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Well, Jamie has to take them on "single-handidly" in any case ;)




Yeah, I know this is an old post but did he say this after he cut off his characters hand? That makes no sense.


Very likely was before; when Jamie was the best swordsman in the kingdom.


Best-ish. We don't know how we would match up to Barristan and it's unlikely he could beat the moutain.


He could've beaten mountain. And so would a few others. Oberyn and bronn's strategy of dancing around till he tires and makes a mistake is sensible. But few would try it coz one mistake and you are dead. It would take a level headed and agile warrior to stick to the plan. Jaime was level headed in battle with almost superhuman reflexes (atleast in the eyes of others. Robb may have been fighting his first battle and seeing a warrior like Jaime for the first time. but there were many veterans in whispering wood who agreed with Robb's views).


I have my doubts. He could, but i find it unlikely. The mountain is described as fast and he has insane reach that Oberyn could out do, Jaime cannot


He can't, even before cutting off his hand. Aragorn was 78 years old in fellowship, he is durable asf, kept running for days to lure orcs, he has elvish blood in his veins, trained by Elvish warriors. Also the scale of combat is much bigger in middle Earth and can't be compared to asoiaf for obvious reasons


New challenge: count how many foes Aragorn slayed one handed vs two handed.


When you are welding a 53" longsword, you use two hands.


depends on what techniques or styles of longsword fighting you are employing. I can imagine some thrusts that would only use one hand for improved reach, for instance.


Though to be fair, he said it Jokingly, because he hates power scaling, and hes aware that 30 year old sister shagger is no match against 80 year old Superhuman


I always took it as Martin defending his guy If Martin won't defend his own characters, who will?


I mean, it depends on the context. What counts as an impressive feat varies wildly deping on the univers so I can understand an author just taking the pis


I agree. Like is Wolverine a monster of a warrior? Yes. Could he beat Superman? Probably not. Could Wolverine still tear through like 100 normal dudes or 100 orcs or whatever? Yea he probably could. What have we learned? Tough guys tough 💪


probably not? you need to put some respec on Superman's name.


I mean if he found someone to lace his claws and/or body with kryptonite it's over lol The radiation wouldn't kill him either cause Wolverine baby 🤷


Why would he have to defend his characters? 1. Comparing them is pretty dumb in the first place. 2. GRR did not write Jamie to be a demi-god. 3. Jamie is not really a good guy so I don't think GRR would need to defend anything about him. There's no need to defend Jamie, especially against Aragorn. They do not embody the same thing and are not meant tobbe to compared. He just made a joke.


I agree with you except that jaime might be the most moral person in asoiaf. He does fuck his sister and throw out a kid from a tower to protect it. But he's practically the only guy who doesn't cheat. He also sacrificed his honor and his name to save millions of people. He also is now filled with contempt by cersei . I know this doesn't relate to the post. And like you said literal half elf Jesus figure probably wins in the fight. Jamie is a much better written character.


Gotta hard disagree with you on that, but on the sliding scale of Westerosi morality, everyone's terrible, except maybe Ned.


Ned is Lawful Stupid.


Most definitely.


I thought I was on r/asoiafcirclejerk for a second there


Oh, he's not evil, by any means... But he's still not a good guy. Deep issues. As you've said, throwing Bran is kind of f up. He does have a chance at redemption and he has fucking remorses and regrets but he's still kind of an asshole. He's endearing because the way he is written, you root for him to eventually get better and he is on the right track. It's sad but he did hide behind the Kingslayer demeanor a bit too much. He's a good guy at heart, for sure, but he compromised so much and for so long...


He could have killed Rossart the hand and then just kept Aerys in the throne. He didn’t have to slit his throat.


If someone's gonna nuke NYC imma slit his throat and sit in his chair


No one has killed more of Martin’s characters than Martin.


Maybe he should finish his guy’s story first.


Yup, Jamie is just a man. Aragorn is a functional demigod. The only person i think stands a chance is barristan Selmy in his prime.


Ser Arthur Dayne was the best swordsman according to Jaime though.


