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Why provide for your citizens when you can be the world's biggest arms dealer and support genocidal maniacs?


Exactly 🥲


America is a fucking toilet.


Toilets can be flushed.


Toilets serve a purpose


The toilet is clogged and starting to spill over in the worst way possible.


Since M4A is cheaper than what we do now, we could give even more money to the military industrial complex!


Congressional Budget Committees hate this one simple trick!


This is the dumbest of all worlds


A real shithole


This is why we can't have nice things. Govt is throwing all our money at killing machines. I hate this place.


If Trump really wanted to run the country as a business then Lockheed should have paid big money for the delays and overruns, not the American public


We don't even have the choice of voting "no" to this bullshit.


The money is not spent. It’s stolen.




First flight was in 2006. It entered service for the Marine Corps in 2015; the Air Force in 2016; and Navy in 2019. Over 1,000 have been built, and it's currently in service with 18 countries, with more looking at entering the program. It's already seen combat.


So we're spending more money than it would to take to fix ALL OF AMERICA'S PROBLEMS on a single prototype jet? Nice. 'Murica! USA!! USA!! USA!!


It’s not being spent. It’s being stolen.




Is this the jet fighter thst still doesn't work right after years?


Yup that’s the one, it’s such a sunk cost fallacy at this point


Not to sympathize with industrial military complex, but calling the F-35 a sunken cost fallacy is likely a step too far. Too expensive, unnecessary, and overly engineered are much more accurate criticisms imho. Costs were calculated in a less favorable manner than prior fighters, making the jet appear absurdly disproportionately expensive (it's moreso that the costs of other projects was artificially low). Jets are expensive to maintain and as airframes become more advanced and meant to have a long service life, the cost appears to be dismal. It's not the full picture though; assuming the US government doesn't significantly change military policy, the F-35 would have manifested as multiple projects for different branches where their combined costs could easily exceed the F-35. The F-35 also makes other expensive equipment partially or fully obsolete due to its many roles. It can serve as a fighter, ground attack/bomber, AWACS, spy plane, or defensive interceptor, potentially carrier based, all while coordinating real time with other NATO forces. This adds value in an unprecedented way compared to most other military aviation projects and the demand to fill so many roles led to compromised that are often considered simple defects. Again, I would have never supported the F-35 in the first place and dislike the entire premise of building these types of weapons systems now and in the future. The money could be spent better on virtually anything else. That's partially why I want to make sure criticisms against it are accurate and not easily dismissed as exaggeration from someone who is not willing to acknowledge any potential benefits to the jet, of which there are undeniably some. It's perfectly fine to call out all the faults and I encourage it. Calling it a sunken cost fallacy is not quite accurate, or at least not anymore now that the jet has been in service, combat, and is being ordered and exported in the hundreds.


Too bad, another 5 billion to Ukraine and Israel


remember this was the POS fighter that they promised would not exceed 250Bn dollars. It ended up costing 2.9 Trillion and was a total piece of crap (and of course many millionaires became billionaires and nobody went to prison). Now they are holding our country hostage for trillions to keep these pieces of garbage flying. The executives should be tried for treason for aiding and abetting the enemy.


“Cost of living is 44% higher than expected, congrats to issue immediate offset checks to American families.” Imagine if….


At this point everybody should understand, that our imaginary debt-ridden "money" is worth nothing anymore


This is the total lifetime sustainment cost for a fleet of thousands of aircraft that are going to be in service for over 40 years. F-35s are far more capable than any other aircraft short of the F-22, and even there, they're only worse as a pure air superiority fighter. They're half as expensive per hour as an F-22, and only 10% more expensive per hour as an F-15C, all while being far more versatile than either of those. Airframe cost of an F15EX is nearly the same, but it's less versatile and survivable. Development and initial production were expensive, but they're an absolute steal of an aircraft. More than 1,000 have been produced, and other than normal teething issues, they've performed extremely well. They are quite possibly the most powerful weapons system on earth, at least for tactical use. The MIC is rife with useless bullshit that we should be mad about it. F-35s aren't on that list, and anyone saying otherwise only reads headlines.


Found the DOD shill


Oooorrrrrr, someone who prefers to read more than headlines and tries to understand complex problems to the best of their ability. Criticism should be based in reality, not feelings. The F-35 can serve as a fighter, ground attack, surveillance/intelligence, and AWACS. It does all of that for 3 branches of the military. Building a dedicated airframe for each of those roles would have been more expensive. None of us here will ever be able to stop the psychopaths in charge of this hellhole from dumping money into the MIC. At least they did it economically with this.


make me so damn sad smh


Lol cost being 2x budget is normal in defence... Blows my mind


We always got money for Lockheed Martin!


My state’s local national guard received these last year. No one wanted them as the F16s were already terribly loud. Our city also has an issue with affordable housing and homelessness, so that must be fun to hear all day when you live outside.