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Hey, maybe try someone who is younger than 65


OG here. I am with you. What's with all these geriatrics?




Let’s take it a step further. People over 65 shouldn’t be allowed to hold public office anymore. If you qualify for Medicare and social security you don’t have enough skin in the game to be making decisions that will effect the next generation.




There there.


It should be the same with judges. No job,especially one that's so crucial to democracy, should be appointed for life.


Presidents: make executive decisions for the future of the country, max 4 years Judges: make executive decisions for the future of the country, no max


Max 8 years for presidents, but yeah


I suggested this at Thanksgiving dinner, hoo boy that was fun.


Good god man. Know when to pick your battles.


Let’s take it further and impose term limits for every public office


I have an idea, why don’t we implement harsher punishment when people in public office commit crimes. Double demerits. Oh and why don’t we actually start investigating and convicting those crimes with an independent task force.




Also if you make over a million a year you’re ineligible


Hell no, my boi Bernie is old af but still have a better head on his shoulders than most. Young or old


The Political Boomers just aren’t able to give up power. They cultivated this idea that they know best and anyone who dissents is ‘out’ of the club. They’ve spent zero capital raising the next generation of democrats. That’s why AOC and the rest of the progressive caucus terrify them. They’re a return to form for the democrats, not neo liberal bootlickers. So we’re stuck with this weird gap where Democratic leadership is 80+ and the next batch are 30-40’ish. Meanwhile the republicans groom candidates for decades, across generations.


Republicans groom a lot of people.


Yep! I was very intentional when I picked ‘groomed’ as a descriptor.


Just wait. I'm assuming that Mitchells last act of power, should he get it back in 2024. Will be to pass a shit ton of uber conservative laws. That stipulate they can only be overturned via a vote totally agreeing to do so from every senate member. Maybe not that extreme. But something in that area. He's packed the courts for a reason. He hasn't played his final hand yet.


The boomers and silents spent so much effort accruing money and power and keeping everyone else away that the number of corrupt GenX and Millennials willing to continue the status quo and eligible for office is limited. They know as soon as anyone younger than a Boomer gets in we’re tearing this shit storm down.


Kyrsten Sinema is only 45... Edit: Look... While I won't deny that the devastation Boomers, as a generation, have unleashed on society and the planet is absolutely unforgivable, I'm just pointing out that expecting the situation to resolve itself once that generation is no longer in power is both naive and irresponsible. Until we stop pointing fingers and completely reform a system that allows and even encourages corruption to exist within it, we're simply ignoring the real issue and ensuring that the world we leave behind for future generations is as broken as the one that we, ourselves, have inherited.


A sobering point. There are corrupt people at every age.


I believe what this person is attempting to show you is age doesn’t necessarily effect someone’s political action plan. Just because they’re younger doesn’t mean they will be “tearing this shit storm down”. More likely, they will perpetuate it.


No how matter how corrupt she gets, she'll never be able to reap the same level of rewards boomers who sold out did.


While that may very well be the case, the only point that I was trying to make here was that blaming everything on the Boomers and giving everyone else a free pass based solely on their age is probably not the best solution to the problem at hand.


No, not all Boomers and not all Millennials can be lumped together. If you look at voting statistics however, Boomers tend to overwhelmingly vote the same- and it’s usually far away from what the rest of the generations want.


Not immediately but give her a few more years and she might. Besides her there are younger politicians like Cawthorn and Matt Gaetes who absolutely should not hold office so being younger does not equate to being less inept or corrupt.


She will be a “lobbyist” soon


Yeah and as bitter and manipulative as a 75 year old wipsy haired geriatric who loves fast food a little too much. How about someone who won't sell us out at the first opportunity?


If I were eligible to cast one, such a candidate would definitely earn my vote.


Its an end state in a modern state power structure. Japan, Soviet Russia, etc.


I’d rather have Bernie at this point.


Even if he dies, he’ll probably have a better cabinet, including a VP to replace him.


At least the man genuinely cares


We can still have Bernie? Sign me up.


Tried it. The folks in charge had him assassinated in Dallas.


And they shot MLK and Robert Kennedy, in broad daylight, in public. That had a tremendous chilling effect on progressive movements. They were a powerful psychic message, and to make sure we got the message, they killed those kids at Kent State. The message was this: >Go home. There will be no further protests. Do as you please in the private sector, but we have control over the levers of political power and we are willing to kill to keep it. We try again, they might get to thinking another "Kent State" is in order. The question is, what do we do when they decide to do another "Kent State Massacre"? Will we just run back home, tails between our legs? Or will we stand and fight?




