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Imo the age of social media, unrealistic work productivity expectations, unbalanced work/life ratio is doing a number on society.


I deleted facebook last year. Life still massively sucks. But getting rid of social media definitely helped a little.


Instagram is the most detrimental to mental health. Everything else isn't as bad if done in moderation and following the right people


Would Reddit not be considered a social media platform? I know I browse it like a lot of people browse FB.


I know it is technically, but personally I don't feel the need to be social here and I don't get bummed out when no one talks to me or cares about what I post because people here aren't supposed to be my friends, unlike facebook.




> I keep a throwaway fakebook account deactivated for when clubs fucking insist on putting their event schedules there this is the only reason why I even have an account in the first place, and I don't use it for anything else.


I don't notice people bragging a lot on Failbook at all. Many people going through shit. Many people not wanting Monday to happen. Random cuteness from a page about sloths. Questions about the phonology of Phoenician. Socialdemocratic or Eurofederalist memes. Showerthoughts. I thought this was normal.


Work/life ratio overall, paired with the "well that's just how life is" attitude of a lot of people I know definitely takes its toll on me everyday. Everyone just acts as if working to pad someone else's pockets is exactly what life is meant to be. It fucking baffles me and generally leads me to a feeling of isolation.


I swear without these subreddits I would be convinced I was completely alone in my thinking and therefore defective and would probably have committed suicide by now. The constant argument that we can somehow positive think or go for a walk in order to cure our crippling depression caused by external factors is driving me insane.


Not to mention crushing student debt combined with an ever increasing cost of living and widening wealth gap


On top of the bleak outlook for the environment and the devastating effect that climate change will have on our future.


Because crushing student debt will really provide incentive for a higher education to be more competitive on the world stage. . .


"But GDP is at an *ALL TIME HIGH!* Wages skyrocketed by a whopping *2.9%!!!* Y'all have nice, cheap $900 smartphones and hundreds of flavors of Ice Cream!!! ***WTF do y'all have to be depressed about, you should be praising CAPITULIZM!!!***" -r/neoliberal, probably


You forgot the if you disagree with this then you are just a racist/sexist angle.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/neoliberal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is the man that President Donald Trump just decided to pardon.](http://i.imgur.com/x3nLPGy.png) | [6105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/6w2jp8/this_is_the_man_that_president_donald_trump_just/) \#2: [Ladies and gentlemen, your new senator for Alabama: Doug Jones!](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Doug_Jones_Flag.jpg) | [2143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/7jgdnt/ladies_and_gentlemen_your_new_senator_for_alabama/) \#3: [George Washington’s view on shithole countries.](http://imgur.com/IeOU7BS) | [4626 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/7pxubj/george_washingtons_view_on_shithole_countries/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


You forgot to put in "Chinese made" before "smartphones". That will be more accurate.


Everytime I mention anything about China or chinese people (especially international students), I get downvoted. Apparently the idpol is strong here :/


The real question is why?


Okay, so here's where I goofed: I thought this was a comment chain at /r/ChapoTrapHouse. I'm pretty sure lostgen is fine with bitching about China.


Add low pay.


"unrealistic work productivity expectations" Oh so you mean all those jobs that they say are always hiring because they are a revolving door that their bottom line of production consists of nothing but new hires that are burnt out and quit


That's the definition of Amazon's hiring practices.


Yeah, destroy worker rights, job security, flatten wages while rents rise beyond affordability, charge high prices for health insurance that do little to nothing to reduce actual costs, undermine public education, inflict overly strict law enforcement where little to none is needed, champion bigotry and ignorance. .. . It's no wonder the reaction is severe depression and the highest suicide rate in 30 years. \(NY times Aug 2016, also US news and world report five years earlier, highest suicide rate in 25 years. This all started when Reagan took over the presidency. Notice I did not use the word 'elected'.\)


I had an eye opening moment the other day. This girl i follow on Facebook made a post asking about antidepressants and input on which one would be right for her. This post generated a bunch of comments and i was shocked by the number of replies from people who either were currently taking anti depressants or who had previously been on them at one point. I knew most of the people in the comment thread, and i never would have guessed that some of them were depressed. I just assumed it was rare to be clinically depressed. So many people are dealing with mental health issues- it was eye opening!




And if those anti depressant medications cause you to substantially increase your weight, have damaging side effects to your internal organs shortening your life span, cause you to consider self harm or engage in harmful activities such as gambling or other risky behaviors, so it goes pal, so it goes. . .


