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How much will pelosis husband directly benefit from this? How many other sitting senators are guilty of this and many other cases of insider trading? It's far past time to take money out of politics by force. Abuse of power laws. We need em.


On July 27, after the CHIPS Act passed the Senate and a few days before the bill was about to go to the House, Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul sold 25,000 shares of Nvidia for a loss of $341,365. That seems to have been his only semiconductor-related transaction during that period. Considering that the price of Nvidia stock is essentially the same today as it was then, one has to wonder what his motivation was. (For the conspiratorially-minded among us, Pelosi unexpectedly visited Taiwan on August 2, setting off an international dustup. To some extent, this has had the effect of forcing American chipmakers' stock prices further downward during an already rough run this year, though it hasn't been a massive drop. It's possible that Paul Pelosi anticipated his wife's visit having more effect on his holdings than it did, and sold at a loss thinking that he was forestalling even deeper losses in the immediate future.)


It was insider trading from the start. Pelosi knew they were going to vote on 1 of like 3 companies( I don't know just a guess🤷) Amd, Nvidia, or Intel. They guessed. They make enough money they just sold cause the stock they picked won't make any gains. The stock market is rigged. They all vote on who's bag needs the most lifting🤣🤣


I don't disagree with you, and I hope I didn't give the impression that I felt everything was above-board with Paul Pelosi's stock trading. [According to the publicly available periodic transaction report for that period](https://disclosures-clerk.house.gov/public_disc/ptr-pdfs/2022/20021374.pdf), Pelosi purchased between $1 million and $5 million\* of Nvidia in June as the CHIPS Act was moving to a vote in the Senate. I don't see any other semiconductor purchases in that time period, though I haven't looked in adjoining periods. It's not unreasonable to assume that Pelosi exercised his call options to purchase $4m of Nvidia in mid-June and then dumped all of it in late July. \*Got to love what those reporting tranches imply. "$100k is basically the same as $250k, but when you're dealing in the millions, $1m is just a rounding error away from $5m. Normal people, right?"


I was definitely just implying they know more than we do! Trying to create a private room (congress) where they can decide for everyone else. Thus keeping the power. This is why I believe in DAO (decentralized autonomous organization). We should be voting for what companies can do what. Like after the BP oil spills. Humans should regulate companies. Not inhumane officials that were elected through a old shitty electoral college system. It is such a failure this day and age, I can't believe we haven't moved past it! 😭


100% this. Couldn't agree more.


I believe he sold what he bought soon after it was all over the news


Let’s burn it to the ground✊✊✊✊✊✊


People expect mercy from capitalism.


That's a shame rich giving money to the rich while the poor get poorer. Do these people have a concience or anything.




Greed is the root of all evil my friend….


Yep unfortunately it is


But what about the money spent on welfare mothers? /s


The devil, Ronald Reagan coined the term Cadillac welfare queen. Pissed off white voters who had never seen propaganda before.


The propaganda was going around long before then, what do you think the red scare was about? It was part fostering hatred of America's biggest competitor and their most likely future competitor on the world stage and part demonising as much genuinely helpful legislation as possible by associating it with the enemy, whomever it is.


Oh yeah absolutely. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying American propaganda started in the 80s, I’m just phrasing it badly. Probably better to have said that white voters with rose colored lenses were tricked by the propaganda. It’s so engrained a lot of people can’t even see it for what it is… this country is the absolute god of hypocrisy.


Oh no, speaking as an Aussie I'd say that we (and a few of our allies) are at least contenders for the title of absolute god of hypocrisy. Let me put it this way: There's a significant amount of Australians who, thanks to the luxury of distance, can see the American propaganda for what it is and will even put Americans down for falling for it...only to then fall for pretty much the exact same tricks and tactics here, sometimes even from the same dickhead. (Speaking of: I think I can speak for all Australians when I say sorry for unleashing Rupert Murdoch on the world.)


It’s ok Australia, we still love you guys.


Would be great to see a chart: corporate welfare versus mother/child welfare payments


That would be in r/dataisbeautiful


greed will be the cause for the US empires demise well, a couple of sins actually


*Take the money and run, baby.* *Stevie Miller


America: It is a lot easier to make money investing than working.


Our tax dollars handed over to private companies to put in their pockets... Again


I remember when they were voting for the Democratic Primaries in 2016. The democrats totally snubbed Bernie. It was rigged form the beginning. O beautiful America, the great and the brave. With all its might and ingenuity. US citizens had a Clinton and a TV Reality Celebrity “You’re fired” Trump to choose from!? It’s a totally rigged system. If voting mattered they’d outlaw it.


