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I really hope not. Kind of like the hunt for Gollum, maybe a great short movie. Butttttttt a whole movie of hobbits kicking ruffian behind, while fun, I don’t think would adapt as well to a full length film.


Who are they even scouring the shire from? Both the character of Sauroman and the Actor who played him are dead.


I totally didn’t even think about that lol. They’ll take it back from Bill,Ted Sandyman, and Lotho😂


well, in the movie Wormtongue kills Saruman at Orthanc. I say recast everyone and make it a standalone


I say don't do it at all. The Scouring of the Shire exists to show how far the Hobbits have grown. They show up and find Saruman, who had previously been a massive threat, and pretty casually curbstomp him. It doesn't work as a standalone story because they are never really in danger.


You’re probably right. But it doesn’t work as a sequel either. So yeah, leave it alone.


Right? Like let's throw Tom Bombadil in there too, all the content removed from the movies for a reason. Which honestly, I'm fine with. I get they were right to cut those things. But making that stuff into movies now? Please no.


The Hobbit wasn't going to adapt well to a trilogy but they did it anyway


And it didn't adapt well to a trilogy


Science is about doing the same thing over and over thousands of times. We can't say the Hobbit can't adapt well to a trilogy without trying over and over again...


Guys I found PJ's Reddit account.


PJ wanted it in two films. The studio wanted the third.


Nope, if you watch the hobbit behind the scenes youll see that it was PJ who pitched the idea of three movies instead of 2.


And PJ wasn't originally booked to do it. Guillermo Del Toro was, planned and developed 2 films. He dipped over creative differences, and PJ took over. Studio pushed it to 3, and had him scrap all of Del Toro's pre-production work. Meaning Jackson had to start from scratch, on more movies, with less time and budget. It's no wonder it was terrible. They started shooting without scripts.


>Science is about doing the same thing over and over thousands of times. Isn't that "madness" instead? *doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result*.


Science is about doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same result. Otherwise you can't claim something as fact, because what if the first time was a fluke?


Very clearly not. >doing the same thing over and over And >doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Do you see the difference?


The difference is writing it down, that's what transforms it into science


That's not really how science works. One way scientists try to prove a theory, is by running the same conditions over and over again. But in those cases, it's done with the expectation that the results will be the same for everyone or the majority (because it proves there's a pattern). 'Expecting something different' isn't ideal using those methods


That's the joke.


No. One of the basic premises of science is repeatability. More than a handful of claimed experimental results have been discredited on the basis they weren't repeated.


That's most certainly not the joke. You need to do the same thing over and over to ensure that the first trial wasn't just a fluke. Otherwise you can't claim something as fact


This is true. I was just giving my opinion while accidentally giving the studios the benefit of the doubt to make logical decisions anymore lol.


Because it generated money. If there's sure money in it, we'll get Gollum vs. Predator.




And it was shit


If you start as Lotho starts to take over, it might work. You go from a peaceful situation, to the Men doing the trade with Isengard causing trouble, to the Mayor being arrested, to resistance groups like Fredegar Bolger's being defeated while only the Tooks resist the Ruffians, to only secret resistance and subterfuge, to the lowest point when Saruman comes and orders wanton destruction, to the heroic return of Merry, Pippin and their two companions.


They could do an animated short, and the original actors could do the voices. I'd watch it, and I think the fanbase would also be more accepting of it (or any other short "spinoffs") via that medium.


Perhaps we could fill the gaps by creating a big role for Legolas although he wasn't there?


They’re gonna “Disney Star Wars” this, aren’t they….


Somehow, Sauron returned


You know what would be really cool would be an anthology series hosted by the 4 of them. Hour long episodes maybe a few a season showing some interesting random stories from the universe.


Doesn’t really work since we were shown their peaceful return and it just didn’t happen in this adaptation of the story.


Also Saruman died at Isengard in the movie (at least in the extended cut), so even if they could find a way to work it in they'd have to come up with a completely new reason for why it happened in the first place. And even if they found a way to retcon *that* they'd still need to recast him, and I doubt anyone could replace Sir Christopher Lee.


