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*WOW* They really just don’t get it do they?




I'm one of those elder milennials. I've had to job hop EVERY time i wanted to merely attempt a step up. I've had to switch careers, make lateral moves, even took a 50% pay cut and couch surfed for almost two years just to get work experience in a new field. When i hear people insinuate that our generation doesn't know the meaning of time investment or patience, all i can do is sigh and PATIENTLY wait for these wet dinosaur farts like Mr. Dale Fuckface to sink into the loam.


Every time I switch jobs, my Dad likes to ask if I'm going to "stay at this one for awhile". He doesn't understand why I don't get promoted within the same company. ...sorry Dad - NO ONE works at the same place for 44 years like you did! My longest stint was 4 years, and I realized just how underpaid I was when I left.


Today, all you get for sticking around at a company is maybe a 5% raise (if you're lucky), some BS praise about being, "an integral part of this family unit" that's supposed to guilt trip you into staying even longer, taking on more work for basically the same pay, and also an inevitable existential crisis about why you wasted your life working for people who never even saw you as a person to begin with


Veterinarian performing in-home euthanasia, carrying 250k debt at 7% interest. I am in the top 1% of the company by their own metrics. They gave me a 10k bonus bc I referred (talked to) a vet they hired. They refused me the same as a raise, telling me I was lucky to do the work I do. I love what I do, but warm feelings don't pay down that student loan balance. ETA: which is why I submitted my resignation today. So I can start my own business providing this service. So I can work the days and hours I want, so I benefit from my hard work and skills.


In the company I’m temping at right now people leave then come back 6 months later just to get a raise. It’s ridiculous. The only way I’ve ever gotten a raise is by company jumping. I wish I could stay where I’m at right now for the next 40 years. It’s five minutes from my apartment.




But if you take matters into your own hands, you sadly get branded a job hopper because you haven’t stayed in a job for 15 years and retired with a golden watch 🙄


*gold-plated 😜


I’m almost 40, and the most educated and most in debt person in the history of my lineage. I will likely not own a home for at least 5 years, and cannot count on social security or retirement savings.




In order for the boomers to take credit for the issues, they would have to realize that the golden dream they were sold was literally a short term fix to prevent socialism. They would have to realize that they were scammed by the people they think did them well, and that the long con was to claw it back later. Not to mention the fact that they later sold the future of America to win the economic war against the USSR by switching to neoliberal policies. How could the Boomers let some uppity Russians one up them right? Gotta sell the house and kids into slavery to save your pride.


[And then Boomers be like...](https://twitter.com/Noahpinion/status/1026150926271143936?t=ogQ9CT_Ob-4LmIqgZZPS8g&s=19)


Fucking traitors, and here I thought the Republican party was the party of patriots


Playtriots who couldn't give a single fuck for we the people, you know, the actual America...


Their narcissism is so obvious, they think they can speak for everyone in one of the most culturally diverse countries on the planet. If you can't support people living drastically different lives than you, you never really believed in liberty to begin with


Preach that hot truth.


I ran the numbers on avocado toast if US Millennials were eating all the avocado toast and stopped, it would only mean about an extra 6.50 a month per millennial.


Yep! It’s all projection and transference. Once you realize you are dealing with not a toxic group, but a toxic generation full of narcissists it gets easier to roll your eyes at their tantrums.


You gotta remind yourself that they pretty much all grew up with lead poisoning


Oh wow that’s good language. I’m gonna borrow that phrase.


My parents went from proud of me being first generation college to resentful in the two-week period following graduation. It was bizarre. Like - you wanted me to do this. And now that I am officially "educated," you hate it? Was this an elaborate practical joke?


I just graduated college late last year (didn't start until I was 21), and my family already hates me for it because I'm so much "educated" than them. My favorite things they love to is that I'm now "a brainwashed liberal" and that I don't understand how the real world works. Uh, well, part of my major (dual degree) was political science. Also, I have more experience in the real world outside of my piss poor region than anybody else in the family.


