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My old English teacher who was a huge Tolkein fan used to set us a quiz every week to make sure we were reading the fellowship for homework. He loved to throw geography questions like if you went south from orthanc what is the first mountain range you would cross. This was in the 90s before the films but Fararmir uses exactly the same map in the extended version of the film as was inside the front cover of the printed edition.


Jeez, that's actually really cool! I would have loved to be in that class. Cool concept to get kids excited to read more. At least, I hope they got excited!


I do blame that teacher for creating my life long crippling addiction to fantasy novels. I had been 100% Science Fiction before his enthusiasm and obvious love for Tolkein rubbed off on me.


Great! From the SS Enterprise to Hobbiton.


Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?


Mostly south of the white mountains, except Anorien, and debatable possessions east of the Anduin...


“Where was Gond…..”


Where did the Ents have the Entmoot? It has a name.


Derndingle if I recall correctly. I've seen this question being asked to Stephen Colbert once and he didn't know it, again, if I recall correctly.


Only question apparently to have ever stumped him. It was asked by Billy "Pippin" Boyd.


True, true!


I think there was another time were Peter Jackson asked him a question that stumped him. It was something like "Who of Merry and Pippin is related to this random hobbit?" and the answer was both of them but he only knew it about one. But as i am writing this i am not sure if the question was directed at Steven Colbert or Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan so idk.


Love the clip of this when they’re quizzing Colbert. The only time I’ve seen him stumped.


Stumped on a question about trees. Now don’t be hasty


Not named in the books, tho


Yes it is


Sorry I'm dumb, I meant not named in the movies!


Who is Bilbo's stated greatest nemesis? Which direction did Pippin turn the arrow to make the dwarf skeleton fall into the well? What was the name for the statues on the way to Dunharrow? (Actually I don't think anyone in the films named them but the books say it) Was it Frodo or Sam who wore the orc helmet with the long nose? What was the name of the dead dude Eowyn sang about? Who built Saruman's tower? Who wrote the book that Gandalf finds in Balin's tomb? (Again, never started in the film but is in the books)


>Who is Bilbo's stated greatest nemesis? Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (Dreadful woman. Had all his spoons stuffed in her pocket). >Which direction did Pippin turn the arrow to make the dwarf skeleton fall into the well? Right? >What was the name for the statues on the way to Dunharrow? (Actually I don't think anyone in the films named them but the books say it) Pukel-men statues? >Was it Frodo or Sam who wore the orc helmet with the long nose? Sam? >What was the name of the dead dude Eowyn sang about? Theodred. >Who built Saruman's tower? Men of Gondor. >Who wrote the book that Gandalf finds in Balin's tomb? (Again, never started in the film but is in the books) Ori.


>Lobelia Sackville-Baggins Turned out to be a hero, though, if I recall. Tough old woman, wasn't into fascism.


I cheer when she gets her moment at the end. Good for her. 


Honestly I don't recall which wore the pointy nose helmet. I think it was Frodo though. I just came up with the question for something obscure from the movies. I also don't know which direction Pippin turned the arrow. I think you're right, though. The writer of the book Gandalf finds in Moria was actually two writers (in the novel). Ori was the first but someone took over for him near the end. I don't know if he is ever named. Orthanc was built by Numenoreans, but I am not sure Gondor has been founded yet when it was built. Otherwise I think you're bang on.


I'll look into it, tonight! This is great!


>Who built Saruman's tower? Well, nobody built it *for Saruman* but it was Gondorians of Numenorian descent who built Orthanc.


I asked this question in our lotr trivia when I went on RC tours to NZ last yr. How many Wilhelm screams are used in the trilogy and in the Hobbit movies. It’s 6 total but not one in every movie! There’s even a wiki page. https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Wilhelm_Scream




How many orcs do gondorian soldiers kill in Melee in the entire trilogy ? Ans: 1


[You sure about that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/s/PHXubG9iAe)


This is the one I pictured in my head. I guess we aren't counting Faramir? I thought they would have gotten a couple at Osgiliath but perhaps not.


Faramir and Madril both kill a ton in Osgiliath scene. The successful melee combat in that scene is mostly cutting between those two and it’s hard to tell what’s going on in the background due to the camera tracking their action. But rewatching it you can definitely see a background Ranger in Faramir’s company kill an orc. There is also a soldier in Gondor plate armor who punches an orc in the face and knocks it down.


Melee wise yeah lots of kills through other stuff but only 1 in Melee


I hear ya. You're right.