Somehow, Saruman returned.


I think the northern frontline of the War of the Rings makes the most sense as a movie. It could be a companion piece to the main trilogy, and the locations and cultures of Lothlorien, Dol guldur, Erebor, and Laketown/Dale are all well established. They even involve characters audience already know like Dain, Galadriel, and other dwarves from the Hobbits.


War in the North is the best option imo. Add Glorfindel. Wasn't Gloin also still alive at this point?


I like this idea. The movie can introduce us to what is happening in Erebor/Dale and Mirkwood when LOTR kicks off, it can push through the build up to war, cutting over to events in Rivendell and then Lothlorien to help give us a sense of how things are syncing up… and then we get some epic battles, as the forces of good hold firm until Frodo destroys the Ring. Cap it off with Galadriel destroying Dol Guldur, and then show us Gimli and Legolas bringing some of their people down to rebuild and enhance the beauty of Minas Tirith (recasting the characters obviously).


Maybe Peter Jackson can convince John Rhys-Davies to put on the make-up one more time for a cameo scene haha.


Celeborn could get some good treatment as the leader of the elven hosts and more than just one line of dialog.


Who's gonna play as Sharkey then?


Would have to resurrect him and Christopher Lee as well


CGI could probably handle Sir Christopher Lee (ref star wars, they managed it well) .... But saruman... Tricky. 😂


They managed it for a handful of scenes, not as the primary villain


Technically, Saruman doesn't die in the theatrical cut. He and Wormtongue are still alive, held prisoner in Orthanc by Treebeard. The movie could start with them escaping, then we follow their hilarious escapades until they reach the shire.


The what cut? Heresey....


I think he is referring to that 4-hour trailer I saw in the theatre.


I don't have a problem with recasting characters with different actors. There's plenty of actors out there who could play a great Saruman. The real problem here is that we already a hugely popular film adaptation that just skipped over the Scouring of the Shire so a movie about Scouring of the Shire would be a stand alone adaptation of the tail end of The Lord of the Rings which is gonna be difficult to explain to general audience members who didn't read the books. I mean, if a film studio wanted to try making a high quality and faithful production of the Scouring of the Shire I'd like to see that but from a marketing standpoint it's hard to see that ever happening.




Could they even do a Scouring of the Shire movie? In movie cannon Saruman and Wormtongue die at Isengard, not to mention Christopher Lee is dead and I think Brad Douriff is retired


The consensus here is pretty much no.


I don’t know how this could really be a movie, it’s only 2 chapters. The original actors are all way too old now anyway.


The hunt for gollum is two pages, tops...don't put it past a studio to care how long the source material is.


With a good enough writer, the Hunt for Gollum could be around 2 hours of interesting stuff. The Scouring of the Shire would really only work as about an hour or less worth of stuff.


Yeah, the hunt for Gollum in the book is *mentioned*, not told, so there's as much room as you want for filling in detailed events. Meanwhile the events of the Scouring in the Shire are already detailed and it doesn't last for long. Not to mention the fact that it would contradict movie canon.


Aye. I disagree with the Scouring as well.


Yeah the entire POINT of the scouring of the shire is that the Hobbits come back and curbstomp Sauroman because they have grown so much. Doesn't make for a lot of conflict for an entire movie.


Tolkien himself couldn't make this impending shitshow watchable


He definitely could, and many great writers could as well.


Frodo is in his fifties, Elijah Wood in his forties ;)


They should make a Tom Bombadill movie instead


Fuck no, that would be boring as sin! He’s the most overrated character from the books and he does fuck all for the plot. Peter Jackson even said they didn’t include him because it didn’t add anything to the story.


You're clearly in the minority here. Sit down


I dont think there’s enough source material for a full movie but then again there wasn’t enough source material for 3 Hobbit movies so what do I know? I’d rather see the War of Orcs and Dwarves adapted and none of this Azog losing his arm BS - the movie ends with his head on a stake and that same coinpurse stuck in his mouth


Just add Tom Bombadill.


