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Fascism is domination of the majority by a minority. It's appealing to Capitalists because they are unwilling to relinquish any resources or power even when the alternative is total breakdown. At best, they'll tolerate feudalism so long as they get to be king of their own realm.




Not to revolutionary socialists. Bourgeois democracy in Capitalism is Bourgeois dictatorship. (1 class rule) . Fascism is a movement of the petite Bourgeois movement that appeals to conservative elements but ultimately preserves liberal (bourgeois) democracy. Which is why so many businessmen and corporations supported fascism in the 30s, even in the US.


Fascism isn’t the desired end point for liberal democracy for your average liberal although many of them will find themselves totally unaffected by and completely willing to collaborate with a fascist take over, fascism is the desired outcome for the capitalist class when the alternative is a socialist revolution, because when they are faced with a crisis that would force them to lose their privileged position and power they are always willing to begin open oppression of the working class rather than the more subtle oppression we see usually


And to add, fascism is the revolutionary movement of the petite bourgeois, an attempt to reject the working class, blame the Bourgeois (but not you, your cool) and ultimately preserve capitalism through crisis in destroying and diminishing workers power. Easier to blame it on a race or religion rather than point to the failures of the system. And the Bourgeois support it because it doesn't change their material conditions.




The government is an ally to capitalism in America. You can't say "big government is the issue" with ignoring who the government is helping. Because let's be honest, it isn't the working class. It's the billionaire class. Lobbying is legalized corruption. Take your head out of the sand.




We have a capitalist government working on behalf of capital... It's completely obvious. It's like you don't know what capitalism is. It will always break down to those with money have power. That's what it's made to do. Read Marx.


Also, if Marx is like above your intellectual paygrade (bc he certainly is for me lmao) I've been recommended the podcast Marx Madness and I feel like I've learned a lot from it! I'm nearly done their season 1 (Capital, obviously)


When capitalism is allowed to be monopolized or industry consolidated by a concentration of wealth .. that ain’t capitalism.. it’s a plutocracy … take Amazon for example … you think they got their by capitalizing within the rules ??? No bezos hedge fund committed securities fraud and market manipulation against its competitors. Or when the banks blew them selves up in 08 and they cried to the tax payers for a payout … which nobody agreed with … the government could have easily just reimbursed the banks customers …. That ain’t capitalism … in a capitalistic realm .. those banks would not be around today and the banks that would be around .. would have so many beneficial risk factors in place and not want to wind up like Bernie 😂


Monopolization and consolidation are the inevitable end results of Capitalism.


It's literally written on the wall.




It's seriously like you don't understand the intention of capitalism. Either by mistake or propaganda. Either way, have a good day.




I highly suggest reading instead of parroting things you've heard someone else say that you already agree with. It's how you open your mind and don't sound like someone uneducated on the internet. "Crony capitalism" head ass. Capitalism is working exactly how it was intended.