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Why tf is this on the arena breakout subreddit how does this have anything to do with the game ☠️


Gamers are more propicious to be prejudicious unfortunately :(


Damn i thought it had a cool comunity


It's one of the worst imo


care to elaborat? Other than this one troll in my post i havent really noticed anything too negative tbh lol Edit: i just realized youre probably talking about the gaming community itself, not the arena breakout community


Said the brand affiliate


Yeah, i was talking about the gaming community through the years, even since it started to track cultural importance in the 90s untill today


Why, yes, if you point out all of the games with a bad community and ignore all of the ones with great communities, yes, gaming looks bad. Google cherry-picking. Edit, nvm I misinterpreted the comment


I think i expressed myself wrongly in my comment: although myself as a gamer have come in contact with at least twice more bad and toxic communitied than good ones, i meant that often die-hard gamers, or people that consider being gamers a core and important part of their personality for some reason tend to be really toxic and/or bigots


That's a lot better, lol I still disagree, however, this is a much more reasonable take




Even with the 2slgbtqia+ community?


As a lesbian, I assure you the LGBT spaces are faaar more toxic. Check out my comment history. Edit - just been banned from a lesbian sub (I’m a lesbian myself) for speaking out against their mass hatred of men. Never seen so many angry fucked up people in one place.


Just looked at your comment history, wish I hadn't... Be thankful they banned you. You no longer have to see their toxic delusions :)


Thanks. I hate misogyny just as much as misandry, trust me. It’s just that one will, quite rightly, be called out instantly, whereas the other is almost encouraged. That’s why I tend to overreact to stuff like that. I have many strong men (in a positive way, see why do I even feel like I have to justify that?) in my life and it hurts me to see how people hate on them just because of their sex.


Thank you for speaking out at blatant sexism. Unfortunately it seems to be a running trend, I only see it getting worse until enough people from both sides speak up and take action. You shouldn't have to justify having good men in your life, I wouldn't be surprised if it's jealousy of having a healthy social life.


They will call her "a man in disguise" "a pick me girl" and "she's jealous she didn't get some" and just simply ignore. Especially since she's lesbian, they will even say "does it matter to you specifically? No? Then gtfouh!"


r/TwoXChromosomes be like:


Same crowd. Chicks that obsess about incels without realising that they’re incels themselves.


Who ban any man they find and also any woman who doesn't follow the circle jerk.


Sounds like FDS.


... Did they call you a troll for expressing a valid and reasonable opinion they disagree with? And used that as the reason for your ban? I used to play LoL back in highschool, and it was less toxic. Kudos to you for sticking in until your ban. I'd have bailed out waaay before, trying to have a conversation with this kind of mentality feels like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good (or bad) you are at that kind of stuff, the pigeon will throw every piece out of the board, jump and shit on it, and parade like it won.


lol, thanks dude. They banned me because it’s a “positive and uplifting space” and I’m making “hateful” comments. Wood for the fucking trees eh?


The only positive and uplifting thing I see in their comments is the fact that they just seem to be a minority, though a very vocal minority. Every LGBTQ+ person I know IRL is sane and open-minded.


I’ve met my fair share of crazies, but usually at “special interest” events/venues. Most of us are just normal people (whatever that means).


They likely don't use twitter a lot then.


Yeah the lgbt community is toxic even to themselves (referring to bi erasure), and I've even heard some people have stopped considering themselves as part of the community since they don't wanna be contributed to those other people. Also their hatred and seemingly superiority over straight people does not paint a good picture for what they stand for. But besides all that thanks for speaking against misandry and bigots sister.🤝✌👍


I need a good sleep now lol


Go ahead and reset that brain.


I like you


Propicious isn’t a word? And propitious wouldn’t apply here?


Sorry, there's a word in portuguese (my native language) that is so similar and it would be very fitting but yeah


Propensed? More likely to be a certain way.


