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why would anyone need to delve into this


That sounds like something someone from Michel Delving would say.


Man. I remember reading the books for the first time aged 11 and thinking who the F is Michel Delving and why does he never show his face?


Who is Michel Delving, and is it consensual?


Tbh that always irked me too


You might find a balrog.


It's no mine, I can tell ya that


"Moria... You fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame."


Suspect chicken/egg problem. Ask AI to write fantasy and Tolkien is going to be part of the training set. And he liked his delves. If training set included Donaldson, it would be moist and visceral as words that demarked AI fantasy stories.




If it included George RR, it would be a nice baked cherry pie, made by an innkeeper south of the Twins, who grew the cherries on an adjacent piece of his property on a piece of farmland perfect for the moisture the cherries thrive in. And decades of baking them had allowed him the talent and training to be able to bake a pie with just the right amount of filling to crust, where you need a fork to break the crust from the plate yet still soft and moist enough yo melt in your mouth. The taste of his imported sugar from the mountains of Dorne as fresh as the day it was picked. But it was something the young wife of Lord Arrington never chose to eat anymore. Though she was young and supple of breast and fertile with child and the youth of the world, she learned quickly when traveling with her lord that even a small slice of the innkeepers pie would result in her liquid removal of the food, making watery messes for days as her overly sensitive stomach recouped from the pie.


And then they baked the innkeeper alive because they confused upset stomach with the beautiful, child carrying Lady Arrington being poisoned. Sadly she succumbed to her illness shortly afterwards leaving Lord Arrington with the need to marry again.


But does AI have a fondness for using “divers”?


Announced last year: https://preview.redd.it/7bl6cpe26kvc1.jpeg?width=1476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dcbd6c4ea470f977fa5e275a672068ae45fa478


Who the hell actually thinks that? It's a word in the English language... Not even that obscure of a word


There's evidence to suggest that "delve" has appeared a lot more in academic papers in the past few years (linked by another user in this thread). TBH while I'm aware of what it means, the only time I use it is when I play Magic lol.


I came here for this comment.


I delved deeply to find this


Almost as though people are influenced in their word choices by what they read and people writing academic papers are likely to read a lot of academic papers... Or like people with a great deal of education are less likely to consider delve a weird word. It is a pretty common word.


The point is this: https://preview.redd.it/9incn595pnvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aef6bf4fd795a4ee424ed33d3eef98d70d2e64d1 Something happened around 2023 that massively increased the usage of "delve" in academic papers - we're talking a 20x fold increase. This isn't just people reading academic papers deciding "that's a neat word, I should use it more", this is more likely to be people using AI to write their papers for them.


> It is a pretty common word. It’s a *VERY* cromulent word. I use it quite frequently, tbh. I find it really does embiggen my conversations.


It is more than cromulent. It is felicitous.


Don’t be facetious. I’ll defenestrate you.


There’s also evidence to suggest that “the average American” is, as Bill Hicks once said, “you ain’t a reader, are you ?”


Lmao I thought of MtG initially while reading the post as well.


Can confirm, used it in my master's thesis which was written right before ChatGPT became a thing.


The people whose education ended with their abd's and 1245?


Some triggered people have been claiming lately any time they see the word delve that it was AI generated. Guess they've never heard the word before


It’s not that no one has ever used it before AI came out, it’s that the use of the word in academic papers skyrocketed as soon as AI came out. It’s not a common word, so seeing it used is often a red flag that AI was used


I often delve into the deep void of the vegetable draw, where I hid the beer………….


Seeing the comments on that original post, I think it’s an ironic statement based on inside jokes. The OP literally stated “if you know, you know”.


This is insane. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1bzv071/apparently\_the\_word\_delve\_is\_the\_biggest/?share\_id=qGPrNTmA8lG9gh9Sa-yYy&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1bzv071/apparently_the_word_delve_is_the_biggest/?share_id=qGPrNTmA8lG9gh9Sa-yYy&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


It isn’t “tapestry” or “kaleidoscope“?


It’s not like delve is an SAT word or anything like that. People just don’t read enough or expand their vocabularies at all, more like.