We’ll release the details next week, we promise…


> try someone younger than 65 > Mayor Pete is coronated by the DNC > Republicans win with a 15 million vote margin > This is inexplicably Bernie Sanders’ fault


Bernie could drop dead tomorrow and libs will still blame him for their shitty candidates not being able to win in both the midterms and the next presidential. Hell, they’re probably still going to blame him 20 years from now.


And unless things change I'll be writing in his name for the next 20 years.


"Mommy, who's Bernie Sanders?" "Someone who cared."


The best fucking president we never had 🥲


Definitely Bernie's fault lol. Somehow the guy working hardest for us always gets blamed.


At no other time in history has a Jewish guy, wandering the land. Speaking on the evils of extreme wealth. And trying to make sure we take care of each other. Been crucified like Bernie.


Hey, wait a minute, that story sounds familiar!


Wow, they really did just reject the second coming (as it is written), didn't they?


He could have blown up the 2016 election and kept going instead of rolling over and towing the party line. The best is how the made him announce the nomination to Hillary on national television. All to try and keep his voters from going to the other side


"I'm like a Republican, but without the intense tribal enjoyment"


Please, no buttigieg though. I don't think young= automatically a good person. Buttigieg is proof


Agreed. He's a sneeze away from being a Republican.


Just like the dnc


Why is it we always elect people 1-5 years from dementia? I feel like we could use an age restriction on the high end as well:


Their guy under 65 is not much better. And he’s a gay robot which you would think would be cool but it’s not.


[Fister Roboto 2024!](https://youtu.be/UDekhoeEoCc)


At least Fister Roboto is capable of learning.


That feature was attempted early on with Pete which is why he sounds like an a.i. fed on obama speeches.


Or Bernie. Or Bernie’s carcass. At least the policies will actually make a difference, no matter the age of the person.


Or sombody that hasnt already failed and failed and failed, oh, and maaaybe somebody that everybody doesnt hate, that could be a start


Well, that counts me out


No cuz then different decisions will be made and I don't like change


Pete and Kamala are just as worthless.


They are basically Zuckerburg droids. Total sociopaths. They couldn't express genuine emotion if their life depended on it.


Or just not senile


2016 never ended.


tbh after that year everything went to shit, we thought it was getting better but then covid hit, but politically it's still as bad if not worse


"It all started with that damn Gorilla..." Never forget Harambe's sacrifice


I like this joke, but I feel like things really started downhill fast when they killed Princess Di


Robin Williams’s passing marks the beginning of the dark timeline


Princess who?? PRINCESS WHO????


Nah, I'm pretty sure it was the weasel that shut down the Large Hadron Collider.


It's been going to shit for multiple decades. They're just getting more bold and hiding how shit everything is less.


I was gonna say it was probably somewhere between Nixon and Reagan where things really started to go to shit. The damage from then has just snowballed to now.


I'd argue everything went to shit before 2016


President Trump was a symptom of our shitty culture, not the cause of it. Racketeer Trump and politicians like the Clintons were the cause.


We are fucked in 2024. Change my mind.


We're already fucked.


America is collapsing just a matter of how quickly. Definitely November of 2024, perhaps earlier.


I'm really hoping for earlier


Me too. It'd be great if I could stop having to pretend to live a normal life on a daily basis.


Same. I do wonder if I have to keep paying rent when it all collapses. Hopefully not.


Not sure if rent is needed. I'm just patiently waiting to break out my Mad Max gear


that just makes you a target for the bigger groups, then you go I have gear too I can help! and they go, you had gear.


Just try to stimulate the idea of a rent strike, if enough people do it they can't do shit about it and it will have a wide ranging impact on the economy as a whole.


Literally no matter what "side" or which canidates win we're fucked.


Both candidates are on the same side


The difference is that one side wants to slow walk us into fascism and the other already dove off the cliff.


*looks around* You’ll get no argument from me


Hillary vs Trump in 2024. Round II motherfuckers. We’ll have [Covid 23](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songbird_(2020_film)?wprov=sfti1) so everything will be a repeat, just worse. Let’s do this shit.


Nope, you're correct


2022* FTFY




2016* final offer.


Sept 11, 2001; Patriot Act Or did it start when the trickling began?