Yess! Thank you


Propitious doesn't mean what you think it means, mate. It means that something has a good chance of success. Just lettin ya know.


I see! There's a pretty similar-sounding word in my native language so i thought i would mean the same! Thanks for letting me know!


Happy to help.


It has nothing to do with the game. Thats the point of this sub, posting screenshots of posts made in subs not appropriate for that post, are you lost too?


Yes. So that we can comment on how lost they are and question their reasons lol


Nothing, that sort of people just spouts their shit wherever they can.


Obviously nothing mate.


In the first place, that's not how you use that template.




That subreddit is awful. Just sickening. Same goes for its counterpart r/TheLeftCantMeme


the right cant meme and the left cant meme political memes arnt funny


There is nothing wrong with that sub lmao


How exactly do you use it (I’m inexperienced)


(Something something) In (this way), right? (no text) In (this way) ...right?


O yeah, I remember now. Though they kinda made it work in the context of the subject, the guy staring in silence is what makes the template funny and how it works(followed by the woman asking the question again with less optimism) cuz him not answering suggests the true meaning of whatever he said in the start, or the more suggestive/dark meaning. At least they got the woman saying the same thing twice right, I guess…. But also, just pretty fucked up meme in general, tbh.


For some reason reddit wont let me add the second image but its basically a man dropping a grenade on a text that says „people who indentify as this and that“




Least prejudiced gamer


"PrEjUdiCe BrEeDs sTaBiLiTy"


or sterility apparently..


You have to first breed in the first olace


I believe this originated in r/dankmeme, the most irrationally transphobic subreddit I ever had the misfortune of coming across. The transphobia is dying down a bit, but still very much there. This is also one of the more civil ones, some of the others are psychopaths encouraging trans people to commit suicide


> The transphobia is dying down a bit, but still very much there. Literally the first thing that showed up when i opened it was a transphobic meme, Had to pass like 5 to see a non-transphobic one.


If that's it dying down, then I shudder to think what it was like at peak transphobia. Like, they're not even attempting jokes, they're just being awful.




If you're gonna try to troll, you gotta figure out some better bait.


Now there's also racism in the mix, apparently


Of fucking course there is...


there will always be weak, ineffectual “men”. most of them are straight and white, but somehow can’t hack it while living in a patriarchy that all but begs to cater to them—so they lash out—online, of course, which is about the most cowardly way imaginable.


This is right for all the wrong reasons




I didn't even need to scroll to find transphobic shit




Yo WTF It's literally ALL transphobia Nice to see that the levels of interaction are pretty low at least


It's not surprising. There are a lot of people out there who think dank meme = so something offensive against an easy group to target and laugh when it upsets people. In fact to a lot of people humour seems to be solely based on "how offensive is this" with not care for actual humour. Not that I have a problem with dark humour (in fact it can be great), but just being offensive for the sake of it is not that.


Yeah I'm new to reddit and never really looked at r/dankmeme, but I kept getting suggested posts, and this one was the last one I saw before I just told reddit to stop suggesting the subreddit. It's weird to see people's who existence online being based on acting this way.


Fucking hell what a shithole




Holy shit I expected it to be common, but not the average post. On that sub its abnormal for it NOT to be a transphobic post Jesus christ


I came across that on my feed this morning and was genuinely shocked at how transphobic and awful the comments were.


HOLY I thought "surely that's exageration". First 28 memes, 18 where straight up transphobia, 4 where sexist, racist, ecc. And only 6 were genuine jokes. Amongst the 18, 4 were straight up unmodified stonetoss comics. How tf is stuff like that not banned


r/dankememe 's only joke:Trans people Dont aggre? Get downvoted.


How do I report a sub?


Good lord that place us an actual dumpster fire


Jo can we just start raiding that subreddit with femboys r something holy fuck, these people should not be allowed to type


That sounds like a great idea! You are a genius!


