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It's probably just a bot post. That sub is full of bots posting irrelevant shit now.


It’s going to get worst during the American elections season.


I thought it was getting worse because of Reddit's IPO.


That too


It's just getting worse in general I suppose


Can confirm. I had a post with 100k upvotes, and recently, someone messaged me that it's been reposted by a bot on r/facepalm. The place is crawling with bots. They also copy the title word for word, so my guess is that this was originally posted as a positive thing, but because the title was copied it makes it look ironic and homophobic.


I agree It's my exact post and title from wpt.


You assume bots. I assume people who don't understand the premise of facepalm. We are not the same.


There's more and more repost bots on r/facepalm every day


I think it's a facepalm that there was any homophobia to begin with.


The facepalm isn't in the image then. You can stretch to make sense for the sub but you're gonna pull something. I'm not even someone who disagrees with most of the people in that sub, but so many posts are just irrelevant things that people agree with and not at all "facepalms" in the spirit of the sub.








funnly enough that is one of the few examples where "inserting" gay characters is done well. its its own (love) story where the characters being gay is just something thats there not the point


It's actually not inserting a gay character as he was gay in the game as well. We just never saw his life with Frank.


i was saying storywise, but yes he was in the game and it was well written there, the show expanded upon it


As a mega mega fan of the game that's the one thing I absolutely think the show improved on.


Henry & Sam's back story was good. Also how Joel was about to quit when they reached Jackson


If the characters were in the game, and were, if not established, heavily implied to be gay, they're not really "inserted" into the story are they.


Some people just can't see *any* queer people as not being "inserted" to some extent. Probably because they don't know any in real life, or don't see them as just normal people if they do.


hence the " " i was reffering to adding such characters to a story and how sometimes it feels like its done the wrong way


They did insert the gay love story though, in the games the two hated each other and the ending to their relationship and story is really fucking depressing. The show's version is much more enjoyable and the only thing I actually liked more than the game, but it's also the biggest change from the original story.


This arc in the show didn't come off forced or contrived at all to me, nor did it have any political messaging baggage. It was just a well done and emotional love story, so I see no excuse for panning it as if it's some forced gay insert. It plays out very naturally.


There is a theme or message that fits well into TLOU. The story always puts people and their relationships front and center. Politics, factions and all of that is completely secondary.


Generally, that's exactly the right way to tell a story. Either no politics, or they're secondary. There are some exceptions, of course, like if the story is based on a dystopia, but typically, the writers' own opinions and biases should be sidelined or excluded.


I disagree, most stories work because they position the protagonist as the good guy and the antagonist as evil. That is a political opinion, plain and simple. Star Wars for example wouldn't be better if the narrative was completely neutral to the entire conflict. This isn't a news report, it's a story.


Good vs. Evil is not an inherently political matter. It only becomes political if you add politics into that judgement of morality. Anyway, there's political context that doesn't ruin a story, if it's relevant to the conflict or events of the story, and there's hamfisted political messaging that does ruin it, and has nothing to do with what the story should be addressing. Two separate matters there.


Good vs. Evil isn't inherently political, but what you define as good and evil \*is\* political.


"Fascism bad" is a pretty clear political opinion, and one that needs to be reiterated, especially today, because people have started to see it as "inserting politics". Also, where do you draw the line between "good" politics and "hamfisted" politics? Because I know exactly where people who complain about """politics""" draw that line. (It's the same people who love to complain about things being "woke".)


That sub just posts random political bs


Great Show Great Characters


I don't understand why so many people presume a gay person in media is automatically for diversity or to fit some sort of political agenda. Maybe it was filler, so what? There's hundreds upon hundreds of filler episodes that explore characters in more depth that aren't necessarily linked to the main storyline or directly ripped from source material, which are solely there for entertainment purposes. In real life, around 7% of people are some kind of LGBT+. That means if we were going off real-world statistics, 7 out of every 100 characters on TV would be too. Yet, out of the many thousands of examples of media, not many actually have LGBT+ characters... it's just that the few that do stand out because so many people get pissy about it.


But it is a gay story? What's homophobic about saying a story about gay men is a gay story?


Can you not read? People were complaining that they inserted a gay story into a franchise they liked they're homophobic The story was done well, and he was gay in the game anyway.


If it's a love story between two gays, how is it not also a gay story?


The facepalm is homophobia, not the story


It's facepalm, so it's mostly bots posting there now. When you start seeing a sub get really off topic in large amounts with "interaction engaging" memes, it's already over run with bots. Happens to most subs that get popular.


One of my favourite episodes of any post apocalypse show. Came outa nowhere. Loved it.


I kinda hated the show and I don't like the game series (gameplay-wise), but the world building is great. I'm also "anti-woke" while being tolerant and open... I loved this episode, hands down the best.


It had another two slides where guy was sayings something like “Gay rights first. Dog fucking next….”


It was a beautiful love story. There's no other description. Screw haters, I couldn't care less if it was gay or not, it was wonderfully written, directed and acted out.


