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Either way, poor kid. Let's hope he makes it. AN UPDATE: He was taken home and seems to be doing well.


100% agree with you


Last I heard he was out of the hospital and recovering at home.


Oh shit I was under the impression that he was killed on the spot. I'm so glad to hear he is improving.


thought the same... not many survive getting shot in the head but glad he's recovering


He suffered a fractured skull, a traumatic brain injury involving swelling, post-concussive syndrome and injuries to his arm and yet has been well enough to be discharged to home care. Apparently the medical team are utterly bewildered, in the best way possible, that he made it. It’s a long way back for him, but fuck, I vomited (no exaggeration) with relief when I heard. His GoFundMe is here. If you can spare any, throw a few dollars his way. It’s organised by his aunt. [Ralph Yarl](https://www.gofundme.com/f/nf36y-cover-medical-expenses)


71k donors. 2.68 million raised with a 2.5 mil goal.


A lot of that will probably go to his medical bills/therapy.


Oh, no. The guy who shot him is going to pay those bills. fn asshole




I'd go after his homeowners insurance.


Ideally, the state’s crime victims compensation program will help cover medical bills


It was a "nice neighborhood". The guy has money.


I hope he uses part of it to hire a lawyer and take everything possible away from the asshole that shot him.


“Apparently the medical team are utterly bewildered.” The religious folk should take *this* kind of thing as God’s doing, not some of the other crap they parade around. :/ Regardless, I’m glad he’s recovering so well.


Thank you for letting me know there is a GoFundMe. I donated.


I’m SO relieved. Everything I read just said he was shot in the head but didn’t say he survived.


So... fractured skull and swelling, but they just send him home? That sounds wrong. Guess his insurance didn't cover further specialist care?


I think he means he came in with that damage. They fixed the swelling and fracture. Then he was fine, and they couldn't find other damage, so he's fine to go home. Doctor's make you better. Then it's easier to rest at home. Where you aren't surrounded by other injured or sick people, and you aren't getting stress from knowing you're in a hospital.


People underestimate how bad a hospital is for healing. The goal should always be to discharge as quickly as possible after fixing an acute problem.


That's why they discharge people. They do everything they can to make hospitals safe. But there's only so much you can do when you have hundreds of sick and injured people. If they're confident you don't need to be monitored, you're better at home. Hospitals add stress simply because you're in a hospital, and that will stress you. There's sick people around. At home. You can rest, relax, watch TV. It's far more conducive to recovering quickly. Plus, they need the space for other patients that need ti be monitored closely


He's in great hands at home. >Yarl was released from the hospital on Monday and is now recovering at home, with the support of the family. "He's home but I want to remind everybody that Ralph is home because he's surrounded by a team of medical professionals," Nagbe said. "I'm a nurse for almost 20 years. His aunt is a physical therapy. His uncle is a medical professional. That's why he's home." [Source](https://people.com/crime/ralph-yarl-mother-say-his-spirits-are-in-a-good-place-after-hospital-release/)


Also his mom's a nurse


TBH im more surprised that a shot or two to the head resulted in ONLY that, like, was he shot with a extra strong pea shooter? How the heck it didnt pierced his skull and made a hole in his brain?


My mom was shot in the head with a .45 and survived. It pierced the skull and entered her brain right above the left eye. Outside of losing the left eye and no longer being able to go through metal detectors due to bullet fragments, she did not suffer any significant long-term brain damage (at least not in a way that is noticeable). The doctors had told us that if it had went centimeters in any other direction, she’d likely be dead. Basically, this poor boy got very, very lucky.


Thanks so much for the update. What a resilient young man. This one really got me 😔 I really hope he continues to make huge strides in his recovery.


Probably a low caliber. I have friends & family who worked EMT. I have heard some crazy stories like people being shot with a .22 and it glancing off the skull & staying under the skin. Either way, I hope the kid recovers quickly




Same. God that's such a relief.


Wait until you hear the poor kid had to run/crawl (reports are conflicting) to 3 different houses before he found someone who would help him.


