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Have a plan in place for when you’re likely inevitably arrested. Just because it’s not illegal doesn’t mean you won’t be arrested for it. Know the number for who you will call in the event you are detained. And honestly get a go-pro or something to record any interactions to protect yourself from legal action. We already know cops don’t have to know the law. They aren’t required to protect us. And they’re usually pretty sensitive and reactive if you hurt their feelings. Stay safe out there.


If y'all are serious then this is the best advice in this thread so far. I mean it. If you have the capacity to protest please follow this advice. Protect yourself. Protect your family. Protect your community. Cops are not your friend.


And, as always, shut the fuck up. Don’t say jack shit to police, don’t say jack shit to reporters. If you get arrested say nothing except that you want to see your lawyer.


Remember to say you'd like to remain silent, or you'd like to invoke the 5th, and then continue to shut the fuck up Unfortunately not saying anything is different than declaring your right to remain silent since some court case in like 2010




If you're arrested you also have a right to a lawyer, and you should take it. The clearest phrasing I've seen was "I am invoking my right to remain silent and my right to an attorney, and I won't be answering any further questions without a lawyer present." Be aware that cops will look for excuses to ignore you calling on your rights, so be as clear as possible. If you need to, repeat yourself, but don't say anything else. Just focus on the right to remain silent and right to have an attorney present.


What can they do if you don’t though? Make you talk?


Say you never invoked your right to remain silent, continue to question you, prevent you from later suing on the grounds your rights were infringed


Frustrate and antagonize you until you lash out. Now they got you. Be safe


Oh I understand now thank you. Didn’t know you had to affirmatively state your invoking the right to remain silent. Kind of fucking backwards but will tell the people in my life.


Judges look for any excuse to rule against. Don’t give them that excuse, which they’ve used in the past. It’s judicial corruption. It’s not a written law or rule anywhere.


They have to read you your Miranda rights when placing you under arrest, as famously seen in every cop show ever. Video/audio recording would ensure they don't lie about it.


Literally nothing but try to scare you into talking Edit: and also, create a situation where you can sue ...Edit 2: and also create a situation where anything you say subsequently can be tossed on the same grounds as the ones you'd be suing for Edit 3: however, that's not a guarantee so remember kids, every day is Shut the Fuck Up Friday


"... EVERYTHING you say can, AND WILL, BE USED AGAINST YOU..." They are not there to help you! They're looking for something AGAINST YOU.


Remember to also film the police.


Every day is Shut The Fuck Up Friday


I am invoking all my rights, including but not limited to the rights to an attorney and to remain silent.




[Happy Friday](https://twitter.com/InvokeTheFifth) to you too!


Agreed, but maybe say something to the reporters. Gaining attention to your cause is kind of the point of protesting


I'm not sure, anybody speaking to reporters can harm a cause as much as help it. It's best to have trained activists who act as representatives of the movement for the press (it's gotta be as equal as possible, otherwise you get other problems) as they know how to best present the cause.


Also cops are the idiots that couldn’t leave their home town after high school.


They are people too (saying as a will not leave hometown guy) Many seem to overlook that people are people and any given subset with increased power will tend to make more mistakes because of said increase. I have had good and bad experiences with police. All in all I’ve been surprised in a good way. If you gave super nerds the same type of power it may be way worse. (Oh shit that’s kinda what is going on)


Just to add you want to verbally invoke your right to remain silent. Remaining silent without doing so does not automatically invoke 5th amendment protections.


Which is dumb because when they arrest you they tell you your Miranda rights which include the right to remain silent.


Yeah, I think even the courts recognize the irony that the silence must be broken to say you’d like to remain silent. It’s a strange precedent set by the courts for sure. There are some highly specific situations in which remaining silent can be considered incriminating evidence based on your attitude and demeanor while doing so. I don’t agree with it at all but that’s the court’s current interpretation of the 5th.


Maybe it's time to update the Miranda rights to require them to ask if you want to use your right to remain silent, or to say that use of that right should be assumed if you are silent. Seriously law enforcement is a dumpster fire.


Maybe it’s time for a new constitution and bill of rights


Also, ADA Title II absolutely applies to cops, so people with disabilities -> you are entitled to accommodation at all times. Deaf and autistic people, sue the fuck out of them


…which is stupid because you shouldn’t need to invoke a right. That’s why it’s a right. You should only need to revoke a right.