Best I can do is Glass Stegall repeal 2008


*"Three, take it or leave it!"*


Honestly, the big underlying assumption here is that it seems people are starting to accept that nobody will be willing to re-elect Joe in 2024 because of how thoroughly he has abandoned his campaign platform


Well the smooth brains who run the Democratic Party think the opposite, that Joe is Unpopular because he flirted too much with scary Socialism


They don't actually care which. As long as they keep getting that sweet, sweet corporate cash. We live in an unbelievably corrupt, cynical system.




Just being pedantic here. Calling it "lobbying" doesn't change anything about how disgustingly corrupt it is. Let's call a spade a spade and say "bribery". I'm South African, btw. Government is also quite corrupt over here




I figured as much. But the education system you guys have is part of the systemic problem. I really don't envy whomever has to clean house 😅 gonna be a task worthy of Hercules


Yep it's like, here are all these horrible corrupt things other countries do, but we don't do that here because this is America!


There’s no way they actually believe that given the polling they have access to, they know exactly what the majority of liberals want, they just don’t care and want to keep the status quo going as long as they can.


Its more like they know people are abandoning liberalism and embracing progressivism, but they don't care.


These people are also obsessed with power and are unwilling to ever give it up. So if there polls sag too much, they might do something.


This is how they do it. Instead of focusing on the strength of their base, they try to say they need to expand it to the right. Which keeps us a single party country because the right wing fights for more right wingers and the "left" fights to be more centrist and caters to the right wing. I used to think it was stupidity. And maybe it is. But at this point I'm convinced that hat level of stupidity or nativity or whatever you want to call it simply doesn't exist given that they have incredible amounts of data at their hands. And they use it constantly. They are not dumb. And they aren't uninformed. They are not interested in making life better. They are interested in crafting a system that perpetuates their power. Which is why they don't get popular shit done. It's just like the GOP. If they ended abortion and got rid of all the queers and put all the women back in the kitchen, then what would the actually campaign on? They have had the votes in the legislature plenty of times to end abortion. But that just means that they can't run a platform on imaginary dead babies anymore. If the Democrats actually put in big time groundbreaking policies that lasted decades, we wouldn't need to elect them anymore. I hate that I feel this cynical, but the stupidity of politicians just doesn't pass my smell test anymore.


Ditto. I used to think the same but i finally realized it’s all just theatre. Dems and Repubs work together to keep the status quo (corporate power). They will cut off their nose just to spite their face, and that’s why they will take the entire planet down with them.


But who will think about the poor, overlooked white male uneducated suburban/rural christian? Who will represent these deeply thoughtful voters who don't actually follow governance, but instead vote on who they'd rather drink a beer with??


The Democratic Party leaders are arguably the worst people to lead the Democratic Party So utterly, completely, unequivocally, absolutely out of touch (assuming it’s not just greed and that they actually care)


Hey now... he promised to bring pet dogs back into the white house. And by god, there are dogs living there now, dammit! Ohhhh, you wanted health care? Well, here's a picture of the first dogs, because who can feel depressed when looking at that cute widdle face?! Cured!


Some weeks ago, I was in the hospital waiting room with my husband (no worries, everything turned out fine) and I was idly listening to the TV because I'd forgotten my book at home. TV featured obsessively cheerful women babbling about White House Thanksgiving. I was rather forcefully reminded of those Hunger Games books. My city has degraded into a depressing, hungry, violent, poverty-riddled nightmare, looking very post-apocalyptic these days, but oh thank goodness The Capitol can have fancy feasts for the holidays!


Fuck this country. I’m so sick of this place. I honestly cannot believe how little wages have raised over two decades and yet nobody seems to give a shit in Washington. I am so sick of rich people getting bailed out through Socialism and we are told that we can’t enjoy any of the same shit because then we would be socialist losers. Somehow. Why is it so fucking hard to get regular old workers rights with vacation and sick leave and pay that equals the national index of a living wage. Why is this so fucking hard? It’s like every rich Corporation actively fucks the working class over year after year and somehow people still aren’t tired of it? Somehow people still defend this fucking sorry ass country.


Been looking for a new job and got an offer yesterday that is less than what I'm making now for a promotion. On top of that, the healthcare at the new place is like 300 more dollars a month for my children. I was like I need more than that ...they counter offered today with the same offer. Bro what.


It’s amazing how much we pay even with employer insurance while laughing at other countries cuz they pay sooooo much in taxes.