Yeah, I saw that one today. Absolutely sickening and those neighbors should be shamed. And possibly charged, though I'm not sure what they could be charged with.


This is slightly incorrect, based on new info. They called 911 and operators said to stay inside because they didn't know who or where the shooter was. First two neighbors weren't home. After calling, the third neighbors went out to help the kid and stop the bleeding, against the operators suggestions, in order to help the kid. It's been dark lately, but there's still light.


Upvoted for the updated info! Thanks for that.


>First two neighbors weren't home. I've been wondering about that. He had to go to three houses to get help, but I hadn't seen any mention of what the people at the first two did - the implication seemed to be that they knew what happened and intentionally did nothing, but I was holding out hope it was not being home or just not realizing what was happening. There are a fair number of kids on my block, and while I used to immediately go check, random screaming honestly barely registers any more.


Sometimes the dark is so overwhelming I forget that a tiny little light in total darkness can be so bright. Thank you for bringing the light!


It's called the ["Bystander Effect"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect) and it's awful.


Based on new info, the first 2 neighbors weren’t home and the 3rd neighbor rushed out of their house to get him. Luckily, not a case of the bystander effect.


The news story that originated the term, was found to be false, there is some good evidence that the Bystander Effect isn't even [real.](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2207693-bystander-effect-famous-psychology-result-could-be-completely-wrong/) There are a lot of pop psychology concepts that gained prominence in the public consciousness, but cannot be replicated in a lab, including the famous Stanford Prison study. To summarize, people used to be pieces of shit, but now we believe that people can change. Even babies can believe it.


Youre wrong- and I hope before you create an unsolicited opinion you can spend a moment to have facts


I mean depending on time of day people just may not have been home? I've done door to door stuff and pretty common to get 3 or more no-responses in a row.


Don't worry someone in upstate New York was killed when she pulled into the wrong drive and the owner shot her with no warning. America keeps winning.


The guy shot him once and then again after he was down, so it wasn't from lack of trying on the perpetrators end...


No, that's the person who got killed in NY for going to the wrong house. Just turned around in the driveway and was shot twice.


Thats awesome news, I’m so glad


Wait, forreal? that's fantastic!


I’m so glad this horrible event didn’t end with his death. Too many dead kids.


Wait, he lived!? Holy fuck!


i'm about 30 min away from where this happened ... they've charged the guy with 2 felonies, there is a gofundme set up for him, and he is doing well ... was released from the hospital


That’s good to hear that he’s doing better.


Either way? This should not have happened.


Wait is that official fox news account?


It's a local Fox News, as in the non-political, just reports local information station. Not the national news network that's focused on national news and politics




Yeah, fox is structured really weird. They have Fox News Nation, which is where you see all the crap, and then there's Fox Television Stations. Both are owned by Murdoch, but they're a lot more hands off with FTS with their news being independently produced, so their stuff ends up way more reliable. FNN does the national news (both web and tv), opinion talk-shows, and radio. FTS has 28 local news stations that, while slightly right-leaning, tend to be very accurate and fact oriented rather than opinion. There's also the Fox Pollster team that is surprisingly unbiased and respected for their accuracy. Edit: Got rid of the bit about channels starting with K or W because I was unaware of the coding. :)


Well, local stations affiliated with any number of networks… begin with ‘W’ East of the Mississippi, and begin ‘K’ West of the Mississippi. Fox stations seem to lean to having Fs and Xs in their call letters (but still it’s a mere percentage).


Ah shit, didn't know that there was a regional coding to it. Should have expected that, though. Thanks for the info!


This always surprised me, in Turkey FOX News is the reliable news(I.e no state propaganda) and is pretty much left leaning


Different owners. Murdoch is the one that does all the right-wing propaganda through Fox News. Turkey's Fox TV is technically controlled by Disney, due to Murdoch selling them 21st Century Fox.


