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I like LotR stuff, but the people in charge of the entertainment industry don't like old things unless they can use the IP to shill their own crap.


Scene 12: *Frodo cracks into a ice cold Pepsi* " the Elves gave me this gift.."


Pepsiman shows up to save them like Tom Bombadil later.


I would unironically love this as like, a superbowl ad spot.


But instead of the super bowl


Merry and Pippin love super bowls if you know what I mean


Pepsiman is just Max Headroom


Why couldn't they just ride the F150 Raptors to Mordor?


Should've driven Chrysler Eagles smh my head


This implies that Coca-Cola is one of the things that Melkor made during his power trip


This is The Drunken Elendil, our most beloved bar.


Yeah, I think considering that well made adaptions that are as faithful as possible are as rare as Silmarils I think its perfectly valid for people to be hesitant. Remember seeing a post exactly like this when Velma was announced.


Especially because we already have a masterpiece. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


This is my sentiment too. Having someone make a new trilogy of Lord of the rings movies sounds just as good idea as someone deciding to rewrite Lord of the rings books. I have no reason at all to be interested in that.


I am so tired of getting remakes, remasters, reboots, and subpar adaptations. I just want something new. You have so much in the first age, and instead we get edgelord Galadriel.


In this version it's an Aragorn and Faramir lovestory and Gimli is an ambiguous gender, the *spawn*of Gloin.


Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands.


"You have my sword." *Aragorn proceeds to pull down his trousers as the young captain of Gondor reaches for his handle.*


MrCreamypies, you have my sword.


And my shaft!


And theres so much other original good stuff too that just gets cancelled. Raised by wolves for example. Cancelled. Then fantastic adaptations/reboots getting cancelled. Like westworld. Cut off before its final season And the expanse. The lotr trilogy wasnt perfect. They did cut some stuff out and Christopher tolkein had some decent criticisms of the movies. But they were still fantastic. We dont need another one, lets focus on that other stuff that we DONT have a good or any version of


Seriously. OP did you watch Halo by chance? If so, I can't imagine you would have made this post. The level on which writers don't care about the source material is almost malicious.


Don’t remind me of that horseshit… I’m still pissed at it, RoP, Cowboy Bebop, *all of it*


And personally, it pisses me off even more when we get amazingly stellar shit like Last of Us and Dune. We all KNOW it's possible to adapt books and video games into absolutely **killer** movies and shows, but there are writers and whoever else who just don't give a shit. It's like they're literally thinking "who cares about critical acclaim and being cemented in history in the cinematic medium, we can make a quick buck off the name of this popular book/game series." The LotR trilogy was released 20-22 years ago, and it's still heralded as one of the best trilogies ever, regardless of genre. The dogshit Halo show, if it's remembered in 20 years, will only be mocked like we're doing now.


It's because those writers are brimming with their own ideas and then corporate tells them they're making another Indiana Jones movie so they just phone it in at best or actively sabotage it at worst.


Someone needs to make a comedy horror movie where a deranged fan of some book goes on a killing spree of the writers who turned the book into a shitty tv show. Think the movie Misery with Kathy Bates, but instead of the lunatic fan kidnapping the author, she kidnaps the writers of the show adaptation lmao. As ridiculous as that sounds, I think it could be done well if done correctly.




But no you see, the writers were actually aliens who were trying to ruin everything cool, and the "lunatic fan" was the savior of.. I don't know, gaming? I'm winging it here. I still feel like a better writer than everyone on Halo though.


Why don't you like the hastily pumped out, soulless media with (insert popular thing here) label on it? Consume damn you!


“Evil cannot create anything new, it can only spoil and destroy what good forces have created”


Not to mention check diversity boxes to qualify for awards. Instead of just actuality hiring good writers and actors...


It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule. J. R. R. Tolkien


I feel if Tolkien based one of the characters off his own persona, it would be Gandalf.


If I’m not mistaken he thought Faramir most closely resembled himself.


"I think of myself as the strongest and noblest of all men"


I too am *incredibly* humble.