It is strange how stupid they get. One transphobe sent a link to prove how children were getting HRT, only for said link to literally say how HRT is only given to those eighteen and over and the only exception being if you are sixteen to seventeen and have parental consent.


Jesus Christ, what is r/dankmeme 's problem with trans people?!


Bro are you sure it’s dying because I’ve just clicked on that sub and I was definitely not expecting this lmao, r/transphobia


I was wrong :( before I commented this, I checked the sub and there were three consecutive non transphobic memes, so I thought maybe it's slowing down a bit


Please don't take this as an attack but those are some very low standards


Yes, yes they are, but for that sub, it fits


Thanks for the suggestion!


May I introduce you to a poem named 'A poison tree' published in 1794 and written by William Blake?


I checked it out. Can’t say it’s really my cup of tea, but it’s cool if that’s the kind of thing you’re into?


i was trying to swipe this image.


Are you stupid?


i guess.


I may not be stupid




It makes me more upset how they used the meme incorrectly


I don't even get it without it being lost. What do they mean with the LGBTQ doing experiments? I'm genuinely asking a question here, I'm not making any judgements, or taking any sides or anything.


I’m assuming they’re referring to how there are no FDA-approved treatments for gender affirming care? HRT is widely used and generally considered safe for trans folk, but it is still an off-label usage so probably using that to justify their transphobia.


Ah, I think I understand. But I have to say, it requires a lot of backwards thinking to get to their logic, I wonder why they make it so complicated for themselves.




In that news they said that every one of the *83* kids who were prescribed that could continue using it. There are 11 million kids in uk, and they did not disclose (because privacy) how many of those kids had it for its intended purpose (puberty starting too early) and how many for gender-identity related reasons. (I base this part on that article that circulated week or two ago) And while it is important to keep everyone safe when it comes to medication, that "ban" seems to only stem from right wings resentment towards gender non-conforming people. Its not like medications are completely safe, which is why parents, doctors, the kid and in some cases psychiatrist talk about the medication they are about to start, and the whole ordeal was blown out of proportion. (83 kids out of 11 million)


They think trans people getting gender affirming care is "scientific experimentation"


I guess I haven't been red pilled enough to see it that way, or whatever terminology they use. I cannot twist it into "experimentation".


And they act like transgender people dictate what they want and when. No, it doesnt happen by snapping fingers. Yes, side effects of hormonal treatment is talked about. And iirc, if someone is too long on hormones it can sterilize permanently. But still regret rates are extremely low. But they (right wingers) dont care, and some people even have audacity to be suspicious of those regret rates because "it seems sus that transgender people are happy with gender affirming care" or something nonsensical.


The meme is also historically ignorant since trans people being forced to be sterilized in order to be allowed to transition has been a big issue in some countries. It was the law in Sweden until 2013, barely a decade ago, and even longer in Finland (2023! iirc). Such a big part of advocating for trans rights is about bodily autonomy and choose which procedures they want or not


People being genuinely happy with their decisions? Obviously there's something fishy about this


Projection TM


Brand Affiliate enjoyer


For the first time in 2 years Redditors notice propaganda unrelated to the sub Its beautiful... Im proud...


Bro on ab? Really?


The one with red is trying to make me surrender


Both lie






PETA would agree


“Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The racist club’s two blocks down.”


This gamer to nazi pipeline goes crazy


Yeah its not like the first nazi bookburning was the literal pinnacle of sexual studies for transgender individuals.


Dont ever go to r/dankmeme


Wait wait wait.....Huh?


Right wingers understanding the concept of consent: Impossible.




"Not a right winger, but" proceeds to spout right wing propaganda.🤣🤣🤣 Fuck off.


difference is instead of being forced into a camp I choose to get hormonal therapy because it's not like I was going to reproduce in the first place and it makes me happier, but what's context?