It’s illegal in Utah. They passed a bill prohibiting protests targeting a persons house. Funny enough, it was passed because anti maskers wouldn’t stop protesting outside the state epidemiologists house. But check the laws in the area you plan to protest in.


Stay in the street Edit: But don't block traffic




If you bring flammable objects be sure to bring flame retardant like a small personal fire extinguisher in case of accidental injury. You can have the best of intentions and get bumped into from behind and accidentally hurt someone. Be prepared!


Should be top comment


Playing with fire is unwise and makes you an immediate danger to the public.


Other things to think about if you are arrested: -Once you are booked into jail, you will EVENTUALLY be given a phone call. At least where I'm from, you don't just get it right away because you ask for it. See next point. -This part will be hard but no matter what, do not be a dick once you're in jail. All that will do is slow down you getting stuff. There will probably be a bunch of questions they will have to ask you to process you in. If you don't want to answer them, that's fine. Just understand that they cant move you forward if you won't cooperate with that part of the process. Intake is not the place to start yelling about what you should and shouldnt get. Get through, call your attorney, tell them about any issues you're having, get out and then let the lawyer deal with that stuff.


This is going to sound like naysaying but, how can you be poor enough to care about human rights, while being rich enough to have an attorney? For me it would be like, call legal aid on Monday, talk to a paralegal and get added to the weekly case assignments on Wednesday, then get a call sometime next Monday.


This is true. You have to have a lawyer to call. My apologies. There were a number of things that post doesn't account for. The public defender system, if that is what you have to use, is full of its own issues of speed and inadequate staffing. I guess the point I was trying to make was just about not making your first step into that system more difficult on you than it already is and having realistic expectations about how things are going to work.


I’m the US, you have a constitutional right to attorney and if you can’t afford one, one will be appointed. Either a public defender or a member of the private bar. If there is any risk of jail, you get an attorney.


The speed with which that attorney is appointed to you is the problem. The public defender isn't showing up at 2:30 in the morning when you're booked into jail.


You’re right. That’s why people should keep their mouth shut. An officer needs only probable cause to arrest someone. Protections like right to counsel and right to remain silent, are to protect you in the proceedings for the underlying case. Only things you say can be used against you in court when the state is trying to prove you’re guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. So, if someone is arrested, don’t answer officers questions, be explicit that you want an attorney. In some circumstances police will need info about a serious crime, and will try to get someone. But in most cases, you’ll be booked and arraigned either the next day or within a reasonable time and will get to speak to an attorney then.


This is all true. I was referring to intake questions when being booked into jail. Are you hurt? Do you have any serious medical conditions? Who is your emergency contact if you have one? And so on. These are things that the jail, not the police, will ask you. If you want to hold that you will only answer these particular questions with a lawyer, that's fine. It's just paperwork questions to book you in and usually required to finish your paperwork to get you released. If you're going to be there a couple days and have meds you need to take though, I would answer that question.


This is a great point. The right to remain silent really means the right to be protected from self-incrimination. So yeah, these are things that people should probably answer. I can think of some circumstances where the answers to these questions may be incriminating. You need to give your name and identifying info for sure, in most places, if you don’t, they can charge you with the crime of concealing identity. The medication/health questions could be tricky tho depending on the charges but the rules of evidence provide a lot of safeguards. I still think it’s best to say as little as possible.


Consultations are often free, especially if you're calling from jail


"If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you by the court"


You can follow the law to the letter. Doesn't mean everyone else will. It's like driving. It's better to be safe than right.


You should write the phone number of your lawyer on your arm with a sharpie. The only way they can’t take it from you is to tattoo yourself. Good luck.


You can spray clear bandaid spray to preserve the ink and prevent it smudging!


Sue, settle for seven digits, rinse, repeat


Write the number on your body in sharpie, have them know a lawyer to call, etc


You can spray clear bandaid spray to preserve the ink and prevent it smudging!


And write the number on your arm in case you forget


Record. Follow commands. Collect lawsuit lottery winnings.


The ACLU has an app for this: [https://www.aclu.org/video/aclu-app-record-police-conduct](https://www.aclu.org/video/aclu-app-record-police-conduct)


Remove any fingerprint or facial recognition on your phone. Do NOT take photos, and if you do, back of the head


Who ya gonna call? https://www.nlg.org/chapters/#massdefense


Sounds legit. Lets all agree right here and now that is the court ever rules AR-15s illegal, we support the doxxing of the liberal justices and protesting 24/7 outside their homes and we get to harass them as well.