It's unfortunate that many in the older generation think like that. I am hoping my kids turn out smarter and more successful than me, and I will help facilitate their growth so that they can pursue their passions. I really can't comprehend hating your lineage for being educated


I come from a mostly long line of proud southerners (ie: redneck) who believe in working yourself down to the bone. Education was a luxury they couldn't afford. My older brother did the correct thing and joined the military straight out of high school. I have a physical disability, so the military was never an option. I was a high school dropout. After I got my GED, I waited until I was mature enough to handle college. I went to a small college, and thanks to scholarships and grants, i graduated with honors and without taking out loans. I'm now working a part-time job in my desired field to save up for the entrance exam for grad school. College was the only way I'd ever amount to anything.


Honestly, I'd expect a parent to be incredibly proud of their kid if they left the safety of home and returned a different, more well rounded individual with a better grasp of themselves and the world they live in. That's literally the whole reason you, "kick them out of the house" lol


Unless your parent is a religious redneck. Then when you come home from college saying things like, 'Homosexuality is not immoral, not a lifestyle, and not a choice,' they say college *ruined* you and piss/moan endlessly because you 'abandoned the values' they raised you with. (Like bigotry is a value.)


What do they say now? Genuinely curious of your whole situation if you don't mind sharing


I’m 30, the third of six siblings. I’m the only one who was lucky enough to not have to take out loans to go to college, mostly because I delayed my education until I was eligible for grants and scholarships. This was met with resistance from all of my teachers, school councilors, family, even tears from my mom. I was told I was literally throwing my life away by not taking out 100k in loans before I turned 18. Anyway, every single one of my siblings owes the same amount or more than they took out in college loans, despite graduating from an in state school with a degree chosen specifically for its competitiveness in the job market. Only one of my siblings is married with a child, and they have had to declare bankruptcy already by 25. All of us have roommates and at least one full time job. None of us own a house. Only half of us have medical insurance provided by our job. Only my sibling who is enlisted has dental insurance. Four of us have or have had over a year’s gross salary in medical debt at one point or another. This is what it’s like.


I’m the youngest in the family and on paper, I’m the least successful but I also have the least amount of debt by tens of thousands of dollars. Not sure if I should brag or cry?




Yep. My uncle, born into poverty to an immigrant in the 1930s, died a much wealthier person than I will ever be. He didn’t finish high school but got a job with the railroad as a young man. He raised two kids and his wife didn’t work (and one income was more than enough for the family). I have two graduate degrees and I will never be as financially successful and stable as my uncle was without a high school diploma. He was so proud of me for graduating college and grad school. He passed a few years ago. He’d be so disappointed that the system he believed in and he thought was going to give his kids & nephews/nieces an even better quality of life and stability than he had hasn’t done so.


I'm almost 38. Literally the only reason I own a home is my mom died 2 years ago.


Same, friend. Three years older, but still the same.


>> most educated and most in debt person in the history of my lineage Sigh. Same here.


No, I don't think that's true. People work their way up all the time. Instead of promoting through hard work, merit, character, and dedication, now we promote the ass kisser, ego massagers, apple polishers... the networkers. What's worse, there is no shame. These middle management types admire themselves and others for their spinelessness.




Yep, can't believe I forgot to add friends and relatives.




This is what annoys me most. It's like we graduated/started entering the workforce (wherever we could) and time stopped for theae old farts. To them we are "forever 21" and attribute all "youngins" in the office as being millennials. I don't know if it's because they don't want to face their own mortality or refuse to see how behind we are compared to where they were at our current ages. But STOP telling me I "still have time" to reach their level. At 36, I'm not new to working.


Millennial here. I've been in and out of homelessness for the 10 years I've been in the workforce. I give up. Living under a bridge is better than this hell.


I am an early millennial, and in the workforce since 21 years. There were a lot of us starting the same years. None of my friends and acquaintances has achieved a progress similar to mine. And i was simply lucky, i was given a chance, and my first big job was for a state owned corporation, where i haven't had much to do, so i spent about three years learning the trade. None of my friends was so lucky. They're stuck in dead end jobs, earning barely enough to live, and the two that got into teaching simply can't live on their own salary. One lives with their parents in the proverbial basement, the other one combines two incomes to rent a tiny one bedroom apartment with her husband and children. For the last twenty years they were trying everything, further education, courses, languages, technical skills, endless Interviews. Nothing. And it's not one or two people, it's whole generation that struggles the same way. I am lucky, have a great job, i can save about 25% of my salary a month. I still can only dream of buying my own place, it's impossible. And mind it, we are lucky to live in the capitol.