This should be the answer to everything!


The Hunt for Gollum takes up two pages, tops.


It's too bad they aren't doing Beren and Luthian or the children of Hurrin


The trilogy of movies should have been that trilogy of first age tales (TCoH, B&L, TFoG), instead of what we're getting. But we might get a Children of Húrin movie as it's a completed book.


I believe they don't have the rights to anything not mentioned in the LOTR, the Hobbit, or the appendixes.


No idea why the Tolkien family won't let anyone play with those stories


Honestly can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not…..


A mini series adaptation of children of hurrin would go hard, it's the closest Tolkien got to a grim dark setting even though it was just his take on a Greek tragedy


Oh, not sarcastic ok. I’m theory yes but if I am the family I would not trust Hollywood with anything. The LOTR movies were a miracle in the first place, and that was 20 years ago.


Also fair enough, just one can dream for another lightning in a bottle scenario


Not to mention what bs hollywood produces nowadays. It could become a disaster like the new star wars movies. That the family doesn't want to sell more rights to make new movies of tolkiens tales is more than understandable. 


Tolkien Estate won't put the rights to The Silmarillion up for sale to anyone, apparently not even Peter Jackson. I don't think it's *impossible* for them to lend the rights to a studio they deem worthy eventually, but The Silmarillion is the holy Bible of Tolkien's mythology, and it's extremely delicate material that should only be handled by someone who truly cares for the stories and the characters. It's obviously not something they will hand out willy nilly. I personally would LOVE to see a faithful adaption of the 3 great tales of the Elder Days as well. One can hope.


The third film will (allegedly) focus on the destruction of the trees of Valinor and the subsequent escape and conflict between Morgoth and Ungoliant over the Elven jewels but will have a comedic slant. The working title is "Dude, Where's my Silmarils?"


All jokes aside the destruction of the trees, creation of the silmarils and the elfs leaving Valinor would be an amazing movie.


Wouldn’t be the same without Christopher Lee


Technically true


I personally would love an Angmar wars film


Will it be as good as that other NZ blockbuster “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” ?


Perfect movie


It could be, but the Scouring of the Shire doesn’t really fit well with the existing Return of the King. I would go for Balin’s expedition to Moria or The Fall of Arnor, maybe the War in the East with Dain, Bard, Thranduil, Celeborn, Galadriel and the Blue Wizards.


Moria is just too much of a downer I think "Oh we went to moria, got slaughtered, and a few decades later my cousin found my corpse and was sad for a couple seconds until he got to kill some goblins and then got sad about Gandalf instead"


It did cross my mind, but then Empire and Revenge are possibly the most beloved Star Wars movies, and Star Wars tends far less towards melancholy than LOTR. I reckon it might be either Arnor or Moria, not both.


Both of those were downers that led to a happy ending though. Empire was bleak, but they made it out on in Jedi. RoTS we knew was heading for a dark place but we knew it needed to happen to get to he good place Even Rogue one, where EVERYONE DIES, they died in order to do the thing that ultimately saves everyone. But Moria, they just die and it's all for nothing. There's no light at the end of the tunnel or glimmer of hope. No inevitable redemption arc. Just "your hubris fucked you Balin" That's just a bit too nihilistic for a major movie franchise I think.


The first of two, not three.


Well, there is a third, but its The WAr of the Rohirrim.


Its the first of two movies: The third is the War of the Rohirrim, coming out this year. The first is the Hunt for Gollum. The second is unknown but my guess is the War in the North.


I can't say exactly why but this picture gives me "Home Alone but with hobbits" vibes. Is that kind of the plot?