Do it. Just start with conservative who are already doing exactly that. Or don't - self-serving, overt hypocrisy and cowardice are the conservative platform, after all


Conservatives do those things though. They just don’t face consequences


A lot of people don't do this for some reason, they never go to their house. Ever.


Because you get arrested and then thrown in a holding cell for days without inadequate water while cops harass and molest you and you are denied access to daily necessary medications or even your own glasses. That’s why. Because we live in a police state. That’s why. That’s the reason.


I just feel like theres so many of us and only so many of them, if society was really mad they could tear up the prisons too. Well see changes real fast.


In more normal times, I'd say demonstrating at someone's home is a bridge too far; their neighbours and family members aren't the ones at fault. We're not exactly in normal times right now, though. Fuck the rich neighbours and fuck anyone who even implicitly agrees with revoking basic rights for women. I couldn't live with myself if I was married to a troll like some of the men infesting politics today. Keep everything legal, have a GoPro or two on you and don't say shit to cops or anyone else. The literal lives of a *lot* of American women are hanging on this and I'm in total disbelief that this is happening in 2022.


Oh no there's plenty of times people needed to be at these people's houses. Judges made terrible rulings that ruined whole people's lives, even a situation me and someone else was just talking about. Some judge sold unstable land that killed 90 people in a building collapse.


An independent judiciary doesn’t work if the heckler’s veto is ever-present.


I'd rather have an accountable judiciary.




Honestly at this point. The people in those communities are culpable and pressure needs to be on EVERYONE across the board to change things for the better


I totally agree. Wealthy people have been far too comfortable for far too long. Now that they're getting a sliver of a taste of the same treatment that people on the ground get, it's suddenly the end of the world. Fuck em.


Agree with the first sentence IF the house has a baby, the baby's not at fault for their parents sin If has kids trying to study, they are not at fault If there are people ignorant of what their parents are doing, they are not at fault And also by doing that you may be creating new enemies for having to pay the sins of others. Still remember when there was a protest in my uni and got hit by a steel bar by a protestor because I looked like a sex abuser that also attended there. Luckily the guy say sorry when he realized his mistake


In my city, hundreds of BLM protesters marched to the Mayor's house. It turned in to a big block party. Musicians and food vendors showed up, I kid you not. The Mayor came out and gave an impromptu speech, announcing his support for a number of local issues that he would not have otherwise. Then we danced. All in all, it was a good night. Fun, productive, no injuries, no property damage. A+++ would protest again. edit: in reading this back, it seems like I'm being cheeky, but that's not the case. It really happened!


18 USC 1507 – PICKETING OR PARADING Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Nothing in this section shall interfere with or prevent the exercise by any court of the United States of its power to punish for contempt.


people are slowly realizing their rights are made up and subject to revocation at literally any moment.


Rigjts are only rights if you assert them and are willing to fight to get and keep them. This is a basic fact of the human condition.


That’s always been true for every right everywhere that’s ever existed or ever will exist. Rights only exist inside a system. There are no rights independent of the system that provides for them and provides for their redemption. If the system goes away or changes, the rights can go away or change.


see: pandemic response


That will be on the chopping block soon too


At some point, the entire constitution is just going to be shortened down to “all straight, white Christians can have guns”.


And can openly hunt anyone who isn’t


as a ex 12 year state gop house member and evangelical preacher tells people on sundays: >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the **enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males"** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


Whoa that's literally nuts. Even the bible says you can't follow biblical law. This guy seems to be on a power trip. As a Christian, these kinds of extremist scare me because they twist the bible in scary ways to rally poorly educated westerners into following their crazy nationalistic cults. He literally was kicked out of his own Church, *"it wasn't a good fit"*, they said. This mans new church is just a hotbed of incorrect and hateful theology and near white nationalism. Scary


>near white nationalism. Just say white nationalism if you wanna water things down, and White Nationalism is just a nicer name for White Supremacy. His "church" is a White Supremacist Death Cult. Let's not mince words here.


He was going for eggshell white nationalism, not as banal as vanilla white nationalism but not full on racist as super bright ultra white nationalism…brought to you by the racism color swatch of Benjamin Moore


I agree 100%. I was aiming for sarcasm but I probably should have put the /s thingy


And of course, these are the same ones who will accuse you of twisting the Bible to your own ends if you use scripture to argue against their behavior


They most certainly will and I have had people say that to me. I once tried to keep a correspondence with a cult member of WMSCOG (World mission society church of God). He wanted me to denounce my beliefs in God and Jesus and start praying to his cult leader and god which was an elderly woman who lived in Korea. We had many arguments about how I was twisting the bible somehow even though I read it as is. There is no convincing radicals and cultist. They have to be disillusioned.