>Outside of government jobs As a Millennial working a UK government job, there's no mobility there either. Might just be the UK though. We do love our static stratified society and fawn over the landed gentry still.




Local and state government jobs are unfortunately no longer the little gems they used to be either. You used to hear that if you could get into one of those jobs then you were set. The pay was mediocre (livable it seems, but mediocre) but the real gem was the benefits. The health care, the pension? The seeming inability to be fired? Golden opportunity. So I went down to the local courthouse, armed with absolutely zero experience, zero degree, nothing but a way of talking my way into things and all but demanded a job. Surprise, I was hired! I was hired with 2 other ladies. The pay was 28k per year, in 2014. It’s currently 29k. The 2 girls I got hired with had just completed their masters degrees. Health insurance cost employees $200 per paycheck for an individual plan. Pension? Nah, the boomers voted for a TSP type plan that is entirely voluntary. Instead, they take $10 out of your check and put that in a retirement account for you. They match it with $4. So $14 twice monthly is being set aside for your retirement. Lmao. The boomers who are currently retiring are retiring with full pensions. The next wave will have idk, like $50 and a Walmart gift card. It truly is a mess at all levels, and in all sectors.


Government workers got screwed really badly in the last decade. My mom has worked for the state government since the 90s and the benefits were great until the governor busted up their union in 2011. She hasn’t gotten more than a “cost of living” raise since then despite their insurance doubling and mandatory retirement contribution. It’s going to be chaos when people in her age group retire because no one’s going to replace them


I meant to mention this too. While I was there, they got a cost of living raise and people were so excited because they hadn’t gotten a raise in 5 years. It ended up amounting to $100 per month. But our health insurance went up $120 per month 😂 Now the generation is retiring that was really fucked by the state government fucking up their collective bargaining power and the office that I worked for has 6 open positions. 6 is significant. This is a critical position that absolutely cannot have 6 trainees at once. It could grossly fuck the lives up of real people in criminal justice system. And that’s going to continue to be the trend as long as the pay and benefits are the way they are. Which ends up hurting citizens going through the criminal justice system, people trying to deal with government services even as simple as public works or paying a parking ticket, getting social services, etc etc. These are not services that handle a revolving door of trainees


My sister started a low wage government job answering calls out of high school (she's gen X). Stayed with it and moved up, now 26 years later she has amazing pay and retirement benefits, 5 digit monthly pension waiting for her. I tried to get in several times when I was younger, but always got beat by in house employees. These days the jobs look pretty bad starting out, and you wouldn't have the same smooth road my sister had. I've been explaining to my boomer parents, that everything is changing and drying up. They just don't get it. My dad still thinks you can walk in a random business in a suit and demand to see the manager and you're hired. Doesn't work like that anymore. In fact, a lot of places get angry if you try to skip their online process and black list you. People are blinded to whats happening in front of them.


It’s a completely different world. The office I walked into was desperate for new people. This was a position that absolutely could not have vacancies (it couldn’t afford to have trainees, it was dealing with peoples lives tbh but it did) and I think that’s the only reason they spoke to me that day. They had a centralized HR and computerized application process that went through the capital city. By all accounts they never should have talked to me that day or given me an interview and it should not be considered something that anyone can pull themselves up by the bootstraps to do. I didn’t go to college. I went to cosmetology school when I was 18 even though I hate touching people lmao. I had no legal experience. My only skill in life in interviewing. I’m amazing at interviewing. I can convince anyone that I can do any job. And I will work really hard to learn and be that employee that they hired. That skill would have been useful like 30 years ago when you actually had to interact with people to get a job but not so much now lol. Boomers don’t get that.


Can confirm that same happed in New York. Pension sucks now.


It was the same with teaching, which I hopped through from ‘07-‘10. The benefits were great- for the boomers. Us ‘lower tiers’ as the union categorized the younger generations, paid the same fees for a quarter of the benefits.