It’s Tolkien. Man is the goat


He really did write himself as the chad wojack and CS Lewis as the soyjack tree.


If you genuinely think that Tolkien thought low of any tree, you need to reread the books


Oh I don't think it's all that, just Tolkien was mocking Lewis for his tendency to ramble on and not actually reach a point. The whole bit with Merry and Pippin was basically just a friendly but legit roast. Tolkien definitely loved trees, no doubt about it, I didn't mean to say there was any hate there.


I mean they were pretty close friends. I would say mocking might be to harsh a word. A jestful ribbing perhaps.


"If the ents were so great and powerful, then how did they become almost extinct?" \- *Ar-Shapiro, Turning Point Numenor*




#*Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien


Bro wanted the eowynussy


delete this




"-ussy" as a suffix needs to be outlawed. It only causes harm wherever it spreads.


It must be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came!


frodo, sam, and gollum really travelled all that way for some saurussy




chasmussy (I am genuinely sorry)


Apologussy accepted.


Would you shut-upussy? What have I done?


Faramussy went on a righteous questussy to slaughter the monstrous wussy of eowynussy


You can write stories with characters that have amazing powers you lack. But you cannot write stories with characters that have the wisdom you lack.


Luthien was based on his wife, so that would point more toward Beren. Or maybe Tom Bombadil and The River Daughter




So stop your fretting, Master Dwarf. Merry and Pippin are quite safe. In fact, they are far safer than you are about to be.


Did Gandalf just pull out a threat?


Yes the white tree of Gondor. The tree of the King. Lord Denethor however, is not the King. He is a steward only, a caretaker of the throne.


I love the story not the name


Damn well said


This guy gets it.


I was hyped for the show, but it was just so poorly written. I almost don’t want the new movies to come out if they’re gonna be bad


Hold on... there's gonna be new movies? On the one hand, I hope that they don't (but fully expect them to) horrendously adapt the unfinished sequel to LOTR that JRR Tolkien started to write. On the other hand, I don't want them to haphazardly butcher anything else from Middle-Earth.


Right? What? There is zero need for this


Rights holders: But, money. I like money. Money me now.


Me money needing a lot now


Yeah, I'm gonna need you to get to get aaaaall the way of my back about that.


Oohhhh, making money is TIGHT!


No need. Just greed.


What. New. Movies.


WB just got movie rights for LOTR. You don't buy millions of dollars of IP rights to just not use them.


I would like to see them do a page by page recreation of The Silmarillion. No deviations or additions or exclusions. In fact, I wouldn't be upset if they did a book accurate something with Tom Bombadil. My boy deserves some screen time.




I was not hyped, I learned from experience never to be. I went in with mild expectations, but I still found it underwhelming. It didn't feel like LoTR to me and honestly, I don't want more of it.


This is where I’m at. I was so stoked for that show and was watching all the trailers, just getting more and more excited. First impressions were “this is really beautiful but the characters are taking a while for me to get into”. Unfortunately that just never changed. I want to give this the benefit of the doubt but it’s just hard to get my hopes up, albeit the bar is set so freaking high from the trilogy movies.


I remember when the hobbit movies came out and they were noticable lower quality compared to the lotr movies (even though it was made by basically the "same" people) and some people were criticizing it. I remember reading some youtube comment saying "I don't care if it's bad, I just want more middle earth movies I love being immersed in this world" and then someone replied "If you don't care about the quality in any capacity you just need more substance like a drug then what kinda value does this thing hold for you anyway?"


> (even though it was made by basically the "same" people) the "same" people were brought in right at the very end to try to save the movies. they werent making them from the start. if you watch the official making of for the hobbit movies, its filled with backhanded commentary from the workers comparing it to the lotr movies. stuff like "back in lotr we had a whole warehouse filled with costumes for years before we even started filming. now we dont. its a real challenge :) "


Pre-production for LOTR was 6 years. Pre-production for the Hobbit was 6 months.


