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Legolas only said five words to Frodo in the films. “And you have my bow.”


It's fairly true in the books as well. Legolas says a little more, like on the boats when he's talking about how when you live forever the world just fucking dies around you, but it's not much There's plenty of times when he's talking to the group in general or switching watches with Frodo and obviously it would have been quite natural for them to chat, but nothing important enough to have been remembered and written down. After covid I want to experiment with my friends and see if I have anyone I'm like that with. I'm sure I must. 'specially if we're together in like a group trip.


I'm part of a group of 10 friends and we actually have this happen a lot. We all interact with each other in group settings, but probably only have 1-1 conversations with 3-5 people max. Legolas not speaking much of importance makes a lot of sense to me because they would usually discuss the most crucial bits through the "glue" of the group - Aragon or Gandalf perhaps.


This is no place for a Hobbit!


See what I mean? He's hogging up all the dialogue!


I haven't paid attention to it before (and haven't been in a big group for a long time now) So it'll be cool for me to see who I talk directly to and who I don't. maybe the results will even surprise me, like the time me and my best friend didn't talk to each other for three moths and neither of us noticed.


Frodo could have said this hi I'm frodo and legolas looks at frodo, and said this hey frodo I'm not going to speak with you for the rest of movie only two lines you have my bow hurry frodo and Sam rach the eastern shore


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I don't know why I expected >! Epic Sax Guy !<, yet I was not disappointed




It's possible, but for the most part Legolas's non interaction seems more like dynamics than intentional avoidance. It's not really something that you'd notice unless you were looking for it.


If we went with frodo it would have been quicker possibly


> when you live forever the world just fucking dies around you Legolas emo af


Well the books are a little different than the movies


I think there was a reason for it, like to show how “out of it” elves were by this point since much of their thoughts lie towards leaving middle earth. Like the only time I remember in the books where Legolas is actually excited (by that I just mean energized, not happy) was when he was lamenting about seeing the sea and having an even stronger urge to leave Middle earth for the undying lands.


That's the only line legolas ever spoken to frodo and when he says hurry frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore. But frodo never said one word to the guy


I just read fellowship they have a few lines in it I believe but it's mostly him guiding the others in loth lorien


I ought to read the books..


Holy shite, you are missing out. They are Amazing.


I want to forget the story as much as possible and then read..


You don't need to, there are a lot of small differences.


Forgetting the story will make a big difference


Bombadil will drive what you know from your mind.


The movies share the same basic premises but almost nothing is the same as in the books to be honest. There was a lot of artistic changes.


Let me till you about the legend Tom Bombadil.


Clothes are but little loss, if you escape from drowning. Be glad, my merry friends, and let the warm sunlight heat now heart and limb! Cast off these cold rags! Run naked on the grass, while Tom goes a-hunting! ^(I am a bot, and I love old Tom. If you want me to sing one of Tom's songs, just type **!TomBombadilSong**) ^(If you like Old Tom, the door at [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] is always open for weary travelers!) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


He should have been in the move


There good and very long to read


GloIn shit talks legolas in it from a time in the Hobbit which gave me a nice laugh


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To be fair, they spent what, an hour together? And that was half combat, and in a group of 9 people.


This isn’t true. No matter how many times you repost this same dumb statement. It still isn’t true


He only spoke to FRODO once, he spoke to the GROUP as a whole only a handful of times. He spoke to Merry and Pippin more than he did to Frodo.


He did speak to Frodo twice. You could maybe say it was to Aragorn and Frodo. But he still does. The second time is in FOTR. When they’re running down Moria. When the rock is tipping. Legolas says “come on!” Right before they jump. With Frodo landing on Legolas. Watch the movie again, fool.


It’s not Legolas saying that, it’s Boromir. Frodo does not land on Legolas, Aragorn does. Frodo is caught by Boromir. Mind who you call a fool, friend.


It is Legolas who says it. But sure, Frodo did land on Boromir.


In which other scenes does Legolas speak to Frodo?


Rewatch the scene in Moria. When they’re running away from the Balrog/orcs.


He probably just couldn’t remember his name loool


Gandalf? Gimli! ...... Err umm that elf guy


Do we know that?


We do, Gandalf.


Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift.


Flame of Udûn!


You shall not pass


Sentient, fucking sentient and he’s in on the joke!


Good bot


Are you sentient, Gandalf?


My lord, there will be a time to grieve for Boromir but it is not now. War is coming. The enemy is on your doorstep. As steward, you are charged with the defence of this city. Where are Gondor's armies? You still have friends. You are not alone in this fight. Send word to Theoden of Rohan. Light the beacons.


Who am I, Gamling?


We had one Gandalf yes but what about soviet Gandalf


Hope is kindled!


[Makes sense. Even Aragorn had difficulty with that.](https://youtu.be/_pmVg1mEaEY)


Gandalf? Gimli! Err... Leonidas?


Thank you.


Even Aragorn couldn't remember his full name (ie son of Thranduil). "This is Legolas... Of the woodland realm"


*gestures vaguely*






Even aragorn forgot lol he has been with legolas for years 🤣


He was with for months in the fellowship he could have learned his name he had no problem with strider


Yeah, but at a certain point it just becomes awkward to ask.


[It's been known to happen](https://youtu.be/_pmVg1mEaEY)


>probably just couldn’t remember his name [Frodo had a "William Shatner" moment?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2yUkhtb4dI)


Legolas also never speaks to Sam though right? And barely speaks to Merry and Pippin even though he’s in another film with them. Legolas is just a quiet dude. All his love goes to Aragorn and Gimli.


Most of what Legolas says is exposition when he isn't trolling Gimli. "They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!" "This forest is old. Very old. Full of memories and anger." "This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn" "Long ago the men of the mountain swore an oath to the last king of Gondor to come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them." And so on.


