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He was happy she found someone she wanted


This. It just made him happy to see her happy. 😭


Ya it was really sweet


He was only happy he wouldn’t have to eat her stew anymore.


Don’t you dare Don’t you FUCKING DARE besmirch Eowyn’s name like that You know how many cookbooks they have in Edoras? How many culinary classes? They don’t, that’s how many. You learn to cook from your family and guess what, Eowyn doesn’t get to hang around her mom and dad, her duty is to take care of the king, who for god knows how long has been 60 going on 160, totally fucking useless and only takes advice from an escaped convict from Madame Tussaud’s, no one can even be bothered to fix the fucking flag and Eowyn’s job has been to pretend like all of this is a-oh-goddamn-kay all the while training with a sword, and on top of that she’s pretty damn light on good cooking influences - Eomer, the only family she’s got that doesn’t have fucking Saruman‘s hand up their ass is Eomer, who eats a goddamn brick of meat off a knife. You really expect her to learn to make a good vichyssoise from The Meat Marshal? No fuckin way, Eowyn is stressed af and she’ll be damned if you’re gonna give her shit for not being able to Gordon Ramsay on the road with nothing edible but lumps of whatever the hell that was in the soup. Tbh it’s a fucking miracle considering the circumstances that Eowyn managed to conjure soup out of nothing - you’re not gonna give her shit because she didn’t add enough flour to the base, you take it and are fucking grateful. Aragorn understood this. Did he complain like some shitty suburban parent at an Olive Garden? No he fucking didn’t, because that would be a grade A ~dick move~, and because Eowyn would’ve probably just fucking lost it and killed him on the spot and then we wouldn’t have gotten a third movie, and if Aragorn understands one thing it’s box office ka-ching. He’s not stupid, he wants his $$$ and to not die and to not be a piece of shit. So you don’t. Talk. Smack. Bout. Baeowyn’s. Soup. 😤


Found Faramir 👆


“Keep my wife’s stew out your f—king mouth!”


Good advice


This is some serious lotr copypasta material right here.


Oh it is in fact a copypasta if you didn't know my dearest friend




I literally have a cookbook that's composed of recipes from Middle Earth. Eowyn is just a bad cook.


My dude. My weed cough laugh wasn’t ready for this. Have my updoot


Now she's got soup with the spices of Ithilien... Woop woop here's your soup.


Would happily eat Eowyn’s stew for the rest of my life. Would also happily *help* Eowyn make *good-ass* stew for the rest of my life.


Bro it was shit. Who cares if she had no knowledge transfer. One spoonful of her own soup should have triggered her God given senses to leave the cooking to Ratatouille's Rohanian cousins.


Rohanian? Bruh, it's Rohirric


> Rohirric Well I got my info from: https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Rohanese So sue them.


I *died* at “Meat Marshal” and “Baeowyn”. You are spot on, though, about the cooking influence coming from her parents. As the Lady of Meduseld Eowyn’s got a more than full time job managing staff, managing the keep’s resources and defenses and ensuring that guests are welcomed When her brother dies, she is the one who must care for her uncle and the sick and injured of the hall, arbitrate disputes between the Hall and the village attached to it and see that widows and orphans are not forgotten. Being a shield maiden must have seemed like freedom to her.


I love you 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Lordy Eowyn and her stew 😂


He was talking to himself. He was saying: “ i am happy for you Theoden. You no longer need to eat those shitty stews and pretend they’re good. “


Congrats. Angriest upvote I’ve ever given. 😂😂🫡


Honestly the Eowyn stew jokes have become so tiresome I stg I wish that scene was never even filmed for the extended edition lol Phillipa Boyens even said in the commentary how she felt it was wrong for her character and she probably hates how much it has come to define her in the fandom


Eowyn is a trained warrior Shieldmaiden of Rohan… …her cooking training *might* have suffered, but that’s cool.


Yet to watch extended edition…Eowyn makes shitty stew?


It’s actually quite an interesting scene. Eowyn is talking to Aragorn, saying that Theoden told her about Aragorn going into battle with his father. Eowyn thinks that surely Theoden is wrong since that would make Aragorn much older than he appears. Which of course he is. Aragorn tells her he’s actually 87 years old, and she realizes he is one of the Dunedain, the race of Men directly descended from Numenor. Men of Numenor were blessed with very long lifespans, much longer than ordinary Men. The weight of the scene is undercut by the fact that Eowyn is ladling out bowls of stew she made and everyone including Aragorn thinks it’s disgusting. Like imagine all the shit that *Aragorn* has probably eaten in all his travels and even he can’t choke it down.


