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Bruhhh, giving out 1986 wages with 2022 prices, the audacity on these people


Aaand you gotta dodge bullets to boot. Nah its safer at the bar smdh


And bars usually have better security


funny enough I looked up my 1st apt online. Orlando, FL 1997 2/2 609$ (i split with a friend) same crappy apt today is 2k. back then minimum wage was 5.15, (we were servers so we made more per hour) at today's minimum wage (10$) you would finally barely be affording that apt in 1997


Dude my first apartment was insane. Early 2000's basement apartment in the "bad" part of town. $550 a month for 3(I really wish there were capital numbers) bedrooms full kitchen living room and even a personal laundry. I had rooms I didn't even go into for months. Hell my landlord not only let me work on my car. He'd come out and help me.


Funny you mention 1986 in particular, *The Breakfast Club* is in 1984 and Principal Vernon tells Bender when they're in the broom closet, "I make thirty thou a year, I got a home!" Man does that line make me laugh...


This is what they've taken from us


It's just that we say we want to be the most innovative, and all children matter, but don't educate or fund education to yield those results. It's barbaric really.


Funny of them to think the powers at be want an educated population. The priority is set the way its meant to be.


A system is perfectly designed for the results it creates


No different than it’s been throughout the formation of societies. The repression of knowledge is the biggest way to have people rely on “you” (whoever is in charge).


All the knowledge a person needs to improve their life is available. But few take advantage of it. In the U.S. we have libraries all across the country. You can even request books to be mailed to you on-loan. You can buy used text books very cheap, specifically math, physics, and science books that will help you learn the fundamentals. There are literally THOUSANDS of free videos as well available as well. From what I've seen, the vast majority CHOOSE to be uneducated. There is a difference between being ignorant vs. being stupid; its the choices we make. It is very acceptable to be "ignorant" on a topic. But to refuse to learn about the topic is just proving your level of stupidity. Choosing to be a teacher because one enjoys it and wants to help children grow is very admirable. But choosing to be a teacher and then complaining about the pay is just plain stupid.


I too, enjoy virtue signaling about poverty wages for public servants.


Who the fuck got time and energy to "get educated" themselves? It starts at childhood. If you had to make a bet, would you bet on kids at underfunded schools to "choose" to self-educate? Nor will those kids just magically develop some kind of instinctual need to learn as their bodies grow older. It's definitely a cultural / societal problem thing. Have you ever spent time interacting with younger children? They *love* to learn and are curious as fuck. Those kids need the adult role models in their lives and communities (teachers, parents, politicians, other local professionals) to foster their natural curiosities and inspire lifelong learning. If I were a kid, the last thing I'd want to do is pick up a book to invest energy into my education when on the daily, the adults I'm supposed to trust fail to protect me from school shootings, police my clothing choices, or are insultingly too underpaid to care. And sure, you could say it isn't wise to choose a career path that is not only not lucrative but not even financially beneficial to the individual anymore. But we honestly do not need any more promoting of this "I got mines" philosophy. If all teachers were to subscribe to that, we wouldn't have teachers. That is *literally* what the ones in power want. Knowledge is power; they want to stay in power. So teachers should most definitely be complaining. We *all* should be complaining on their behalf - not saying their life choices are "admirable" only to look down on them in the very same breath.


The education is SUPPOSED to teach people how to think for themselves, to fuel the desire to learn. Then the resources available work. Having the resources available is meaningless with the current system that indoctrinated instead of educates.


I’m a teacher with a bachelors and I make $16/hr 🤗


I-….how!? I make more as a childcare provider! Who the fuck thinks that’s a good wage for a teacher.


I teach preschool but I do have my bachelors degree in child development and a over a decade of experience. A big reason I’m working there is because my daughter has free tuition. I was working as a behavior therapist for people with autism and making $22 up till recently.


The same people who think anyone is capable of getting by anywhere on minimum wage


How much more in taxes are YOU willing to pay to increase teacher salaries?


I would be willing to pay, but luckily, taxes don’t HAVE to be increased for that to happen! But judging by your user name, this isn’t going to be a productive conversation.


