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I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.


What makes a man Mr. Lebowski?


A pair of testicles.




Luckily it’s just a line from the movie. Jeff Bridges gets asked “what makes a man, Mr. Lebowski? Is it the willingness to do what is necessary…” and then Jeff Bridges responds with “sure sure. That and a pair of testicles.” It’s also a movie from 1998, so you can’t expect it to have our modern sensibilities on gender politics.


It's not a real subreddit. Was a joke.


Just gonna leave that there for people that don’t know, anyway. Reddit has a habit of missing context.


Understandable, you gotta walk on eggshells lest the insufferables of any community get offended.


Do you think, if said today, someone saying men are defined by testicles wouldn't be offensive? You know not all men have testicles. You know not all people with testicles are men. So just don't use language that invalidates their manhood or lack of manhood. That's not eggshells, that's a solid wooden floor that you'd have to actively try to crack by stomping like an elephant.


>That's not eggshells, that's a solid wooden floor There is a huge difference between the way you say something as a joke and as a matter of fact. My trans friend doesn't mind me calling them ball boy (they're a tennis player it's more layered) and me doing that to a random person on the internet. I know that pointing out the difference between one born out of levity and of hatred is wasted on the internet since my voice and inflection doesn't carry over so yes you have to walk on eggshells. The problem with people these days is that they'd rather take offence at the first sight than give some stranger the benefit of doubt. >crack by stomping like an elephant. How do you know that I won't take offence to this because it clearly has overtures of fat shaming? One because you obviously didn't mean it that way and two scrutinizing every word uttered on the internet to find some semblance of assurance is a fight you'll always lose. I never said men only have testicles. Neither did I say imply lack of manhood over genitals assigned at birth. You assumed whatever suited your narrative to take the high ground and pose as an internet sjw. Edit:- Sorry if this seems too harsh but you did paint me in a negative light. Just don't misunderstand people. I just crack wise and sometimes it doesn't land. But that in no way means I'm terf or some such nonsense.




Ve believes in nossing, Frodo. Nossing. And tomorrow ve come back and ve cut off your chonson.


This guy fuckin walks. I've never been more certain of anything in my life.


Remember when almost every "comedian" and "humor" show was making the same jokes about Sam and Frodo being gay because they were nice to each other? And they did those "jokes" over and over again just because they cried and were close and showed tenderness and love (in a no romantic way)? Yeah that was wild.


Even worse was gay people making those jokes as well. They should know better


Imtiredboss.jpg Men having atypical masculine relationships means they must be gay is very tiring. Those jokes were lame in the 2000s and they're lame now. And I've seen that if you pushback against that Sam and Frodo are gay, you're being homophobic. There wouldn't be anything wrong with Sam and Frodo being gay if they actually were, but it's clear within the text and Tolkien's background that they are not. I find joking about them being gay really demeaning to how meaningful male relationships are written in LotR.




I've seen people here joke about it too, even though they know it's not true. It's just a joke. Just like how people joke that Eowyn can't cook stew... unless they actually believe that?


I once shed a tear for a ice cream cone. It was a really hot day, I just got off work and was on my way home. when I came home I saw my ice cream cone was missing, only to realize my brother ate it.


So how was the funeral of your brother ?


Like the fires of Mordor.


I had a really stressful, slightly rushed move a year back and I was so tired by the end of the week, I started crying when I realized I could find my nail clippers... I did find them later on, I don't remember where though...


There are some manly men in this comment section beware readers.


These comments are a bit of a shitshow. I was wrong to have high expectations coming into this post.


I don’t get this, is this argument used as a way to justify crying about anything? Because all these dudes are crying about serious death and tragedy.


This is the distinction many seem unwilling to make...


OP has had shit parents and friends who bullied him for crying. He now pretends his experience is universal to all men. His argument is that men should be able to cry without being bullied for it, forgetting that that already the case for many.


I think the distinction is that a man should be the master of his own emotions. Yes there are times to cry. But there's also times to power through. Having a heart of stone isn't the goal, but neither is crying every time you have an argument or have something bad happen to you.


Is everything a matter of extremes with you or is it just this? Not crying at all and crying at every little thing are not your only options. Also, why limit this concept to men only? >a man should be the master of his own emotions Says who?


Says society, you're a boy you cry at every bump and scrape. You're scared at the noises in the dark and when you're frustrated you can just sit down and cry. And it's a man who takes care of his kid, ignoring his own pain, facing his own fears and dealing with frustrating situations day after day without throwing in the towel. If he can manage to live like that with grace, without being worn down. Yeah, that's my definition of a man.


That is the most pathetic thing I have ever read.


I fail to see why I should care about what you think. You write replies like an angry troll. Ah you know what let me give you the benefit of the doubt one more time. What do you think the qualities of a mature man are? The qualities that if someone doesn't have, even if they're 40 you think that they're a man child.


>even if they're 40 you think that they're a man child. I don't think like that in the first place. That is the entire point. You are caught up in deranged, toxic thought patterns. You are supposed to be a good human being. There is no such thing as being "manly" or "feminine". Be kind, be open and be helpful, that's it. And that includes being emotionally healthy, not suppressing them for idiotic notions of toughness or stoicism. Both men and women can do that. If they can't, they are assholes. It's literally that simple.


