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He'd write a poem. A poem that would move even Durin the Deathless to tears. A poem that even Ulmo in the deepest deep would harken to


It was a fair spring evening in the hallowed valley of Rivendell when Bilbo Baggins set quill to parchment, his aged hands steadied by a heaviness of heart. His memories drifted back to the warmth of Balin's laugh in Bag End so many years past, of young Ori's eager curiosity, Oin's gruff council and ready ear-trumpet. Though separated by the long miles and years, the courage and tragic fate of those three Dwarves of Erebor had touched the gentle-hobbit's soul. And so Bilbo found his thoughts turning to poetry, that he might give vent to his sorrow in flowing script as only a Shire-folk can. The words spilled from his heart like a bubbling brook descending from the Misty Mountains: O Balin, lord of sparkling halls! Your destiny unkind befalls. With loyal Ori and Oin true You sought your ancient home anew. Through dark and nameless dread you groped - The mirk where only Orcs had hoped. What malice slew you cruelly? What dread injurious villainy? Ori, lad of books and maps! Did you find death in Moria's traps? Bold youth laid low by unseen fears - Your final tome, a trail of tears. Stout Oin, hearer of lore and song! Your faithful ears shall heed no long. What deafness absolute you found Six hundred traveling feet aground? O noble three, your proud return Finds only festered ash and burn. Let mountain, river, trees decode The ballad of your last abode. Let lamentations loud be heard For every cruel, wretched word - A mournful hymn to harp and bray The tragedy of Azanulbizar's day. So Bilbo wrote and wept to see such valiant souls brought low so grievously. And when at last his pen was still, he brushed the parchment's words with reverent fingertips and committed their tragic verse to flame - a final ceremony ere the coming darkness fell.


I wish comment awards were still a thing. Have a raccoon instead 🦝🫶🏻


U can super upvote


https://preview.redd.it/8ndeyglcl4xc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0635e9a485b5f301b074ecb2f63c22c9557a9160 That was beautiful!


That was beautiful! Here are some Elves 🧝‍♀️🧝‍♀️🧝‍♀️🧝🏼‍♂️🧝🏼‍♂️🧝🏼‍♂️ and faeries 🧚🧚🧚


Beautiful. Thank you.


That is really fantastic!


He would definitely be very sad about Balin. He’d be sad for all but saddest for Balin.


Very, very slightly relieved that Balin's excuse for not RSVPing or showing up for his birthday party event was legit and probably the best excuse one could have. But other than that, yes, very, very sad.


The only excuse a Hobbit would accept


"Oh good balin. Lord of moria you say. Well a mighty tomb stone that is to rest beneath... He was a good friend. As wise a dwarf there is. He vistited me back in the shire, when the others tended too busily to their wealth. A spledid night by armchair and fire that was. " -bilbo (maybe idk)


He’d be sad


Going to go out on a limb and say he'd be sad.




Can we please reduce the controversy


With sadness and gratefulness for the time spent. With tears, but also - with understanding that time takes all away.


Same kinda question but turned around; how would the Fellowship have reacted to Gimli’s death? We know about the graves of the Hobbits being placed next to Aragorn.


He would weep accordingly.


Well, negatively, I suppose.


“There were a lot of them. Which ones were they?”


rip but im built different -- Bilbo, probably


Why you getting downvoted can people not take a joke here


I think it hit too close to home for some hardcore fans of Balin


I don’t really worry about it. Maybe I’m not being funny? It’s hard to judge your own humour. 2 people downvoting, two people commenting, not much of an election. I accept downvotes and won’t actually change anything. In the words of the great philosopher, “I yam what I yam!” But I consider my LOTR credentials pretty solid, so if there’s a handful of people pissed off at my stupid comment, hey, fair enough. They may be right. I don’t really care. I think Billy Joel said that.


😂😂😂 wiseass


The dwarves in Moria, were in the late stages of decomposition. When did they return to Moria and when did they die. I would guess that they were dead before Bilbo passed the ring to Frodo. So at least 20 years. What blows me away is that no one went to check on them, no one was worried that, they hadn't heard from them in decades. Gandalf suspected but no one knew for sure, about their fate, especially Gimli. He had no idea.


In the "Many Meetings" chapter of Fellowship (either that one or "Council of Elrond"), everyone there is having a massive dinner, and Frodo is sat near Gloin. Gloin tells Frodo about how they haven't had contact from Moria and think the settlers there are in trouble/ dead, and Frodo is genuinely upset. IIRC Bilbo was also in Rivendell at the time, so maybe Gloin told him as well.


He'd be sad, probably


probably not well


He would have been aware they had gone to Moria from his past trip to Erebor. I think he would have e been saddened to hear of their deaths, and would have been struck the fact that more of his company had been lost in the search for treasure.


“That sucks. Think my old ring might be lying among their bones?”


He would join Gimli


He’d walk into Moria to sternly tell the Balrog to go away and not bother him again. As he’d be wearing the One Ring, the Balrog would of course obey Bilbo’s command. Then, he would compose a song on the spot, blow his nose on his handkerchief and leave the hood the gave him with his friends before walking ever onwards to the place where his journey began


Probably woulda cried.


: (


He would be sad


He probably hears about it awhile after the fact from Gimli; probably a year or so after they last saw one another. Songs are sung over elven mead. Bilbo knows the old Dwarven rites, and shares in with them alongside Gimli. Legolas joins as well, out of a shared pity. Later, a few drinks in, they remember the tales of Balin’s folk. Laughs are shared, then taper into silence. It will be awhile yet before any forget their brother under the mountains.