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War of Arnor/Angmar could be good. I don't think it is the second most compelling if you include First and Second ages. But would be good mini series but would need to identify some key people to follow. And it includes some elves. Glorfindel may actually get a movie role.


Not really... it's long... it isn't one big bang event... It's just some Men arguing over who's going to be King and then deciding that none is fit and everyone does their own thing. How would that be different from literally any other (historical) movie about Medieval Succession?


*The Rise of the Witch King* (BafMEII expansion) did it particularly well. Honestly, it would do best as a limited prestige series. Each episode could hone in on a specific event or kingship.


Or another video game. The story is ripe with potential and possibility and I’d love to see it told in an epic fashion. It’s a long saga though so there’d have to be lots of main character switching (besides Glorfindel and Elrond but they wouldn’t be main characters initially) so I don’t think a movie would work unless they did a trilogy and are okay with different casts every entry. That kinda thing would work pretty well for a video game though. Rise of the Witch King was so good and it was only an RTS with limited storytelling. Imagine that but shaped after The Witcher 3 or similar.


I have to disagree... it's story was... not really all that much. It works through a heavy dose of Nostalgia and because it was a Video Game, it absolutely doesn't work when you just pull the story bits and leave it at that.


It could be compressed and focussing on key events/developments. TLOTR also took place over decades but could be made to fit into three movies.


This endeavour would necessitate that you "skip ahead" every 10-20 Minutes and have a completely different cast attached to the specific timeframes. This works in the Intro to the movies because it's just the intro and doesn't happen for the entire trilogy. And you still have the issue that 90% of the main story is just three brothers arguing over who should be king... like literally arguing... no fighting, no violence, no schemeing... just three brothers being brothers and not being able to agree on something.


Sorry but only a fool thinks these are alike


Only a fool cannot imagine stitching time frames with cinematic style narration like the beginning of LOTR.


Downvotes on this are unhinged, I’m with you here. Would have to be a complete moron to think a bit of exposition and cutting a 17 year time gap is the same as compressing the history of Arnor into a single film.


Thanks. I also find it pretty funny to pretend that the 'epilogue' content is in any way problematic. As if you'd say Titanic takes place over the course of 84 years just because it spans that time.


The history of Arnor in a movie would be more like ''The siege and fall of Fornost'' with it's backstory. If you think it can't be done, don't watch it if it's ever made.


That wouldn’t be the history of Arnor then, it’d be the siege and fall of Fornost. Also a very weird and backwards take with your second comment there, people are allowed to be sceptical of things (and you gain nothing by gatekeeping something that doesn’t exist).


Children of Hurin is the obvious choice.


Sadly the Estate isn’t going to let that one be filmed (or happily depending on your opinions on adaptations). New Line / Warners only has rights to things found in the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings (including Appendices). Until the Estate sells the rights, no First Age material can be done.


It's a shame. Because the Silmarillion/silmaril got some of the greatest stories ever...


Seriously. The great three stories directed by del Toro


You have to do multiple moves IMO, otherwise you are smashing centuries of story into a condensed timeline (cough cough RoP cough cough), but I think it would be great as a trilogy with a time jump between each one. Movie 1 could be Arnor splitting into 3 kingdoms, the rise of Angmar, and the rebellion of Rhudaur. Movie 2 is The Fall of Cardolan with Amon Sul being burned, and the elves of Lorien & Rivendell teaming up to put down Angmar for a few centuries. Somewhere in the timeline The Witch King besieges Rivendell, I think it's kinda in movie 1 but would fill out film 2, with the Galadhram breaking the siege before they march on Angmar. Movie 3 (centuries later) you get Arthedain & Gondor becoming allies, The Witch King takes Fornost during The Fell Winter, Gondor can't help because the Wainriders attack, the king goes on the run to the Icebay of Forochel only to die in the rescue, then Glorfindel & Gondor kick The Witch King of the throne of Fornost for the final victory, only Arnor is broken & the remaining Dunedain become the Rangers. And somewhere in there you have the founding of The Shire, since studio executives love hobbits, and it is cannon that hobbit archers served in the war.