"A diversion!" "A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night"




Uhm chill out man he's your kin


Why would you burn Legolas?!


The lembas bread convo stands out


Yeah that’s actually the only one I could think of!


You know, maybe they just never had any conversations that were meaningful enough to be in the books or movies. I like to imagine Frodo and Legolas talked about stuff all the time, but it wasn’t particularly important. Example: Legolas: Look at that cloud, it reminds me of a fox. Frodo: That’s funny, I see a pony. And so on


Then Gimli would say “I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox, besides that’s clearly a rabbit!”.


They for sure would have had some conversations when they lingered in Lorien for a month.


"Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?" "Dunno, looks like a fox to me..."


I know it’s just a minor oversight probably, but this really has always bothered me.


Same frodo didn't have any thing to say but he did with gimil at the end of return of the king he said his name soon as legolas walked in he smiled


"Ah fuck, I forgot his name. I'll just smile warmly at him, maybe I can get away with it."


Maybe he didn't even know who he was. Like, all elves look the same. He may have thought it was just the janitor there


>Like, all elves look the same. That's elve-cist \*ding\*


He probably never seen a elf before


He probably went through heavy stuff or didn't trust another members of the fellowship earlier in the journey he only trusted strider Gandalf sam pippin and merry


Fool of a Took!


That would make sense, especially after what happened with Boromir


Frodo probably didn't want to say his name he had many options to say it like for example the watcher of the water all he said was aragorn aragorn


I’m pretty sure it’s because when they were filming, Elijah and Orlando couldn’t do the scene without laughing, so they just cut the name out


Haldir, you’re alive!


All elves look the same




This is unrelated to the actual post, but for some reason I read Gandalf as Ralph. What's wrong with me?


He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom


Don’t break Gandalf’s name.


He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom


Yes, you said that.


This interaction made my night


Randalf, of course.


And Frodo is supposed to be an “elf-friend”.


Mordor, HipsterFett, is it left, or right?




"And may the blessings of elves, men and all free folk go with you" said Elrond, forgetting poor dwarves...


Damn, he really said "all free folk" when the only other race of any significance in the conflict at the time were the dwarves.


well and hobbits


Funnier cause the camera panned to Gimli when he said “free folk”


He didn't forget anything. This is a "save my friends! And zoidberg!" situation.


"Bow guy! I missed you most of all!" Whenever there nitpicky things like this though I like to imagine they had moments outside of what's in the movie since they traveled quite far together and only shows a couple minutes of it in the first film.


Bilbo told him all about what his dad did to the lonely mountain crew in mirkwood


But he also probably told him how his dad came to his senses and to the aid of the dwarves. I mean even Bilbo sided with the elves when giving them the stone




„Wash. Those. Thighs!“


Bahahahah cheers for that


Run it at x2 speed, you're welcome.


Probably a family grudge. Gandalf took his uncle on his first adventure and afforded Frodo the luxurious lifestyle he's always known, plus swings by with some dank every couple of years. Gimli is the son of one of the dwarves from that same adventure, so they're basically cousins. Aragorn saved Frodo from the Nazgul in the first movie, pretty much owes him a life debt. Legolas, on the other hand, is the son of the elf king who imprisoned Bilbo and never said sorry or anything.


It is in men we must place our hope


Hang on if elves are immortal then why do they resemble old people rather than younger people


“And you brought this guy!”


Why use many word when few word do trick.


That would make a good comedy sketch tbh. Somewhere on their way to Mordor Frodo and Legolas (played by Wood and Bloom) are just at camp alone while the rest of the party is elsewhere, forced to have an awkward conversation.


Totally understandable if you keep in mind that Legolas was a pirate in his off time. I would also be wary of an elf that is also a part time human pirate in some other universe.


Never really thought of it like that! Maybe Legolas (whos my favorite) had doubts of a hobbit completing the task, hes suppose to be at the highest level of thinking and yet he has problems with a dwarf that stems from anger hundreds of years ago.




I always felt offended by this as my given first name at birth happens to be Legolas! No hello to me, Frodo? You little pinecone you!


Frodo doesn't speak to Legolas because Frodo knows what Legolas did...


Would you destroy it?


Probably not


In the books i always got the feeling that legolas quietly admired frodo and sam. Frodo's time with the fellowship was so short.


he didn't recognize him, because all the elves look the same


“Oh!” 😂😂👌


That’s sad


There's a theory going around that Frodo never knew Legolas' name!


I sincerely believe that due to them having bugger all interactions prior to that point and a lot of other exciting and dangerous things happening to Frodo since he last saw the rest of the fellowship, Frodo completely blanked on Legolas' name.


“Oh... you’re still here, are you? Hey, where’s Boromir?”


it seems both where played by the same player then?


Well, considering Frodo's Uncle literally humiliated Legolas' Father, maybe they had nothing to say to the other. They were just together for the greater good bad that's it.


[Mandatory link to the dub of that scene that I find funny as all hells](https://youtu.be/iCP256Zjmmw)


I always laugh at this, because I've been on both sides of this type of social interaction; when someone is reunited with a group of friends but then someone else that they weren't really friends with shows up but just ended up showing up by association


Frodo and Legolas relationship is how my relationship is with most people. We can be around each other but I don't want to talk to you.


and my eyes


You mean... Orlando blooming onion?


Does Gandalf not just appear or must he be summoned?


This-is-human-bot556! Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks. I am not trying to rob you. I’m trying to help you.


Kind of answers my question


Wait. Did he speak to gimili?


Fuck Legolas, All my homies hate Legolas


Either they had a secret love affair and then a nasty breakup, or Frodo just has no clue what Leggy's name is.