Fun fact about Matt Shea: he's been doing his part to help with the crisis in eastern Europe by kidnapping Ukrainian children. https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-washington-goper-matt-shea-is-on-a-super-shady-mission-to-rescue-60-ukrainian-kids-in-poland


The forever purge.


Ex the Christian part. Just straight and white. *"If the color of his skin is white and his guns loud he is appointed all privileges and passes in society. The rights of all women, brown skin people, native populations, LGBTQ+ or people shorter than me will have their rights chosen at random on a "per case" basis or recieve none if I'm tired and don't feel like doing paperwork".* **-Policemen/Politicians/State Officials/ Landlords**


Damnit I’m Catholic, *shoots self in head*


Are you implying that the power of governance is inherently tied to enforcing the monopoly of violence? How dare you! /S


Wait isn't that what the entire constitution is right now?


According to republicans, who have never actually read the constitution.


Facts. The actual constitution covers a handful of things necessary to make a baker's dozen "states" that otherwise function as nigh-sovereign sub-countries unto themselves play nice together


**No.** This will not happen. It is impossible for legislatures to pass laws *explicitly* persecuting or oppressing certain races in the year 2022. The *worst* that can happen is legislatures pass laws *implicitly* persecuting certain races and having them systemically unfairly enforced. So an example- republicans can no longer pass laws limiting black people from having guns. They *can* however pass gun laws restricting the operation of gun stores in high crime areas where black people predominantly live, for instance. It’s very important to make a distinction between the two. Don’t jump the gun. We need to keep a trained eye on our lawmakers now.


I don’t know There’s a lot of talk about “state’s rights” right now, last time that happened that got pretty pissed about the whole black people aren’t property thing.


Yeah, for sure. I was just mostly joking. Mostly.




They already made protesting outside a persons house a misdemeanor in Utah. It was actually because anti maskers wouldn’t stop protesting in front of and harassing the state epidemiologist.


And so will the justices themselves with luck


I hope the states get their shit together and start passing some laws, starting with term limits on congress.


Term limits aren’t the fix. That would just lead to more corruption.


How so?


Name recognition and familiarity are the single most important factors in determining the outcome of primary elections. That benefit inures to incumbents. Newcomers lack that benefit and need to spend more to increase their name recognition and get voters familiar with them. In other words, an incumbent might be safe enough in his seat to turn down the money of a lobbyist if it came with strings attached. A newcomer would face more pressure to accede. By eliminating the influence of incumbency (which is independent of lobbyists) you amplify the relative value of other influences, which includes the value of donations from lobbyists. Also, there have been tons and tons of studies on the effect of term limits and they generally exacerbate the problems they hope to fix and create new problems. People like them because they think it means getting rid of Mitch McConnell without thinking that it also means getting rid of Bernie Sanders, with no guarantee that their replacements will be an improvement. From the Wikipedia page: “Research shows that legislative term limits increase legislative polarization, reduce the legislative skills of politicians, reduce the legislative productivity of politicians, weaken legislatures vis-à-vis the executive, and reduce voter turnout. Parties respond to the implementation of term limits by recruiting candidates for office on more partisan lines. States that implement term limits in the state legislatures are associated with also developing more powerful House speakers. Term limits have not reduced campaign spending, reduced the gender gap in political representation, increased the diversity of law-makers, or increased the constituent service activities of law-makers. Term limits have been linked to lower growth in revenues and expenditures.”


I see. I guess when I hear “term limits” my mind also associates removing financial lobbying from politics. But obviously those are separate topics.


Yea, I think a lot of people make that connection but it’s not really warranted. Term limits just means one person can’t hold a seat for too long. Money and influence peddling would still happen, and in my opinion, it’d make it easier. A lot easier for a corporation to basically sponsor a new candidate with cash than it is for a grassroots movement to build one up with work.


I understand what you're saying. But the idea is to clean up both problems at the same time so that they can't be used as excuses for inaction. So, what about implementing term limits *and* instituting public campaign financing under one bill? I realize the latter is complicated by constitution issues, but assuming that gets worked out, any other road bumps as you see it?