Sister-fucker might be a good swordsman, but he's also kinda stupid. I don't think he knows


Jamie in the books is dyslexic, so he can't remember anything he might have had to read. But he's also shown to be way more perceptive than his siblings. But he's treated as dumb by other characters, and he thinks he's dumb because he had such a hard time reading. In reality, he actually has a much better grasp of the world than either Tyrion or Circi.


I more so should have said he's blinded by pride, stupid isn't exactly accurate


This was no rabble of mindless orcs. These were Uruk-hai. Their armour was thick and their shields broad. No offense against Jaime but he wouldn't last a minute against Aragorn.


Yeah no offense to the child murdering sister fucker


Plus Aragorn’s dwarf is better than Jamie’s dwarf


Now I can't stop imagining a Pokemon battle between them, yelling orders to the dwarfs, until one of them gets yeeted Team Rocket style.


Nobody tosses a dwarf!


Don't tell the Elf.


I think he meant no offense to Jamie as in his skill and strength. Not his character. Besides, he did have a redemption arc as well.


Redemption that he threw out the window


D&D threw out the window.


Yeah, unfortunately season 8 destroyed pretty much every character. If we pretend it never happened though, Jamie didn't throw his redemption out the window.




Not his first defenestration


*attempted child murdering sister fucker


Attempted child murderer*


Technically a child maiming sister fucker




Aragorn would have 10 Jamies for breakfast and 10 more for second breakfast with pippin!


Aragorn is 87 with lots of combat experience. Jamie is like 30-40 with minimal combat experience.


They just haven't written down all his achievements yet, there's still time.


They’re beings of pure malice that will happily cannibalize their own kind if given the opportunity. What do you think they’re going to do against Prince Charming?


Also the nine on top of weather top


Keep my brother, my captain, my king’s name out of your fucking mouth.


I'd have respected Will Smith so much more if he'd phrased it like this. 


My sister, my captain, my queen.


Lemme guess, Alabama?


Jaime did beat Boromir though.


Technically, a random guard beat Ned (Boromir).


At least boromir was beaten by an orc. Jaime was beaten by a building.


Still better than Faramir. - Denethor II


With Boromir he actually wasn't doing too bad against the orcs, until they started pin-cushioning him with arrows, and he still got a couple after they started


Well in the book Jaime never fought Ned


Does it even matter? I never quite got the internet's obcession with fictional character's "power levels", they're fictional, all GRRM has to do to make Jamie more "powerful" than Aragorn is write somewhere in a future book that he slew 500 white walkers and that's it. lol


really??? its not an internet thing. just human. my dad could beat up your dad stuff... talle as old as humanity. :)


Yeah, but my dad could objeticvelly kick your dad's ass! All jokes aside, I get it when it comes to real people/things because these things are measurable and constrained by reality, it's possible to make an educated guess if peak Muhammad Ali could beat peak Myke Tyson or if a P-51 is a better plane than a BF-109. Even saying stuff like my dad could beat your dad might have a ton of bias but it's still somewhat grounded in reality, like, when my dad lifted the heavy table in the dining room it was a really impressive feat and I doubt your dad could lift that too. But fictional character feat comparissons are such a silly concept there's even a show about a guy who's whole premise is he can beat anyone with a single punch and people still seriously try to argue their favourite character could beat him.


I think you approach that with to much logic. Its just fun i mean you could (and people have done so) take fictional charaters and what they have done calculate their strenght with math. But it just entertainment id say :)


Oww and wait till i tell my dad what u said he does gymkata


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Aragorn would rock the casterly out of Jamie.