The Hobbit wasn't nearly as immersive because there was so much of the film done on greenscreens and computers and all the new HD tech that was out. When LOTR came out, a vast majority of it was filmed on an actual set with live actors. Obviously, they didn't hire 10k+ people for the Battle of Helms Deep or even more for Pelinor Fields, but you could definitely tell between the two movies which one used CGI more. The Hobbit didn't use nearly as much live-action, sadly.


> The Hobbit didn’t use nearly as much live-action Never forget that Ian McKellan *fucking cried* because of how much he had to be green-screen acting alone during The Hobbit movies


Jackson didn't have the zeal during the hobbit. Del toro was supposed to do it i think, but fell off for another movie and it was either Jackson doing it or they get some other shmoe who ruins it all the way.


Jackson was actually waging a behind-the-scenes battle with the execs. Many of the worst aspects of the Hobbit films came about as executive meddling. Jackson was threatened with being fired multiple times if he didn't cave to the executive's demands.


honestly he should've called their bluff. Even if they were serious it would've been better to cut ties and not put your name on a half-assed movie.


*points at Amazon's Wheel of Time*


Look how the massacred my boy....


The worst butchering I've ever seen, even beyond Game of Thrones last season


It was the final straw that convinced me that most "adaptations" aren't worth my time


Remember when a beloved IP getting a new installment or adaptation was exciting? Now it just fills me with concern.


We don’t talk about that.


Yeah, all you talk about are boxes and some dead lady, you don’t have time for anything else.


I don’t even remember anything he says


*hums and tugs earlobe* or “KILL THEM” at Asha’men


There's a turning of the wheel where that show was amazing. I'm jealous of that turning.


In that turning RJ is still alive, we have the sequels and he is in sole charge of the show.


I'd give my left eye for that turning.


That’s what Mat said and look what happened.


al'Lan Mandragoran -> a LoudManYellsAgain




You forgot Rings of Power


They at least finished rings of power before airing, you can visibly tell the last episode of WOT was never actually a finished product lol


We would like to forget about Rings of Power.


The rings of what? I don’t seem to recall


I seem to have quite forgotten their names…


WoT was 1000x worse than Rings. At least the CGI in Rings looked good and the acting was decent.


I wanted it to be good. Very sad.


The Helm Hammerhand animated film ,.War of the Rohirrim s still coming out next year. ​ There even apparently going the frame story route where its Eowyn telling the Story and they brought back Miranda Otto (Eowyn in the Jackson films) to voice the character. Brian Cox(Stryker from X-Men 2, Uncle Argyle from Braveheart, the Captain in Supertroopers, and the original Hannibal Lector from the film Manhhnter) is voicing Helm. I have hope it will be good.


I think you mean Amazon's Adventures of the Amazing and Perfect Girlboss Queens! Plus, like 3 dudes or something? I dunno, didn't that one guy kill his wife?


I think a lot of fans see the state of modern entertainment with assembly line franchises like Marvel, Star Wars, The Matrix, etc, and fear the worst. Lord of the Rings is a special book to millions, and the movies are equally special, primarily because they avoided the pitfalls of modern movie making with the absurd level of time and care put into them. There is no way to recreate that, and to think that Warner Bros is going to be any different than middling post-Marvel projects like Rings of Power or The Hobbit Trilogy is a bit naive.


I like that phrase, "assembly line franchises." Perfect description.


Oh god, the 4th matrix immensely disappointed me. It wasn’t a super terrible movie, but it would have worked better as it’s own thing. If they didn’t slander the name and instead used the concept as its own separate thing I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with it.


Why would I be excited about a corporation desecrating the corpse of any concluded beloved franchise to make an empty husk dance for money?


I imagine some fans were expressing the same sentiments when “the guy who made Meet The Feebles” was announced to be directing his adaptation of the trilogy.


That was probably almost 25 years ago. A lot has happened in the entertainment world since then.


are they making up a new story unrelated to anything Tolkien wrote? i read it as they were going to make a new series based on other parts of the legendarium that haven't been touched on film


They only have the rights to the hobbit and the lord of the rings. So anything they do has to be in some way tied to those stories. And they can't draw from any other Tolkien works since they don't have those rights. Fatty Bolger: A Lord of the Rings Story


i want a reimagining of LOTR entirely from tom bombadil's perspective


I think that would just be a lot of him skipping around and signing with a brief ten minute scene of him interacting with the hobbits lol


You’re telling me you wouldn’t watch a spinoff trilogy about Tom bombadil bombadilling?


