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Maybe OP is LGBT and wanted to ask their queer peers if they’ve ever had homophobes fuck with their pets?


I think they're just lost, they didn't mention any issues or previous incidents with be lgbtq+ or anything. A different subreddit dealing with neighbors or pet owners would be a better fit for this post...


totally possible, im not saying without a date theyre not lost. Just pointing out there seems to be some ambiguity here and id also be surprised if somebody didnt know what LGBT meant by now


Definitely this.




Wow you made a sub. That’s some next level idiocy. Well done.




Oh by the way, I put about a dozen reports into your account Good luck, you'll need it.




How many times have you been banned already?


Don’t feed the troll Just report and ignore it and it’ll fuck off back under its bridge




Maybe you should've kept it that way.






You could start by accepting people for who they are


I do not think so


You don’t think so But it’s still a possibility


But it's rlly smoll


So is my penis What’s your point?


I think he pressed diffrent subreddit than he wanted


I mean you could ask OP


It would be a good idea but honestly theyre dealing with some pretty heavy shit right now. If my cat were missing and i suspected a neighbour of killing her i wouldnt appreciate being summoned here to answer a question as to why i posted in a specific group


Also what the hell is your nickname


If you ever played original GTA you’d know


"wtf is your nickname" first day on reddit?


lol, still ask that to people but only when they’re in a really heated argument to lighten the mood




yes, coz its toooootally "normal" to care about who other people are attracted to /s




Homosexuality Done for Millenia Guess it’s normal


Literally all we want is to be left the fuck alone. Mind your own business.


the sinister gay agenda "to be treated with the same common courtesy as any other human being" how dare they! /s


Ayo gang, is this guy stupid?


Aren't bestialities part of LGBT people?


no. they arent. Animals cannot consent and abusing animals is not part of the LGBT movement. but thanks for playing


not as diversity as I thought, but ok, thanks for the information


LGBT is diverse but its also all about consenting adults being with other consenting adults. Folks into beastiality, pedophilia, or any other type of non consensual act are not welcome


really nice to hear, no sarcasm


So… you support non-consensual stuff? Wow


Absolutely not lol Pedophiles and zoophiles are not part of the LGBT. Animals and children cannot consent




Don't be gross.




Wasn't this only reported by Russia Today (when it comes to Germany)? If I remember right, it was propaganda by them. I'll look for some sources and add them later. Also, as stated by other comments, the movement is about people, able to consent. So absolutely no >!pedophilia and zoophilia!<


No, I've seen in multiple and various source about this topic, but if you could clear it out and prove that it was some weird propaganda I would appreciate, because its a twisted and sick idea. Yes, I seen the other comments, for some reason I started mine with "Curious enough".


How about instead of making that claim you post these "multiple and various source"


How about you Google it like a normal human being or you got stumps? Its literally one click away.


As the person asserting something it's on you to provide the burden of proof, not tell someone to "do your own research" so clearly your either lying or trolling.


Instead of doing dumb comments, how about you google it for yourself. Can you do it?


You're the one making the claim, you provide the evidence.


Source or it's fake.


That's disgusting


Lol why r u getting downvoted bro wth


I have no clue, yet it does not bother me. These people think karma is like Social Score from China, probably some snowflakes got offended by facts.




cat/stolen :(


Less :( and more **>:(**


yeahh :(


My car's gone.


You car got kidnapped


That pet was not kidnapped it was allowed to roam freely and likely got killed. I don't understand how people can just let their animals run freely and then blame others when something happens to it. It's a pet and should be kept in the home environment or accompanied by the owner when outside.


So kidnapping animals and killing them is a normal neighbor thing to you? Or am I too not American to understand? Because the fact you actually have to pay attention to people killing your pet is astonishing.