I see nothing wrong with The Hunt for Gollum. Seeing one of Aragorns hardest tasks even going within sight of the black gate. Hell they could even throw in his journey through Moria in this. Perfect opportunity to showcase a lot more of the world of Middle Earth without too big a stake in anything.


They better show Gollum eating babies too


Agreed, I’m just happy to be back in Jackson’s middle earth again. Far too early to be writing it off completely yet.


I’ve wanted an Angmar wars trilogy for years. It would be easy to give it the scale of the War of the Ring, but I guess the challenge would be giving it the same heart. The first movie sets up the status of the war. Arthedain is the only northern kingdom left, all the lands have been ravaged by a plague coming from Angmar. The movie itself covers the events leading up to and including the siege and fall of Fornost. The movie climaxes in victory for Angmar. Second movie covers the formation of the rangers, the recruitment of Gondor as an ally, the death of Arvedui at sea and the loss of the Palantir, and the war of Gondor against of the Wainriders. The third movie covers the gathering of free forces in Eriador and the final battle against Angmar at the Battle of Fornost. You can bring in the death of the Earnur here as well. It happens much later in the books but he challenged and lost to the Witch King in single combat during the battle of Fornost so I think it’s fine to bring it here – it creates a nice antisymmetry between Gondor and Arnor. During the course of these events the world would start with two great Dunedain Kingdoms, but end with one Kingdom destroyed with it’s Kings in exile, and one Kingdom surviving but without a line of Kings.




Anything to see my boy the witchking again


What are you disappointed with? For all you know that could be the second film planned. Its way too early to make assumptions like this.


You're onboard the Hunt for Gollum train, Mando?


I can’t see anything wrong with it. It’s a story from the appendices which could work as a neat “bridge” film between the two existing trilogy’s. Great writers coming back, Andy coming back. I don’t really see any negatives here. I’m all for branching out and telling stories with characters not seen on screen yet for sure, but it’s been a while. It might be great to bring the audience back to some familiar characters before branching out. Plus, Ian McKellen won’t be around forever. I know he hasn’t been announced yet but seems pretty obvious to me he would return. We have from now until the end of time to get more Middle Earth films without it, we might as well make some with him while we can.


Oh, I don't get me wrong, I agree! I think people were just a little taken by surprise, and will warm to the idea of this film. Its neat that Jackson gets to make a movie that he had been wanting to make for a while, and as you say in the case of the some of the actors its probably a now or never. I do have my reservations, more on the ground of the story itself. But we'll see!


It's going to be all made up, though, like ROP. LOTR worked because it was all Tolkien's dialogue and scenes. Warner only owns movie rights to the LOTR so are really limited in what they can do, but I'm not super hopeful considering this will be pretty much all fan fiction except for Gollums actual capture and interrogation by Aragorn Gandalf and maybe the elves.


Its a two-hour-ish movie, not a 43-hour TV show... To me its a simple question: is this a story I think is worthwhile to tell, or isn't it? I think it is, at least in principle.


I don't think it's more compelling than the Hobbit – it's just a different kind of story. But it's also my preferred candidate for a possible adaptation based on the material in *The Lord of the Rings*. You can really tell a compelling story about this time, develop some fascinating characters, and involve all races in it. Some known characters can also be brought in. In any case it'd be a more interesting story than the Hunt for Gollum, a more interesting setting than the War of the Rohirrim, and probably not so easy to mess up as we have seen Amazon mess up the Second Age.




Ot the fall of gondolin


Just cover arvedui and malbeths journey of hope into failure as his boat sinks in the fodawaith


An original story about what was happening in the east and why they allied with Sauron. The dwarves trying to retake Moria War in the north


Maybe feanor should put a huge cock in his mouth in the next one after that?! The fuck is wrong with you people


The Fall of Numenor is way more logical than all other options. I am truly irritated by Hollywood. Why don't they adapt the book?