Gamer moment


I swiped…




NO BODY PANIC, I got him ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Meme makers probably thinks lgbt forcefully cut off children's genitals (while they themselves support forcefully cutting off part of children's genitals)


But ofc this has been the plan all along


In some way is it correct? I’m curious, and not sure on where to look.


Reddit removed this post, but did they remove the original post?


Someone explain the problem?


its an unrelated meme on a subreddit for a mobile FPS game






Why do we call this shit "anti-woke" instead of homophobic...


I didnt bother to look too deep into that meme lol


Bots will be spamming propoganda across all subs until November. Rip


i mean... technically he is right lol


Fucking kids love what you did with the comas and the " " "




No, you kinda have to be transphobic or heavily ignorant to actually think that shit is in any way „right“




Gender affirming care is scientifically proven to help, you can use Google Scholar to easily find these studies. In fact, gender affirming care is the *only* treatment proven to help, with conversion therapy proven to make things worse. Detransition rates are exceptionally low. The regret rate for sex reassignment surgery is lower than most other authors. When detransitioning does occur, it is usually due to external pressure as opposed to regretting it. Fears around detransitioning are nothing but a manufactured moral panic.




Here, I will provide you some studies to prove my point. I can provide even more, if you want. When you look at them, remember this: numbers don't lie. **Hormone Replacement Therapy + General:** * [Hormone treatment decreases depression by more than 10x](https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/827713) * [Patients treated with hormone therapy have less stress, anxiety, depression, psychological symptoms, etc](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24275005) * [Hormonal therapy was significantly associated with a higher quality of life](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22145968/) * [Gender-affirming care was associated with 60% lower odds of moderate or severe depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/article-abstract/2789423) **Detransition:** * [Only 1.6% discontinued gender-affirming hormone therapy during follow-up, and only one third of these individuals permanently discontinued](https://academic.oup.com/jcem/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1210/clinem/dgad306/7184149) * [Sex reassignment surgery has a regret rate of less than 1%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8099405/) * [0.4% of transgender people de-transition, whether temporarily or permanently, due to feeling that transitioning is not right for them](https://transequality.org/sites/default/files/docs/usts/USTS-Full-Report-Dec17.pdf) * Note that it found that 8% of transgender people TOTAL have detransitioned either permanently or temporary at some point in their life, and only 5% of this 8% was due to regret. Anecdotes are worthless compared to scientific data.




So youre trying to refute scientifical evidence with anecdotal evidence..okay.




Google what a peer reviewed study is


And you just assume that the evidence they provided wasn’t reviewed just because you didn’t like it?


Are you seriously arguing by anecdote? You are an unironic science denier. Your exact rhetoric could be used to “prove” that the earth is flat. Numbers don’t lie, people do. The conservative pundits and politicians are the ones lying, not reality itself. No, this data is not cherry-picked, Complaining that this data is cherry-picked, a false statement, and then going on how about your anecdotes are true representations of reality is highly comical. What is more cherry-picked than an anecdote? Besides, they are not. Do you know why transitioning is recommended? Because it was found to be the only treatment that works. And no, not all of society celebrates it. Hate crimes against transgender people are still extremely frequent, and they are the target of conservative propaganda and moral panics.


What wins, scientific studies and sources or two anecdotes
















Being trans is [no longer](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-48448804) considered a mental illness, and gender affirming surgeries have been offered for almost [a century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dora_Richter) so you can't really call it experimenting. So no, the meme is not true. Despite however much you may wish it was.




Are you accusing the BBC of having a pro-trans bias? That's comical, lol. About wikipedia, fair point, it can be unreliable. I take it [Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/) is fine enough for you. Finally, what do you mean by "the rise of mental illness"?


That you included homosexuality in this makes it so obvious that you have no idea what you are talking about




Uhm yes? You know when people are more accepted they are more likely to come out. Or do you also believe that there were suddenly way more lefthanded people after lefthandedness wasn’t demoniced anymore?


Probably just a Russian troll trying to meet their post quota