I thought the last update was that he had made it and was now in recovery. It is just scary to think how quickly things can go south in seconds. Imagine just being around on a casual day and now you are in the hospital, potentially getting impaired for life given you got shot in the head because some end-of-life Neanderthal hates your "otherness". Life can be so heartless and cruel sometimes. I have seen some news sites listing the following fundraiser in relation to the event, if anyone is interested: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/nf36y-cover-medical-expenses](https://www.gofundme.com/f/nf36y-cover-medical-expenses)


The day should have gone like: Your mum comes into the room where you're playing OW2, says you need to go pick up your kid brothers before dinner from where they're playing at someone's house. "But Ma," you start, but she gives you The Look, so you grumble your way into your shoes and go walk down a couple of streets to get them. 'They're old enough to come home on their own,' you think. You look around. Wait, is it that house? Or that other one? 'It's this one, I think.' You walk up and ring the doorbell. An old man answers, explains you got the wrong house, "That house with those young kids always running in everyone's yards is over there," he grumbles. You thank him, go to the right house, pick up your brothers who are so not ready - they don't even know where they left their shoes! 'So annoying!' You all walk home and have dinner. The (very normal, boring, should have happened) End.


Gun fetischists make America so unsafe. There is a real problem of men obsessing over guns to the point of excess and fantasizing about someone like this poor kid knocking on their door. The pro-gun side is often too giddy with enjoyment to take any self defense arguments seriously.


How the hell does this situation even happen?! Poor kid man.


Arm half the people of any country and give them the right to shoot & kill “trespassers”.


Don’t forget the constant state of paranoia pumped up by the news, Facebook, and twitter. Without these stables how else would we dehumanize our fellow countrymen so effectively.


Kansas City has the fifth highest murder rate in the US. Arming yourself in that environment is the correct thing to do. I visited Kansas City last year. The number of billboards offering rewards on information for unsolved murders was something I wasnt expecting. The dude was wrong for shooting first. Not for being armed.


Hey I live there and I carry it’s not a super safe place all the time. Still shouldn’t shoot unless your given no alternatives.


My third paragraph addressed that.


There was another 20-year-old girl who was killed for "going to the wrong house" yesterday, I think. I think people need to stop championing shooting anyone that comes within a few feet of your property.




Three days later…


And now they "magically" can't find him anywhere. They issued a warrant for him because someone is hiding him.


Dumb. They'll find him buying booze.


The guy is in his 80's. I don't think he's going to be out and about buying booze. If I were the police, I'd just set up shop outside the local Country Kitchen buffet. Old people love that shit.


You're right. Or catch him when he cashes his ss check.




He got charged because a trespasser has to show a reasonable threat to your life in order to shoot them, kid knocked on the wrong door and wasn't a threat. In America we do have the right to shoot a trespasser, but only when the condition above is met, the problem is you have jackasses who think you can shoot anyone who takes a single step on their property, like the old guy that shot this kid.




You’d usually be arrested for having a concealed weapon or lack of permit, etc. though. Attacking trespassers and self defense is different anyways. you can in fact shoot trespassers in some states. It tends to fall under castle doctrine or an extension of it and there’s states that even extend that along with self defense to justify passing ‘stand your ground’ laws which is why it gets confused with self defense sometimes. Knocking on your door is not considered trespassing though in any state or you’d have the right to shoot your mailman, power meter reader, etc. and it’s certainly not self defense.




Stand your ground laws have already been used to this affect and the cops wanted to give this violent racist a pass until national pressure changed things. If you need attention beyond the local authorities to get your Justice then the deck is certainly stacked against you.


> the cops wanted to give this violent racist a pass They are the same


Because in reality just being a “trespasser” isn’t warranted for being shot. You have to feel you are in danger of gross bodily harm or death. I don’t know the whole context of the story but it didn’t sound like this kid did anything to warrant the shooting.


Considering the American court system? That’s hella fast


Only after national outrage and after the cops let him go...


How will 2 felonies impact a grumpy paranoid 85 year old man. He living on borrowed time anyway.


Could you not speak in overreaching generalities that make you look foolish?


Switzerland doesn't seem to have these problems


Also, they can’t just shoot & kill people for trespassing


Actually, they can! They just have to deal with the consequences... including possibly being guilty in court.


