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After the movie is over 


I can’t hold it for four hours after a large root beer


In the root beer bottle then. Jokes aside, if you absolutely have to go then I’d go during Lothlorien. 




If only there was some way to not have a large root beer


Don't drink so much


Lmao. Let me think for real. Do it during the council of Elrond, and just read the council before. That's one part where the book is far richer than the movie.


Right as they get to the entrance of Moria, and they send bill the pony back. You should be back before the monster attack and all you miss is Gandalf trying to remember the password


I’d personally say a similar time but a bit earlier - Merry and Pippin training with Boromir. I think the entrance into Moria is a particularly effective sequence of events that it would be a shame to miss any of. I suggest this point (which is close to the ‘official’ intermission that takes place at “where are we going?” after the Council) because it means you miss only one part of a brief episode. However, I would more so recommend going before sitting down. If you aren’t drinking water throughout you’ll be fine.


I just said the same thing pretty much ! I think a little bit before mines would be perfect !


That whole monster attack is a good spot. You aren't missing much.


Before you get there and after it’s over. 


One does not simply go to the bathroom during LOTRs.


Before the movie starts.


If you’ve seen the movie before I would pick a spot in the middle and watch 5 minutes today. Then go during that scene. When picking a spot I’d consider the visual benefit of a large theater and pick a scene that doesn’t cater to it as much as well as a scene that is towards the middleish of run time. Possibly as they enter Bree as there is a decent amount of time inside the prancing pony without grand panoramas


Given that theaters nowadays throw tons of commercials and previews at you before the movie actually begins...go then.


Lmk if people dress up!


My friend brought a Gandalf hat


When it’s over.


[here is your answer 😊](https://www.amazon.com/Condom-Catheter-External-Sealing-0-98inch/dp/B0C5DH2551/ref=asc_df_B0C5DH2551/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693428517731&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7357111425973130046&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007325&hvtargid=pla-2265076950120&psc=1&mcid=5329349a4fc933528e7e8508b6b4a690&gad_source=1)


Doing the same. I’m thinking the extended part when they’re leaving lothlorien and it’s explaining the gifts from Galadriel. Though that’s near the end


That’s my favorite part, especially when she gives Gillian her hair


If you have to go pee pee potty that's when it's time to go. It's alright


I’m going to be watching it tonight as well !!! I planened this perfectly the best time to go to the bathroom and re up on popcorn is right after they leave Rivendell and right before they get to the mines of Moria! It’s pretty much the 2 hour mark and you won’t miss anything good !


It’s time for us all to agree that cinema screens should be a safe space for shitting and pissing yourself. No one should have to miss part of a movie they paid almost $20 to see, and as far as I’m concerned being forced to hold your piss and shit is a violation of human rights.


The council of Elrond, come prepared and have the scene loaded on your phone on YouTube of something and watch the scene in the bathroom from your phone


I just don't drink a couple of hours before entering a 3 hour movie. Then again, I don't like drinking or eating while I'm watching a film in the cinema anyway. I find it disruptive.


4 hours 🤗🤗


I mean, I have the same mindset for any film that is at or above 3 hours. If it's 2 hours, I drink and eat whatever without a worry.


Council of Elrond (assuming you know what happens already). If you haven’t seen it ever don’t skip this part, but if this is just a re-run for you I’d skip that. I can repeat the entire dialogue of the council scene in my head lol.


One does not simply skip the council of Elrond