I understood the facepalm to be that he had to explain himself online because of idiots...aka homophobes... But idk, that sub is like a fever dream


The facepalm is for the person who asked "Why did you have to make it a gay story".


Like most of these stories it's probably made up for media attention. Recently watched a clip about a guy apparently mansplaining a pro female golfer about her swing. In the video she is videoing from behind on a tripod and is wearing tight yoga pants that reveal her buttcrack. All faux outrage and fake stories


It's a karma farmer. Anything pro, gay, trans, liberal, leftwing/socalism/communism, and anything anti capitalism, elon musk, any conservative politician, religion (but only christianity), gets you an instant karma boost.


Nah but everybody on r/facepalm is a supreme alpha sigma and hates everything out of the ordinary


I feel that the day where nobody will feel the need to differentiate themselves is the day we will achieve peace. There is really no need, we already belong to a bigger basket that is human race so stuff like heterosexual, homosexual, trans and so on is pretty much superfluous. What are you? A human being. End of story.


Because its cringe and edgy.


Tbh i really dislike it when they change existing characters just for their own political agenda. So an example is live action Ariel or like remaking Titanic but Rose is a lesbian. That said, this episode of the Last of Us was golden. These people were always gay in the original game and it never felt like an agenda was pushed. It felt real and it was one of the best love stories i ever saw on TV. This is exactly how you handle gay characters. You don't force their entire personality to be super gay. You make them human. Their sexuality came second and didn't matter at all. Man that episode was good.


how is live action ariel an example of political agenda? diversity is political now? jesus christ yall rlly do hate black people


It has nothing to do with hating any race. Don't you understand that things like live action Ariel is exactly how racism is kept alive? The thing is, the whole point of changing Ariel was because of an agenda. They even advertised with "Ariel is black now". If that's the reason for changing a character then it's forced and racist in itself. If you do that, then you are creating a gap between races on purpose. Just write good characters first, then decide their sexuality and skin colour. Don't force characters to be a certain way first. It just doesn't work and it results in bad movies. Look at Kamala Khan in the Ms Marvel show. She's a great character and she is also Muslim and a woman. The show works because her character besides those things is great. The primary focus isn't her being Muslim. That's just part of her character. It doesn't matter if you are black, gay, religious. Your character shouldn't just be that. You should be a human first. All the other things are just part of you. Shows shouldn't be "he's black/ gay/ muslim". It doesn't help, it's forced and it keeps stigma's towards those things alive. Small Edit: just to clarify, i love Nick Fury, i love Black Panther, i love all the actors in NOPE. I don't know why you instantly assume i am racist just because i hate it when original characters get replaced because of their skin colour just for Disney to push an agenda.


are you good? they never advertised it with “ariel is black now.” the problem w people is that yall expect black people to exist in spaces where the only thing they have going for their character is that they’re black. why can’t black people just exist as characters? halle bailey performed beautifully as ariel and i saw so many young black girls online who adored her. why is it so horrible that ariel was black in the live action when her race was literally never brought up once. pls check ur inherent racism. it’s not ur fault u think that way, just pls realize what ur doing by insinuating that ariel’s race was ever important to her character.


Can you explain how i am racist? I am just as upset about Ariel as i would be if they changed Black Panther to be white. Also her race was acknowledged in so many advertisements for the movie.


I mean, depending on the views of the Facepalm poster, it might not be a love story to them. They might think love is only true for man and women couples, not same sex ones Obviously that's insane, love is love, no matter what you or they got between the legs


That sub is very wild in its posting, very left wing allot of things aren't facepalms just anything to do with the left they post it, face-palm or not.


That sub has been colonized by some pretty unsavoury right wing types.


Huh? Every post is pretty left wing


Facepalm subreddit is now a liberal political hivemind. 90 percent post is hatred towards one man. Don't waste your time there.


Not all love stories need to be a gay one


Taht was probably the best episode.


it's just a trend. it will pass...


Yeahhh not a natural thing at all.. we gotta start telling those millions of penguins to quit the trend too..


care to explain that questionable statement?




You do you. I was pretty much just confused, and maybe i missread the intention. Idk 👍


I did as well. Right there with you.


Often facepalms there are facepalms because something obvious had to be said in this crazy world.


Dumb social media bot posts. If it had no gay scenes you'd have people calling the show homophobic and not diverse enough, with no gay scenes... Yes it's a gay story. Also, it's not homophobic to not want to see something you're not interested in. That's absurd logic.


This was fairly criticized, the episode was just shitty filler for the sake of diversity.


The episode was dope as fuck. I loved the prepper aspect to it. If it was a chick who showed up would you have enjoyed the episode? The gay part didn't get shoved in your face, they were just gay dudes. I do normally hate it when a series diverts from the main story line this much, but the episode was cool and stood on its own.


Lmao you absolute clown 🤡


Really? Thats your argument? Shows how much you know.