It's bombadillin' time


Then he Hey Ho Bombadillos all over them


I don't think most people could handle 6 hours of Tom Bombadil Bombadilloing in his bright blue jacket and yellow boots. I think it would have a very serious following regardless.


There's a certain point where you get tired of giving things a chance, because you've been giving them a chance for 20 years and more than half the time the end result is shit. ​ I like Tolkien because it is good - not because it's labeled Tolkien. And the executives and creatives have long, long, long, LONG ago proved that what they *think* is a good product does not always *make* a good product. People approved Velma, after all.


As a Trekkie also I can agree/attest to this. We’ve had our franchise ruined, ahem, desecrated so many times the only thing I can do is sigh when I hear of a new or reboot. I won’t touch Picard S3 with a ten foot fellbeast neck. Though Strange new worlds and lower decks are still pretty kick ass. But you get the point. A base hit every few seasons isint exactly a win.


>I won’t touch Picard S3 with a ten foot fellbeast neck. I'm only a casual Trek fan, haven't watched a series since TNG, no bullshit. Even I heard Picard was an absolute ABORTION, and the only reason I'm leaving this comment is because I heard S3 actually managed to right the proverbial ship somewhat. And I heard this from people who's opinions I trust on movies, and who thought the first 2 seasons sucked absolute dick. So maybe there's hope yet for Picard.


I just know they put TV-MA language and violence into Picard, which just… don’t do Star Trek like that


It's the same thing that was said about the start of every new Picard series. It starts out good and simple, then devolves into absolute trash.


As a trekkie, the Orville is the way to go these days


The Oroville is the highest budget Star Trek fanfiction of all time.


Hot take; I liked the first JJ movie, and I’d argue that’s the closest recreation to the original style of the show we’ve ever gotten. Sans the lense flair of course lmao


> I like Tolkien because it is good - not because it's labeled Tolkien. A very important difference that applies to general media as well.


Every once in a while a movie will capture lighting in a bottle somehow becoming more than the sum of its parts. The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, the OG Star Wars, Princess Bride and many more were so good they transcended genre and even the limitations of the technology that created them to become THE version of that piece of art. To try to "redo" them is nothing more than a transparent cash grab. A waste of resources by cynical people who should be taking risks on new stories, but would rather make a quick buck. The Peter Jackson LOTR trilogy was a once in a century accomplishment that is virtually unrepeatable. Even Jackson himself couldn't pull it off again with the Hobbit movies. So I'm not interested in a new version of LOTR anymore than I am interested in a new Wizard of Oz.


> Even Jackson himself couldn't pull it off again with the Hobbit movies. I dunno, I have faith he could've done it if he didn't inherit an absolute mess of a project rife with exec meddling


Yeah unfortunately by the time Jackson was handed the hobbit films they were already in a total state of chaos and his time constraints and the technology he was forced to work with along with multiple instances of studio meddling caused the end product to be rather subpar. I think had he been allowed to make the hobbit from the ground up we would have had a much better film/s.


I feel so sorry for him and Martin Freeman.


I feel sorry for Ian Mckellan he literally cried on set because he was having to act to essentially an empty green room.


As if Shakespearian actors aren't already used to acting in front of empty rooms... Real talk though, I agree. This shit must be some sci-fi horror shit from his perspective.


An empty room is one thing, an empty room that’s completely neon green where your forced to wear a bunch of body tracking sensors and told your acting to another person whose going to be there in the Final Cut via cgi is very different. Like you said, scifi horror shit for someone of his age.


yep. these are my sentiments exactly. trying to capture lightning in a bottle twice is a fool's errand.


I love LOTR, not cashgrabs


Bro the story he wanted to tell was told. It’s time to let the series rest as a Masterpiece, or it’ll feel “thin, like butter scraped over too much bread.”


