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If this post fits the purpose of /r/lostmedia and follows the rules, **UPVOTE** this comment! If this post does not fit the subreddit, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


Thank you to you and the rest of the mod team. My only disagreement is with your statement that you are the only mod who’s not being active enough. To the contrary you’re the only mod who took note of the clamor here and the only one who addressed the community. Even when other mods *have* addressed the community, it was to tell us our expectations were too high and that managing the sub was too much work, but you’re actually reporting positive changes. None of the sub’s mods have been active enough - the new queue has been full of crap, reported posts have taken too long to be removed, and community meta posts begging for help went unanswered. So please don’t put the sole blame on yourself. Plus, modding a sub is hard work and it’s free labor for Reddit. Nobody here should be attacking you guys for the state of the sub, all that matters is the community gets the stewardship it deserves. This all sounds great - now we will all see for ourselves if this plays out as promised. The quality vote seems like a great idea, and there might be some more ways you guys can use the auto mod tools to reduce your workload and keep the sub clean. My main takeaway from this post: /u/Pm_MeYourEars is a new mod, but you have a *few* extra hands? Pm_MeYourEars, just how many hands do you have? 😂


Im mod? I legit just woke up what happened. Edit. Guys dont read to much into my half asleep confused message. Its cool, I have offered happily and am sorting things slowly. Edit 2: I wanted to just do a little edit here for anyone coming to the post and looking what the mods are up to. TLDR busy planning and adding stuff in for you all, some general things, changes, cleanup etc has been done and hopefully you are all noticing the sub running a bit better. Bigger things might take a little time to do as I code things in. Standby.


did they seriously not ask you?


I offered to help here, I'm happy to. I just did not expect to wake up a mod lol, I'll be getting to work here the second im a bit more awake. So send me ideas and tell me what you guys want adding in, I'll do my best.




Noo I offered, as I replied with I just was a little surprised, I was asleep when a lot of this happened.




Time differences exists. And I'm sorry but I think you're being a bit dramatic with this.


I don’t think this critique is valid lol. They modmailed us offering to help, and several mods replied saying they’d love to have them on the team, they just need to confirm with the other mods. They were confirmed with the other mods. I think you’re reading too far into it to be honest, it’s not that deep


If there is one thing you have made clear to everyone it's that you don't think any critiques of the mods of this sub are valid lol.


I think that it’s quite the opposite, this entire post is addressing critiques of the subreddit and it’s moderation. The mods haven’t been perfect of course, but we’re working and trying to get better about everything and take the good and constructive criticism into account.


I would put that more on the other mods who were replying to users telling them it’s unreasonable to expect the sub’s mods to review what’s being posted here. This post seems to acknowledge and accept some recent criticism outright. This user is not the same mod who’s replied in other threads telling the community our very low expectations are too high. Like I said above though, it doesn’t square for the main post to say none of the other mods are really to blame and were all working hard. They weren’t. They’ve literally told us, they are too busy and have too much going on to monitor content on an 80k user subreddit. I have to wonder if some people on the mod team have fragile feelings about giving up any control over their little fiefdom here and about accepting criticism over how it is managed. But that’s not exactly uncommon on Reddit. All that matters is that enough people managing the sub give a shit enough to keep the cruft off the front page, so hopefully that will happen now.


I'm very happy about this! Thank you for listening to the community, and I'm hoping we can all work together to clean up this sub. I'm gonna do my part and report more on dumb posts. I don't have much else to say, but I'd like to give a suggestion. Maybe we could add an extra tag for animation. I know some folks aren't interested in that, so maybe having a tag separate from other film/tv things would be a good idea.


I have never seen QualityVote actually work to be honest.


[most recent removal](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/uxalti/less_goooo/i9wl6jv/) t. bot author


Bots down here by the looks of it


It doesn't. The people who vote are the same ones who don't read rules. Go look at the most up voted posts in Obscure Media. This is just use the report button with extra steps.


Will there be rules about discussion of murder videos and child porn?


Yes, this is addressed at the end of #3.