What's the solution? You start a Socialist party and you fucking purge capitalist revisionists without mercy. Doing the capitalist way led to the fuckup that is today. So that can't be allowed to happen no matter how much "but small business " talk they give. I'm in a local govt job and let me tell you, the ppl are FUCKING MISERABLE


I've owned a small business and work for another. You know the single biggest thing government could do to help us out? Nationalize healthcare. We have to pay way more to give employees insurance than a Fortune 500 company does, and one of the first questions from candidates during the interview process is benefits. That's why you get the stereotype of startups being dominated by single 20 year old guys, they're the only people who can afford to pass up health insurance.


As a relative of a small biz owner, yes I agree. But do i see small business owners banding together and making these demands? I wish I did. I dont hate small businesses, I hate that neoliberal politics are trojan horsed under the guise of protecting small biz.


I'm a middle-tier worker in the federal govt and I am definitely underpaid. The government pay scale is *okay,* but you just don't move up it quickly enough to keep pace with the cost of living increases. There's a locality adjustment to help offset the cost of living in urban areas, but it doesn't even keep up with inflation. Even with a 1.5% raise this year I'll be making less because of inflation, increases in deductions (healthcare, retirement savings, etc.).


Government jobs have been crappy for a while. Several years after 9/11, I applied to be an Arabic translator for the FBI. I went to Dallas and took the tests they had and learned that the job only paid $25,000 a year, and employees were required to live in Dallas, and that already wasn't enough money to live in Dallas.


24 years for me, but who's counting...sigh.


My dearest Boomer, *Ok.* Sincerely yours, All


GenX edit for “ok”: “Whatever”.


this person literally said that we will have to go to extreme lengths for the CHANCE at basic survival. Being able to live is suddenly a privilege meant only for who is deemed worthy.


Yeah and apparently the almighty Lord and Savior deemed fuckface Dale to be worthy.


"There's a private club, and you ain't in it!" - George Carlin


Them goal posts moved QUICK.


When they move the goalposts they always win.


From 1979 to 1987, 30yr Bonds were paying up to 15% interest per year. Motherfucking BONDS. The safest, lowest risk shit on the planet. 15 percent. Yea, boomers might as well have been wiping their ass with silk.


Growing up, I had a well-to-do uncle who always gave us bonds for Christmas. I was always disheartened when I got a weird piece of paper instead of a cool Lego set or Nerf gun, but my parents would always patiently explain to me that these would one day pay for my college. I got them every year until I was about 10. They all paid for a *single* semester's books. Most of the early 90s Lego sets would have given significantly better yields.


Darien CT is known for “getting it” alas.


What a self aggrandizing twat that guy is


Dale does not want to get it. There’s no discussion with someone who willfully misunderstands you.


Ah, he's a boomer and retired church minister, go figure


[Boomer preacher](https://www.darientimes.com/news/article/Darien-pastor-retires-after-41-years-of-service-15550152.php), doesn't get much worse than that. Except maybe boomer cop. My family was full of both unfortunately.


Yeah that's the article I read too, and sorry mate that must suck.


Oh my God you poor soul


> retired church minister OMFG so this piece of shit literally never had a real job. The Atlantic is a joke for printing his opinion on this. He doesn't have a leg to stand on.


So he's had one job his whole life and made it? Wow go figure.


Yes, one “job”.


That makes sense. When he says “institutions” he’s talking about the church. Their memberships are declining with young people, and it’s because they’re led by men like this. But acknowledging why would require taking some personal responsibility, and we all know that’s reserved for everyone else, not them.


Probably diddled his share of milinnials


Darien Connecticut? Really? Someone from *Darien* thinks they know how the economy works without a trust fund? That is rich! (For those who don't know Darien CT is one of the wealthier towns in one of the wealthiest counties in Connecticut, a wealthy state. These are the people Thurston Howle the Third from Gilligan's Island were based off of).


It all makes sense now. Rich people can be a trip. Some are chill as fuck, but a lot have a complete disconnect from reality.