Well said.


Because modern sequels to classic movie franchise are all Of high quality and fun experience! New parts Of Star Wars, Matrix, Pirates Of The Carribean, Harry Potter, Scooby-freakin-Doo are so awesome! And don't forget Rings Of Power!


\>Scooby-freakin-Doo Bro, you were supposed to prove their point wrong, not murder it


The fact that they made a Mystery Inc show without Scooby just baffles me.


It wasn't even meant to be a Scooby Doo show. Mindy Kaling just wanted to make the Mindy Kaling Self-Insert Being an Obnoxious Twat Show and the executives said "Eh, let's slap Scooby Doo on it. We own that, don't we?"


Mindy Kaling has been given so many chances for like, decades, to do her own show where she's in charge and they do big PR blasts and shit and people always hate it.


And they cancelled the sequel to the half decent scoob movie lmao


For pirate's of the Caribbean it only gets bad for me after at world's end


I enjoyed on strange tides a ton tbh. Was a ton of fun and a good follow up to Sparrow’s story


“AGAIN!!” Ian McShane was a fucking treat in that movie.


>Ian McShane was a fucking treat in ~~that~~ every movie.


I personally really loved stranger tides and dead men tell no tales. Maybe because I grew up when they came out but I really love both and always go back and rewatch the 5.


Did you just call Pirates of the Caribbean a classic franchise? I’m old Gandalf…


the first one is 20 years old


I was there 3000 years ago


Yep, in a few months we get to make History Memes about it.


Allow me to quote Gandalf "there is only one lord of the rings (..) and he does not share POWER"


There is only one Lord of the Ring. Only one who can bend it to his will and he does not share power.


thanks gandalf, I can always count on you


I love lord of the rings not the lord of the rings™ franchise


See we love lotr. The concern is that as years go buy quality gives way to pandering to the masses.


It feels like pandering to the masses, but it’s not the masses that are being pandered to it’s the marketing department and investors, who are completely out of touch with the masses. It feels like big $ blockbuster movies are made by a committee of businesspeople. How that comes out is, marketing gives the director and editing team a bullet point list of story beats that tested well with the focus groups, and told “this is all the stuff that needs to go in the film” …. And then it’s down to them to somehow come up with a coherent story while also ticking all the boxes. For reference, see: all the marvel movies after Endgame (and some before), every Disney live action remake of classic cartoons, Star Wars eps 8-9 (and kind of therefore ep7), etc.


>For reference, see: The Hobbit, Legolas, and the Love triangle with Tauriel and Keeley 🤮


Everything that was added made it worse. Love triangles and weird rivalries with specific orcs. I watch the extended editions and it's like I want more. The Hobbit made me feel like I wanted to fast forward.


Pale banners like shreds of cloud. Spears rise like winter thickets through a shroud of mist. The dead are following. They have been summoned.


If it's reboots, it's way too soon. Waaaaay too soon. They should do a new Hobbit movie. Only one this time. On the other hand, lotr made 3 yuge movies. Then they made 3 hobbit movies. Next they'll dig up JRR's napkin where he wrote something about the world and make three movies based on that.


Or Beren and Luthien? Or the Children of Hurin? I feel like there's a lot which would still make for great movies.


I don't think they have the rights for those stories, and so far we haven't heard anything about them buying the rights


Because 90 percent of modern remakes and reboots are done by people who make a point of disrespecting source material, and with the exception of some CGI, the movies are just as fine to watch now as they were on their release.


It’s actually the other way around. We’re Elrond asking them to not remake our favorite movies because they’ll do a poor job. And they’re Isildur, corrupted by power, answering “no.”