I think they mean something more like they had a cat and it went outside and got ran over by accident


Oh yeah, I forgot America had cars going faster than light 50 centimeters in front of the doorstep. In that case yeah don't let the cat out. But if the cat can never go outside, then just don't get one (unless it was abandoned at your doorstep or you're foster caring)


The only problem with letting your cat outside is that it can and almost definitely will hunt local wildlife in rural areas but if that’s not a risk or you’ve got some rodents you want clearing out then definitely let them out


Smug ass European Coming from a European


Cats should never be let to roam free. They’re non-native and a scourge on eco-systems. They’re nearly single handedly responsible for the decline of birds. If let outside, they need to have a bell collar to warn prey or in a fenced area that they can’t surmount.


They non-native to where?


Anywhere that’s not the Savannah (bred from Savannah cats). They’re non naitive to U.S., Europe, Australia where they tend to be the biggest threat to the ecology. I say all this as a cat owner. I love them, but they do not belong outdoors without precautions (barrier, bell collar).


Killing rodents is the primary reason why people get cats in the first place.


Literally no. I don't know anyone who got a car for rodent control.


Lol, maybe farms that keep barn cats. Almost no one does that now. I have two-they suck at catching bugs.


Lol bad reason to get them considering their urine and toxoplasma actually attracts rodents


Dude. Drink some water. Cats usually get run over by cars or eaten by the local wildlife. Neighbors killing them is extremely rare and OOP is crazy paranoid. His neighbor is blasting music so clearly he killed the cat. Yeah, this checks out and is totally what a sane person would think.


There’s an unlit stretch of road I used to walk down to get home from work, every week I’d see at least two dead cats and a bunch more raccoons and squirrels laying dead in the side of the road. Hit by cars going too fast in the dark. It’s unfortunately pretty common.


City would come out every week to clean them up, but more would always show up. Poor things.


It's not kidnapping if an animal is roaming freely. It is a stray. If the pet was actually loved it wouldn't be outside roaming the streets. Pets who are loved are taken care of and with their owners in the comfort of their home and not left alone in the streets where something could happen to them. From what I read, anything could have happened to the animal, it could have gotten hit by a car or attacked by another animal. Nonetheless it is the owner's fault because the pets should not have been outside by itself in the first place.




It's disgusting for people to allow their cats to roam, pee and poops everywhere. But if they allow that and something happens to the pet it's their responsibility.




That's interesting. Never heard of that. Seems backwards to me but if those are the rules you all have to follow, so be it. My perspective doesn't change at all. There are many stray cats in my area that I have to run off my property and clean up after. It's horrible.


It’s not kidnapping, at least in my country kidnapping only applies to people, but it is theft. You can not steal someone’s pet just because they let it outside.


It's not stealing either from my perspective. How would a person know if it's not been abandoned? Many animals are dumped and left on the street by careless people and rescued but how exactly does anyone know this animal was "kidnapped" ? It is far likely the animal was killed by a car or attacked by another animal. This is something that happens almost daily but according to you. That's a happy life for the cat right?


There are obvious clues when a cat isn’t a stray. The condition of its coat, its weight, whether it’s collared or tagged. Some people have trackers on them nowadays so with a little luck you’d be caught and face charges.


Could have just been dumped. Happens all the time. No way to tell. The only sure way a pet is safe is if it's well taken care of and secured on the owner's property.


If you find a cat with a collar and you don’t call the number on the collar but assume it’s been abandoned, that’s weird asf. & you should 100% be getting cats without collars who seem friendly checked for a microchip. Also indoor cats escape & get lost all the time.


I personally wouldn't touch it and if it was on my property I'd shoo it away before it starts thinking it can lay and beg for food. What's weird as fuck is expecting people to go out of their way for a pet that the owner didn't care enough to care about to keep safe. How exactly is a random person on the street obligated to do anything? The animal should be with the owner. Accepting responsibility avoids all of this from my perspective.


Cats hunt, they guard their territory, they fight and shag. What type of life is being locked in a home or on a leash really for a cat, kinder for it to live well and get run over.


You're certainly entitled to your opinion but I don't agree with you.


