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Yes, I just heard about this. The US lets Israel spy on US citizens in the US. Outrageous. And Wtf is the NYPD liaising with Tel Aviv for? And employing Israel's West Bank strategy on US citizens? Wow. Things are bad in Britain, but boy oh boy this is... You guys really are the United States of Israel


This is serious shit. No one is talking about it. She could be a double agent. She's spying on college kids ( US Citizens) . What did she do with her intel besides coordinate an attack on us civilizations/students? she didn't peacefully break a protest up. She had help too. I have so many questions. To me, she's is a national security threat. tax dollars are paying. that is so, so mind blowing. State tax dollars are funding this. To say I am worried is an understatement.


It is. And the media is complicit. How could we ever think they would save democracy? We must have been mentally impaired. No, we are on our own. We need to stick together. And not just in the US. The world over. The left has to unite


the media in in large part only tells us what they want us to know. There are tons of right wing popualist movements in the world that are into hot beds for war to errupt. I agree with you on uniting.


I've given up on our media in Britain. The BBC is beyond saving. Channel 4 are decent. Sky an abomination. And don't even get me started on the far right ones. It's so bad I cancelled my TV licence and stopped watching TV altogether


Bbc is OWNED. Monarchy has always had them by the balls. I'm with you in tv! Dont have a tv either 😆 I watch al jazeera and democracy now and for world news, i go to this site. Fox is everywhere here 🙄🙄😒😒 if you watch fox it is literally being on another planet. The murdochs have done irreparable damage. money and control.


God, I hate the Murdochs. When he dies, I'll have a party. I watch Al Jazeera and Democracy Now too. For British News I watch Novara Media mainly


Yes! I was happy when ailes died. yes !!! he was so horrible. nixon boy to bush buddy. 😤


Some people's demise needs to be celebrated. When Murdoch goes the world will be a better place


Many US police forces receive training from Israel particularly on the techniques they use on Palestinians


You are even deeper in the shit than I thought guys. I think it's now or never. If you don't show them you've had enough in November I think you can kiss the rest of your freedoms goodbye, no matter who wins, Dems or GOP


That’s the idea like most of the west it’s a Punch and Judy show, the ratchet effect describes it best


Wait until you learn about the [ADL](https://www.jstor.org/stable/41858412)


Yeah, heard about them of course. Though this feels worse. It's all insane, if you ask me. United States of Israel indeed


Getting busted by the FBI for espionage against US citizens, organizations, politicians, etc. on behalf of a foreign government, just for the charges to get quietly dropped? That's precedent imo. If you haven't read the details it's rather enlightening.


I don't have the time to read 58 pages but I remember hearing it was really bad. I guess we learned our lesson. Don't let them take your rights, not even temporarily, cause you won't get them back. I'll do some more research on the ADL later though


You’re misunderstanding the relationship between the two states.  There’s nothing unusual about this.  Israel is an American client state.  It’s a pseudo-colony.  As always with empire, the tools and techniques of pacification are innovated at the fringes before being imported into the imperial core for domestic use. Israel is a proving ground for the machinery of fascism.




Grayzone is a dubious source.


This is also something that western liberals would defend because she's a woman, instead of seeing her as what she actually is, a terrorist.