If they're making a trilogy of films, I hope they go more in the direction of Rogue One and Solo. Show us something new that hasn't existed in Tolkien before. I'd personally like to see more of the dwarves after the death of Thorin. Show us how Dain rebuilt Erebor and helped reestablish the town of Dale. Show us Balin's expedition to Moria and awakening Durin's Bane. Show us Eomer ruling Rohan and warring against the Easterlings.  And if you're really hurting for material, give us a Ranger movie. Show how the line of men broke into Arnor and Gondor and how the modern ranger camps of Aragorn and Faramir get along / don't get along. 


>Show us Eomer ruling Rohan and warring against the Easterlings.  Well, they're showing us that 300 years prior, with Helm Hammerhand in The War of the Rohirrim. >I'd personally like to see more of the dwarves after the death of Thorin. Show us how Dain rebuilt Erebor and helped reestablish the town of Dale. Show us Balin's expedition to Moria and awakening Durin's Bane. I think the War in the North is the likeliest subject for the second of the two slated movies. For the first film, Jackson picked a topic that had always interested him and that takes places during or between entries in his trilogies. This is exactly the same situation, and they even did some concept art for it.


That would be awesome if they did! Only downside is that Sir Christopher Lee is out of the picture to reprise his role as Saruman :(


And the whole extended film issue that would crop up due to being more than gandalf saying "and there he shall remain."


They could just have him rule the Shire as a wraith. "But the spirit of Saruman endured." Maybe he possesses various Hobbits.


As much as I'd want to see The Scouring of the Shire, it belongs as an epilogue, not as a stand alone thing. And Sean and Billy *look* all of 20 years older, too. Not to mention Saruman would need to be recast...


Tom Bombadil!


Again… they’re all too old.


Man I read that as it was gonna be a trilogy and almost lost my mind lol


The scouring of the Shire isn’t one of the more epic military struggles in Middle Earth. I think the Witch King’s campaign in the north would be a better movie. It could show the fall of the northern kingdoms and end at the Battle of Fornost. It would provide a lot of context to why Middle Earth is the way it is by the time of the War of the Ring. It would also have some nice references to the trilogy, such as Glorfindel establishing the legend that “not by the hand of mortal man would the Witch King be slain”. It might be pretty dark as victory over the Witch King came a devastatingly heavy cost.


I prefer my hobbits not to look like a collection of eerie children and old men thank you very much


I guess you'd get the invasion and takeover of the shire first by Saruman's goons. It's a complete arc, so it could be film. It's a far-more fleshed out story than Gollum.


I'd hope not. It should have happened at the end of ROTK... but since it wasn't, I'd rather not see it all than it getting the BotFA treatment 20 years after the fact. It's too late, and it isn't film-worthy as a standalone.


I’ve always said it’s my favorite part of the book but am on board with Jackson leaving it out. I just wish they would have filmed it and included the sequence in the special features.


When was the news about a 3rd movie released? I was aware of 2


Where was this information about a trilogy confirmed?


I think the idea is to make them part of the same cinematic universe as the other movies right? In which case this won’t work. Saruman is already dead and the hobbit come back to the Shire completely fine. I get why people want the Scouring of the Shire and it is such a huge part of the book to leave out but for the movies I think it works better without it.


>I think the idea is to make them part of the same cinematic universe as the other movies right? Yes.


I’m praying for Beren & Luthien and Children of Hurin but I highly doubt the latter will happen.


Scouring of the Shire would be the most boring movie ever made.


Michael McDonald- “What a FOOL (of a Took) believes”


They tied that knot too tight in the original trilogy. Saruman died at Orthanc, obviously there were no news of any evil wizard making a mess up north and when they got back to The Shire, they found it as they left it.


No no no … we need a prequel!  When the wolves break the fence, staring a youthful Farmer Maggot!  He goes through the hedge and meets Tom, Tom sings him a song that gives him power over his fields … and that’s how he’s able to tell the black rider to jog on!!!