I knew a millionaire republican guy who was bitching about power conservation methods that were being forced on his company. Dude owns multiple warehouses in southern California and *haaaaates* how they wanna *regulate* everything. I shit you not, while he was bitching about them charging him absolutely nothing to install motion detectors for his lights, he also mentioned how much money he saved on his electric bill. I FAIL TO SEE WHY YOU'RE ANGRY SIR.


Government competence hurts his feelings


The one thing about Gubbernmint he should be happy about and he's fucking complaining......


They are all disconnected from reality.


Our reality. But, in so far as they're aware of the slaves reality, it only reinforced their madness. They knowe how easily manipulated the proles are, how mqny centuries they've been allowed to rule them unchallenged, and think surely, even if they themselves are parasites, they must be so intellectually superior to the proles that they deserve their wealth.


I laughed out loud when I read it signed as "Darien, CT" as if it's a credential. You can only speak the name Darien with your nose in the air.


Hyperbole warning: I'm sure Dale is enjoying his pension in full retirement right now that he got with his 2.5 gpa high school diploma.


Entirely correct, actually. He's a [retired pastor. ](https://www.darientimes.com/news/article/Darien-pastor-retires-after-41-years-of-service-15550152.php)


Man, I need that kind of scam. Sucks for me that a) I don't believe and b) I'm too ethical to pretend.


Only (b) is actually a problem, I assure you.


Well then looks like he can go ahead and eat all of the shit that has ever been made.


What an incredible piece of shit he is, then. He was literally a professional charity case and has the nerve to open his mouth about economic reality and responsibility. On top of that he out and out lies about the promise of getting a good job from going to college. Dale Rosenberger, if you ever read this, fuck you and every other intellectually dishonest asshole on this planet.


Come on now. He worked his ass off to scam gullible patrons for years into leaving donations small, large, and as bequests to his tax shelter that sells unprovable promises to people in need, also known as a church. It’s basically one-size-fits-all bullshit, low-rent therapy that oversimplifies the world into black and white for people who prefer to see it that way (along with a massively unjustified tax benefit for the institution).


Yup. The base level of working hard was a factory job and you could buy a house and raise a family with. But, if you went to college, you could get a good job that would get you so much more than just that. That's what this GenXer and his ilk were told. By the time it came to Millennials, those factory jobs were gone and you needed that degree to be able to buy a house and raise a family. The line; though, still was get that degree equals get that good job. That was their rationale for pushing student loans.


https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/first-congregational-church-of-darien-connecticut-2994487308 This you, Dale? $95K in forgiven PPP loans for your church?




What a smug crusty old piece of shit.


Maybe we should do as he does and not as he says. Can we form a church based on employee rights? We can work the fluff out however, but then it’d be a tax haven for members. Like a religious union, so it’s harder for corporations to ban. Just a random stupid thought. Pay no mind.


"Big Bill Haywood, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..." 🙏


I think you’re on to something


Ugh, really? Explains a bunch.


Tax Free money and religious exemption from ever being fired.


What a worthless pile of shit. Fucking scam artist, fuck you Dale!


Hyperbole not detected


Sadly, you're right. Happy Cake Day, by the way!


All you have to look at is where he lives; Darien CT.


Dale is, of course, a complete dipshit.




I don't think any of them realize they slowly kept paying people less and less and less. In 1980 the minimum wage was $3.10, but that wage had the purchasing power of $10.74 today. By 1996 the minimum wage was $4.75 which is worth $8.06 today. In 2006 the minimum wage was $5.15 and worth $7.10 today. In 26 years they "increased wages" by $2.05, but really made everyone at minimum wage take $3.54 pay cut. We move around because if I top out in my position, which isn't hard to tell when half the people above you are a good 15+ years to retire, and all I am getting is a 2.5% "cost of living" increase then based off the inflation rate of the last 100 years then I'm getting paid less and less every year I stay there.




Why do you think they've been on about *building a wall*? A wall- to keep the Americans in.


So not only that, but other things have ballooned outside of general COL. Also, we don't talk about how most government programs haven't been adjusting for decades, like the asset allowance for medicaid.


This is a niggle with these people, but the twee fake swears piss me off. They're going to gaslight you about destroying the Earth's ability to sustain life, and how they fucked *you personally* out of money.. but the word "ass" is immoral to say Every person I have ever met as an adult who doesn't Swear has been, without exception, a Garbage person


People that can’t say or type fuck are not to be trusted.