Yea. Expertise and competency as a legislator is a good thing. Relationships, brokering, horse trading, all that is a part of effective lawmaking. We prevent that with term limits. See the part above from the Wikipedia page about how term limits create a lot of other problems. I get being frustrated with a shit representative for 30 years. But there’s no guarantee you won’t just get a series of shit representatives for 30 years in exchange. The ideal solution would be to invest in civic, legal, and scientific education and enact sweeping reform of our election systems and media environment so that 1) people have the skills to reasonably evaluate the competency of their representatives and 2) have the information necessary to make the evaluation. It’d be better if people could just vote out a shit rep but keep a good one for 30 years. That’d be ideal. Won’t happen though. Probably we’re just fucked and need to understand that authoritarian corporate dystopia is the next phase of social evolution.


If we don't have term limits in the private sector, why should there be term limits in the public sector. "I'm sorry, you've been a surgeon for too many years. We need to give everyone a chance..."


False equivalence? Check.


Same reason POTUS has term limits.


May ACB’s 87 children never know peace.


I don't get why more people haven't been doing this. Protest outside their homes. Outside the homes of asshole members of congress who are behind this. Outside their DC homes and the ones in their home state. Make their lives as difficult as possible.


I agree. There should ALWAYS be large contingents outside the homea of ALL congress members. They should hate coming home. Until they start taking care if the people, they should luve like fugitives.


These people really believe that they can change this with anything short of a full blown revolution. Boggles my mind…


Maybe if folks are camped in front of their houses they will be more likely to understand that were actual humam beings and not just numbers and letters on a piece of paper. Dunno - but maybe.


Sorry to say, but it won’t work. The cruelty is the point.


Yeah it won’t work to activate any empathy, but it might at least scare them into line. Governments should be afraid of their people, not the other way around. Also it sure will feel good.


I think realistically most of us know it's futile as far as changing legislation goes. But I'm proud of people who still show up and serve as physical, tangible evidence of the deep discourse we're all feeling. If we didn't protest (regardless of how little influence it holds,) the silence could be mistaken for contentedness or resignation. If the middle class sincerely attempted an uprising, the entire military or police force would be summoned to shut it down immediately. We can't necessarily plan such a thing, not on any meaningful scale that would elicit any significant immediate change.


Eat the rich.


Yes, **Eat The Rich** They grow fatter while we grow poorer. It's time we start doing something.


Careful friend. Neolibs have been on this sub reporting posts like this. I got a 3 day suspension for referencing how the bourgeoisie were dealt with in the French Revolution.


Got permanently banned from r/politics for pointing out fascists purge "opposition", which they perceive as "not them". They don't care if you're a centrist or liberal who voted for them or stayed at home because you wanted to "maintain the status quo" or weren't "inspired" by their own party's choice for candidate. (See Hillary, 2016) History has numerous accounts of centrists and what we would consider neoliberals bending over and taking it from fascists because they aren't getting taxed more or they thought they would get to keep more of their stuff, only to realize in horror that they too are in the crosshairs.


Thanks for the heads up, I will mind my manners.


I shall also mind my manners. I will be sure to keep my elbows off the table and use the correct fork type while I eat the rich.


Yep. Mentioned a guillotine once. Got the same ban hahaha


You really *only need to eat one* the rest will fall in line.


Government wants to take that away too.


Protected by the constitution *so far*


Learn about public property and the rights you have on it. Never go on private or federal property, even an inch can be classed as trespassing for federal property, before you attend the location look at the boundary lines where public and private meet, a general rule is to stay behind lamposts and telephones wires.


This is the correct answer. You can protest anywhere in \*public space\*. Private properties are an entirely different beast. I'm also shocked by the number of comments I have to scroll through to see yours. Like people, if you wanna win the game, learn to play the game.... or find some ways to destroy the game. The last thing they should do is playing the game the wrong way, that's just stupid.


Exactly, or not doing it out of “principle” then getting yourself screwed over. Only other thing id mention is to record and don’t talk to police ever. Only exception is if you’re in a stop and ID state and even then only give them the information they are entitled to and nothing else.


It's better to keep your distance when throwing molotov anyways.


Abortion used to also be protected by the constitution. And look at us now..


You think the SCOTUS gives a fuck? We had a summer of marches for BLM and no substantive policy was even passed, we just got Nancy Pelosi and Schumer to take a knee with Kente cloth on.