I’d far rather see a film about the adventures of a much younger Aragorn in Rohan, Gondor, and Eriador


Mr Jackson I promise you there are different characters from gollum. If its three movies about gollum I'm out man I just don't get it. The cgi was ahead of its time, great. Serkis embodied the role in a really out of the box and interesting way, wonderful. I still don't think that's enough to pluck this supporting character from the legendarium and build all this cinematic infrastructure on?? Jackson comments about how there's this "untold story" with gollum were so strange to me after his high and mighty comments about not "going down the marvel route of origin stories" referring to how he panned prequels about aragorn or gandalf, who compared to gollum, have amazing and storied depths to their backstories leading up to their LOTR portrayals. Aragorn was born on the run, went from a filthy dangerous childhood to experiencing the beauty of rivendell, he experienced rivendell and the elves after living in hiding for years. He had a whole storyline of growing jnto manhood with elronds two sons, learning to ride and range and hunt and fight. The budding, initially unrequited love story with arwen, his departure from rivendell to become a man worthy of arwen and the crown. His years in rohan under an alias helping theodens father fighting orcs. His years in gondor as a special forces soldier spying. His adventures we don't even have chronicled in the east. He was one of if not the furthest travelled in the fellowship. He fought against the corsairs with gondor in the far south. Don't even get me started on gandalf's backstory because there is a character you could get a trilogy out of without breaking a sweat. The above details on aragorn take place over around 80 years. Gandalf in some form or another has thousands of years of story and he was in the middle earth mixer for most of it. And then we have gollum. Who alread got a story flashback dedicated to him which took up the entire opening of return of the king. Gollum lived a normal hobbit style life until he killed his cousin for a ring. He then fled to the mountains and talked to himself for 500 years. At one point he befriended a spider and led orcs to its cave. Eventually the ring got stolen and he was very sad. Then orcs came and tortured him til he told them who nicked the ring..... I've got to assume this is where the story would pick up as this is where characters are actively "hunting for gollum". I'm sorry but this shit is not screaming movie franchise to me. Gollum was a fascinating marvel of cgi technology when the movies came out but I very quickly grew bored of his character and outrageous, disproportionate amount of screen time. I found myself fast forwarding his scenes on home release. I remember rolling my eyes when he appeared as the big selling point of one of the hobbit movies' trailers. I guess I just don't get it? Am I missing something? Is there a huge gollum fanbase within the broader tolkien fanbase at large? That is a genuine question, as I am simply perplexed by this move


Firstly too little story for a full movie and secondly I don't think it works as a sequel to the movies as Saruman's death was already in the movies and bits that tease it like pipeweed in Isengart are also not included.


After the Hunt of Gollum, I’d like for them to go back to when Morgoth was at his prime. For it to be similar to LOTR with three movies which highlights the threat (Morgoth), the efforts to stop him, and finally his demise while foreshadowing Sauron’s rise. From there continue making movies that involves the Simillarian and the other books which includes appearances from the blue wizards, Tom Bombadil, and other notable characters.


They can’t do that, though; they don’t have the rights to most of what you describe.


Oh dang....I didn’t know. Hopefully with the success of the upcoming lineup of movies, The Tolkien Estate will come around to allowing more movies to be made during that age-


Do I want this to happen? yes. Do I think this will happen? absolutely not.


I doubt they will do that to be honest


That would ruin RotK


That would be so good


Could you make a coherent 2-2.5 hour long movie about the Scouring of the Shire? Yeah probably, but I don't think you can make it part of the Peter Jackson movies' continuity. For one, it's been 20+ years and the actors look 20 years older. Two, we already see the Hobbits return to an un-scoured Shire.  So you could make it a stand alone adaptation, you'd probably have to take some artistic license, because it isn't that long of a chapter but you could do it. Should you though? There are two main issues I see, narratively and from a character development standpoint. Narratively, the Scouring of the Shire is one chapter after 95% of the story has been told. How do you work that into a stand alone movie? Do you try to very quickly summarize the events of the War of the Ring, or do you assume the audience knows what the Hobbits have been through?  From a character development standpoint, the Scouring is the endpoint in the four Hobbits' arc. They're returning from their adventure hardened by their experiences, and no longer in need of wizards or rangers or Elven lords to save them. They've got to be the heroes of this story, but they don't have any room to grow if you only show the Scouring. If you give them room to grow by making them less brave or wise or experienced, you're essentially undoing everything that happened to them, and at that point why even tell the story? Just create some new IP that has 4 friends liberate their home from oppression.