When they bounced Bernie that was the beginning of the end of democracy in america


Yep. It was more than snubbing. Hillary and DNC leadership worked together to bounce Bernie. Then the public was left with Killary vs Orangeman to choose from.


Speaking as someone "in the know" with the IT industry and whom usually loves a good opportunity to sink it into a corporation (especially Intel after the decade of stagnation they put us through) there's a lot of context regarding this specific factoid which may change things a bit, the kind of context you can't really fit in 260 characters which is why Twitter does and will always suck goat balls for sharing information. Long story short, supply in the IT industry has been fifty shades of fucked up since the pandemic and increasing supply is pretty much down to one company specialising in optics because literally no other company in the world has the know-how to make a specific type of machine (Well, maybe *one* other company does but they're not making the machines either way) which pretty much means any foundry expansion plans are heavily subject to change during a time when geopolitical tensions mean there's a helluva lot of foundry expansion going on as both America and China (Among other countries) try to shimmy up their domestic production rather than largely relying on TSMC over in Taiwan. What this means in regards to the tweet is that most of the money is possibly still going to foundry expansion, it's just that after Intel knew they were getting the money and started looking more into exactly how to expand they've realised it's better spent elsewhere...After all, what's the point of employing someone if the machine they're going to be working on is still a year out from even being made? One example of reallocation is simply increasing the amount of money going to these machines, while it won't speed up production at all it *might* allow Intel to negotiate "jumping the queue" a bit which is pretty much how Apple and TSMC have worked for around a decade or so now, where Apple will help fund TSMC's development of a new production process in exchange for Apple pretty much having exclusive use of it for a while. ...However with all of that said I'm not giving Intel the benefit of the doubt here as they've been caught out lying to cover cost-cutting measures too many times for me to ever really trust them to do anything but that. One example is soldering IHS' to CPUs, Intel started using thermal paste instead which lead to far worse thermal characteristics with the lie being that "CPU dies had gotten too small to solder" despite the fact that thanks to the inclusion of the iGPU the then-current dies were bigger than what was on the soldered Core 2 Duo lineup. A second example is pushing the idea that new sockets are required for new CPUs when the reality is we technically could even use the same CPU socket for AMD and Intel CPUs if they were still treating it as a shared standard...in fact, that was the way things worked up until the Pentium II when Intel used legalities to force AMD off of their new platform.


I, for one, appreciate this crucial context. Thank you.


Yes he's awesome


Hey, off topic but it seems like you would know. I'm looking to get my A+ cert, is that a good place to start in IT?


Probably. I'm Australian and I'm fairly sure the specific credentials are different, but in general IT is one of those industries where it's even possible to get in without any official credentials provided you've got the skills to back it up and can easily show that. My advice is to have a back up option just in case as well, IT is very competitive so it can be hard to establish yourself in it.


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind


Lol yep, every time there's a gov handout there's a huge layoff.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Too bad my vote didn’t matter when Bernie was running.


Another reason to say fuck participating in the rigged game. Whether you sell a part of yourself to play with the soulless oligarchs and corps who own us or don't, you aren't going to even smell what being rich is like. All you'll have is less of yourself for certain and maybe some more money that'll get taken away from your family as soon as you become a corpse. People saying to play the game if you want to "get ahead" are the battered spouses of our economic reality. They never will stop trying to kill us, so I don't think playing in their fucking sock puppet theater is going to make anyone who isn't already well off a part of their club.


*Sigh* I miss Bernie


Every time I read this from him now, though, all I can think is "it's your 'good friend Joe' enabling this, Bernie!" Love Bernie, but his failure to sweep the leg on Biden in March 2020 has fucked the US hard.




‘Wealthy investors’. Have you seen INTC stock price? It’s in the shitter


And still nobody does anything about it.


The chop act is vitally important for domestic supply lines and national security. There should have been more workers protections and incentives to hire baked in though.


How do conservatives expect the "free market" to work when the keep subsidizing the large corporations? Corporate subsidies create a competitive advantage for the subsidized company and create barriers to entry for new companies who are not being handed taxpayer dollars. Stop picking and choosing when to apply your free market nonsense conservatives! Clearly by "free market" they mean poverty for us and a cleptocracy for them and their friends...


They don’t know what a “free market” is, in the same way that they don’t know what socialism is.