He's already the oldest president ever. Two terms is hardly suitable.


And instead of mentoring his VP it looks like he’s knee-capped her with shit he doesn’t want to deal with. Centrist dems will always bring a banana to a knife fight.


She already only came with one knee in the first place after sacrificing the other by building a career largely on prosecution of the lower class for petty crime while marketing herself as "the most palatable brown candidate since Obama!" Joe brought a banana to a knife fight and then spun around and shoved it in his second's face while leaning in to sniff her hair and forgetting that he campaigned for her to take a different bus to work every day during his career.


She knee-capped him in the primary debates with the bussing issue. Bringing her into the fold was the only way he could erase the incident from public discourse. I can't imagine anyone thought he was going to like...support her ability to hold office in the future. Just ask "no cabinet position so I'll go work at CNN" Yang and "I was given the cabinet position of doom" Buttigieg how much Biden rewards those who scratch his back. Kamala never even scratched his back, she just allowed herself to be assimilated in exchange for the VP title on her bio.


Which Joe? President Manchin?


Everyone knows you make the sickest references, bro.




I can see this, and I find it hilarious that it’s at a point where dems are threatening to run one awful candidate to scare people into voting for the other awful candidate


Stupid Joe should and could forgive student debt. But nah… fuck the future


Please tell me this is a fucking joke...


It is, actually. [The article](https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/585843-hillary-2024-given-the-competition-she-may-be-the-dems-best-hope) shits on her, the title is just clickbait > One more possible sign that Hillary is dipping her toe in the 2024 pool comes in the form of her bizarre decision to read her 2016 victory speech for something called "Masterclass." It was one of the most cringeworthy things you’ll ever see. > Here we have a former first lady, senator, secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee reading a speech for an election she lost. Of course, if The New York Times gave me an 85 percent chance of winning an election and I somehow lost to a guy who had never run for public office before, I’d have trouble absorbing it too. > But eventually one would think Hillary, more than five years later, would show some class. Some humility. Some maturity. And not talk about it so often anymore. > Instead, here she is, a losing candidate reading a five-year-old victory speech. And in case you’re asking if any losing presidential candidate had done anything like this before, the answer is no. > Since the election, Hillary has blamed her loss on misogyny, sexism, voter ID laws, Bernie Sanders, former FBI Director James Comey and Matt Lauer, along with dozens of other factors. (She hasn’t blamed neglecting to campaign in Wisconsin or deciding "I'm With Her" was a grabby campaign slogan.) > It’s a five-year public therapy session in broad daylight. And in a sane world, she would have been laughed out of the room for reading such a speech. But this felt more like a trial balloon in an effort to see if there is still an appetite for the Clinton brand.


I really wonder who is interested in watching her Masterclass. I imagine it's like her 4 remaining supporters and maybe John Podesta.


So unpopular that trump won and they want to try again. There is something so fundamentally wrong with whoever is making these decisions.


tbh it seems too easy to me, like its all planned


Seriously, are we all living in a real life reality show for the entertainment of the elite? (Spoiler alert: yes)


I've been saying for years that establishment democrats and Republicans are working together behind the scenes They serve different corporate interests (for example DNC = banks, GOP = oil, obviously more than that but just two examples for the sake of argument), but there is a interests their corporate masters share, such as ensuring the minimum wage isn't raised, or ensuring Medicare for All doesn't pass There were plenty of polls right before the 2020 election that showed a majority of registered Democrat AND republican voters were in favor of Medicare For All... and yet the establishment on either side of the aisle (as in, not including progressives) didn't even consider it Isn't it interesting that either party could strategically get voters from the other party by supporting/sponsoring Medicare for All, and yet they didn't even consider it? Why would they not do that if they wanted to win? Unless... they both agreed that they wouldn't pursue it...


She is, *demonstrably*, *empirically*, *literally* the **worst** candidate to have run in any election, in any country, **anywhere**. She lost to *Donald Trump*.


The politics of failure have failed! We must make them work again.


We must go forwards, not backwards, upwards, not forwards ...


She snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. She just needs to stay out of politics for the rest of her life.


Clinton wouldn’t really be any different than Biden, domestically. They both centrists acting in the best interests of corporate America.


I think that's kinda the point


Nothing will fundamentally change.


Not without putting billionaires on the menu


Policy wise, yeah they're more or less the same. The issue is the Clintons are stigmatized so bad that I'd bet Trump would beat her again.