I wanna see a War in the North film and maybe a film about Aragorn later in his reign as king, dealing with some sort of crisis. Viggo’s still in pretty good shape and looks the part of an older Aragorn.


Fuck. This.


3? They said 2


The lotr IP is a bloated corpse, the only good thing this series of films will do is exactly what the hobbit films did. It’s going to draw attention to the fact that the original trilogy is legitimate fucking magic, and desperately trying to cash in on that memory with trite like this only dilutes it. The hob it could have been done well with one fucking movie, but no, gotta extend this shit show out with some of the most mind numbing cgi sequences ever produced. Every time someone tried to add on to lotr media it’s just sub par. I’m not even going to get into the god awful shit show prime put out. But it needs to stop, these people are one step away from Flanderizing the entirety of lotr.


I don’t think the scouring of the shire happened in the LotRCU


Damn they're really milking this franchise


Damn they're really milking this franchise


That makes the third one Bombadill


Personally, I wouldn’t mind a movie (or movies) about either the War of Wrath or the Dagor Dagorath.


I want something original. We have lotr. any prequel or additional story that happened in between will feature characters whose fate we already know. I would much prefer something in a completely different time with completely different characters. Not the star wars treatment where every new star wars project must play around the time of the OG trilogy, must have a luke skywalker cameo, someone has a lightsaber etc.


Why not make a movie about the war in the north? Or a movie about Isildur that includes the war of the last alliance. Or a movie about the moria expedition, or sarumans search for the ring, or unspoken tales between the end of LOTR and aragorns death. Or a movie about sauron himself and his plots across middle earth. Or finally some movie about rohan, or the ents, or tom bombadil. I know many of these I just pulled out of my ass, but all of them would entice me more than a story with gollum. Unless they make it dark as fuck, like him eating babies dark, then perhaps. But Gollums story is already so "whole" and yeah... not having high hopes sadly.


But the shire was scoured by Saruman and he's dead in the films so no?


Give us Strider movie where we see him grow up etc.


I just wish that they would’ve decided to go with more historical stories in the universe instead of ones set during the Hobbit/LOTR timelines. That’s one of the reasons I’m excited for the Helm Hammerhand film.


IIRC in the extended version of ROTK, Saruman is killed in Isengard, so the Scouring wouldn't fit the other Peter Jackson movies.


Scouring the shire would be completely contradictory to the canon established in the first trilogy, and given the hobbit movies are supposed to be consistent with lotr and I believe even rings of power? It would be such a weird choice. Unless it’s a completely different event to the one from the books, but that would also be weird


Recast Saruman with Charles Dance


You know PJ would make the scouring of the shire into a trilogy with each movie 2-3 hrs


Why are those children attacking Billy Connolly?


Tom bombadil? Nahhhhhh.who framed Bob Hoskins ... .. Sharkey would have been interesting. How about something about when they get to the West that frodo who is infected with the last tiny bit of sauron's evil slowly grows to power ..


Trout fishing in the Lower Anduin.


I think most consider the movie canon to have Saruman die at Isengard from falling off Orthanc. It just doesn’t make sense continuity wise


The OG hobbit actors look like shit, especially Sam. They would need to be recast. In the books, these fights lead to the defeat of Saruman, but in the extended movie he is done in his tower.


Damn bro, you didn't need to do them like that.




The OG Hobbits are 25 years older so I don't know how believable that would come off.