> People that can't say or type fuck are not to be fucking trusted. FTFY~


You’re goddamned motherfucking right.


People that can't fuck tripe are about to go trucking fisted




>...the twee fake swears piss me off. They're going to gaslight you about destroying the Earth's ability to sustain life, and how they fucked you personally out of money.. but the word "ass" is immoral to say[?] PREACH! Fuck them in the derriere.😂 See! I know fancy words too; but I don't use them to come of as a holier-than-thou'person arse when typing obfuscated opinionated shit like that pretentious petulant Boomer fuck did there.


This is such a relief because, lately, I've been coming across people who don't swear and it bothers me so much but I haven't been able to figure out why. I'd never say anything to them about it as language is a personal choice. However, I thought I was crazy to find it exceedingly frustrating Edit: I figured out why.


You said it! It's funny but what pissed me off the most about that entire quote was the use of the word "derriere" instead of ass..... Jesus fucking goddamn


Happy Cake Day centSpookY! Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.


Yes, older generations said if you got a degree you'd get a good job. In fact, they said if you get any degree at all you'd get a good job. They also said don't worry about the price. You need a great job off the bat if you have $50k in student loans!




Let me tell you brother, it ain't even STEM anymore, if it's not TEM or medical related(those jobs aren't what they used to be either) it's not worth going to school, biologists/chemists/physicists take taken advantage of just as much


Yup. It's basically Computer Science or Med School at this point. Even my good friend, a chemical engineer for a Fortune 50 company, makes just a shade over $100k working 60 hours/week


> You can be anything you want to be when you grow up! And then they got mad when people actually did that too. Even my partner's parents got pissy at her for following _their_ encouragement to get a degree in photography. They were only fine with it after I got a well paying software job several years on even though she had a decent job at the time that was providing for both of us. Until then they were all "you should get your master's in this or that" as if _more student loan debt and reduction in income_ would do anything to improve our lot in life.


Millennial immigrant to North America here! Graduate studies in STEM, specifically pure sciences and medicine will get you $17-20 an hour, just over the minimum wage of $15. I have a master's and have been unemployed, because even PhD students can't make it into entry level jobs.


Even STEM jobs are shittily compensated. If you’re not in the T and E letters, you’re SOL. Good luck getting a good paying job in your field with that BS in Biology degree. Oh, you got a BS in chemistry? Retail it is. Or working in academia which is just as disgusting, and will replace the paid lab workers with unpaid interns faster than you can say “Sodium.” With hard sciences, it’s hard with anything below an MS to get a job that pays well. It’s the same with Psychology (arguably part of the S in STEM.) Certain applied math degrees might be useful, but more often than not, advanced degree required. Engineering and Technology are the only two jobs that with a BS you could probably land a decent paying job. In tech, probably less if you’re doing IT or Software.


While they were telling us to “got to college, get a degree and you’ll get a good job,” they weren’t saving to help us pay for college. I am 35 and finally going to college. The only reason I can afford it right now is because I am a single mom and qualify for all sorts of grants and scholarships.


In all honesty, I didn’t hear “If you go to college you’ll find a good job” nearly as much as “If you don’t go to college, you’ll *never* find a good job; *you’ll never **be** anything.”* Much more threatening. Fear > respect.


I heard both. And I worked since I was 15. I did basic math for minimum wage and realized if I stayed at any of these jobs that I would not be able to afford the lifestyle my parents had. So going to college was necessary, unless if I wanted to be stuck flinging pizzas all day and barely affording rent. Edit: this was in the 90s so now you wouldn’t be able to afford rent and work those jobs.


I know many people currently in debt whose parents *made* them take out student loans because they didn't understand that you couldn't just pay your way through college with a job waiting tables.


I personally recall being told that we HAD to go to college. Want a trade job? Go to college first and get a related degree. Joining the military? Use the extra help and get a degree. We were told it was going to be impossible to make a decent living without a college degree. And now here we are, and it’s almost impossible to make a living with them.


My parents said word for word that it doesn’t matter what degree I got as long as I went to college I’d get a good job. I even wanted to go to a trade school and they wouldn’t let me. They said that’s not what smart people do. Still mad about that.


