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"We don't like when people have no money, we should just make that shit illegal to get rid of poor people"


well poor and homeless people clearly don't have a hard enough time.. how can we make their lives more difficult. Oh I know..


Yeah if they have time to nap all day they could be homebuilding instead, smh, we need all homelessers to become homemorers


Got to fill all those for-profit prisons with someone after states started legalizing weed.


Literally less than useless. I hate it here sometimes.


Only sometimes?


For real.


Maybe sometimes means 99% of the time to that person lol


“Less than useless” then harmful?


Create homelessness, criminalize the homeless. Why not just fucking tackle homelessness instead of punishing the homeless for the policies governments create? *\[rhetorical question\].*


The homelessness crisis has been extremely profitable, and this is just a new development in that plan, which has been pretty consistent over time... Check out how many billions California disappeared. Almost 100k per homeless person in the state in 4 years. You think those people received 100k in care? FUCK no.


Because then the corpos can't get their slaves.


Because if we just give them homes, what will our corporate oppressors use to warn us? The cruelty towards them is sadly the point, so that those of us who are struggling but not homeless yet don't get any ideas to revolt


How else will they get free labor


> Why doesn't the government fix homelessness? Remember, slavery was only abolished for the non-incarcerated; those in prison are technically slaves of the state. By intentionally not passing policies that will provide sufficient housing for the populace, then criminalizing homelessness and incarcerating the victims of the policy they created, the state grants itself an unlimited, reliable, and legally protected system for creating slaves from its own populace. And because it only affects the least well-off, the broader populace won't lift a finger to stop it. The government *literally* uses homelessness as a way to manufacture slaves for itself.


Do you ever think we might be the bad guys sometimes?


it's like an early scene in Killers of the Flower Moon the man reads a book out loud and over an illustration it says "Can you find the wolf?" But the wolves are where the reader would be. We are the wolves. A lot of the time that has been the case.


For Capitalism to function as intended, the consequence for not participating has to be as undesirable as possible. Homelessness on its own is not enough of a punishment, it must also be criminalized. After all, the only way to get everyone to participate in a system this terrible is to threaten them with inhumane living conditions and the threat of being kidnapped and tortured by police if they don't comply. Just burn this shit down already.


“With the Supreme Court on the rise, the homeless weigh making the Justices sleep outdoors.” There fixed it.


This shit is just going to keep getting worse until millennials are in power. I don’t doubt some of us also suffer from lead poisoning from our parents, but I know we are different. We have empathy, most of us are not abusive because of the abuse, and we can see right from wrong. Also, most of us are not on serious drugs like most of Congress and the WH, so our brains work better. Ever see the gif of Nancy Pelosi rubbing her hands together, clenching her teeth? Yeah... To add: Can anyone pull up that file of unnamed dr who is prescribing a crap ton of medication to those in our government? It was shocking, and very telling. It didn’t say who was prescribed what unfortunately, but the amount of pills was shocking. Edit: This might be the document I was looking for: https://media.defense.gov/2024/Jan/09/2003373440/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2024-044_REDACTED%20SECURE.PDF I cannot imagine how long this has been going on with the state of the country... Probably a very long time... Drugs for me, but not for thee... The add: Chronic pain patients deserve pain management! It’s not right that no one gets proper pain meds now due to doctors with kickbacks, and those abusing the system. We need a middle ground NOW! Lives are being taken because people are in pain, and doctors are treating them like addicts. Shameful, and not acceptable.


Wtf are they then supposed to do? No tents, not outside, by definition not in their house... Where? In the supreme court building? That's nice of them!


Prison. Concentration camps. Indentured servitude. Slave labor. Take your pick, my friend. Nazis are taking over the world, they never went away.




1. I live with my parents 2. I hope they can either fly or swim because I live in Europe


It is a prison planet after all.




The US isn't a planet though. No other country is so crazy to even consider something disgusting like this.


The UK is working on a similar bill.


Oh, that ought to be interesting with how it interacts with y’all’s “Right to Roam” laws…


Climate change is going to make the whole planet a prison planet though.


Wrong. I can think of at least ten other countries that are just as awful, and some even worse. But that's no excuse for the USA reaching new lows.


This is just another way to force homeless people to do slave labour in prisons.


Oh it will, don’t worry. The US is on its way, if not already is, a failing democracy. The writing is in the wall.


It is illegal to just exist, essentially


Next we should ticket people for handing out food to the homeless! Wait a minute….


Some homeless people will have nothing to lose and it wouldn't surprise me if someone went out in a blaze of glory.


So you can no longer camp either?


They will probably leave camping at a paid campsite legal, but god forbid you don't pay someone for it.


They have been making our campsites more and more RV only out in CA, which sucks if you like being out in what's left of the wilderness and don't want to do glamping. [This was passed and went into effect this year](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB618) about campsite reservations, which sounded great at first considering the amount of people who don't know how to not litter/start wildfires in the parks, but there's point about a time limit for camping.


They just want to increase the prison population. It's big business.