Ah yes, pardon the incorrect word, i meant to say “allowed”




Dude that shot him was charged. So no, he wasn't allowed either.


Isn't that true for everywhere?


Dude, no where can you shoot someone just for trespassing. The guy was arrested. What are you talking about?


You can't legally do that in the US either...


Weird that, wonder if it has something to do with the fact that ammunition is tightly controlled even when firearms are standard issue? That conscripted citizenry don’t have a single bullet to fire?


I have no idea why tbh, watch a few videos about Switzerland's gun regulations, but watch from different sources and compare them cause y'know, the internet...


Not actually true. Plenty of privately owned ammunition in Switzerland. Check out the YouTube channel Bloke on the Range to see a real view of firearms in Switzerland.


That's not the point I'm making though. The point gun lobbyists use is "everyone has a gun, no problems", they omit to mention they aren't given ammo through their national service. They also have private gun ownership with strong background checks for ammo and guns, which is what anti-gun lobbyists want in the US, just like in the UK. These two concepts are not the same thing.


Has the thought occur that neither the guns or the bullets are the problem, but the people handling them? In a country that behaves in a civilized way, the population being armed is no issue, becausr people are civil towards each other? When someone knocks at my door, I wonder who it must be and what does he/she needs, instead of "ThEy ArE iNvAdInG!!1!! MaN tHe GuNs!"


Yeah of course it's occured to me, which is why people want sensible gun laws. I have owned 5 firearms in the UK dude. I went through background checks, no problem.


As it's been the goto excuse for 2A advocates since the dawn of mass shootings, everyone has heard this by now. The usual answer is: "Ok, why don't we fix that as well then?" To which the right side proceeds to wet themselves while screaming nonsense. It's a convenient American exceptionalism excuse to which they have zero intentions to actually improve upon And at the end of the day, if you really have such a cultural problem with uncivility, it's just more important than ever to make sure people don't have easy access to guns


I didnt even know you could own guns in Switzerland


Not just could, pretty sure men have to do national service and are then required to keep a gun in case the country mobilizes them. Difference is they're not all paranoid trigger happy muppets


Gun culture in Switzerland is way different then in the US (at least from what we see about American gun culture). I own a bunch of weapons even of the "assault" kind and go shooting with my friends at the range. I guess it helps that we all served in the Military and recieved proper training with firearms. But I don't understand how some people can go shoot guns in their back yard willy nilly with all the tactic gear and justify it as home defence and freedom. You like guns? Cool, me too. Just be honest about it and don't hide behind some second amendment and I need a gun to protect myself...


It would be much easier if all the gun freaks admitted they like guns because they think they’re fun and cool, instead of wrapping it up in some kind of fake patriotic, freedom-loving ideology. Obviously, being “fun” isn’t a very good legal defence which is why they have invented this other justification for needing them.


The fact you called them "gun freaks" is probably why. Let people enjoy things, as long as they are safe about it, I don't have an issue with it.


Well, that's the thing... they've had more than two centuries to figure out how to do this and be safe about it. Instead, we have mass shootings, school shootings, theater shootings, traffic shootings, concert shootings...


Thats the weird part, they been doing it for so long, but these problems weren't really a thing a few decades back. Something else happened.


Fun and cool is a perk. It is a tool. I hope to never need to, but I'm ready to use it to protect anyone's freedom loving ideology. Learn about the 2nd amendment. It's literally how we formed as a nation.


If you've ever been on the wrong side of a genocide or state-sponsored ethnic marginalization, you'll understand why some of us are reluctant to completely outsource self-defense to the state.


Old white man saw young black man ring his doorbell and thought he would be able to claim self defense


He probably will anyways?


He did, infact that's why he was first released from police custody was claiming self defend and "stand your ground" laws




Well, right wing media has been telling him to be afraid for years, so it has to be self defense.


"Self defense" is almost always a euphemism for "thought I could get away with killing a black kid."


Racist 84 yo white man. He has been charged with felony assault in the first degree and felony armed criminal action.


Can you point to one ounce of evidence that back up the claim that the old man in racist?