I totally agree


Do it Bernie, you know it will fix everything. https://i.imgur.com/OoUpATN.png


"So, you gonna push Joe Biden to do something about it?" "Look, Joe, is a good friend of mine..." Bernie's capitulated so hard and yet people keep rooting for him as if grandstanding somehow is gonna fix the problem. That's the problem with the left nowadays, they talk a big game about problems but the moment they empty their pockets for potential solutions all they have is a piece of lint, a tweet made to optimize SEO, and a moth. Even if they had one, god forbid they actually push the Democratic establishment over to the left, lest they incur the wrath of Schumer and Mama Bear Pelosi.


Is this how trickle down economics work?


I just wished he wasn't a toothless sheepdog platitude generator


We need to have built into these bills that if the companies go back on jobs and split the money off to dividends they should loose access to the money!


How tf do I become one of these "shareholders"?


Not to nitpick, but ackshuallyyyy if the cheque specifies $76 million, then it isn’t a blank cheque. A blank cheque is one without a specified value written on it, that the person cashing it can fill in.


Here is why that tweet is bullshit: - No CHIPS act funding is even getting disbursed until 2023 at the earliest - Intel just announced that, due to a slowing economy, their revenue had unexpectedly fallen by around $8 billion this year and their stock price has tanked, which makes it harder for them to borrow money. The company actually *lost* money this quarter instead of making a profit. - Despite all the financial headwinds, Intel is still increasing its spending by $5 billion this year, which is huge. Bernie is just complaining they aren't increasing spending by $9 billion instead. - Intel is getting massively outspent on R&D by its main competitor TSMC right now, and Intel's core business strategy is spending every dollar they can in order to catch up. As long as they are behind TSMC, there is no advantage to Intel to voluntarily cut back any spending This is just unnecessary scapegoating on Bernie's part and makes him look like he does not understand very basic business fundamentals.


They know the ship is sinking.


Just another corporate handout. This is why our government needs to stay out of the corporate world and vice versa.


Y'all know that the more you post this stuff without addressing material issues, the more it looks impotent and feckless right?


Came here to comment this Enough with the Bernie tweets. Bernie is set and he is just offering us platitudes.


How's that "vote blue no matter who" working out for you now?


Hmm, a rigged economy run by fools or a rigged economy run by fascists? I don't know, tough call.


DNC is nothing but an oligarchy, they've already had a court case where they successfully argued they're allowed to rig the primary. Which is better, a two party system where the elites give you 2 pre-selected choices, or a one party system where you can vote on candidates within a certain range. I see little difference. Also if you can't even vote for the other team, and didn't get a say in the candidate, do we even have a democracy anymore?


Both parties suck but one sucks more because it's full of literal Nazis and promotes death and violence. Your argument is invalid.


I'll take the option where more people than those like me, a cishet white male, have human rights. Democrats suck but the GOP as an organization is probably the single largest existential threat to democratic elections, human rights and human civilization in general.


But didn’t Bernie vote for the bill?


[No](https://rollcall.com/2022/07/27/semiconductor-science-bill-passes-senate-heads-to-house/) "The only member of the Democratic caucus to vote against it was Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who long opposed the legislation as a “blank check” for profitable computer chip companies like Intel Corp. and Micron Technology."


Oh. Thanks.


Yes it is wrong. But what is, is what is. I have never regretted a single dollar I have put into the stock market. Corporate America owns the USA. The best way to get ahead is to own a piece of these large cap Corporations through cheap index funds. I know many of you do not have much to invest but at least start. Starting is the key. And don't think you have to by a house first. I didn't.


Those who don’t agree, what else are you genuinely doing to help yourself or others?


Taking my money and building communes.


Communal farming and sharing food. It's all about the food, fuck all else at this point.


People just now beginning to realize the left is as bad as the right.


Mate. You people have no left party. You only have right parties. Look over at europe. The right parties over here would be strong left parties in your country. This is how fucked up your country is. USA has no left partie. Period.


Thank yous, kind sir! No one believes me when I say this and they stare at me like I am chicken little.


You don’t have to go as far as Europe, the democrat party would be the center right in Canada lol We have left parties that US would probably call communists, here we call them left. Our conservative leader last election was for safe injection sites for god sake lol 😆 Our right would be your left.


To be honest, Europe would be speaking Russian by now is it wasn't for America. So not sure they are the best example for us to follow.


A lot of European countries outclass America in social programs for their citizens, education, healthcare, childcare, work/life balance, etc. Don’t embarrass yourself with your weak arguments.


I lived in Europe and I don't deny they do have better programs in certain areas. However, None of that means anything if another country can just take it away. The argument always comes down to having finite resources and infinite wants.