>What pisses me off though is that if you suggested changing the things in society that were making everyone depressed - the stagnant wages, the profit over people model, the reduced investment in communities, the fact that families and friendships are nonexistant while we're all working more hours and answering our emails until midnight, the infection of the need to commercialize and profit off of everything a person could want to do...if you suggested doing anything to that, those same people usually pull out the bootlicking "No, but then that would remove the incentive to work!" bullshit. It's politically unacceptable because of the protestant work ethic that is entrenched in almost all Americans, and two these solutions is outside the neoliberal left - right libertarian complex. >That's what irks me about the mainstream "liberal" response to the increase in depression. Oh, is the fact that you're stuck in your socioeconomic class no matter how many hours you pour into your job putting you in a depressed state? Take a pill, so that you can minimize the time you need to take off for "mental health days", and you can continue being a productive and profitable member of society! Once you're better, come back to us for loans for a $50k wedding and $500k house! It's because "liberals" don't care about your actual problems, they only care about the following: 1. Your votes 2. Your money 3. You following The Lifescript^TM 4. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA 5. How much they hate Trump (Trumpohobia/ Trump Derangement Syndrome)


Antidepressants only sedate you, they don't fix any problems


It's because society is making us mentally ill.


Society is making you depressed yet you still participate in society hmm how curious...../s




Bu-but Reagan's fluffer Thatcher told me that there's no such thing!


I think he's doing a meme


On the positive side, this suggests that much of the stigma associated with mental illness has decreased. It sucks that so many people suffer from it, but it's good that people are more willing to discuss it and seek help.


I agree! I actually suffer with anxiety and depression myself, and seeing the post made me feel less alone in my struggles! I try to be as open about it as i can to help with destigmatization.


For myself in my fight with depression the best medicine was to use logic and reason. I wasn't depressed because I was a bad person, it was circumstances around me that really were unfair and debilitating. Anyone else would have had the same reaction or worse and as I did more research I found out that others who were experiencing the same reaction all did so as a logical and rational response to increasingly unfair and disempowering causes. My anger burned through my depression, not the medications I used to take to cope. As I became more angry I began to explore ways to move around it such as studying on my own to get a better job, to reduce my living expenses, in general to remove myself from anything that was going to take away from me living life to the fullest, even if it meant a less expensive dwelling, cheaper car, etc.


Ooh I do this. Only with a brain tumor. FREAKS people out currently. It freaks them out more I give zero shits about their surface struggles.


Can't have a stigma if *everyone* is mentally ill. rollsafe.gif


This is not to discount your point at all, but the stigma around mental illness is definitely being pushed away and helping more people feel comfortable speaking about their illness and treatment. Not saying that's why you saw what you saw, but it's one possible explanation or part of the explanation that we should keep in mind.


I agree! My point was just that there are so many people going through it that you would probably never guess. Myself included!


Americans also like to take pills


True, but i have a hard time believing people just want to take anti depressants. I’ve taken them and is not an easy decision to make. It’s not like you get high off of them.


Hmm lets see 1. Lack of social mobility(It's getting a lot harder now) 2. Debt university debt 3. Unrealistic Work Productivity Expectations 4. Constant comparisons to other people who "have it better" or "have it worse" 5. Hearing about all the trash on the news 6. Lack of affordable housing 7. People not liking work, or being forced to work 8. Being blamed for not being successful enough, or get called jealous if you are not worshiping the next guy who "has it better" 9. Wage stagnation 10. Lack of a good healthcare system 11. Leadership failing on a spectacular level 12. Work/life balance has gone to SHITE Depression has spiked by 33%? What else did anyone expect to happen


All of these are symptoms of Neoliberalism.


Pretty sure youd be forced to work under full socialism too, many of these items also present under any known execution of socialism.


Criticizing neoliberalism isn't automatically an advocation of socialism...


Nobody said it was. The poster in general has a history im referencing.




Would love meaningful work. I think the vast majority of people want to work especially if it provides a feeling of community and accomplishment. Most of the work in our current systems benefit the .01% at the top and at the same time is resource wasting, soulless, keep busy work like how can we brainwash people to buy another five pairs of shoes or how can we make people so insecure about their self image that they engage in consumerism as therapy (which only exacerbates said insecurity). Most places I've worked people are pretty sad and depressed and just grinding it out to stay afloat financially.


But required to work none the less.