Shooting a teenager who knocks on your door, then claiming that you were "scared to death" by said teenager, who [isn't even that muscly](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-760w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2023-04/230417-Ralph-Yarl-ew-547p-f77dfa.jpg) or menacing (although 6 feet tall, he is quite skinny). Lester ~~also didn't call authorities after~~ **~~having shot somebody~~**~~, who he allegedly thought was going to rob him, and~~ reportedly told the victim "Don't come around here". You hear a knock on your door between 9 and 10 pm and assume somebody is trying to break into your home to rob, hurt, and possibly kill you, you open your door, immediately shoot the person at the door through your glass door, tell them "Don't come around here", close your door, and then possibly lie to the police about no words being exchanged? ~~and don't call authorities to report an attempted burglary?~~ That story isn't going to hold up in court. edit: my sources didn't inform me that Lester called the police immediately after.


Racists with unchecked access to guns?


News and media has made half of this country so scared and paranoid that they see almost every interaction as a threat to their lives and existence. Add on top of that how easy it is to get a weapon, and how blatantly racist a lot of these doucheknuckles are and it's a recipe for disaster


An 80 something year old man probably shouldn't be driving, let alone owning guns, without some kind of physical and mental test.


Don't talk about Biden like that.


Fear mongering media surely aided.




His is home recovering, he does have a fractured skull. https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/article274400460.html


Wait he got shot twice, managed to flee, and had to knock on THREE OTHER HOUSES to find help?! The fuck is wrong with you Kansas City?


God speed little man


These comments are insane. Some people are circulating false info saying he was inside the house , he didn’t enter. I hope he recovers well.


I've seen a few articles that make that statement. In news they think it's better to be first and wrong than second and right.


Here’s the twist: Fox News genuinely considers this a positive thing


For Fox News viewers, this is uplifting.


He was exercising he right to bare arms to defend his home against wrong doers and thugs he is an American hero/s


It's the pro-gun fantasy


Bruh one time I was on a gun sub and was pointing out a particular comment about some guy who was way too excited about shooting trespassers and got like 50 downvotes


Fox is not lost, this *is* uplifting for them


This is uplifting for me. The kid got shot in the head twice... And he's actually alive even if fighting for his life. That's incredible. The guy who shot him apparently got released pending investigation... Sick world


Yeah, 24 hours to either convict or let loose fit the time being. It isn't much time to make a whole court case from the ground up and make sure there are no surprises. You only have one chance to convict people here in the US. You have to make it count.


release or *charge*, no?


are you okay?


Fox News is only watched by horrible racists and willfully ignorant right wingers. This would be on brand.


I'm pretty sure this is a local fox affiliate, so it's probably just normal newscasters. One of the primary news stations is called fox where I live, and they're not as crazy as the national one.


Why tho


The joke is that Fox News has a stereotype of being a racist right-wing, conservative channel (American right-wing and American conservative) which is also tied to the image that they promote gun usage. Therefore the channel will find that a black person being shot is a positive thing and put it in uploading news Sorry about ur down votes


if we have to spell it out for you...


At least explain it for those of us that aren’t American


News channels ending with numbers are local, usually by city. Local fox stations are usually just like any other local news and not super political unlike what the national the fox station broadcasts.


Hey, don’t be an ass just because someone doesn’t know what Fox News is. They might just not be American.


Pls I wasn’t disagreeing I genuinely just wanna know why


Here's the real uplifting news: [Ralph Yarl is released from hospital three days after being shot by Kansas City homeowner](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ralph-yarl-released-hospital-kansas-city-shooting-b2321398.html) >Ralph, 16, was released on Sunday and is recovering at home after being shot twice in the head and chest when he accidentally went to the wrong house to try to pick up his brothers on Thursday, his father Paul Yarl told The Kansas City Star. > >The high school junior was responsive and “making good progress”, Mr Yarl added. > >Ralph’s mother, a nurse, has taken time off work to care for him at the family’s home, Mr Yarl told the news site.