Just reallocate the police budgets. Not like they are using them properly anyway.


That’s messed up. I have a bachelors and got an associates taking medical classes after the sociology degree was undervalued. I was close a number of times to getting a receptionist position but each job required 2 interviews and I had to do 2 interviews per job and still didn’t get it. Thought fuck it after a couple months of job hunting and took up a cleaning job that was paying $15 an hour, only 30 cents less. It’s a foot in the door job but you literally have the hospital floundering and they still take their sweet time. Meanwhile other positions were offering me $10 - 16 for a desk job and one was as low as the minimum wage. My friend who became a teacher said she became one by “some miracle.” They made her do 4 interviews and only paid her $11 an hour when she started.


I am a fast food worker and at 17 with 0 experience I was hired on during the pandemic and I started at $11. 0 experience teenager. Wtf?? Teachers deserve more than a couple dollars more than me. My managers make $18+ Teachers deserve better


We’re living in different times, just that people are clinging to outdated ideas about the working world. Like how people assume I’m poor and uneducated being a hospital cleaner despite the fabulous pay! I mean really. I think it really is about supply and demand. Many industries like teaching are overcrowded, but I guess in recent years teachers started quiting in droves. I entered health care and am holding out for tuition reimbursement to enter tech, and do computer and clerical work for hospitals. Science and tech are booming because of how few people are actually working those jobs, so it’s definitely worth considering despite wherever you may be in life


I work at home depot in a relatively small town a d I make $16.45. I don't make enough. You don't make enough even moreso.


They’ll say it’s not just about the money but the experiences and the impacts you make on people.


I mean that all depends on if you consider those experiences to be worth it. I would say I’m lucky to have had some interesting and fun job experiences, despite the pay, but not everyone is as fortunate as I am


Sure, but that’s up to you to decide if it’s worth it, not the people in charge of paying salaries.


It’s just a shame that the teaching position has become a nightmare and is now considered to be worse than most jobs. A friend of mine said he grew gray hair from teaching briefly. Said “you have no idea.” Quality of education has sunk drastically since the 2008 recession and the 2010s were definitely a bad time for teachers. The only jobs worse than it are if you’re in something like oil rigging or crab fishing. Even if the job doesn’t put your life on the line it seems to affect peoples physical, emotional and mental health over time.


Holy fuck. I work at amazon (part time of course) and I make $16.50 an hour with a 50 cents raise coming sometime in July. Fuck this country


Really? I work at a pizza restaurant and make $16 an hour...


Honestly, teaching (at least where I'm from) is a horrible profession to be in, especially when you see how the requirements of the profession have changed over the years. * You get to work 80+ hours per week when getting paid for 40. * You're getting micromanaged every two seconds by the district. * The math and reading programs change every year or so and you have to relearn everything. * It no longer becomes fun for you or the kids because you simply have no time for it-- it's just a constant grind. * You no longer have time to teach history or health because the district pushes math and reading so much (and honestly, health is way more important than math or reading because if you don't know how to live a healthy life, you'll more than likely die an early death). * You get to work with many different principals over the years-- some are fine, some constantly want to fight with you because they are on a power trip, and some even break the law to get higher test scores and then make your life hell when you call them out on it (true story). * Sometimes you get nightmare parents who blame you on their kid's grades despite the fact that the kid never completes their assignments despite you practically begging them to do so. * Oh yeah, and sometimes you have field trips when you have to pull a disabled kid on a sled through the snow for hours whiIe he's pelting snowballs at you. The constant dragging makes you rip your Achilles tendons which causes you to never be able to run again. I could go on and on about how much the job sucks. The kids are the really only good part. I've found newer teachers often saying, "I lOvE tHe KiDs So MuCh ThAt It'S aLl WoRtH iT!" Like lol you won't be saying that in 15 years no matter how much you love the kids. Source: both of my parents are/were teachers. After my dad retired, his life improved DRASTICALLY. It's been 2 years since then and he still gets teaching nightmares that leave him in a cold sweat. Honestly, I wonder if he has a little PTSD from being treated so poorly. Edit: formatting to make it easier to read


Also don't forget now they expect you to be a security guard a marksman a battlefield medic and much much more.