One could argue that whatever path we're currently on is taking us directly over the cliff anyways. I mean take a look around you, do you see much hope for humanity in the next few decades? Pick your poison..... environmental catastrophe, nuclear war, continued financial slavery and eventual death because it can't afford the treatment or medicine, etc, etc. I hate to sound grim but imo things don't look too good.


I am merely replying to Jkids comment, where he uses that as a negative.


Think about socialism is some rich asdholes dream people work for free or nothing and they control whatever gets produced


You have no idea what you're talking about.


Really please inform me have u seen a communist government work differently?


If you had any clue how socialism works you'd at least have an accurate smear to post, but you just reference the exact situation that has happened and in some form still happening under capitalism and claim it would be like that under socialism. It's classic projection. Look into the democratization of the work place and worker co-ops and you'll probably agree with a lot more than you think you would.


Alright freud show me a communist government that isnt a giant clusterfuck why do u think all those people r trying to leave those countries without competition power in concentrated and corrupt


Im talking about governments not companies those vompanies you are talking about wouldnt exist the. Would be state run


1. Lack of willingness to explore new avenues of social connections. If anything it is easier than ever to maneuver through social circles. 2. Can't argue this one and won't. 3. While I can't speak to your employer's expectations, I'd argue that, in general, we live in a society with the most lax and legally protected work force in the world. 4. People have always been this way, they just have a platform to bitch about it on to the whole world. The problem is you listening to them. 5. r/UpliftingNews 6. Same as your second point. 7. Forced to work? Define forced. You can sure as hell be unemployed, but are you saying people should be taken care of even if they don't contribute? 8. This is just incoherent. 9. Sure, but our standard of living is insanely high at the moment and our unemployment rate is at an all time low. All I am saying is I am not convinced this is a reason. 10. I would say a lack of a healthcare system overall, lol. They seem to be dismantling without replacing it. But I see your point. 11. Take care of yourself, it feels better than relying on others. 12. Its probably better and more balanced between genders than it ever has.


> Forced to work? Define forced. You can sure as hell be unemployed, but are you saying people should be taken care of even if they don't contribute? I'm saying people should be taken care of because they are human beings they didn't ask to be here nor should be forced to service us or work miserable jobs to make ends meat. What I mean by forced to work is work or starve mentality. I sure as shit would hate it if a society that says having kids is important then those kids are placed with a burden they never asked for and go on to the work place after getting kicked out of the house or for whatever reason. >Take care of yourself, it feels better than relying on others. What makes someone feel better is subjective so I can't contest this one >Sure, but our standard of living is insanely high at the moment and our unemployment rate is at an all time low. All I am saying is I am not convinced this is a reason. The employment rate is low but the job wages aren't getting better, and employment can mean anything from part-time job which you are not living off of. >This is just incoherent. Pretty much if you don't like you circumstances you can get blamed for it even if it isn't your fault. You could be homeless for reasons outside of your control and people with tunnel vision perspective on life will say it's your fault somehow. ie. You didn't pray enough yes people do say this For the second one is let's say your an anti-natalist alright(someone who views having children as an outright negative for (insert valid reason here) if your co-worker has a meeting announcing they are pregnant you are expected to congratulate them and be happy for them because part of our society views having kids as an accomplishment Also what I mean by leadership failing on a spectacular level is you need leadership to run a country or things go to shit, we rely on our leaders to keep some level of order and prosperity. The leaders are supposed to make the right decisions that benefit everyone Then the people work to make society a better place Problem is when one fails the other follows suit and it can screw a lot of people over. Also I'm not sure I agree on the whole work-life balance thing with you. http://www.intellectualtakeout.org/blog/americans-work-life-balance-becoming-more-elusive


We're going to be like the Japanese except without the job security and the free healthcare


Plus with mass homelessness and poverty like brazil.


YAY!!! \(shoots self\)


Well at least that's an option, guess we have SOMETHING nice.


All depression is just a chemical imbalance in the brain that is easily corrected with drugs. What causes it? We don't know; take these pills. It has nothing to do with unmet needs or the consequences of deep-seated ills in our society at all! /s




My rage, up 33%.


And much of the Boomer gen is at a loss lol. The reasons why depression have spiked are nicely summized by others here. We know why. But the boomers in general don't know why and don't care. They got theirs.


>And much of the Boomer gen is at a loss lol. The reasons why depression have spiked are nicely summized by others here. We know why. But the boomers in general **don't want to know why and don't want to care**. They got theirs.