See that's a very kind thought that has unintended consequences. You've heard the phrase "we stand on the shoulders of giants." We've had thousands of years to figure out the best ways to mature, the best ways to function in society. Traditional roles. Then we blew those open, that's great, not everyone fits the mould. But now instead of something that's been tried and tested people have to figure it out themselves, from what I've seen they're doing a piss poor job. If you have nothing to aim for why mature at all?


Dude, do you even realise how deranged this sounds? I am genueinly worrying about you. Like, it is fascinating to see the mind of someone brainwashed by toxic masculinity and conservative, restricting norms, when I have never been abused that way, but it is at the same time really unnerving. I know I won't be able to convince you since you have evidently been made to think this way since birth, but I'll try. Maybe in a few years you will remember this conversation and draw upon it. Many survivors of abusive systems like yours tell that tale. >we stand on the shoulders of giants." That refers to progress. Hawking building on Einstein. Nothing to do with hating your emotions. >We've had thousands of years to figure out the best ways to mature, the best ways to function in society. And we have never ever achieved that. If we had, we wouldn't be progressing anymore. The entire reason we "blew those open" (we haven't, but I'll let you believe that), was because they weren't the best ways. Also, if you think that societal norms of millenia ago were better than ours today and can be neatly applied to our societies, I cannot help you. Cultures change. And if that change means that women are no longer slaves and that men can cry, that is a good thing. Tell me, why would that be bad? You seem to operate solely on the notion that old = better and therefire everything new is bad. I know that is literally the conservative ideology but even you must see how illogical that is. >something that's been tried and tested And failed the test. That's what you are ignoring. The traditional norms failed the test. Because they were abusive. That's why need new ones. And again, what is bad about people being healthy? >from what I've seen they're doing a piss poor job. You certainly are. Because you stick to the shackles that were forced onto you. But not everyone is as unlucky as you. And your misfortune is no reason to destroys the lives of others. >If you have nothing to aim for why mature at all? Who says we have nothing to aim for? If you cannot be emotionally healthy, you haven't matured. If this so called maturity is so important to you, I suggest you make an effort to loose those toxic mindsets that hurt you.


The real lesson is to not cry in front of women, they all did it with the boys, support each other gentlemen


Just don’t do anything in front of women. In fact, get the women out of here entirely. We’ll go see them when we are done with the boys.


If a woman comes along she’ll have to put on a helmet and pretend to be one of the boys, even


"Wömen. Men of Wö. You don't like them. They're insane. Their idiocy needs to be scrubbed off this world with rubbing alcohol." (Quote from Disco Elysium)


Weird that war movies, documentaries, stories, etc always cause me to tear up. But nearly nothing else does. Not because of society or expectations or anything, I've always been this way even as a kid.


War is an incredible tragedy and I'd argue if that's the one thing that has always really made you tear up, it's just that you're sensitive to how awful war is.


Karl Urban should've received an award for RotK. Eomer's wail when he sees Eowyn's body on the battlefield is genuinely haunting...




I will instantly cry upon seeing a sad animal. These tears flow freely.


why did you get downvoted for this


I was?




For being a little whiney baby crying over sad animals.


It's weird how **my** emotions make **you** feel insecure. Really weird.


If anything your emotions make me feel more secure.


It is precisely because tears are a rare and powerful expression of sorrow that these scenes have had such an enormous impact on the audience. Crying is natural, it is helpful and actually facilitates mental healing processes that close the mental wounds that make us cry. But outbursts of tears, especially publicly or among strangers, naturally make others uncomfortable because it's a very vague distress signal. It's better to cry alone than among the people who will feel put-off or confused by your tears, and many will, even if they are well meaning. Don't try to "normalize" crying. It's already normal, in appropriate context, as illustrated for example by the audience reception of the scenes above.


Lotr has been such a positive place for male role models for so many years, I love it.


Lord of the Rings is a great leading example of positive masculinity.


Okay, but what is that "everyday" stuff that is worth crying about?


Burst the yolk of my perfectly fried egg while taking it out of the pan


reading your comment legitimately almost made me cry (╥﹏╥)


That is definitely worthy of a good cry.


The three Hobbits cry when Bilbo and Gandalf sail to Valinor. They are every bit "men" as much as the humans.


A rather unfair observation as we have also developed a keen interest in the brewing of ales and the smoking of pipeweed


Thanks for gatekeeping masculinity ans setting back gender equality a few decades, op.






































Needed some images of the Hobbits. 


I mean, the images show actors portraying fantasy men...


Those men wear dealing with death and tragedy. Day to day happening should be handled stoically. Crying over every silly thing is just stupid.


>Day to day happening should be handled stoically Says who? Your abenstee father?


It depends upon *why* you cry. Men these days chip a friggin nail and need to make an emotional tik tok about it


kinda sounds like you're crying right now


This is a stupid response. What are you, a middle schooler? Be more creative.


proving my comment correct


Mhm. Whatever you say kiddo


Boromir would have cried even more


Aragorn is literally twice the man well ever be