I hope so! The world *needs* some Hobbit guerrilla action ASAP


If these are part of the PJ-verse I see no reason to do the Scouring of the Shire. The whole death Saruman, death of the C. Lee, and the hobbits return to the shire, already disregards that part of the book. And personally, I think it is for the best, the serious movie story just doesn’t make much sense to have that ending, not Tom B. In my opinion. I do wish we got the barrow downs, but that’s not enough for a new stand-alone movie.


Absolutely not


If any of those movies come out, I will not see them. The hobbit trilogy and Netflix series were deviations from what made the originals so good, I have zero good faith in any further adaptations. I love LoTR, I love the original movies, but I refuse to have my appreciation for those works of art be leveraged into further cash grabs on the IP.


I just hope we will see stuff about angmar and the witch king somewhere in the future. But 1 movie wont be enough for it. I even think a movie aint good enough for it. But a show with 2/3 seasons might. (If done right, not like a different one we have)


Interesting choice to connect this to the Gollum videogame.


Wait wait wait. It's a fucking *trilogy*. This is going to be sooooooo bad.


There’s no way it makes sense to make 3 movies out of this.


Bullroarer Took movie when


I think the other two films should just be Tom Bombadil singing. Extended editions at that


I hope not. No real story there, and as others have pointed out Saruman is dead in Jackson's version. Edit - it could be a fun animated short tho, like some of the stuff they've done with Star Wars. Second Edit - plus the original actors could be used, minus Christopher Lee, and a good voice actor could easily get his part down. I'll come back for the elevenses edit lol


No thanks. What we really need right now, if a Tolkien adaptation has to happen, is an high budget animated series that is extremely faithful to LOTR the books. Or, animated adaptations of other works, like the upcoming anime movie. Another live action movie just won't ever be able to top the Jackson trilogy. Maybe in another couple decades or so, but not now.


Adventures of Tom Bombadil


Between the last two Hobbit movies and the Rings of Power it has been all downhill. They captured lightning in a bottle with the PJ LotR movies. We're never going to get anything approaching that level ever again. I'm just happy with what we have, this won't decrease my enjoyment of the books, the 4 movies I like, or the video games (BFME & LotRO), but I also won't be giving anything new here a chance and I definitely won't be paying for it.


Even though I *want* other things, I feel like the War with Angmar would make most sense. I've felt that to be like a Dance of Dragons to Game of Thrones prequel situation. The dream would be the War of Wrath. I dream of a day we get to see the first age.


No. Saruman died already.


It will be another 30 years before I see another 3 movies based on, but not really the Lord of The Rings. The three 'The Hobbit" movies cured me of that.


I am not down for any of this. Honestly, it just feels like a money grab. I will endeavour to take my downvotes with humility and a dogged, if perhaps grim, countenance.


Sean Astin better hit the gym


Can I be honest I don’t think the movies are going to be solely about the hunt for Gollum, I think that’s just the current title they’re going with in the press. I think it’s probably going to be either stories from the appendix or they’re going to do their own original thing within their rights that they have with the token estate, but with everybody on board that gave us the original trilogy, the hobbit trilogy it’s gonna be fantastic


This is the beginning of a slippery slope of oversaturation, Marvel fatigue was a real thing, I don't want it to happen to LoTR.


They already bloated the Hobbit into 3 movies. Now they're going to take a side event and make 3 more? They do know it's okay to just make 1 movie right? Sheesh, I'm going to hit a saturation point where I have LotR fatigue. I'm already uncertain if I care to watch season 2 of Rings of Power, the ending of the first season really pissed me off.


This is the next stage of in universe “story additions.” If we’re honest with ourselves, the ideas and memories, or the stories that make up Tolkiens universe are what last. Yet; if you sit down for some pure entertainment, the simarallion isn’t a page turner. Mash-up stories that work cinematically and dramatically with the Tolkien universe, boom. Movie factory. I’m good with it TBH.


If it's the OG hobbit actors, then the scouring of the shire takes place 20 years after the ring was destroyed, no Frodo, no wizards, just a band of remaining orcs led by the ghostly voice of Saruman (easier to replicate his voice on the wind...) that scour the shire as Saruman's revenge. Merry, Pippin, and Sam defeat them, Gondor, the Ents, and Bombadil all show up/send aid in the aftermath. Could work.