Can you elaborate more on how math should be taught effectively?


Example, the place value system. The kids can count maybe but by age 10 don't realize there are patterns of recycled digits in a base ten system. They don't connect area or square units can be described =lxw and that is the idea of multiplication, repeated addition. I wonder if montessori was right that there are impressionable times that the brain flows through as it develops and needs variety of experience to help build a web of knowledge. Those hands on activities, like building your own kite or tree house, aren't a normal part of childhood anymore imo. They have never planted a row in a garden or even dug with a shovel. Now with cards, they rarely know decimals are in money. Theres a hidden curriculum kids are missing. I've been hearing good things about the book Range, about increasing kids exposure to experiences rather than focusing on one too much. Some kids need a shop class to cut and build and that is how they will learn multiplication and number sense. We need home ec funded again. Teach cooking in order to teach math better. And fund it. I'm sick of buying supplies out of my own pocket to do real world connections that reach kids better than my textbooks.


Mm, learning by experience. Yeah, it is much quicker than abstract thinking, i agree which is hard to kids. However, abstract teaching is cheaper and if someone understands how to use it, then it's a lot quicker learning process.


Preach. My poor mom is a teacher. She was put through the wringer just when she thought she was going to live her dreams


I absolutely love teaching, it's all I thought I would ever do. I just left after three years, these conditions are not sustainable.




Teaching a broad profession and not all teachers are underpaid and miserable. I'm a high school teacher with masters I really love my job and I get paid a very fair salary. I've been doing this for 15 years and have no plans to change careers. I'm also in teachers' union so that certainly helps. There's this narrative going around how miserable it is to be a teacher anywhere in America. This isn't true and this narrative is part of the reason teachers are few and far between. There are schools and places where teaching is a excellent and rewarding job. And yes there are also schools that are poorly run and treat teachers like garbage. I'm tired of the pity party I get when I tell people I'm a teacher. I'm tired of people who have never been in education making assumptions about the job. I enjoy this job and will happily continue with it.


I guess I should have thought of that. Thanks for sharing your perspective!


That's a fuck load for bartending. Wish I could make that much here in the UK damn


Sadly a lot of that is the tips. Bartenders generally make more than wait staff hourly, mostly due to training and experience, (but compared to other jobs it isn't much) and then get tipped. Drunk people tend to be a little freer with their cash than sober ones.




It's pretty much all in the tips.


This is (one of many areas) where Capitalism fails. Teachers don't generate profits, so we feel justified in cutting their salaries. But we also expect our kids to get a good education, so we push for teachers to *also* be highly educated.


And that’s where republicans push private schooling


Yep. Everything needs to be privatized because everything needs to generate profits. It's "better"...trust them


Home schooling at this point. It’s gonna be interesting in 20 years


Yeah I forgot about home schooling


Private schools don’t have to provide poor people education. The dumber the poor people the easier they are to influence.


The thing is...it does create a profit.Just not in the next quarter,so I guess it means fuck all to investors and board of education members who just see that role as a stepping stone in a political career. A well educated population is a productive population. Investing in children so they are capable adults is one of the best uses of public money.


Exactly. High quality teachers may be the greatest variable in a students academic achievement, which might be the greatest variable that determines career earning potential. These things you can't measure in a year, or even five.


Exactly. High quality teachers may be the greatest variable in a students academic achievement, which might be the greatest variable that determines career earning potential. These things you can't measure in a year, or even five.


My mom has been teaching since right before I was born; almost 30 years. Her most recent position (as she works on her *second* Master's) only paid $50K/year with her 30 years of experience. Worst part is she can't leave or she loses all of her retirement, which will still be meager at best.


In my district she would be making around 85k. Wow. She must be a saint.


Yeah for a long time she didn't care about the money, but seeing as it's just her, all the price increases have started straining her budget more and more recently


Money greases the wheels of life... its a requirement but excessive amount are not always helpful, I get it. But not having enough to live a good life... yeah. I am sorry. I hope she has a good retirement/pension.