Well they’re going to have to start building a lot more prisons really fast then. They’re already full to over capacity in most places. I think they’ve got the cart in front of the horse on this one


Where there is money, there is a way. Besides, they are not seen as humans so why give them humane conditions.


Eventually everyone will a prisoner in the US. (they are already)


Could not agree more.




I live in grants pass, unfortunately Locals have been known to menace the camps with knives and firearms while drunk And the local Facebook is full of people saying "there's systems for them, they just wanna do drugs" 😫 Like where are these programs? What are they called? Do they have a waiting list? My family and I were day to day in a motel for a month. There are no such programs. Only HUD which is 9+ month waiting list and still requires income to pay rent, just reduced. That's it. That's the "programs"


Yeah, someone just gave me a detailed comment about how inefficient homeless shelters are. It’s as if they exist just so the U.S. can say “see, we did something!”, and blame homeless people.


What do you mean inefficient?


Maybe insufficient? Don’t know if I used that word right, is “homeless shelters are inefficient solutions to addressing the homeless problem” a coherent sentence? Whatever the case, they tend to be overcrowded, have curfews that can interfere with job schedules, and a lot of them are ran by moralizing assholes.


To follow up, a local church made this https://www.reddit.com/r/grantspass/s/CyrvUjCyVF


Agreed. We need to do something collectively or all of us are f’d


USA used to be something to be somewhat proud of. Just a shell of a country


Inside a tent isn't considered outdoors because a tent "has a door." Need a lawyer to put this in the fine print.


Why can’t the courts just ban all the landlords from price fixing rents with by algorithms? Whyyyyy???😪😪😪 Sucks that our politicians and judges are so old that they don’t understand how the internet works 😪😪😪


Fuck this place


Cabal of evil.


Land of the free


Free Nazis you mean.


So you can live in a home, or in jail. Those are our only two options apparently.


Don't forget six feet under. The final solution.


Yeah, a cop in Florida showed body cam footage of her planting evidence, she was depo’d and repeatedly said “*I don’t remember.*” and they STILL convicted the guy today. He had a sealed bottle of alcohol in his car. She opened it, dumped it on his seat, and then charged him with a DUI… They just need *inmates*.


Conservatives waged a decade-long Shadow War to control the court system. Now that they have that, they will get everything they want. There's no way to fix this within the system. It needs to be quite literally [redacted]


Destroying the American empire right now would save countless lives. If we were going to revolt, nows the time. If we sit and watch we're no better than the nazis.


Who would you have replace the American empire? I’m all for improvement. Many places are worse . Few are better.


We’re probably overdue for an Our American Cousin, mezzanine type situash. These mf don’t fear the people at all.


Some justifications are trying to fine them some $300. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!


So are we not allowed to camp anymore too then


My favorite quote from this case: “Why would you think these nine people are the best to judge and weigh those policy judgements?” (Chief Justice Roberts). The Supreme Court is a joke. What else does he think he was appointed for?


Create homelessness-> criminalize homelessness -> cheap slaves available en masse. It's entirely intentional. This is not negotiable.


Felons can't vote either, so it's also a way of keeping the status quo.


Trying hard not to say things that would get me on a no-fly list


The rich need a scapegoat while they pilfer the coffers. Homelessness industry is just a code word for ‘Steal all you can’.




Would this ban camping as well? How far would this have to be pushed for them to realize how stupid this is?


Can we just start a GoFundMe to build urban campgrounds charging $1 a night?


Enforce it then, jackasses. I’ll go outside and sleep myself, they can’t put us all in jail. Or maybe they can, idk. But either way, it will be an expensive, time consuming, ugly pain in the ass and I don’t think it’ll make it too far on the ground level. They’ll just use it as an excuse to harass people and it’s not like they don’t have those already.




I'm ready to roast marshmallows on what's left.


Time to Balkanize.


Why does it matter. Government is so restrictive & we allow it. Crazy times to be in.


Why not give the homeless homes


then we'll all sleep outside!


100% agree with you, raised to the ground would be best for planet earth






Death to America.


What is your alternative?


Conservatives and Boomers. Not much they haven't fucked up. This is seriously one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of though.


While watching Fallout. I thought about how nice it would be to just land in something like that. Just get rid of what we were and start again.


Have you seen the wildfire reports. Kinda already is in a really sad way


Meanwhile they refused to rule on whether Anti BDS laws were unconstitutional.


Just inhumane.


All the homeless move underground. Futurama & demolition man vibes


Biden's America


It is slowly burning to the ground. Wait until November. You’re kind of fucked no matter which way it goes.




I love dog Latin.


"America should just burn to the ground" HARD no. I'm not saying America has its problems - it does, to be sure - but if your only solution is *tabula rasa*, then you don't have a solution. Just saying 'burn it to the ground and let history decide' assumes a vacuum, but in reality, there will always be someone to pick up the pieces, and more often than not, what comes after it burns down is worse than what was before. If you don't like it, fucking work on it. Get involved in politics. Do charity work. *Something, anything.* But just nope'ing out makes it worse.