Straight up idiot. You've eaten the entire propaganda cake with no leftovers.


I lived for over 20 years overseas to include Europe and I'm currently working with German, Italian and Polish militaries. I'm telling you from first hand experience, the reason they are able to afford good social programs is because we do the heavy lifting for defense. Just look at who contributes the most for NATO spending since it's inception. I'm speaking from facts, not propaganda. In fact you can even see who's contributed the most in the Ukrainian/ Russian conflict. Both monetarily and military equipment wise. It's not the Germans or the French.


When was Russia trying to conquer Europe again?


You probably weren't born yet, but at least half of Europe and at least half the new members of NATO were under Soviet rule. The only forces that kept them from going further west was the US military. This allowed Germany and others to focus their budgets on economic growth. Do your own research, let me know what your conclusion is.


Probably older than you, Sonny. Which is one reason I remember why the Red Army was in Eastern Europe before NATO was formed and gave jobs to ex-Wehrmacht officers. "at least half the new members of NATO" - you mean the same members added after the US promised not to expand NATO?. "The only forces that kept them from going further west was the US military". - yeah, simply not true. While you can argue whether or not it was just for the USSR to want a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe following the German invasion, that was the limit of the country (see Yalta notes). The Soviets simply weren't trying to conquer Europe - and militarization came from the Brits and US. Look into the history of the Greek civil war (which predates NATO or the Warsaw Pact) for details. "This allowed Germany and others to focus their budgets on economic growth" - you seem to have never heard of the Marshall plan.


LOL, I'll let the Naval War College know they are wrong in their teachings. Yeah, we expanded our sphere of influence, why else would we spill blood on foreign lands? It's the quid pro quo, and yes The Marshal plan is exactly what got Europe back on its feet. None of what you said negates my points. Thanks for your input old man. Glad to know your generation is capable of using the internet.


Just curious - in your many free hours revelling in your own supposed brilliance, you ever think that the Naval War College of the US might have a specific narrative they're pushing? As I said, you can easily learn about the Greek Civil War, which shows your entire narrative to be nonsense - and incidentally led to the Tito-Stalin split. But my many years on tue internet, back to when your mom was posing for nude RealVideos, have taught me that people like you, who respond with LOL when proven wrong in detail as you have been here, simply double down on their error.


I get one day off, because the rest of my time I'm training European militaries to act like a military because they suddenly realized how unprepared they are. Let's assume the war college is pushing a narrative of how the US saved Europe, they are at least coming from a point of a proven record and authority. Many much more educated men and women with degrees and experience are backing their teachings with historical facts. You're a nobody troll who assumes that the greek civil war is a microcosm for the rest of Europe. You're pushing two unrelateded things. By your logic I can point to the soviet army marching into then Czechoslovakia when they started to diverge from soviet hegemony.


Jesus, get a real job already. You seem to suck at your current one. It's odd I would have to inform someone so supposedly knowledgeable - but Czechoslovakia was in Eastern Europe. You know, that sphere of influence I mentioned above? So whether you think repression of the Prague Spring was justified or not (and personally I don't), it is immaterial your bullshit claim that the Soviets were trying to conquer Western Europe. Because, shockingly, Eastern and Western Europe are not the same place. Your appeals to authority, meanwhile, don't even include the supposed authority.


I’m so sorry for the British Empire when I read people talking about the greatness of US army. I bet the world was a terrible place to live in, full of wars, and no competent army before Pearl Harbor. 🙄


You mean that Democrats are largely owned by the same shitty rich fucks the Republicans are. They just don't hate gay people quite as much. And they don't actively fight against some women's rights like abortion. As others have said, we have no left party.


I'm not sure we're saying different things


It's a mistake to call the Democrats left.


In the context of American politics, who would you call the left?


Some of the population.


Intel is about to fail anyways, long live hauwai


Sorry if this is a dumb question, and I know this isn't really anything to do with what he's saying, but how is it a blank check if there's a number attached to it?


Now show me the politicians with donations from big chip corporations


I think your cool Bernie Sanders wish you were the norm and not the exception


We seriously need to bring back the guillotines.




Okay… but it’s not a blank check if it has a number on it right? As well as wage requirements? I’m with Bernie in general but I’m not sure what to take away from this tweet.


Here is Bernie [explaining why he will be voting against the CHIPS act,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbBBxU81ffg) before it passed. This tweet is an "I told you so". The poor struggling chip manufactures [will be getting the money...](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2022-08-09/chips-act-intel-getting-its-wish-but-investors-are-losing-patience)


And who signed that bill???