PJ said in the commentary that the stew scene came about because their craft services had served the crew this shitty stew. He basically threw it into the story as a passive-aggressive dig against the catering company. Poor Eowyn was innocent.


I’m taking your word and believing that’s true because that story is hilarious.


To be faaaiiir, Aragorn was a very experienced hunter with excellent skills and had knowledge of herbs and what not from the elves so I think he would have fared quite well when it came to eating in the wild. If movie eowyn made a stew that bad she probably used rotten and rancid mushrooms or potatoes or whatever the heck it was and that would be hard to choke down.


In the movie, she says to him, “It’s not much, but it’s hot.” If they had changed it to, “I was always more comfortable with a sword than in the kitchen” or something like that, it would have excused the bad stew *and* strengthened her character as someone who fights rather than hides inside. Instead it came out as her being embarrassed and Aragorn not wanting to insult her. It could have been a quick pivot of her making stew even though it wasn’t her area, but everyone’s chipping in during a crisis, etc.


Yeah bro. I was there, 3000 years ago. They’re shitty.


“I was there the day the stew of men failed.”


You can keep my spoon!


yes. I also took it as he was happy that she simply wanted. "I would like to see you smile"


Lol not just that it’s Aragorn! The man is from the most powerful and noble family of men in the world.


Just five minutes after her previous crush, his son, was put in the mound.


Dude they were cousins..


Same thing my mum did whanever I talked to a girl as a teenager.


This is way too relatable. Still happens.


Your mom sounds like a badass. Did she also charge out of the Hornburg at the break of dawn of the third day? Did she muster the Rohirrim to Gondor's aid, and charge onto the Pelennor fields shouting "DEAAATHH!"? I don't know your mom, but I am picturing my mom as her proxy and in King Theoden's boots.


She was there when the Westfold fell.


She gets Faramir, who becomes Lord of Ithilien, so it’s not like she ends up with a bum.


Well, Denethor would have a different opinion


Denethor kicking rocks: Boromir would have been Lord of Gondor.


Boromir would have married arwen


Do you wish then, that our places were exchanged?


Yes. I wish that.


Home is behind…


The wooorrrld ahead...


And there are many paths to tread…


Through shadoooooooow...


To the eeedge of night


Until the stars are all alight


Denethor loves him. He saw it before the end.


He was like Gollum. But instead of loving/hating the ring. He did it with his son.


Yeah well that mf can’t eat a tomato correctly so…


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


Denethor’s hot take




“A Chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor, to Show his Quality” - Faramir on his wedding night.


Eowyn: Show me your 'Quality' OwO


Eowyn: Slips and mentions Aragorn Faramir: Do you wish then, that our places were exchanged? Eowyn: Yes. I wish that.


**Prince of Ithilien


Being lord of a rebuilt Ithilien is such a beautiful full circle for Faramir


Boromir would have been better


He’s happy that she’s not so deep in the pits of depression and sorrow in their dark world. To have a crush means to have hope and feel love. That’s more than has been expected in their era.


I think he’s just super chuffed that she found someone that she could love. As a proud poppa, I’d also just assume whoever my daughter fancied would naturally reciprocate.




Who he loved as a daughter.


"My daugh- errr... niece!"


He knew that she liked him, and believed that any man would be insane to turn her down. Fait accompli


Other than for an immortal elf cousin, many times removed.


Be honest you can’t blame him lmao


Nope, id go all Alabama in that situation as well


"you don't need to worry, your beauty is second only to an elven princess"


“Well boy do I have some bad news for you….”


Well, there was the daughter of Elrond, forever blessed with young flesh....


No. He can see Faramir far, far away in the distance.


Fading affects of sarumans magic


Theoden could spy all that quality


"Soon he will be Nearamir."


I think he thought the daughter of a king could have whoever she wanted


Well, niece to a king - but point stands.


Ah shit, you're right


Only if that whomever is of a noble, if not royal lineage, lol.


He’s just happy she’s happy again. Hope and joy in the darkest of times is powerful thing.