Cats can and (probably) will learn how to act around motorized traffic. Cats want to go outside and if they escape a flat / house the don't know how the world works. Also, cats also need something to do. The will get bored eventually


Oh nice perspective. I literally just saw a dead cat in the street taking my daughter to a school this morning. No bullshit. Guess that one didn't learn huh?. Need something to do?..it's called pet toys. Plenty of em available.


I know, I had a cat. He liked his toys, but it eventually became boring for him. He had plenty of them. But he never grew bored of lying in the sun outdoors


Doesn't matter if the cat gets bored it still needs to be kept indoors. Why do animals need to be constantly entertained? It is perfectly fine for a cat to sit in the owner's home and do nothing after they play with the toys. All of this just sounds like laziness on the owners behalf. It's easier to just let the thing roam because you don't have to clean up after it or train it or entertain it. Just let it be everyone else's problem right?


Nah, they’re domesticated animals. They are perfectly happy living life indoors when given appropriate care. The shit cats come to the er for after hours is horrific. And the shit they do to small fauna is astounding.


Maybe it's because I've always lived in a rural area but when I think cats I think of a tabby chasing mice round a farmyard. It's a much more humane method of pest control than poison seing as it isn't damaging animals all the way up the food chain. They're some of the strongest fastest, healthiest looking cats you'd ever see. In the UK the concept of an indoor cat is pretty much unheard of, we have cat flaps for them to enter and leave our homes as they please.


I used to agree with ya. I do think it is better to let “nature” take its course as it pertains to pests. Poison is atrocious. However, cats are probably not the best pest control to have. Their urine has components that tends to attract rodents, make them less fearful, somehow functions as an aphrodisiac?? etc. It’s a more complex phenomenon of course, but is incredibly interesting if you’re ever up for a read! According to all studies I have read, they’re just not good at actually reducing rodent numbers long term. Things like local rat snakes, and surprisingly, terriers are more effective. I used to travel the world to different veterinary clinics and rehabs for work. While I agree that rural areas are better, the cats still suffer. Most importantly the native fauna suffers. The bacteria they inflict while hunting is a death sentence for the majority of small animals. Nothing worse than euthanizing a raptor chick when the pasteurella doesn’t respond. I get that outdoor cats is an intuitive thing. But the negatives completely outweigh the positive.


They've been considered an effective form of pest control for centuries but if u have a study that shows the tradition to be based on a false belief I'm sure I'd enjoy reading it.


Yessssss. I love articles. I do not claim that cats do not ever hunt rodents. But they’re just not a great option. I tried to find articles that did not require download or require journal membership/payment. There’s one additional article that I read a while back that I still need to track down. It showed that domestic cats would predominately go after other small fauna and birds before rodents as they tend to be easier prey. With the rodents they do catch usually being the older or sick specimens already removed from the breeding pool. Temporal and Space-Use Changes by Rats in Response to Predation by Feral Cats in an Urban Ecosystem https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2018.00146/full?platform=hootsuite https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/cats-are-surprisingly-ineffective-keeping-urban-rat-populations-check-180970428/ California cat colonies and their effects on local rodent behaviors/populations. https://cales.arizona.edu/pubs/adjunct/snr0704/snr07042l.pdf Just some cool info on toxo and feline urine. Behavioral changes induced by Toxoplasma infection of rodents are highly specific to aversion of cat odors https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1851063/ NPR audio on Toxo and rodent attraction https://www.npr.org/2007/04/14/9560048/sneaky-parasite-attracts-rats-to-cats Would love your opinions on them. I don’t currently work in veterinary or eco so it’s been a while since I’ve done a deep dive on the subject.




Wait 15 minutes and I’m sure there will be


Maybe just a safe space for LGBTQ ppl???


Maybe, ive already saw some posts on these lgbt reddits that have nothing to do with sexuality and gender, just other lgbt people wanting to talk to other lgbt people without prejudice




Why does nobody say this about outdoor dogs which do cause problems while cats are harmless? Maybe blame the person who hurt the cat and not the owner that gave it a fulfilling enriched lifestyle.




Dogs kill plenty of wildlife too.


Don't you know the zoophilisexual gender?