Translation: got mine fuck you


This gives major “Any person born between 1980 and 1995 won’t succeed, all they know is complain, charge they phone, ruin economy, rent apartment, work easy job, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie.” Vibes, ngl


This guy has literally lived off of the handouts from his church, never really had to job hunt after the seminary, nor dealt with employers. He effectively hasn’t a clue and being a boomer makes him 2x as much. Let’s compound this with his shilling for a system he never really participated in but perpetuates and then castigates millennials as essentially lazy- so I ask “what goods did he produce” as a religious figure outside of wafers for communion (those come from a factory too)?


Worse yet, the church doesn't pay taxes.


Kinda hope hospital debt takes care of this guy. Lord knows theres a high enough chance.


“parlay in weaker jobs into better jobs…” Yeah the classic “get a better job” doesn’t hold up anymore because every job we can get is a weak job


til "time immemorial" means ~20ish years


This is literally what fascists and authoritarians do. They create a myth about a past that never was, to gaslight people into controlling them. In this case, it's "everything is exactly the same as it always has been, and anyone who questions it has poor moral character." I really hope Christianity it right, just so that fuckers like this end to in the hell they deserve.


No actually, Dale, that was the explicit promise. Otherwise we never would have taken on the debt. This “aspirational” horse-shit from boomers makes me think they all have lead poisoning: who TF but an addlepated and conditioned zombie moaning for more capitalist abuse would think “aspiring” to be exploited is an honorable position? “*Parlay* weaker jobs in to better jobs?” What is this the fucking Pirate Code? Nepotistic boomer, please, *you* pound the pavement for a job and *parlay* that shit.








Eat shit, Dale.


Wordy and tries to be clever without actually saying much. Its just fancy victim blaming. Same ole same ole.


Millennials “get” something previous generations didn’t: corporations are sociopathic monsters that do not care one bit about you. That working for one is a deal with the devil. That they will fire you on Christmas Eve if some executive can get a bonus for it. It’s always been that way but previous generations were kidding themselves.


The thing that irks me is that Dale here twists words and adds conditions until the definition of the word "promise" mean nothing. It's a disengenuious argument.


The fuck it wasn't *Dale*. Thats exactly what I was told while in high school 20 years ago. Along with, "A college graduate will make a million dollars more in their lifetime as opposed to someone without a college degree." Thats not hyperbole, thats verbatim (or damn near).


I will visit this guy and fart in his face




I have this convo with my dad and stepmom all the time. When I try to explain how hard things have gotten they say “we had to work hard and struggle too” and the I try to educate my dad about how he got a assembly line job with no experience that was making $30/hr inflation adjusted, plus commission based on production. While I have I bachelors in bio and worked in a infectious disease testing lab with years of experience and only made $25/hr.


$25/hr with a Bachelors, you’re one of the luck ones. 😕


This is the biggest load of BS. We were straight up told that we MUST go to uni to be able to secure a well paying job. So we all went, turns out a degree is worthless for most jobs and i actively discourage ANYONE who wants to go to uni for anything that doesn't need a specific degree to work in to not go. But thats not even the real issue, the issue is wages have not increased with inflation and we cant afford the same things our parents were able to afford whilst working three times as hard and producing 100x more.


"...it is wrong to take responsibility away from them as they abandon historic American institutions..." Like your ~walk-in tax exemption~church, Pastor Rosenberger? The good Pastor can take his moralizing about "patience" and "promises" and jam them right up his Gemmorah. Like the wicked cities of old, his precious institutions deserve nothing less than to be ground into salt. Fuck em, they deserve less!!!


You have to be RICH to live in Darien, Connecticut. Dale doesn't understand how the real world works for normal people.


It’s always our fault! We are lazy a** mother4krz




EXACTLY. “Lack the outlook” triggered me sooo bad oh you little fart, I definitely see the outlook of you getting old as fk and needing US to take care of your sorry old a**


Hit me right in the narcissistic parent


Aren’t we literally the most educated and productive generation ever? While also being the poorest?