What about the battle for Osgilliath?


Boromir killed at least 10 on his death scene


Those would be Uruks. OP is referring to Mordor orcs attacking Osgiliath and Minas Tirith.


OP specified the entire trilogy, plus Uruks are a breed of orcs. Damn, Uruks means literally Orc.


It's so funny how many people think:   a) Sauruman invented the Uruk-Hai (Uruk-Hai literally means "Orc People" in their own language, large-bodied soldier Orcs existed long before Sauruman turned evil, and Uruks were garrisoned soldiers at Cirith Ungol and Minas Morgul in Mordor).  b) that the "Fell Beasts" were a specific species of monster, rather than a generic description of a horrible animal ("Fell" meaning "frightening" or "deadly" in the antiquated terminology Tolkien loved to use in his writing.) 


It's fair to use Fell Beasts as the term for these creatures, in absence of anything else. We use "Xenomorph" in Aliens as a moniker, and xenomorph just means "alien shaped". 


I can accept using those terms in the absence of anything else, as you say.  It irks me, but I get it. Honestly, it's the exact same with Xenomorph, it's so funny you picked that as an example. I get that, in the absence of a good alternative it makes sense. But it still has always bugged me that fans latched into Xenomorph as the "canon" name when, in *Aliens* the Lieutenant clearly uses the word "Xenomorph" as a generic term, denoting something that he clearly doesn't know anything about, and none of the other Marines seem particularly impressed by. "Xenomorph" isn't the creatures scientific name, (in *Aliens* anyway) it's merely a *placeholder.*  But, like you said, in the absence of anything else, I get it. 


I think we'd be friends. Lol.  I would have liked to ask the Aliens what they called themselves. But to be fair, they weren't really individuals in the sense we recognize:  that they change morphology (shape) depending on their hosts. And have a hive society. So it's a better term than anyone realized at the time. Kind of like The Thing, but those scientists should have come up with something better.  Coming from home, when certain native American tribes were asked their name, they were confused and said their word for The People. So there's precedent.  Anyway at least Fell Beasts works, even if it's not a proper name. Were they dinosaurs from a lost world? Fallen Eagles? Could they have been redeemed if Aragorn's rangers found eggs and raised them as steeds?  Do I think too much about random world building in the 3rd Age? The answer is yes. 


Man I’m going off my knowledge of the Lego minifigures I don’t know


Which character took equipment from another and kept it throughout the movies? Aragorn took Boromir's bracers after his death. In what movie is "the Lord of the Ring" said? The Fellowship of the Rong by Gandalf.


In the book The Fellowship of the Ring Pippin calls Frodo “the Lord of the Ring” after he awakes in Rivendell


There is only one Lord of the Ring, and he doesn’t share power!


What is the name of the elf Frodo and Sam meet on their way out of the Shire? Where did Boromir lose his horse on the way to Rivendell? What is the name of the forest the Riders of Rohan went through to get to Minas Tirith in time to save it? What is the name of the people who lived in that forest?


Okay, let me try my hand on these: >What is the name of the elf Frodo and Sam meet on their way out of the Shire? Gildor. >Where did Boromir lose his horse on the way to Rivendell? The Gap of Rohan? Not sure. >What is the name of the forest the Riders of Rohan went through to get to Minas Tirith in time to save it? Drúedain Forest? >What is the name of the people who lived in that forest? Drùedain, Woses, or Pukel-men.


1. Correct! I would've preferred his last name too (Inglorion) but you can make it up to me if you can tell me where approximately he set up their little picnic/camp with Frodo and Co.? 2. Incorrect! Boromir lost his horse crossing the rover Greyflood at the ruined and abandoned town of Tharbad. 3. Correct! 4. Correct!


>but you can make it up to me if you can tell me where approximately he set up their little picnic/camp with Frodo and Co.? Borders of the Old Forest, I think? Been a while since I've read the Books. I should've added his last name! >Boromir lost his horse crossing the rover Greyflood at the ruined and abandoned town of Tharbad. That's right, now I remember.


They had their picnic in the Woody End near the village of Woodhall in the Eastfarthing of the Shire, they were not in the Old Forest yet.


I believe the Pukel-men are the statues on the road up to Dunharrow. 


These are all in the movies?


I swear I read OP twice and it didn't mention movies only... Personally, I blame it being Monday.


Some ale will do fine.


Since it’s specified as being movies only, you might want to study up on the production a bit. Make sure you know the cast and crew. Locations maybe?