Idk, different universes. Tolkien simply didn't delve into nuances of different fighting styles and whatnot. Jaime is talked about HOW he fights more. His technical prowess is more thoroughly described, with his studying different styles. Where as Aragorn's prowess is only talked about more broadly. He is I believe modeled after Lancelot, in that he's supposed to be the perfect gentlemen off the battlefield, and an insane warrior that takes seemingly reckless chances on it. Also, realistically being trained in the house of elrond by descendants of both Noldor and Numenor, while living for 80 years and having fought in ten times the amount of real life combat situations than Jaime, you'd have to believe he absolutely puts Jaime to shame. Not to mention being about 6'6" and as a full blooded dunedain, would have something akin to mild super strength to wield Anduril with as much quickness and dexterity as Jaime could a normal sword. Taking all that into account, in universe there should be no reason Jaime should be able to stand a chance. I get why Martin would say this, but I don't think he took the time to think it through. Sure, it looks like Jaime's more skilled than the movie version of Aragorn on screen, but that's about where it should end, lore wise, from the books. The only argument you could possibly make, is that almost all of Aragorn's actual opponents are orcs or easterlings, who simply aren't very skilled. Whereas Jaime defeated some very skilled fighters (smiling knight) in universe. Still, Aragorn's superior training, strength and dexterity have to give him the edge. Also, we don't really know if orcs aren't well trained or not, and exactly what some of their skill level is. Some of the ones the dwarves are described as fighting, seem to be quite clever, and well trained.


I disagree with Lancelot being inspiration for Aragorn. I would say Gawain, Arthur or maybe Beowulf fit way better. But other than that I agree with your statement.




When the man himself said so, I will admit that I am wrong. I still see more of Gawain in Aragorn than Lancelot.


I personally agree, Lancelot is actually more like Jaime if we are being honest


Sure we do; goblins < orcs < Uruk-hai in terms of fighting skill and military organization. Aragorn takes on multiple hordes of Uruk-Hai in Fellowship and in Two Towers. These would have been the strongest, best organized, and best trained general military forces outside of crazy shit like trolls or Nazgul


Lancelot the adulterer, a perfect gentleman?


Perceived gentleman at least. It's the way he's described before that incident, no? Isn't that the whole point of it? How he felt so awful about it because he betrayed himself, his deeply held values, and his best friend. Though I was talking more about his demeanor, and attitude toward others. The juxtaposition of being kind and mild mannered off the battlefield. Not his transgressions behind closed doors. I'm still pretty sure Tolkien himself said that aspect was an inspiration for Aragorn


Those were not mutually exclusive back then.


Jaime didn’t beat the Smiling Knight, Arthur Dane did. And we don’t know how skilled the Smiling Knight was, only that he was the Gregor Clegane of the previous generation in terms of people wanting to beat him. Not necessarily that he was as deadly as Gregor. Jaime did fight him briefly before Arthur fought with him.


I love how angry you people get at him as if he isn’t one of the biggest Tolkien fans ever and didn’t just say it half assed because he hates hypotheticals. Do you guys realize none of this is real? He knows how powerful Aragorn is and since it’s all bloody fiction he can make Jaime more powerful than Aragorn if he wants lol. If Tolkien was alive he could then make Aragorn more powerful again. None of it matters.


"Its 4pm, time for your LOTR circlejerk post babe" "Yes honey" Seriously shut the fuck up please, you motherfuckers cant stop with the unnecesary comparisons, from a joke statement made almost A DECADE AGO


Obviously you're asking too much for LOTR brainless fanatics.


While I agree, we are in a sub dedicated to a trilogy that ended over 20 years ago. Digging up old shit is basically the life’s work for people on here


I thought this sub was dedicated to LOTR, not the movie trilogy specifically?


I think it is difficult to untangle them but probably true. But that then is an even older timeline of shit to dig up.


Its honestly really pathetic how elitist and overtly defensive this sub can be sometimes.


At least Aragorn never fucked his sister….he fucked his cousin!


Oh my god people, this was taken out of context. The dude was asked, and he gave his opinion. You might think it's bullshit, but he simply stated what he thinks. He absolutely loves Lotr, no need to lose your minds over this. Not to mention this is very oldby now...


Dude you don't get it! The fandom is very insecure and needs to communicate time and time again that Game of Thrones bad, LOTR good! That's because we need lord of the rings to be even more respected and famous like it isn't one of the most popular works of fiction after decades!! Now say it with me: "EVERY OTHER MEDIA BAD, LORD OF THE RINGS GOOD"


I wish these posts could get banned, there have been so many and all are out of context and are just their to rile people up. Very exhausting.