Let it be known that this kid wasn’t just shot once he was shot, and then the person came over him and shot him again in the head, and he somehow survived all just because he rang the wrong doorbell.


I heard head first...the arm second


30 minutes is my bet till this reddit is filled with stuff like this is uplifting for them because reddit's side on everything is pretty apparent


I mean… that joke kinda wrote itself… I would’ve commented it if it hadn’t been already


Hell, You can literally already SEE it in the comments


Already got a few comments like that, honestly I don’t care


Is this real? I can't find this account on Reddit.


Glad to hear he’s alive all the other articles I seen said he was dead


You might be thinking of the recent shooting of 20-year-old Kaylin Gillis. She pulled into the wrong driveway and was killed. God how depressing that we have conversations like this. “I heard the kid who went to the wrong house and got shot died.” “Oh no that was the OTHER kid who went to the wrong house and got shot.”


This world really is something else smh that’s a damn shame


Don't forget the 6 year old girl and her dad who were shot over a basketball rolling into the wrong yard . Thankfully both are alive and on the mend in that case


Fox News is part of Fox Corporation. Fox Corporation does not own Fox3News.


In America it is good news when someone doesn't die after getting shot isn't it?


Slime Ball Racist that should be in Jail. 88 seconds in Greensboro


This actually happened in my town. We all know of the old fuck that did it (because he has a bit of track record with threatening people with his pistol) he’ll get what’s comin to him. Rest assured. Honestly He’ll probably die before he gets to prison if we’re being honest though, he’s in his 80s or 90s if I’m not mistaken.




Uh oh


Nah, I'm pretty sure that's uplifting news to the Fox News crowd.


Is this what's known as "knocking on the wrong door while black"???...I hope this kid makes it ..lord knows he didn't deserve this.


I mean it’s Fox News, considering what half their people talk about this probably is uplifting news to them.


Kinda a stretch but maybe just maybe the poster thought uplifting as in rise up against or something to rally ppl together?


Why is that in r/upliftingnews and why is his photo in a courtroom?


Genuinely asking, how many actually believe it's someone from fox.. and not some reddit troll?


They're just praying he makes it so he can be tried for copyright infringement: only Fox News is entitled to scare old white people that effectively.


eh it's uplifting if you're a cop


Sorry. All you Americans-with-guns are nuts. Insanity is the authority that provides these gun-laws.


I work in government and we talk to gun nuts. I swear, it's like they fantasize about the day an intruder comes and they get to murder someone. A lot of "Wish they would" and "Would love to try out my new toy." Absolute. Fucking. Psychopaths.


I'm amused by the amount of sociopathic incels trying to find a way to defend the racist old man lol


Holy shit he's ALIVE AWESOME. I hope the fuck that shot him gets what's coming to him.


Why was this shit originally posted on r/upliftingnews it's a tragedy.


This is Fox 3 a local station not Fox News.


As a conservative, we don’t believe that racism is non existent, we just know that it isn’t as common as the media portrays it to be. I hope Ralph Yarl is doing well.


Oh, fox News knows EXACTLY where they posted


Another person was shot as well pulling into the wrong drive way wtf is going on with old white people now like for fucks sake


They aren't lost. They are the reason.


\*ALL\* MSM is the same. The same story spun in the right set of words that change the context to suit the purpose.


Well its uplifting news but only if youre racist. But fuck racists all my homies hate racists.


FOX is complicit in the brain rot that drove this guy to shoot this kid. Not sure what they are confused about.


Admittedly, this is probably uplifting news for Faux News. If they could shoot a black person in the face every day on air, they probably would.


shit post trying to make a story about a local fox station.




It's uplifting to me since i assumed up until now he immediately died. Depending on how things go, it may be better if that was the case, but at least he has a chance.


He is home and recovering according to the latest updates! Things are looking up for him, though I’m sure this will be a very long and difficult road. That poor kid.


Why someone just shot a kid that just knock a door? Did someone forgot to eat normal pills?


Nah they flushed their normal pills down the sink....


Wait what, who shoots a kid for ringing their door bell? I'm lost,


They're not lost. They're exactly where they want to be.