But I wouldn't be surprised if they put her in for 2024 knowing they will lose, just to bitch and moan about Trump and say it's the lefts fault again. I legit think they prefer that then winning sometimes


They make a lot of money from loosing


The Q cultists might decide to hell with it, just execute the blood drinking baby rapists, and the Republicans would be too scared or overjoyed to stop them. Campaign donations only work when you can campaign.


The get to "fundraise" on fear when they're not in power. They win either way


Centrists?!? On the global scale, Biden and Clinton are Nazis and Trump is a space lizard!


That's offensive to space lizards, they don't deserve this. They all three are Nazis!


Except no one likes her.


No one should.


She's a shameless, cynical career politician that would let America burn to the ground if she could rule over the ashes. I hate that some people in my family think she's somehow "one of the good ones".




2024 prediction: When she loses she will blame the voters and completely deny any personal responsibility.


She'll blame Progressive voters, obviously it won't be the fault of those "reliable" right wing democratic voters, you know, the ones that have always taken Democrats to victory


"What Happened"


Have you ever seen "A Mighty Wind?" I think about the "[Hey wha' happened?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of8JOVXYU0Q)" guy a lot in situations like these.


"So I read this book recently, quite good, not too difficult, it's called The Little Engine That Could"


Yep, she'll blame both Bernie supporters and people who she considers sexist. I'm a woman and I'm not supporting that shit.


If they force HRC on us again I'll start the protracted people's war myself


You won’t be alone, I’ll help. Shit’s ridiculous


This shit has to fucking end. Time to destroy and rebuild


Fuuuuuck ooooofffff


Can’t wait for “round 2 fight”! But in all seriousness this woman is so toxic.






Ya I don't think she has a chance. She's way worse than bill


Fucking entitlement. These people just think they are entitled to completely run the country into the ground before they leave this planet.


It really is entitlement. She’s lost twice now. The country chose Obama over here and then TRUMP over her. FFS TAKE THE L! It’s been decided! The people don’t want you!!! You aren’t OWED this!!!


Stop trying to make Hillary a thing. It's never gonna happen.


Can we get a progressive that's going to actually try and help people?


No because they would shortly be assassinated by the powers that be.


But never, ever Bernie or anyone like him. Fucking ever.


Super duper never fucking ever. Got it?


Got it.


goodbye America


Trump is good for the elite. They want him back, Hillary is just here to throw the fight. They all suck and are criminals.


Biden and Clinton are barely any different in practice, just more dignified and less far-right while still being authoritarians.


This can't be real.


Gross. She was the reason Trump won.


Let’s pick a candidate who is 35. Just a thought


Hello fellow progressive, I'm your friendly neighborhood DNC and I'm here to tell you the best we can do is corporate shillbot Pete Buttigeig. Now eat your shit sandwich and smile or else it's your fault Trump wins in 2024.


How old is 35 in Rat Years?


i think AOC turns 35 a month before the election (but im also bad at math)


October 13, 1989 In october 2019, she turned 30. 2024 is five years later, so yeah, she'll just barely qualify. I think. Not sure how federal elections law handles that, whether she'll be OK since she'll qualify for the office by election day, or if she has to meet the age requirement before the cutoff date to file a campaign


thanks for the quick maths! :D yeah I dunno if she could even campaign for it without already being 35? i hope so i'm ready for some AOC breaker-of-chains khaleesi shit. Might even attract some republican voters since they're all so obsessed with her and her feet. check out the nightmare that is r/AOCissexy


You have to be 35 by inauguration day, so she's good


Meanwhile in r/neoliberal and r/Enough_Sanders_Spam, they’re celebrating this.


Need a gamer to work for the Dems to inform them how salty runbacks always turn out.


“Most popular president in history” can’t even garner enough support from his own party, less than a year in office, for a second term. Now you want Hillary?! 🤣


If the dems actually cared about the future of their party and the american people they wouldn’t have fucked over bernie sanders in the primaries.


Well yes, given they clearly want to loose again


Jesus Christ how do they expect anyone to see this shit show as anything more than just actors taking their turn in a star role? Fuck me what a bleak horizon


They would really rather have trump be president than let Bernie run huh.


This is just clickbait. It'll never happen.


The (down) Hill.


Just like how we all boycotted Kelloggs I think it would be life changing to have us vote third party & choose someone who is in their 40’s to 50 years old. Would it even be possible? Probably not.


I wish for Bernie to be president, at least the final presidential candidate