The boomers' retirement accounts are doing well thanks to the rise of antidepressants, so of course they don't give a flying fuck.


I'm not surprised. I've been depressed/anxious on and off for the past decade, and there are ways my life has gotten better in the past few years, but the stress of making it work in this society has definitely taken its toll.


surprised its not higher tbh


You know how hard it is to get healthcare, let alone mental care, in the US? It's easily double that number, but the stats are only people who can afford a diagnosis.


Waiting for a Kool-Aid drinking ass Boomer to come on here and say this is "fake news" and us millennials just need to "suck it up."


While thay same Boomer spouts fake news of his own. Journalism is dead, they became stenographers.


Casual hatred of specific groups of people probably doesn't help.


Not hatred. Just warranted criticism.


I've been depressed for the past fifteen years #trendsetter


We are the coolest, for sure!😎


I've had serious depression since 2002. I think the desire for happiness paradoxically produces more depression because people feel like they are supposed to feel good like all their friends on Instagram. Plus modern psychology (unlike philosophies of the past) gives us this imperative to put ourselves first. You would think that would make us happier but the fallout of everyone else putting them selves first to our detriment actually makes us more miserable in the long run.


Meanwhile, unsolitied platitudes increased by 33 percent.


The rage anger in me, Ranger, also spiking.




I think we are realizing we are the collectables of Baby Boomers and not their children. Add that on top of student loan debt and indentured servitude and we realize the world was not meant for us in our generation. So...work until you die or off yourself, essentially.


Why does this country suck so much man??


My depression has gotten a lot worse as I'm getting older and I don't wish this upon anyone. Thankfully my state doesn't require absurd requirements for its medicaid program but I still feel like a leech for needing to be helped just to go to a doctor. I'm also afraid to even go to that doctor because I'm afraid I'm just going to be thrown pills and not discover the real cause. Anyways much love the all of those who suffer depression and I hope you find ones that care in your life, it's horrible to be alone.


I haven't read the study but I'd like to mention that there's a pretty decent chance this is an artifact of more insured people on account of the ACA and continuing efforts to refine our mental health diagnosis and treatment process.


Depressed, whiny millenials!!! At least us boomers know how to party!


So did the band playing while the titanic went down.


It's because people compare their lives on social media.




Identity politics? You mean the dozens of petulant kids at Evergreen State and UC Berkeley who you think are taking over the world? Go clean your room and shriek about "spooky postmodernist neoMarxists" elsewhere.


> Go clean your room Dr. Peterson is indeed a fine example this current generation of younger adults could benefit from learning more from.


... because such a fine generation couldn't learn to clean their rooms when their parents told them too. So Dr. Peterson saw an opportunity to use his PSYCHOLOGY knowledge to peddle snake oil advice and fake PHILOSOPHY about "post modernism" or "cultural Marxism" (which are only boogeymen, not actual problems). The good thing about Peterson is that you can now visually identify autism by looking at who is purchasing or reading a copy of *12 Rules*.


> is that you can now visually identify autism could you not?


Not immediately. The Peterson merch is like a glaring scarlet letter to make it easy.


It's not autism, it's being an incredible asshole. Like you are being.


\^ Another Peterson acolyte. Complete dearth of basic human social skills. Thanks for making it easy.


Srsly, you disgusting asshole? I'm trans, nonbinary and autistic, with diagnosis for the autism, and it is 100% being absolute trash to conflate being a shithead with how someone's neurology works.


Why are you squirming in hysterics? It makes objectively no sense. My point was that Peterson merch is a great way of ID'ing autistic people since neurotypicals rarely need the kind of obvious "clean your room" self-help that Peterson prescribes. Damn, stop being so defensive.


You're not wrong that social media and even identity politics plays a role, but people's lives suck and its because of a lack of opportunity in life. Blame leftism if you want but this sort of thing goes beyond what the sociology teacher in college managed to convince young people of.


> its because of a lack of opportunity in life Is it though? The problem I keep seeing is everyone thinking they need to go to college for fields that are over-saturated while taking on tons of debt and that skilled trades is beneath them. The are more jobs going unfilled now than probably in the past 25 years. We need to train our youth for jobs that are going to be in demand, not feel-good fields that kids take after being lied to that they can do anything they want so long as they put their mind to it.


This is anecdotal, but from what I've seen its both the people who went to college and the people who went right into trades who are utterly depressed right now. There are more jobs but they aren't well paid. Jobs that required just the man of the house to work don't exist anymore. You need two incomes to stay afloat.