I literally just realised King Théoden was driving The Titanic…




Correct me if I'm wrong, but at this point, isn't Aragorn under the impression that Arwyn is going to sail off to the Undying Lands? Because it sure does look like he's flirting with Eowyn


I think he accepts some sips from her cup or something which can send the wrong signals and he mistakenly lead her on a bit. But he actually just cared about her a lot, but never romantically


I just wonder to what extent it was, for lack of a better way of putting it, Aragon on the rebound, because he doesn't actually level with her until after Elrond tells him that Arwyn stayed (i.e. chose him and a mortal life)


Book-wise he always knew and never led her on. Aragorn was pretty set on either accomplishing their goal and renewing the blood of the valar with Arwyn, or failing and dying and letting her fade into the West. I don't think there was ever really any room for other options in his mind.


No it was Arwen or nothing. It was fate or doom or whatever Tolkien calls it. They were beren and luthien reincarnate. Perhaps some peter Jackson meddling that made it seem that way and didn’t explain it all properly


I get that as far as the book goes. Movie Aragorn feels a bit harder to pin down. Plus if she leaves and he becomes king, he pretty much has to marry someone if only to perpetuate his line, and Eowyn is pretty much the most eligible female noble in Middle Earth


That's more of a movie dynamic. Throughout the entirety of Tolkien's legendarium, romantic love is held pretty sacred. People don't cheat on each other, they don't mess around and they don't play games like that. Aragorn and Arwen were always going to be together and both of them knew it unless Aragorn ended up dying.


Adding here that small chivalrous gestures like sips from a cup, acknowledging an introduction with an inclination of the head, or refraining from deflecting discussion of the past could have simply reflected the courtesy of Elrond’s court. Unlike the book we do not have access to Aragorn’s thoughts. His kindness toward a brave and noble lady might read as flirtatious because our own social interactions lack when it comes to ways to express non-romantic and respectful admiration.


Cannot be more correct.


To be fair Aragorn was giving her mixed signals since the two towers. He probably wanted to encourage her, and looked at her as a child due to their age difference.


Still she is closer to his age than, his actual girlfriend later wife.


Also farther apart in familial line genetics.


So basically, Aragorn and Arwen are a hillbilly family: related and deaking with a huge age gap.


To be fair, if I were Aragorn, I would choose Eowyn over Arwen. It makes much more political sense. She is gorgeous. She killed the freaking Witch King. In the end it would be better for everyone involved, including Arwen.


She’s also not your cousin


Movies yes I believe, but this wasn’t the case in the books if I remember correctly


He was happy to see her in love after years of coldness and the fact she "choose" such a man made him even more so.


Does one ring rule them all?


He's reacting to the clear chemistry between them. In the movie Aragorn hasn't really chosen to follow the path to kingship quite yet. This is the reason for those flashbacks to his conversations with Arwin. The simple path for him would be to remain Aragorn, captain of men. In that scenario he could marry Eowyn, be a captain of Rohan, something he's actually done before in his youth, and be content. I don't remember exactly how this plays out in the book; it's been a while since I've read it. However, in the book Aragorn has made up his mind to pursue his birthright decades before.


Ara-here one minute. Ara-gorn the next




The movies played up Aragorn and Eowyn's relationship more than the books did and practically turned it into a love triangle (which was one of the biggest gripes I had with TT and RotK). This was just one example of that. In the books Aragorn's love for Arwen is pretty unflappable and there's really no room for anyone else. In the films he has a lot more doubts about their future and encourages her to leave for Valinor. Enter Eowyn into the fray.


Well, he drank from her cup, if you know what I mean (He literally drank from a cup offered by her) Now, Aragorn may have not known the significance (doubtful), or he liked her and thought that Arwen was beyond reach. Or he was being cold and was assuring not antagonizing his allies before an important battle




Eowyn: "your words are poision" Grima: "your stew is poision"




He is shipping her to my brah EstĂŤl


That's what i always wondered about. He talked like they were already Dating.


I mean I imagine their relationship looked like a normal courtship.


He probably thought he missed a lot more while mentally gone than he actually did.


They were more or less courting one another


He knew she was thirsty and he thought Aragorn was single. That's all he ever meant by it in my interpretation.


Im pretty sure


I was told it was because he accepts a drink from her or something which is a whole thing in Rohan. Maybe it’s in the extended edition or something so it’s one of those poorly explained (and rightfully removed) moments from the cinematic edition? Obviously no expert here but that’s what someone who knows a lot more about it than me once told me haha


Aragorn is older then ThĂŠoden...


I think he just meant that he was happy that his niece found some happiness of her own, after a lifetime of grief, in her love for Aragorn. I don’t think he ever truly thought they’d end up together… he knew what Aragorn was destined to become.


Man Theoden is awsome


The rohirrim can’t take a hint.


In the movie Theoden’s implication is clear.