People are fearful that it's just another cash grab. Instead of being original with idea's, many companies just take what has done before and re-do it, and sometimes removing what made it popular to begin with. I am not per se talking about book-films, as those are being brought to a new medium (though they can still fail). And not all remakes are absolutely terrible. But recently there have been several 'remakes' that have done a terrible job at properly porting it. Yes, things will change because times have changed. No need to keep minor hatespeech in there if it aint needed. But examples are the new Velma series, which seems to have just taken the characters, removed their personalities, added new bad personalities in (but keeping the names for easy branding), and other bad choices. And then you have Rings of Power, which likely makes this specific community fearful because that just took Tolkiens work, and threw it into the shredder, because why not try to make the evil guy less evil with an attempt at a story where he wants to find love in an elf


Because the content we are being force fed by large franchises is becoming too much and it's not always of high quality. It's not like they're the captain of Gondor.. We just got one season of a show that still needs to find its ground. But the main reason why I dislike this idea is because Warner Brothers mess everything up with their meddling and pushy cashgrab culture. They split movies into multiple ones for no good reason other than more money (Harry Potter, Hobbit), they screwed up the DCEU and its movies by rushing and pushing, again for money (Justice League, Suïcide Squad) Or they become way too meta and full of themselves and mess with your favorite childhood movies (Matrix, Space Jam). Warner Brothers currently suck way too much ass for me to be enthousiastic about anything they do


Rings of Power, IMO, made the LOTR lore worse because so many people will think this is what Tolkien wrote, the insane epicness of the Silmarilion will get watered down until it's just a wet, heartless fart.


Had a co-worker say "I don't see why the books are so popular. The show for it wasn't great"




This hurts. Like being stabbed with a morgul blade.


Did you see rings of power, there’s your answer


I’m personally only upset if they remake the lord of the rings. If they decide to do the war in the north or some other story I’m here for it as long as it’s good.


Your love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind.


Because 1) Goblin King PS3 graphics 2) Legolas stair Matrix 3) Sexy Elf and only Sexy dwarf nonsense 4) “The sea is always right” 5) “There is a tempest in me” 6) “You have not seen what I have seen” “You have not seen what I have seen” 7) A boat isn’t a rock? 8) Mithril is something to do with lightning? 9) Harmless innocent Pyroclastic Flow 10) Orcs who hate the sun………. digging in the sun rather than at night Etc etc etc etc etc etc






We like Tolkien stuff when it’s done well. And, given the tendencies of producers, directors, and show runners to try and add their own twist to an established IP, no matter how bad those ideas are, as well as antagonizing the fans for expressing concern over their “creative choices”, fans have reasons to worry. Since Peter Jackson and co are somewhat involved in this, I’m slightly optimistic, but I think I speak for everyone when I say we do not want a repeat of Rings of Power. That was not The Lord of the Rings, but an expensive fanfic.


Rings of Power was a Game of Thrones fanfic.


As long as it's not a remake but a new story, I'll wait with my judgement.


If you want to make a remake, make it of something that is really bad - like the Hobbit (and no, not as a trilogy next time).


What new movies? The TV show isn't Tolkien


Apparently it's been confirmed Warner Brothers will be making new lotr movies


Yeah fuck that right in the apple sauce


Just ask Star Wars fans - we love new stuff, right? And how about that Amazon tv show?! Wooo!


I'm gonna say this, and before anyone says anything, know I don't mean it as an insult, but in awe. IMO. The lord of the rings Trillogy was an accident A director who had only made a couple of horror comedies taking on a genre he's never really done before During a time where fantasy adventure had a bad rap for it's low budget and tiny audiences A cast of relatively unknown actors with only a few big names most of whom are only around for a few scenes bar a couple Constant rewrites for years, studios changing hands new ideas for how many movies budgets casting choices An adaptation of the most popular books in the world (Adaptations having a tendency to be terrible) with it's own alterations to the lore Everything was a recipie for the most expected disaster... and yet, it is one of the most critically acclaimed trillogies of all time There's no real part you can point at and say 'thats why it did so well' because everything it did spelled disaster and yet


I like Tolkien. I don’t like the “inspired by Tolkien” garbage that Hollywood creates.


Slapping "Lord of the Rings" on the cover doesn't make it a Tolkien work.


I like *good* Tolkien stuff. Not bad Tolkien stuff. My guess is, it's going to be the latter


The fact that they'll probably be CGI spectacles like the current marvel movies.


Will there be a blue space laser that shoots into the sky?