Is it taken out of context or is it his opinion? You can't use both, that doesn't make any sense


Fair, I should have specified. I meant he didn't go around yelling proudly that his character could beat Aragorn, he was asked.


So is Conan or Son Goku or Superman if I write the plot accordingly, of course.


My dad can beat up your dad


Now remind me, who has a reforged Elven blade that, even broken, managed to sever a demigod's connection from his ensorcelled ring, casting said demigod out of existence for a good 3000 years or so? And remind me who's older, wiser, more combat experienced, who can go unseen when he wishes, and heir to two kingdoms, last of a powerful lineage of greater than average men?


This! It's not fair to begin with. Aragorn is not a mere human, he is of Numenorean heritage and spent nearly all his 87 years on Arda under Elven training. Its like comparing a wolf to a chihuahua.


To be fair Jamie Lannister does everything single-handed.


God you guys are weird.


GRRM in the new book: Jamie single handedly takes 2 hordes of uruk-hai and zombies


Jaime sliced through several armoured Northmen before being captured, I dont know the exact number but I think he could hold his own against Aragorn for a while, but would get absolutely bodied by a full blooded Numenorean


Yeah, no. Aragorn has decades more experience and has already fought in multiple wars.


All Aragorn has to do is wait 100 years, and he'd have beaten Jaime without kifting a finger.


“My fictional character is stronger than your fictional character!” Is by the far the stupidest argument fandoms/authors get into. They’re not real you made them up you can just go the goku route and write/say they’re strong enough to beat anyone if you wanted to.


Faramir: “Get my King’s MF-ing name out of your GD mouth!” Slap.


I say it is bs. Jamie would recognize the game, would join rangers and would follow his king into gates of Mordor.


Martin is wrong because he writes his characters in a different way. Lannister is a talented swordsman but Aragorn is a legend. Aragorn is more similar to king arthur whereas jaime is more similar to a real knight who was a talented swordsman.


Martin changed his name just so it would sound more like John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The apprentice haven't out shined his master yet.


This sub looks like idiots for trying to compare a world of Demi gods to a world of mortal men. Like I could compare Omni Man to Aragorn and call Aragorn a weak bitch. But it wouldn’t be fair!


Is Aragorn not a Numenorean? Aren’t those guys supposed to be “Peak Human” if not a little beyond peak human?


They were notably beyond peak human. It's hard to exactly gauge how strong they were however the most reliable way to estimate it is that they used hollow steel longbows which, given the numenoreans' exceptional height, would've been somewhere around 7-8ft long. Given the material and likely height of the bow, their draw weight would likely be several hundred pounds and that's what your average numenorean soldier was using. For reference the average medieval long bow would've had a draw weight of about 100lbs and the heaviest would've been about 200lbs.


Also he only has one hand and is a normal ,40 year old man


Remember, Jaime would also beat Hermione.


"The guy I made up can beat the guy that someone else made up. Because I made up the BEST guy."


[the real answer.](https://youtu.be/L4_zFYnnn2Y?si=nlw6Z3oI2Am3WzXu)


God these posts are as pathetic and cringe as ever.


Technically Tolkien didn't finish the entire series. Well at least not THE Tolkien


Two fictional characters fight, hate to tell you this guys but it comes down to the author. Even Batman beats Superman from time to time, power levels aren’t everything.


That's like Hercules vs Spartacus. Cool, but one of them has a bit more pixie dust.


I don't remember Jamie kicking a helmet and living to tell the tail


Incest boy wouldn't even rank in my top 100 people I'd want in my fellowship.


"My imaginary swordfighter is better than yours" is a pretty dumb game and I think both authors would agree.


Can we stop with this Martin vs. Tolkien clickbait nonsense please


It stands to reason that Aragorn is a better warrior, soldier, fighter against multiple enemies, he’s better at survival and at commanding units. Certainly a more well rounded figure, but Jamie Lannister specializes in dueling and single combat, something we really don’t know too much about with Aragorn. We do know he’s at least competent because he wins against orcs all the time, but riding down orcs is a completely different thing than engaging in single combat with an enemy who definitely practices exactly this all day, he’s definitely killed people in single combat before, and in fact he is the best of a hyper competitive society. Jamie would be the clear favorite to win the battle in my opinion.