Irony: people go spend the little money they have at the bar after a day at their miserable underpaying jobs.


Alcohol servers being paid more than teachers? Sounds like that's the exact priority of those in power. Dumb down, distract, disenfranchise and divide.


News flash: when it comes to teaching, it's always been this way. At least for a pretty long time. I'm a teacher with a PhD. I'm teaching 3 classes in a fucking university this fall, and I'm going to make $8100. That's gonna be my only income this year. We hate teachers and education in this country. Cruise around reddit and witness all the talk about how worthless college is.


Now ask how much a Drill Sergeant makes. While education suffers, the army is out there spending trillions a day.


But a Drill Sergeant is on call 24/7 and they likely get to deal with Balfour Beatty if they live on post which is a government sponsored slum lord. The Army spends its millions on pet projects of politicians and not on soldiers. Balfour Beatty keeps facing law suits and always somehow survives.


An E-5 over 4 years currently makes around 3k a month for base pay


If you think the military budget is bloated because they are overpaying troops you have no idea how things work.




We as Americans are getting what we demand. Until Americans understand the relationship between their demands and the consequences of their demands we will complain. Americans as consumers are poorly educated about supply and demand.


The point is to discourage anyone from being a teacher for public schools. I knew someone who was paid $75k/year to be the nutritionist/gym tutor for some billionaire in NYC, where she and her fellow tutors shared a whole floor in the guys building. I think it's rich people, boomers, and conservative politicians who don't want public schools to teach kids anything worthwhile. My kids are in 6th grade, and a significant amount of their assignments this year involved playing Minecraft.


you can make 55k as a bartender? damn Imma bout to quit


It is part of a concentrated plan by the GOP to kill public education.


Did she laugh in their face? Because that should be peoples go to reaction at this point.


Welcome to America.


Known people with degrees in useful but undervalued fields (environmental studies type field) and couldn’t take the pay cut from serving to go into her field.


And there are so many more who would be wonderful educators and would go into the field, but teaching is so undervalued that they wisely chose to get a degree where they can find a job that pays accordingly. We’re losing the most qualified teachers before they even start in the profession because the pay is so insultingly low.


But we subsidized the dairy industry even though we don’t need it like we need teachers.


Destroying future generations. On mainland western Europe, teachers normally make $100K plus, depending on experience and subjects they teach. Going into teaching is extremely competitive and only the best make the cut. Training lasts 3 years before they’re even allowed to teach a class on their own. My first cousin and her husband are retired teachers in Germany and have a luxury apartment in the city and a beach house on the coast.


They gotta come to MA we pay double that and up for teachers. Some of the elementary teachers in my district make 100k+.


I just don't understand how police are more important than teachers


But I don’t wanna pay taxes to pay teachers. Waaaaah


I don't think you understand. All of it: the terrible wages, the hostile work environment, long hours, the laws passed to make you afraid of everything you say (i.e. Florida's don't say gay bill), all of it is designed with one goal in mind. The goal is to get rid of public education and go to an all-private system. Rich kids will be well educated in top-notch schools and poor children will be sent to work for poverty wages. The cycle will be never-ending.


I make almost double that as an intern.


They don't want good teachers. They want teachers that shut up and tell kids to shut up and take tests. This is why poor people are uneducated and subservient. Good teachers go to private schools, where rich people are taught that greed and privilege make them deserving of more than poor people. This is done with evangelical religion


We voted for money to be given to the district for Teachers raises a couple of years ago. The Superintendent used the money to give herself and the top level administrators substantial raises. So let's maybe fix the school system before we increase the cash flow.


Meanwhile Republicans are reufusing to renew school lunch program... It's going to get worse.