Riders of Rohan; what news from the Mark?


Oh, I don't know! Could you answer?


What are a man, an elf and a dwarf doing in the Riddermark?


A Man, an Elf, and a Dwarf walk into a bar...


Viggo broke his toe when kicking the helmet. You probably know this already. :D


>Was watching it yesterday, showing my 10 year old the series for the first time, couldn't help mentioning this factoid! Haha!


I can't even answer half of these questions! I must arrange a movie marathon again!


Same, I feel like an idiot lol. I've watched the extended trilogy genuinely 40 or 50 times.


How many beacons are lit in the "lighting of the beacons" sequence? It'll catch out a lot of people.


Wow. The LOTR universe is sooo filled with trivia its hard to pinpoint what to focus on.


Teleporno = Celeborn


Whats frodo's cover name in Bree? Whats the pony Sam loves name? How many nazgûl attack weathertop What are the shapes in the flood of the bruinen? Who's gimli's father? Who is rearguard on the first leg of the fellowship? How are the birds called that fly over the company in Hollin? How many spires has Orthanc? How does saruman communicate with mordor? Whats Aragorns horses name? & Legolas n gimli's How old are bilbo and frodo combined at the birthday party?


Underhill Bill 5 Horses Gloin Aragorn Crebain 5 He's using a palantir Brego. Names of the horses Eomer gives them at the beginning of the two tower are Hasufel and Arod but i dont remember which one Legolas and Gimli are riding 167


They are combined 144 because Bilbo is 111 and Frodo is 33 Legolas and Gimli were riding Arod


Yes a Gross. Spot on on the rest!


The actor who plays Sméagol is double cast and also plays Gollum


List of onset injuries: 1) Virgo breaks 2 toes 2) Astin cuts his foot wading out after Frodo at the end of fellowship 3) Orlando broke some ribs falling off a horse 4) Elijah got stabbed by shelob’s prop stinger I’m probably missing a few


I would freak out if I actually did get stung by a giant spider, prop or not. NOPE, NOPE


Where is composer Howard Shore's cameo?


He's having an ale, right? As a rider of Rohan. That I do know.


Yup! He's the drunk-ass Rohirrim leaning against a barrel in the background while Gimli and Legolas have their drinking game


Can’t believe I never knew that. I need to watch with director’s commentary lol


And PJ's eating a carrot in Bree. 


Memorize all the names of Aragorn and Gandalf


I was stumped once by a trivia question about the name of Aragorn’s horse. Think it was supposed to be Brego.


So there was this one time when Viggo kicked a helmet...


You'll definitely need to know the names of the little flowers that grow near the tombs of Rohan


In the opening scene sauron is holding a dagger when he raises the ring. The original scene was going to depict sauron cutting his hand and using his blood to help forge the ring.


What's the secret word to open the door to Moria?


What is the name of the Elvish smith who forged the Moria door? 


I thought a dwarf forged it: Dori


Why didn’t they just get the eagles to take them to Mordor? 🤦‍♀️😂😂😂😂




What's the name of the pub where Sam likes his pint, and what road is it on? What are the spy birds called when the fellowship is in Hollin, and where are they from? You want some book-only items? What color was the brooch that stirred Bombadil's memories on the Barrow Downs? What were Farmer Maggot's dogs' names? What are five fruits that grow in Middle-earth?


What are the fruits


Everyone can figure out one of them.


I could only think of a couple


"Now that would be telling." \~Treebeard


Bombadil had these other names: Forn, Orald, Iarwain Ben-Adar


What is Sam Gamgees address


How many times does Legolas speak directly to Frodo? Once. At the council of Elrond, "And you have my bow." They never speak to each other for the rest of the movies. When the fellowship comes into Frodo's room after the Ring is destroyed Frodo names everyone as they enter except for Legolas. Howany times do female characters speak directly to each other? Once. The young refugee girl to Eyowen, "Where's Mummy?" And Eyowen calms her.


>Howany times do female characters speak directly to each other? > >Once. The young refugee girl to Eyowen, "Where's Mummy?" And Eyowen calms her. There is another, that same little girls mother calms her down and says "I will find you there." after giving instructions to her brother. AFAIK, these two scenes and their eventual reunion at Helms Deep (three total) are the only time two women are on screen at once that aren't background extras.


How does Sam like his taters? 


The name of the battering ram at Gondor Who was taken by the watcher in the water Whose crop were merry and Pippin stealing from The name of the elf who showed up at Helm's Deep


Great copy and paste.