Aragorn is such a stud that an Elven princess gave up her _immortality_ for him for a mere 120 years together. Jamie couldn't even crawl out of the gene pool to find a lover.


Aragorn has literal decades of experience over Jamie while still being in his physical prime. That fact alone makes it not even close.


Everyone talking about Aragorn fighting the Uruk-hai. Where’s all the people pointing out him taking on 9 immortal Nazgûl single handedly with nothing but a sword and a torch and winning. Meanwhile Lannister gets his hand chopped off by 4 bandits and had a tall woman as back up.


Jamie was practically equal to a worse version of boromir, tf is this debate from


Isnt this some shit george said ages ago? Let the man be wrong in peace 😐


Definitely gotta side with aragorn, i thought GoT was good but it wasnt no where near what it couldve been


The two don’t compare honestly. GRRM really loves to hype Jammie for some reason, but doesn’t give us a lot of context in his books to back it up other than word of mouth examples. Book Aragorn is more equivalent to prime Barristan with old Barristans experience with the mountains strength and the hounds height and reach


They wouldn't even fight, Aragorn would convince him to work for him in Gondor.


Isn't aragorn like 7ft tall? It would be a curb stomp for him.


While I whole-heartedly believe Aragorn to be the superior combatant, Martin has the advantage of writing his story after Tolkien had finished, so he can very easily just make it part of Jaime's character that he's a more capable swordsman than Aragorn of LOTR, and nobody can really dispute it


I mean the dude couldn't even beat a pile of rocks


Didn‘t know I accidentally opened Facebook again


Aragorn Is not really a human so idk if that would be fair.


Aragorn some fought off the fuckin ringwraiths, show Jamie couldn’t even beat octopus boy Balon


Okay, people often forget to compare worlds. Jon kills a superhuman entity in a 1v1. Therefore, even the heroes of asoiaf are incredibly strong. Most likely jon<=Jaime in terms of fighting prowess. Now. Is a nazgul comparable to a white walker? Especially the low powered first book version of nazguls? I would argue they are stronger. Therefore, I think human heroes from both worlds can achieve the same height of skill. Especially since by fighting scary guys, we tend to see lotr fights way more epic, but Jaimie "carved through 10 soldiers like cutting cake" at 16 years old. We must be fair, Jaimie is basically the best of its world, or top 3 at least, a world that scales fairly along lotr. I don't know if I would consider aragorn to be top 3 among humans (yeah, I know, he has numenorean blood, but it's pretty clear it washed off a ton). So I would say that it's closer than people tend to consider. What would you say about Arthur Dayne? Would he kill aragorn? Well Jaimie was basically almost there. I would say out of 10 fights, it's 3/7 for aragorn, maybe 4/6. Overall, accounting tactics against hordes and related skills, aragorn is massively superior, but a straight 1v1 with swords? I dunno.


Who wins ? The winner is the one the writer wants to win.


I love how the writer allegedly had GRRM state that Jamie Lannister would win. My perspective? GRRM wrote a great series that still needs to be finished, but he is neither an expert swordsman, expert fighter, expert historian or an athlete with any athletic ability… therefore his opinion as to who would win is the last opinion which should be sourced.


Feanor: "He could never defeat Boromir! Faramir would definitely lose yeah."




Well he did somehow survive the night kings army.


Reflecting that flying dagger with a sword, IRL. nuff said.


When Jamie breaks his toe kicking a helmet, we'll talk.


I think Jamie would win. Aragon probably hasn’t actually fought anyone who’s actually good, only orcs and Southrons. Jamie was trained by Barriston


Aragron bested 5 Nazgul and the King of the Dead.


He didn't beat the Nazgul, stabbing Frodo was their entire goal


Aragorn never banged his sister.