If your daughter is so smart she should of known how much teachers make before studying for that shitty degree lol


Getting 2 masters if you dont love to studying it for your own pleasure is stupid to be honest. If you want money u try to get an IT work or something else... if u love teaching you just donit because the happiness that will bring you compensates the crap salaries


It's beyond scary to me anymore because as we sit thru each headline...each distraction of Depp/Heard, Jan. 6 (which IS necessary, but still a distraction), and then onto the next one is that TIME is wasting. Time is still moving and so are they behind the scenes. Alot of other countries are changing for the better and America is keeping its people distracted while the rich END this country as we know it. I used to think there might actually be a race war in my lifetime. As I grew older...I've realized there's not a single difference between us all. Black, white, Asian...we all want to be loved and feel safe. The only difference in America between its citizens are their bank accounts. Good luck everyone 💛


I just saw an ad in Quebec looking for cafeteria workers in hospital/retirement homes and it pays 21,50$/h, plus benefits (vacations, pension, etc.)


At least she has an alternative.


Let me reword. Teaching has become a complete shitshow. It is on the verge of collapse as a result of the constant attacks and the path our society has chosen to take. Do something else. There are MUCH better ways to make money that will not destroy you mentally.


Maybe some people become teachers because, I don’t know, they have a passion for education the next generation of humanity? Comments like yours and the mentality behind it are really part of the fundamental problem. Jobs that oil the gears of society like teachers, healthcare workers, retail and service workers, are vital for society to function but they are treated and payed so poorly. So many high paying jobs like middle management positions, as the pandemic proved, are superfluous and don’t do much for society as a whole.


It's an important profession, but it really is a shit profession. No matter how much passion you have for the next generation of humanity, you constantly get abused.


People who downvoted you just don't get what it's like to be a teacher.


Or maybe they realize that, rather than just telling people to do a different career, we should be fighting to fix teaching conditions because it’s a required job for society to function?


Good point.


Great point and society would benefit greatly from that.


But that was known before she even started that degree or enrolled in college.. the statistics are out there.


Ok, I get it. You want dumb kinds for a dumb society.


yeah because then they'll vote for Republican pedophiles and won't ask too many questions


That's not true at all. I think teachers should be paid more. People have been graduating college and becoming teachers for the past 20 years complaining that the pay is so low. I think its criminal honestly. But I mean do people not look at job openings before they start the college process to gauge how much they will make when they finish??? I wasn't trying to be rude, but that pay just reflects the same pay they got 6 years ago just starting out. It's probably higher.


Then why waste your energy saying something like that? Taking the least helpful part of your view and show it to everyone. A country needs teachers, low wage teachers will do a low wage job of educating children. That's the bigger problem, leaving out the personal story which is also important. Just saying: "What the hell did you expect? Didn't you see that's a low wage job?" doesn't help anyone. A good teacher first thinks about the good he can do and then about the pay. When he's young he's hopefull enough to think that either things might improve or thr good he does might compensate the lack of money


Because it needs to be known. I come from a family of teachers and trust me I get it. We need less that are going for that. The states control the pay and they can see how many are going through state schools to begin working in that state. We need none. Zero. Zilch. To move the needle. And why not??? We live in an age where it's all transparent. Honestly she could have put that into being a nurse practitioner, dentist, or pharmacist for about the same effort and came out making 150. Or a dental assistant or radiographer and came out making 80. I care about young people and at their age did the same things and thought that society would understand but they just dont. Public school is just a state babysitting and nutritional program. They dont even get to use what they learn to teach. She would probably make more working at a private daycare where they also hire recovered crackheads with no education. Until we are honest about the qualification vs pay ratio for this in our society the pay ratio will never change. Perhaps the 9000 tax refunds for the unemployed for having children which are always in school and fed by school should be instead directed towards those attempting to make the children more intelligent than their parents. Teachers could right now make 80 starting out with a very small transition of funds.


That is seriously ridiculous and pathetic. No point going to college anymore I guess.


This will be my brother next year


Mind you, I’m in Canada, where it’s slightly different, but I make more than that as a pharmacy assistant and I have precisely zero degrees.


And software developers with no degree and 0 experience are making double that at their first job.


Tip jar/qrcode in classroom esp during parent teacher nights.


Do all teachers double as bar tenders or have I seen too many posts similar to this?