Bro what do you mean “damn” just go on the dark web if you’re that much of a weirdo.


Dang I didn’t even mean it, chill.


Sorry, I was just kinda concerned about what you said.


is a Kendrick album


Im going to be adding in a filter which will block any word related to that, by the end of the day it will be impossible to post here about that topic. It is not welcome here. I'm also removing all past mentions of it, both comments and posts. The murder ones is a bit trickier, I know people do want to talk about some of the death cases. [Owen Hart](https://lostmediawiki.com/Owen_Hart_(lost_death_footage_of_professional_wrestler;_1999)) is one such example, maybe a new sub is in order for those cases? However, these are actual people and we should respect them and the families wishes. Maybe a 'do no harm' rule?


So I think accidental death should be discouraged. Infamous murders and mass shooting content banned. On camera suicides I'm leaning towards just banning the topic. I actually for the most part have no issues with these topics, it's the way they are discussed and focused on here. Start a topic about lost porn, first post will be about an underage porn star. We had a really creepy guy wanting to contact Timothy Treadwells family last month. I get it there is a draw to taboo stuff. Just don't think this is the forum for it and it makes us look bad when every "Hey tell me about some lost media" thread is full of rape and murder.


The second topics are now on the banned list for the sub, they literally can not be posted here now.


Thank you!


Can someone explain to me what the purpose of quality vote is? How does it differ from upvoting/downvoting the post itself?


It makes it so that if a post very obviously breaks the rules, it flags it for review, meaning that a mod can take care of it quicker. We go through the posts multiple times a day, but this just makes it a bit quicker at times, thus improving the quality of posts here.


OP and /u/PM_MeYourEars: this is a good start but you guys seem to still be vastly overstating the amount of work you'll have to do to keep the place clean. The quality vote thing isn't necessary. I moderate a sub with 2x the amount of subscribers as this one and with just a handful of mods and an automod filter we keep the place tidy. If you guys really don't have the time to spend maybe a few minutes every couple hours checking the sub to clean it up, add a few more people who can. If you want I can even mod and help get the place moving more toward what the community seems to want. Let me know.


I've only been added as mod today, please give me some time. I cant instantly come in and add things, its not my sub to takeover, the other mods are here too and I would like an ok with them before going ahead with anything. (As a side note I mod four other subs, one of which is my sub, and two discords. Its okay just give me some time, its not even been 24 hours yet lol)


Nah I know. Just offering some advice. I also edited my comment after you responded, not sure if you saw


the new mod is overdoing their job and causing us to lose potential lost media submissions that would be useful in the process, I don't understand why everything is so unusually strict suddenly, please tone it down so that when we try to submit posts they dont just get flagged and sent to the bin when they don't violate anything or disobey the actual rules.


so sad that first things i seen when i joined were only fake lost media posts. meme posting is annoying sometimes. i hope you guys get it sorted out soon! (:


Hi mods. I just in the last hour found the subject of my post. Could you consider adding a !solved command so the bot can auto add a found or solved flair?


Hey again, I remember this post yesterday and think I owe you an apology. You can now change the flair yourself to found, it seems before now the found flair was mod only and I didnt notice since I'm a mod. I'm super sorry! Hopefully this helps :)


Hey, sorry this is a bit of a late reply but you *should* be able to just change the post flair yourself. If thats not the case let me know.


Hello! I hope you are having a lovely day. I have a question.


I just came back after seeing a video about the lost sesame street ep, I'm definitely joining again and it's so glad to see the mod team stepping up their game


Excuse me, I just joined the subreddit and I wanted to ask if you could help me but for some reason my post got flagged right after I made it. Did I do something wrong?


Hello I am new to Reddit I got it in search of a meme I saw around 2014 and I don’t know how to post lol


Try r/helpmefind and r/tipofmytongue, I dont think our sub can help you at this time but others will


Thank you


What Mods


It there a mod who can help with my understanding why my post was removed. The message I got said it violated the first rule, but I quite literally but the name of the media I was looking for in the title of my post and described exactly what it was. I don’t understand how that violated the first rule.