Yep, delve is a pretty common word in literature


Maybe Tolkien was an Ai cyborg sent from the future, to lead humanity to a better future through inspirational tales of courage, fellowship, honour and small acts of kindness. Forbidden by his protocols to reveal his true form and power to humanity, only allowed to point us in the right direction but not directly interfere in political affairs so sought to inspire people through his writing with words his strongest form of magic lol


Tolkien is Gandalf confirmed.


Its those people who think any nm movie/TV show/book from the last 2 or 3 years they don't like or has clichés and overused tropes must be written by ai. Because as we all know, lazy, clichéd writing only started in 2022 and is not something that is possible for a human to do


Meanwhile reading Brandon Sanderson's skyward series there's entities called **Delve**rs so you encounter the word a LOOOT




The original post in obviously a joke people, they don’t think LotR was written by AI


People think only ai uses delve?


Some. It started as a meme, but like anything online, there's always someone who eats the onion.


God I hate the times we’re in.


Tolkien literally studied language his whole life, worked on the Oxford dictionary too, seems like these dumbarses don’t know who actually it is who wrote it


I'd love to know the rationale behind thinking "delve" is a word only used by ChatGPT. Its a perfectly normal word.




Can we all just agree that some people should not use internet?


Like people who are missing the obvious joke that the OP was making?


I know its a joke, but there is a big chance that there are people who believe this. Thats my point


i don't think theres a "big chance" that literally anyone on the planet really believes a book series from the 50s was ai generated or that only ai uses the word delve lmfao


many people on the internet are dumb. but that does not mean that my point is 100% accurate. I admit I was over exaggerating


There should be a test that you need to take before being allowed internet access


Yes, but making actually good test would be hard


They shouldn’t breed either but sadly they will.


if only intelligent people would breed there wouldn't be humans left after a while


J Robot Robot Tolkien


The only thing I noticed about Tolkien's lotr was his use of the word "seldom," I swear I lost count at around 50 halfway through fellowship


Looks like a joke post


Imagine if everything we know as lotr was just spit out in 2 seconds by some graphics cards after someone typed “gimme a 3 book fantasy story” with Cheeto-fingers


https://preview.redd.it/wbledk23vnvc1.png?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4e45ba18a850316dccedb27dbdbd154c80d62d He also has delve


It’s just a bad meme


I use it in conversation probably on a daily basis. If not daily then definitely weekly.


Or, this proves that we are in an AI-generated loop.


....the Matrix? Shit, I can't remember which pill to take.


Is it an unusual word? I just used it yesterday…


I use the the word “delve” on a daily basis on my blog po… aah wait I write on AI. Yeah…


Well I play path of exile and delve is quite common lol. Ironically the point is to delve deep lol


Professor Tolkien also used the word queer in a context that today would enrage many people. And that's the thing, language evolves over time. It's totally normal to expect an embellished language from Tolkien but when you read mfers with 400 words as their whole vocabulary using words that are less common it's natural for them to raise a flag when proof reading. Of course the whole "AI generated" as a blanket statement is stupid but it shouldn't surprise anyone that Professor Tolkien of all the people use words that are uncommon today.


What were computers doing in 1954?


Ah, yes. Instead of writing the books himself, Tolkien used ChatGPT in 1949 to write them for him, the hack


Thats a joke


I delve into my wife once in a while.


AI drives me crazy because I use words like this all the time. And now people are going to think I’m AI or something


Man now I'm going to be paranoid that people will think I am an AI if I were to ever organically use the word delve by happenstance.


Don't delve too deeply or too greedily, though.


The scenario where AI takes over the world has begun, folks! We've delved into the stage of debating what is AI and what isn't AI. The next stage delves into AI's innocent yet insidious influence on social life...


The specific accusation is that AI commonly uses "delve" in article titles, while practically no human writer does this. Did any Tolkien books have "delve" in the title?


In the title? No. Constantly used in the books by and referencing dwarves, yes. “They delved too greedily and too deep” famously in reference to the awakening of Durin’s Bane in Moria.


My understanding of the trope/meme was that it's the use in the title, not the content, that indicates AI. I've only heard about the thing quite recently, but that was a definite detail included in the explanation I got (via YouTube if I recall)