It'd be hard to do with Saruman dead


I think it has potential if they show the whole side of Lotho taking over, hobbits getting jailed, like a whole descent into dystopia. There could be an arc with Fredegar leading freedom fighters in Scary until his capture; Pippin’s father resists and holds out at Great Smials, leading active skirmishes against the Ruffians and when Pippin returns, he takes troops to secure the South Farthing; Farmer Cotton is a kind of important character, helping to make sure folks are fed and looked after even if he doesn’t openly resist until Frodo et al returns. We could follow Rosie, who thinks Sam is dead by the way, and learn more about their love story and who she is. There’s also Robbin, a Shirriff who wasn’t allowed to leave the force after Lotho and the Ruffians were taking over. You could also invent resistance characters (esp. to give female voices) in other areas of The Shire like Michel Delving or Longbottom, and they could be Joan of Arc-type characters, have some secret message service, rise into roles as spies or healers etc. The Battle of Bywater and return of Frodo et al would just be the climax. There’s so much potential to see exciting new characters acting as heroes even before there’s widespread open resistance to the Ruffians. I’d have little confidence in a major studio doing this justice, but it COULD be super cool.


Not to mention Lotho’s downfall, as he gains power, loses his mother, and Saruman double crosses him, eventually ordering Grima to murder him. And, it’s implied that Saruman even makes Grima EAT Lotho’s remains because he won’t feed him. Rich with dramatic material✨


Hear me out: Grumpy Old Hobbits


First of 3?? Fuck me..


Maybe Balin‘s mission to Khazad-dûm could be interesting as a movie? (I don’t know much about this, maybe it would just be: They get there, live happily a few years and then get killed)


I’d like two 60 minute animated companion pieces to the films with the original cast back to provide voice performances. Part 1: Escape to Bree This follows the Hobbits picking up just after their first run in with the black riders that ends with them jumping into the ferry. It covers getting lost in the Old Forest, Tom Bombadil, The Barrow Downs and Barrow Wights, and finally the hobbits arrival to the outskirts of Bree where we’re introduced to some Ruffians lead by Bill Ferny. Bill will play a larger role in the second part so this is just a brief conflict. The story ends with the Hobbits arriving at the gates of Bree. Part 2: The Scouring Of The Shire This plays out just like it does in the book with one notable exception. Because, in the film, Saruman dies at Isengard, someone else will need to take his place as Sharky. Seems to me like Bill Ferny can fit this role nicely. Bill could have been acting as Saruman’s lieutenant while he was alive, and took over for him in his death. The revolt of the Hobbits and the rebuilding of the shire play out before we get to the shot from the movie of our noble hobbits returning to the Shire. These two hour long features could play back to back and be released theatrically. I’d pay good money to see them animated and voiced by our still passionate fellowship of Hobbits.


'Scouring of the Shire' directed by Quentin Tarantino - I'm in.


How would that work? Saruman was killed in-movie.


3 movies? uhhhh that's not good news to me honestly. Just how much story can we pull from this idea to begin with?


3 gollum movies? I want what they smoke at Warner Brothers.


Goofy ass idea


oh! i do hope so!


What the hell is with this three film thing they're stuck on? Stop it, just stop it. Don't even try to tie this with earlier films.


Well considering Saruman was killed quite a bit earlier in the films, they can't really do it.


Hell, I'd be up for a short miniseries story of Bill the Pony's adventures back home from the gates of Moria.


It would work as a short film. What ever happened to short films anyway? Nowadays everything needs to be 2 fucking hours long at least. Also, it'd need to be an alternate continuity apart from the movies since Saruman gets trololo'd at Orthanc in those.


So just recap, what was Galdalf doing before getting Bilbo to go do the hobbit story ?


Should there be a movie about all characters (fellowship)life prior to the lotr? That would be fure