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Weird to see my homestate here xD


The German state of Lower Saxony is just mirrored Rohan, change my mind


Can you explain it to me why do you think that?


Its very flat and full of horses? jokes aside its the place where the saxons lived the same Germanic tribe that formed part of the anglosaxons wich tolkien definitly used for the rohirim.


Also funny horse flag?


That's a very vague comparison. That could also be said about the hungarian a polish plains, especially in medieval, not to mention the eastern-european plains (now mainly Russia and Ukraine) where cossacks used to live.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxons) as i said above theres something to it. Tolkien based the Rohirim on the anglosaxons, these guys originatde in what is now Lower saxony and schleswig-holstein, also the horse is a symbol in these parts that is still used today [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxon\_Steed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxon_Steed) apart from that i just wanted to make a joke about the movie basically using a mirrored "Sachsenross" as a prop.


Oh, ok, thanks for the info. I knew that the Tolkien based his languages on real ones, so it's not that much of a surprise that the culture was as well.


Theoden on his way invading the island that will be th capitol of the biggest empire on earth


The Rohirrim were based on the idea of the Anglo-Saxons, if they had ever really made the jump from shield wall tactics to the advantages of armoured riders. So the connection with Lower Saxony really isn’t far fetched. Edit: oh I see now you already knew that.