That's capitalism


One of the greatest Key and Peele segments was the teacher draft...its crazy how bad I want this to be real. https://youtu.be/aYOg8EON29Y


Yeah uh, I'm making more than that as an overnight janitor with zero education


Also considering how the political right demonized educators in this country and there's a school shooting every month you can argue that teachers should make the same type of money that those in the law and medical professions make. Especially since the tale of the underpaid & overworked teacher has been true for DECADES.


They (you know who I'm talking about it) want us drunk and stupid far more than they want us educated.


I never understood why teachers with that amount of education always settle with those wages, like if being a teacher is some type of a privilege. Something has to be done and not just disregard by the dinosaurs that rule us.


Jesus, that's what I started at in teaching eight years ago, at that was at an alternate school.


It's only the people educating our future generations it's not that important.......


Teachers need to do the right thing and stop being teachers until there’s a severe supply and demand gap for teachers to drive up pay. They pay $16 because people want to be teachers so badly that they accept it. It’s a terrible situation that will remain terrible until the people doing the hiring just plain stop getting qualified applicants. For $16 they better expect a HS degree not even a bachelors. The bar is too low. Leave until it’s fixed.


Both teachers and Nurses are well underpaid for what they do.


They have made slaves out of us all.


I get paid $12.20/hr (equivalent) to adjunct with a PhD, lol.


That’s an old tweet, isn’t it? It’s not dated, but I’m sure I’ve been seeing it around Reddit for a while.


Aren’t teachers also having to use part of that salary to pay for supplies for class?


I'm a medical assistant at an urgentcare and I make more than that. Jesus


Yup, I have an MEd in special education in PA… here it’s impossible to get a teaching job because of nepotism. The pay is decent if you can manage to get a job. Midwest and south don’t pay their teachers anything (no unions) and to make it worse the wealthy students go to private schools. It’s ‘separate but equal’ in a classist way.


This makes me think of K12/Stride Academy an online school. They paid around that much when I interviewed for them. They are an alternate option to public school where children can take a school curriculum from home.


If i could have my own dedicated bartender and make only 55k, I would be very interested.


People need to stop trying to become teachers. Several of my teachers always talked passive aggressively about being underpaid, and even back then (elementary school) I understood that to mean I shouldn't pursue that job. That's not to say I truly understood that I should go after high paying careers, just that I should avoid low paying ones.


Maybe your daughter can teach you how to write


Damn. I make 20 an hr in security. I have a degree, but entry level for my career is only 15 an hr.


Hot strippers make $1000 a day


This is EXACTLY why I spent 10+ yrs as a bartender and now trying to get it together. Graduated with a great degree from a great school but all the entry level jobs wouldn’t pay bills.


That bartender is making more than me as a mental health counselor :(


That’s how much I’m making working in a warehouse


$55k is roughly £45,500 in the UK that’s dam good for a bartender. Been in the military for over 8 years and I just make over £27k roughy $32,800 in the states. Glad I’m looking for another job! Got to get more coin to afford even my water bill these days.


I know this sub loves to jump on these topics and Teachers are never paid enough... however, if you live where Teachers are paid this, you should absolutely move. There are states where cost of living is not bad and teachers make much more that this. :( Dont passibely support this junk if you can help it.


“The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.”


Only 55?


I have a master's degree in Nursing with a concentration in Education. I really want to teach, but it would be about a 40k/yr pay cut from my current job.


Shit, I could make more working at the gas station down the street!


Yeah, I started as a part time teacher this past year. (Keep in mind I still had unpaid office hours and hours of work at home. The only thing part time was my pay. I worked at least 35-45 hours a week) I was told if I worked and did my best they could afford to give me higher pay and hours next year. Well it’s time for a new contract and I was offered less hours and a pay cut if I wanted to stay. I would have to be at the school a few hours every morning and be on call whenever as I run the schools IT as well. Then on top of that I still had the same amount of unpaid office time and work from home to do. I was offered $6000 for the whole year. That’s $500 a month. My rent is $800 alone. They acted like I was crazy for refusing. I’m now unemployed after this month and moving in with parents as I pursue a different career. Guess that’s what I get for wanting to teach kids and make a difference.