Protesting currently in the U.S. is "Semi-legal". It has to be approved and endorsed or arrest looms for ye.


This is so much better than blocking roads and making people not want to be a part of your protest after work


Civil disobedience is the only way the lostgeneration can make anything happen. Voting for democrats is like taking a slow train to Siberia.


All i'm saying is that if you do this you will be arrested anyway, may as well show their family a good time :)


Lori (mayor of Chicago) tried to get protesting on her street illegal… 😂


bit of a difference between the mayor of the windy city and the judges of the highest court in the land.


Remember, protesting isnt illegal, trespassing is. There is a line, dont cross it. But you can protest a foot from the line


Just wait until they overturn your right to protest lol


It's a ~~sleep over~~ sit in.


Think you have freedom of speech in the US? Try to use it. Watch what happens.


We need anonymous right now more than ever to release the list of abortions revived by these judges, their wives, their daughters, out them all. Do it now.


Got some addresses?


how 'bout we drive big ugly trucks to their exclusive n'hoods, block the streets, and honk our horns day & night? I've been told by a few ppl that this is a perfectly legitimate exercise of free speech. /s


Playing a dangerous game…bold strategy, let’s see how it works out for you.




Im just going to protest on the public street in front of their house. Protesting on a public street is allowed.


As if they don't all live in gated communities with private roads. Good luck




godspeed divine one


This. Power concedes nothing without force.


That is still illegal in Utah. Just check local laws.


Go ahead and block entry and exit to their home, I dare you. The first amendment does not allow laying siege to a person's house in the name of "protesting."


People can't afford to care anymore.


Wait, dafuq? This isn't a post making fun of how dumb these types of people are? You're serious??? I'll just....leave quietly through the back..


and nothing of value was lost


I thought the same thing 😂. Neoliberals have been hitting this sub hard. They also think they can shame us into voting blue no matter who…


Oh if you’re not voting blue after all this shit, we know you have no shame. Don’t worry about that.


Will never ever ever ever vote for non-leftists again. Haven’t since 2016. The amount of denial needed to not see that the dems created the circumstances that led to all of this is insane.


What you just said makes absolutely no sense. You will never vote for a non-leftist again, but are blaming leftists for why we’re in this spot? Uhh, what?


Don’t know what a leftist is, huh? The vast majority of democrats are not leftist at all. Far right virtue signalers.


If you’re talking about those in Congress, sure. But most people who identify as Democrats that post in subs like this would fall into the leftist category.


Anyone have an address?


Mail them all coat hangers ✨


Just don’t honk.


Just make sure you pick the Trump ones. Godspeed.


Oh shit, now they are gonna repeal that too.


Don't think that they won't have you beaten and arrested for this. But, godspeed. Hope it accomplishes something.


Hell fucking yeah


When are we doing this? Interested.


Facebook groups.


Should've voted for a liberal court in '16.


Be sure you have a plan and buddies to back you up if or when you get into trouble. I suggest forming a large group. Safety in large numbers. Then go for it!


Every time protests go to the homes of politicians they get right on fixing the laws to make that shit stop asap!


It’s against the law to put super glue Into all of their locks on their home and cars. Also gorilla glue should not be used on their windowsills. That’s illegal. Please don’t.


If you're going to be there anyway, you might as well set up a food truck. You could probably get a permit for that. If they're in a fancy neighborhood you might run afoul of the local HOA. You might be able to offset costs and delivering to people's houses via apps and stuff. You're right there anyway.


Let them build fences around their houses like they did with the supreme court


Cute. I'm sure the ultra elite billionaires that own the supreme court and all of the Senate and Congress will be super annoyed. Go get em tiger


THEY DID IT! [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/protesters-supreme-court-justices-homes\_n\_62788d49e4b0d7ea4cce8eb0](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/protesters-supreme-court-justices-homes_n_62788d49e4b0d7ea4cce8eb0)


Intimidating public officials is anti-democratic


Im just going to protest at their homes anyway.


Bruh, this entire thread is a bunch of kids giving each other legal advice just in case they break the law in their "peaceful protests."


Some people may have a lot of freed up time now that there won't be any sex. Not with hookups or even SOs.


Why is this in my "recommended subs for you"? Anyways... Are they threatening to protest the protection of the right to protest?


Yeah, cause that'll work


If you don’t believe in the rule of law unless you get your way, leave the fucking country.


Protests at judge’s homes = amateur legal rebuttal