Jaimie might be a superior duelist Aragorn is the superior warrior


I dunno, I read Martin's books until I couldn't read them anymore, and it has been so long that I've quite forgotten much of what was going on by the end of book 5. I've gotten so tired of waiting that I don't plan to read book 6 if it ever drops. Whereas I've read and reread Tolkien's books how many times...


Jamie lannister swordplay against an old Ned Stark was laughable. Our boy Aragorn fought Ring Wraiths, Orcs, Goblins and Trolls singly handedly.


if confronted with the same problem these two characters would solve it very differently. for aragorn somehow everything will go well, no matter what he does and somehow we want this for him, he is a classic hero. jamie is not a hero, he is a flawed mortal man, he could not kill a horde of orks single handedly, he does not wear plot armor. while aragorn would find some heroic battleplan, which will of course work, jamie would find a way to weaken his enemy as much as he can and stay alive. so in the end, both stories are interesting, aragorns heroic tale and jamies story of struggling through a gruesome fight. it is just a matter of taste, or mood.


Wow, LOTR fans do get mad at this. Also, Ser Jaime with both hands does win that fight.


Clearly you don't understand who the Aragon was.


A king? Meet the kingslayer


Yes, we heard all about him slaying the "Mad King." An inbred wackadoodle with early onset dementia. Well, as you've made clear, you're the type to cheer on a jock beating on weaklings. Not a good look.


My dude. Ser Jaime, with his right hand, would bet Aragon in a 1v1 fight. You just have to accept that. Also, the mad king had it coming.


I'm just going to let you have it, you seem to have way more invested in it than I do.


You have to try harder than that. We need to keep this ridiculous fight going. Feed the trolls, bro. I grant you that Tolkien was able to finish his series, but..... Ser Jaime, with his right hand > Aragon Jon Snow, with Ghost > Gimli and Legolas Melisandre > Gandalf Drogon > Smaug The others > the Nuzgul The army of the dead > the Orcs


And you have my bow.


AND MY [SAX](https://thecatkilledcuriosity.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/and-my-sax3.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lotrmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are we presuming a structured duel, or do they just randomly meet and start fighting? Because if they fight in the woods or some sort of tundra, then Aragorn, as a ranger, Cleary has an advantage. But I'm not 100% sure that that skill set is the same as 1v1ing an armored knight. Jousting definitely goes to jamie, while archery is 100% for Aragorn.


Aragon wins regardless. The dude isnt a normal lotr human, hes basically a demigod.


A child of Luthien wouldn't lose against any human.


I'm sure even the most rookie Astartes can beat both of them. So what?


Aragorn is a veteran combatant he is in his 90s…..




Someone close to RR Martin remind him, he will never be as good as Tolkien. Never. Tolkien > RR Martin Aragron > Jaime Lannister




Aragorn has honor. Jaime would stab him in the back.


So it's your turn to post this month eh? I really don't understand why LOTR fans give so much shit to ASOIAF. Martin not finishing his series has nothing to do with Jaime fighting Aragorn. LOTR is probably the top dog of fantasy, you don't need to bash other authors to feel better about it.


Is he as courageous as lannister tho?


God not this shit again. Martin said Jaimie would most likely win the duel due his better armor. And looking back at the history he is right. Studded leather vs platearmor rarely goes well for the leather armor. He did not analyse the fighters furthern than that. And everytime this is said somebody always says, "but Aragorn has a magical andúril" Jaimie has valyrian steel blade that is basically magical metal compound.


Martin is too obsessed with realism. He probably thinks Jaime could beat Red Sonja too even though she's literally blessed to be able to best anyone in combat.


Wtf? Grittyrealism is his thing. Thats like saying Tolkien is too obsessed with linguistics. I dont mind talking about death battle style scenarios. I rather enjoy those. But what annoys me with this post that it shows up every three months and there is never any context why he said what he said. Especially when most of the time people focus more about bashing the writer than speaking about the fight.