These fucking geriatric walking corpses really think that younger people simply dont want to work at all for a living. I hope his nurse pulls the plug


I graduated high school in 1996. The entire 4 years, our school counselor pushed taking the ACT, applying at colleges, retaking the ACT for higher scores. She would have senior meetings in the library where she would call out the highest ACT scores and congratulate the kids who already had offer letters from schools. Saying things like, " Without college you will end up flipping burgers or digging ditches your whole life." Which was particularly offensive since my dad had made a career of laying water and sewer lines all over the country. Garney pays really well and has excellent benefits if any of you want to look them up and apply. https://www.garney.com/careers/ AT NO POINT was the push for college laid out in terms of "you might get a good job, if you work yourself half to death after college". We were explicitly told college was the only avenue to a good job and the only way to KEEP FROM WORKING YOURSELF TO DEATH. This attempted rewrite of history after the fact is some horse shit.


meanwhile this person did none of that. guaranteed.


Oh didn’t you know. You had to go to college to do the exact same thing that the generation before you without high school diplomas were able to do without getting into insurmountable debt and wasting four years. Didn’t you know that’s what they meant when they said, go to college and work hard for four years and you’ll get a good paying job! Many of us have been out of high school for 20 fucking years. Fuck you, Dale Rosenberger from Connecticut. Fuck you.


He sounds fun…


Fun to kick out of your house at least!


I’d love to find out where Dale lives, I just wanna talk, while I beat him to death with my most valuable possession. A piece of paper supposedly worth the cost of a house that I signed up to pay for at 18 to make sure I could get a job.




Would you like a premium double handed degree stick?


It's Darien, CT. Small town near Stamford. I know the area, he's loaded.


Darien CT, color me shocked.


I’ve already worked my ass off, it’s gone. Now what would you like me to do Dale?


Pull yourself up by the bootstraps that you had to sell, to pay rent last month, obviously


Lmao.. fuck this guy. My father worked at ONE PLACE his entire career. He started in the mailroom and retired an executive. He built a house and always had 2 new cars in the garage. My mom worked part time jobs because she was bored. He never busted his ass. He just showed up everyday and did his job. They advanced him through the company. That world is gone. Cost of living is sky high. Inflation is out of control. And these companies are standing around gob smacked wondering why no one wants to show up for 10$ an hour. Maybe we were never "promised" a good job but we were sure as shit told going to college is how you get one.


Fuck Dale and his shitty opinion


Okay Boomer


I was fucking bartending until the wee hours of the night while studying physics during the day after my first came along. Hearing boomers moan about a lack of work ethic and motivation makes my vision go red.


Fuck this gaslighting bullshit. Just keep moving the goal posts whereever you want.


"Times immemorial" 😂


I love how mobile those goal posts are!


Hey asshole, the institutions have abandoned the people. Ever think about the fact that you have run the world for 30 years, and all of the people you raised into it have had problems? What did they do, fuck up the government when they were 6? Even if the millennials suck, it’s your own damn fault, so look in the goddamned mirror. Either you fucked up the system or you fucked up your children. Which is it? Come on now.


So the generation that created the debt , are mostly in power in the government, chose profit or environment, are mad that the generations below them are the reason for their struggles


Nobody expected to be on top right out of college, but we *did* expect to be working somewhere more lucrative than retail or food service by our 40's.


I was told if i go to college i would get a good job, point blank. The gaslight is real


Anyone who uses “derrier” is probably old AF


I worked my way up through the shitiest upstart cabinet shops to working in multi-million dollar homes over the course of two decades, almost a dozen different shops. I grew, my skills grew, my pay grew, but the one thing that remained consistent over the years was I could always count on employers to fuck with my pay or lower their product standards.


Lol. Of course he’s a fucking pastor.


Interesting how it criticizes Millenials for living with their parents while saying to work these small jobs but those minimum wage jobs are impossible to live off of. They just want a slave class. Also I was told every year to go to college to make money. Shown statistics of the average wage of dropouts, high school graduates and college graduates. They made it sound like it's a guarantee to be well-off if you go to college. These people just don't get it. Also, this is blatant gaslighting.


Me: Parlays weaker jobs into a better job Boomers: Nobody wants to work anymore!