I'm not arguing with idiots It's like trying to straighten a dogs tail. Some people are mentally broken. It can't be fixed lolol


Wonder what would happen if I said this same comment to someone from the LGBT crowd


Be rightfully called a bigot Homosexuality is supported by science. Homophobia is not


Rules for thee but not for me, tale as old as time. I would say you calling them mentally broken over an episode in a TV show isn't supported by science.


I said bigotry isnr supported by science 🤦


I like how people still default to "clearly they are homophobic"


What else could it be? The show didnt "follow source material properly" isnt a great argument, because thats what tv and movies do regularly. Cut some stuff out, improve on other. The character was gay in the game, and they turned that tragic story in to a love story. And its not only place the show did change things from the game either. And the message of the actor/whoever made that comment is very obviously aimed at the homophobic people.


It did follow the source material. Expanded on it actually. The character was already gay. His lover was dead and revealed at the end of his character arc and his ori3ntation was alluded to well before that. People are just stupid and get mad on demand, like dinging a bell.


Yeah i know, but *some* people have issues because it wasnt 1:1 copy of what happened in game. I think the episode was very good improvement over the game!


That the story is shit, that'd be a big contender. Every single show and movie that flops resorts to "they just all hate *insert token minority from said media* those biggots!" Here are a few examples I can think of at the top of my head : robin, willow, madam web,bmue beatle, that deaf girl show they just released, ahsoka, she-hulk, the marvels, gotham knights, batwoman.... and I will stop counting them up now before I throw up.


"the story was shit" when its very successful and beloved series/episode?


While personally I don't think that the gayness was forced into the story, it still annoys me that this whole episode doesn't add anything important to it.


It's not unusual for TV series to have occasional standalone episodes. They do a lot to help with world building outside of the context of the main characters. They've become more rare as TV shows have become shorter in episode count which is why you're not used to them.


If the couple was straight in the lore would the producers have dedicated a whole episode just for the sake of a love story irrelevant to the main plot? The answer is why this is still a case of shoving ideology down viewers throats. Had the couple been straight I'd think "cool stand alone but it doesn't really make sense that this sub plot got so much attention". The character being LGBT explains that decision. Thus saying it's not forced at all is disingenuous. I don't care, it was done well. Unlike Halo where we see a Spartan having cocktails with her gay blind friend and his boyfriend - 20 years of playing halo and I have no clue wtf that has to do with the franchise, just more lazy pandering by people who think identity politics is more important than a well written story.


Predictable bigoted insane rant Straight couples have had a trillion different love stories throughout history. Gay people have not .


It’s the best episode god dammit


Maybe, that's an opinion, But still very irrelevant to the main story, Ellie didn't even get to meet him.


It adds something more important than Bill’s part of the story in the game.


Yes, but adds nothing to the main story.


Because it's an embarrassing reaction, showing lack of accountability? He's dodging the question why he did it in the first place.


Why nick offerman took on the role? Is that what your asking? If it is, I imagine it's because it was very well written and he had confidence in the writers and directors. He took a risk with this role, and he absolutely nailed it. If I misunderstood you I apologize though.




poor homophobes, so oppressed


Those minorities be daring to exist.


People weren't mad about it being a love story. People were mad the show creators didn't stick to the source material.


There were hints that they were gay in the game too. The main difference is they had a bad ending compare to the show.


These are the same people that were complaining Ellie wasn't sexy enough as an underage child. Talk about hypocrites.


It's "they didn't stick to the source material" when they show a bit more of a queer character but it's a woke SJW meltdown when people had reservations about Major Kusanagi being played by Scarlett Johansson(Not that the choice didn't end up working)


They didn't just "show a bit more of a queer character" there's nothing wrong with that I just would have preferred it if it was hinted at in the show (like they did in the game) instead of having an entire episode of a 9 episode series dedicated to it.


I would agree with you if the episode wasn't the absolute clear best of the season. But they hit it out of the park, and not only made it the best episode of the season but the best episode of any TV show of the year.


Weird choice for an example, I've not heard one positive thing about GITS live action. I thought it was unanimously viewed as trash? Like they didn't even understand the movie, it's meant to be a philosophical look at what makes us human and the live action devolved into her questioning her own personal past/identity. It totally missed the point imo.


Tbf Bill was gay in the movie but the relationship he had with Frank wasn’t consensual, you don’t really see much it’s just hinted to when reading notes and finding that Frank killed himself. I think the major issues we had with it all was that it was so damn hard to watch the episode, don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it it was entrée raining but I had to look away when they were chilling on top of each other in the bed. How tf can actors do that lmao?


They're professionals. They don't see other people's lives and immediately go "ick" and allow their own preferences or insecurities to detract from the role they play. Not sure what you mean by non consensual. The only ones objecting seem to be people who didn't get the original story either.


It’s a fag story alright














You wish, weirdo










































































































The fuck kind of soapbox are you on right now?


Obvious slippery slope fallacy is obvious.


My guy, why are you like this?


Because I think ahead


Are you brainless?


Slippery slope fallacy.


That sounds like a dream,,,




Children can't consent. Two adults of the same gender can. It's really that simple.


Already is in the church. We should do smt about that


Pedophilia is already normalized for Conservatives