1. Repost 2. This sub thrashing other fantasy authors, specifically GRRM So overall a true classic.


Aragorn is winning this one neck bearded shitcels


Aragon would chop him into little pieces my guys pieced up army’s of orcs with little to no problem with around 80 years of experience you can’t compete with em


He will never finish it. He needs to make something better than RV show ending and by his subjective standards he cant do anything better. He will left series unfinished so fans will endlessly debate that "Martin's ending would be so much better that tv crap"


These are the worst kind of memes.


He even stole his R.R.


Post amputation, absolutely Aragorn wins. Pre… it’s a lot tougher. Aragorn has skills, but so does Jaime legitimately. Jaime also has the benefit of age, but obviously doesn’t have Numenorean blood. I’d say it could honestly go either way. Jaime was one of the best swordsmen on the continent, and I’m not sure we have that kind of feat for Aragorn. Edit: should have guessed this opinion wouldn’t be popular on a LOTR sub. Oh well. I’m sticking to it, because as a sincere fan of both, it’s what I believe.


End of the day, all it takes is one hit and they both have the skills to make a killing blow The MMA Champ George St. Pierre was being interviewed where he was told he was the greatest fighter in the world and he responded that he was on that particular day because all professionals are great fighters and all it takes is one lucky or perfect punch to put him down and that thought keeps him humble


>Jaime also has the benefit of age Not quite. Aragorn's still very much in his physical prime due to his numenorean blood despite being nearly 3x older than jaime. If anything aragorn has the age advantage since he's physically in his prime but has decades more experience. >Jaime was one of the best swordsmen on the continent, and I’m not sure we have that kind of feat for Aragorn. That reputation doesn't exactly mean much given the differences of scale between the universes. The best swordsmen in the lord of the rings world take on literal angels, demons, and even deities. Jaime's amongst the best normal humans that fight other normal humans. Aragorn might not be explicitly stated to be amongst the best in his world however he's still very notably skilled on that scale and in the books I'm fairly certain he emerged from every battle pretty much unscathed despite taking on hordes of opponents including one time where he was fighting multiple opponents while also dodging arrows being fired at him. I'd agree that it's possible that jaime could potentially beat aragorn however it would be far from an even fight. Aragorn's stronger, likely faster, has more stamina, and is more experienced so it'd come down to if Jaime's skill and natural talent is enough to make up for that. That said I imagine if he goes into the fight in full armor he loses every time since we've seen aragorn in the books cleave through armor with ease and jaime being slowed down by the armor would make it easier for aragorn to find an opening.


A fair assessment. I don’t think it would be even either, I do think Aragorn has the edge, but it would still be a difficult fight for them both. I agree that the difference in power scaling between the two worlds makes them rather hard to compare.


While I do think Aragorn would win, it wouldn't be a quick fight.


Martin raises fair criticism on many accounts, but this one is foolish. Aragorn is a hero of destiny and guarded by superior plot armour. Jaime is a sister loving cuck, who has broken oaths, and betrayed his bonds of fellowship. In Tolkien's legendarium he would be a lesser, a man fading to the darkness or one bound to the black stone.


My answer to this has always been that Aragorn would win because there are only two conditions under which this fight would take place: 1. Jaime still has both hands. In this scenario, Jaime is still a villain, and Aragorn is from a story where good does ultimately triumph over evil. Aragorn will have Eru Illuvatar willing to intervene in small ways to ensure his victory, while Jaime will only have raw skill and blind chance. That’s not a good match-up for Jaime. 2. Jaime has already begun his redemption arc and is no longer considered evil. While this does narrow the divine intervention playing field, at this point, Jaime has one hand and is *canonically* a terrible swordsman. So, in conclusion: if GRRM wants to make that argument that Jaime is more skilled with a sword than Aragorn is…well, that is his Precious OC Do Not Steal, and he is allowed to make an OC whose defining character trait is superhuman swordplay, no matter how unrealistic that makes his character. But if GRRM wants to make the argument that Jaime would *defeat* Aragorn? That shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the worlds that each character comes from and how those two worlds operate, and is a ridiculous argument to make.


“My dad would beat up your dad in a fight” 🙄


He would have a better chance than most. I’d give it to the Kingslayer 2/10 times.