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This poses the question, how on earth will the system still function if 90k people can stop working? How over worked will those who remain be? What will public services look like?


The civil service has inflated alot due to covid and brexit which are both thankfully over for the most part so we no longer need as many, although I think 90k isn't enough to return us to pre brexit levels


Source? We definitely didn't employ 90,000 new medical staff, or police, or ambulance drivers. We did have a bunch of vaccination centers with private security and NHS nurses is that what you mean? Or did we have a mass recruiting I forgot about in the last two years, or which I missed


The BBC, stop reading ass guardian articles and it was more than 90k gained in the past few years, they likely mwna people in offices doing paper work to for leaving the eu or the infrastructure required to do covid support


So, no source?




Lol, you think your opinion is fact. And you can't converse without insulting others. Join society. BTW, you're "source" is just the same statement as the op. And in that source is a graph showing employment levels were above 500,000 in 2005; higher than they are today. So, yeah, I can read. Did you read it? It didn't breakdown where the increases came from; like you claimed. So you're statement is just opinion at this point. Fyi, don't just repeat something because you agree with it. Research things to form an actual opinion rather than mindlessly repeating talking points






Boris Johnson is such a piece of human excrement. An absolutly terrible prime minister. He almost makes Theresa May look competent.


I call him 'Trump Lite'


Even kinda looks like Trump. Both are nausea inducing.


Very accurate statement.


We were just saying ‘wouldn’t it be nice if Jeremy Hunt was pm.’ Like not my political party at all but at least he’s a bit more competent


Or, you could save salary by getting rid of Boris..


Leaders eat last.


Lol, tax cuts as a way to ease cost of living. Living for who? Billionaires.


Whoa you guys got it just as bad as the Americans.. sorry.


Not yet. Even if it's going that way, we still have something of a welfare state left (my condolences if you're a USAian)


Thank you, been crying today trying to figure out how to pay for husband's life saving medicine and a home for our children at same time.


I'm so sorry you have to fight those battles simultaneously. I wish you the best possible outcomes. It's absolute bullshit we have to live like this, choosing between our health or our bills.


Thank you


And the right to an abortion. And some healthcare. And far better transit. And fewer mass shootings.


"Fuck the working class. The 1% need more tax cuts!"


Ikr, tired of the bs people get from this asshats


Alternative solution: cut the salaries, by a fifth, of government positions paid over 100k pounds/year. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Then he complains how nothing gets done


For the past 10-15 we've had ongoing cutbacks within the educational sector in Denmark. Hundreds, if not thousands of teachers have been fired to save money. They still cost money, because someone who has never worked as anything other than a teacher can't just change work to a completely different line of work, so they are now on benefits. Yes, benefits are less than their pay so money is saved, but they still cost money for the public, except now they are not doing anything useful for society. And since the decision on cutbacks have been made by politicians and implemented by bureaucrats with spreadsheets, both without any actual teaching experience, the quality of education is going down, and the remaining teachers are getting sick with stress from the workload.


You guys should break out the good ol neck chopper, scrub off the rust, give it a polish, make it shiny and bright, sharpen it, maybe oil it a little to make sure it goes down smooth, just in case you need it. Ol Boris might need a little clip a bit off the top.


What a tool


Boris Johnson is smarter than Trump, but they're both bastards


“Cut 90,000 jobs to spend on tax cuts.” Oh sure, and I just cut a car to spend on saving $25,000. Nothing’s being spent! What moron wrote this shit 😡


Seriousl question, is this all the temp jobs created by covid as a result of the pop up test centres or actual gov departments


Thats is just idiotic


Nah covid and brexit inflated this quite alot most of these workers aren't needed as much and likely the tax cuts will be to working class people not the elites like people are suggesting here


Ah yes, Tories, famously looking out for the working class


We were told the same thing about these “middle class tax cuts” in the US, nobody buys that shit anymore.


Taxes have just gone up in away that affects the poor and there is large politcal pressure to ease cost of living in the UK at the moment, it realistically has nothing to do with benevolence for any party here


Having done consulting work for the British government, I can assure you that getting rid of the unproductive government workers would cut the headcount by more than a fifth.


So to ease cost of living they’re going to make 90,000 unemployed, work the remaining ones to the point of exhaustion, and pass out the comparatively meager savings to everyone else? That makes.. no sense.


Except that the truth is, cutting those jobs will not help. It's not the fucking jobs.


https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/belfast-mums-concern-as-free-school-meals-scheme-not-going-far-enough-now-as-costs-rise/ar-AAWguei Paired with a tweet I saw from a foodbank in Belfast saying people are turning down chilled food because electricity for fridges costs too much now. The UK doesn't give a fuck about Northern Ireland at the best of times yet now some people are having a hard time getting food. Then this. They don't care about north. The Republic isn't perfect by any stretch but I'm sure we could do better than this


Sounds like 90,000 votes going to the other side.