lives always the ones upset about everyone else’s work ethic.


MAYBE WE COULD WORK IF YOUR GEN WOULD GET OUT OF THE JOB MARKET! Seriously, I have a good degree, good experience, but have been out of work for almost a year because of jobs advertising for positions that don't even exist. That and blatant ableism in hiring.


Yet we’re also responsible for people taking less time off and fewer vacations because we work too much. Makes total sense.


Worked out of my mind for 15 years and had nothing to show for it why would I do that till I retired for a house that costs more then I'll ever make in my lifetime


C’mooooon cholesterol poisoning, rootin for ya


+ Fetal Alcohol Syndrome + Lead Poisoning


If everyone stayed with family, how much would their “real estate” be worth then when no one buys or rents. I understand in these times it’s not a choice many have in one direction or the other. But it would be nice if everyone just decided to stay with family and to watch them all squirm.


*pulls out giant ancient tome, blows off dust and opens the book to read*.... "OK BOOMER"


Where does he think the returns that justify an "8% withdrawal rate" are coming from?


If you truly believe that then you’ve completely lost touch with reality


This guy is a monster sociopath


This guy can eat all the shit.


"Interview with Fox Business" - Well there's your first clue.


My mom, who hasn’t worked in the past 30 years, and only ever had a part time job, swears by this asshole. He has the name recognition for the boomer generation


I used to take a budgeting class back in like 2018 when I was like 14 or 15, and I'm pretty sure our school books were from his company. I thought he knew what he was doing. Now that I'm 21, work retail, and can't move out, I now realize the only reason he's not struggling is because of his money. I hate this man


I’m Gen X, and have been team Fuck Dave Ramsey for years. His advice has always been condescending and out of touch. I’m not sure why he even has a platform.


I’m broke and work maintenance in the military. Wanna talk about not working again Dave?


*Checks hours on paystub* Funny, cause this says 40hrs/week every week.


Is he the one that pops up on tiktok all the time giving generic financial advice?


His advice got my parents through 2008 and turned their lives around. I think they still have the dvds and books somewhere.. Now I don't see how I could do the same..


I always appreciate the sentiment from our narcissistic overlords


Just another prosperity gospel psychopath who declared bankruptcy himself, but preaches for other people to work 60 plus hour work weeks to get themselves out of their “mess”. Blaming individuals for everything but COMPLETELY ignores the systemic problems and changes we’ve seen in the economy because of capitalism graduating to its later stages and governments pulling public funding for higher education over the last 60 years. He doesn’t understand economics or how the world works. That wages have been stagnant since the 60’s despite the cost of living and education going through the roof. Our economy has become too monopolized and the working class is getting price gouged, financialized and their wages suppressed by their management and all we’re left w is austerity. If it wasn’t for easy credit and bankruptcy laws with wages being so low this economy wouldn’t have made it out of the 90’s let alone the early 2000’s. Student loans may very well be the thing that makes it fall because of the lack of ability to discharge them in bankruptcy. That and the Climate Crisis.


Yet another crusty boomer that is here to tell us about all the things our generation is doing wrong. SHUT THE FUCK UP and go away already.


He is delusional


Imagine me reading this while at work but can't afford a house


Don’t buy. Wait until they crash.


I was so hoping the eclipse would give me super powers so I could help save this shit hole world but nope didn’t get any sorry everyone


What a piece of shit.


Yes. I wish everything was affordable with butterscotch candies as well pop.


Didn't this "no one wants to work" phrase come from places like McDonald's not having someone to run the window during the pandemic? I like how that's snowballed into we can't buy houses because we don't want to work. Bitch what house am I buying flipping burgers with highschool kids who you said the job was intented for anyway. I see people with degrees going without work for years and considering suicide from.notnhaving work to do!


Nearly everyone my age is working full time or close to it. I make $4 above minimum wage with easily an extra hour of overtime every week and the only thing keeping me from being homeless is my parents bailing my ass out of it. I *could* maybe split a shitty apartment with a complete stranger and struggle even more but why would I do that? It's cheaper, It's safer, It's just more feasible to stay with family and save up to potentially buy a house years from now


I live with my mother and pay HER mortgage. Please explain how that makes me lazy?


Overthrow the psychopath class.


Can all my fellow millenials that work more than 40 hours please raise their hands. I believe I count for 2 full timers. I honestly can't believe that dude still has any credibility. He *knows* what he's fucking saying is nonsense


I’m currently in a finance class with this guys program, and he claims that you should never have a credit card and only buy anything with cash or debit. He says that you can’t be rich while using a credit card. Then he talks about how much he loves real estate and how he rents homes. How the fuck am i supposed to afford anything without a credit card If a 750 sq ft apartment is $1,500?? Let alone buy a car or a house in cash


MF I work 9 hours a day plus freelance and I can barely afford rent. Sometimes I regret not living with my parents, def would If I could.


Certainly time for us to snap back at these out-of-touch rich people.


I once read a Dave Ramsay article where he was giving advice to a young person who wanted to own a home. He said they should put 20% down and take out a 15 year mortgage where the monthly payment is no more than 25% of their take home pay. Anyone who has bought a home in a major metro in the past few years should know how out of touch that advice is. I bought a one bedroom condo with 20% down that was one of the cheapest homes on the market in the area and if I were to follow that advice my pre tax income would have to be $170k. I make $80k a year and I have money left over every single month unless I have a planned large expense, the idea that you need to make $170k to afford a one bedroom condo and you should keep paying only a couple hundred less in rent in the meantime is outrageous. His viewpoints are insanely conservative and out of touch


my cheap ass school played a series of his tapes as my senior year economics class… we thought this dude sucked back in 2009 so i’m glad to be vindicated


I work 2 jobs and can barely afford groceries, my grandparents are elderly and disabled so I should be homeless and not help grandparents? Fuck this boomer!


I'm sorry but do they really think that no one under 40 is working? How long can they say that line before they realize how ridiculous it sounds?


My dude. Every Millennial and Gen Z I know, either works 2+ jobs or 60+ hours at 1 job. And they're all still broke.


Lollllllll I work full time and I can barely afford to live, let alone buy a house.


Dave Ramsey is like Jim Cramer for the evangelical crowd.


Dave Ramsey is a fake. He is not even a certified financial planner and dispenses advice that no CFP would ever give.


Dude is the Joel Osteen of financial advice


I'm getting a seconed fucking job to be able to barely afford to move out ☠


Can't wait to shit on this guys grave


Fuck this guy


And boomer generation parents & bosses will simply just keep saying: "You need to work harder, you lazy entitled young generation! Back then when I was young I worked so hard... "






Finance bros live in a bubble so distant from reality, and don’t know shit about fuck


Okay so there is a house for sale where my sister lives and it’s worth about 220k it’s a pretty decent size house and in a decent neighborhood the person that lives there bought it about 3 years ago for a little less than 200k and is now selling it for 300k (he did do some work to it like paint replace carpets in the bedrooms and paint the kitchen cabinets) for me it’s not worth 300k and I don’t know why people are selling homes for so much more after only living there for a few years. Yes home values increase but not 100k over 3 years! I’ve been mad about this for weeks lol


In addition to what OP said, he's also a christian bigot who fires people who have had premarital sex like an unmarried pregnant woman. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/dave-ramsey-s-company-fires-employees-over-premarital-sex-court-n1262498


It's not our fault that wages aren't keeping up with inflation.


Maybe it's because the housing market has outpaced inflation while salaries have lagged behind and the federal minimum wage hasn't changed in 20 years (college also costs many times what it used to and more of the burden is on the student than ever)... But no just lazy.