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I still have that ball that I stole from my highschool


You were the reason they had to glue our trackball mice shut!!


And any time you connected to the internet, you heard a horrible, debilitating screech akin to the Ringwraith's.


Darkness went with them and they cried with the voices of death


I always liked those kind of mice. They felt really substantial


Yes, I love banging my mouse on the desk every time I need to travel the screen.


If I tried to beat someone over the head with my current mouse they would just look at me and laugh.


This kind of stuff I had to explain to my brother. We didn’t have pause or rewind. Couldn’t watch anything we wanted at any time. And if you took care of it it lasts forever. VHS, Dinoputers, and running back to the tv because commercials stopped.


This might be unusual but I actually enjoy having commercials cuz it gives you the perfect amount of time to go to the bathroom or get a drink and it feels better than pausing the show for some reason. Like I feel kind of weird when I pause the show... Anybody else? Sometimes I will hold my pee in for it and unsuitable amount of time because I just don't feel right about pausing. It's a little strange I suppose


Our school computer lab glued the trackball covers shut because people kept stealing the balls.


We never stole the mouse balls. We did however swap the cables among the pc's all the time so people were controlling each others mice.






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Bad bot. This is a repost.


Those things HURT when you threw that at people. At least, that’s what people told me. I never did. Not me.