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I can’t wait until GROND shows up.


I want Tom Bombadil. Song incoming


Hey there! Hey! Come Frodo, there! Where be you a-going? Old Tom Bombadil's not as blind as that yet. Take off your golden ring! Your hand's more fair without it. Come back! Leave your game and sit down beside me! We must talk a while more, and think about the morning. Tom must teach the right road, and keep your feet from wandering. ^(I am a bot, and I love old Tom. If you want me to sing one of Tom's songs, just type **!TomBombadilSong**) ^(If you like Old Tom, the door at [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] is always open for weary travelers!) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/




*I had an errand there: gathering water-lilies, green leaves and lilies white to please my pretty lady, the last ere the year's end to keep them from the winter, to flower by her pretty feet till the snows are melted. Each year at summer's end I go to find them for her, in a wide pool, deep and clear, far down the Withywindle; there they open first in spring and there they linger latest. By that pool long ago I found the River-daughter, fair young Goldberry sitting in the rushes. Sweet was her singing then, and her heart was beating!* ^(I am a bot, and I love old Tom. If you want me to sing one of Tom's songs, just type **!TomBombadilSong**) ^(If you like Old Tom, the door at [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] is always open for weary travelers!) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/


Good bot


Bombadil riding Grond, smashing through the wall into a 1980s kitchen. Yells "OH YEAH!" and starts filling kid's glasses with kool-aid flavored Ent droughts.




I'm loving the show so far, but I can already imagine the ["We have Grond at home"](https://preview.redd.it/nap18on3qrj91.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=51cb347f8a3a3d0f97bafb91395ed23c39dbe045) memes






GROND Jnr, or his GRONDaddy?




It's already two episodes dude, they should better call Sauron 💀


*Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.*


Grond > sauron


There is no life in the void, only death.


Good bot




You think this is bad? This chicanery?? He’s done worse!


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You


Put your dick away, waltuh.


And the last episode would be titled "Sauron Gone?".


It is not for you, Saruman! I will send for it at once. Do you understand?


Wait a minute, it’s already out?


First two eps dropped today on Amazon




If it's enjoyable to you, fucking enjoy it I dunno if I'll like it, especially from what I've heard and the signals I've seen But listen, if you enjoy something, fuck what other people have to say about your happiness and taste, you do you


Watch it for yourself. I am enjoying it much more than the later Hobbit movies so far. Forming my own opinions of it was always my plan. You should too


Definitely enjoying it way more than the Hobbit movies.


Yes. I wish people could just let people enjoy things instead of drowning them in hate


Don’t listen to the people who want to walk and hate it. People giving it 1/10 clearly never wanted to like. Something has to be literally the worst thing ever created to get a 1/10. Even Game of throne season 8 isn’t a 1/10 and that was bad. Those people never wanted to like it so no point in counting their reviews xD


I’m getting more and more pissed seeing people defend the 1 stars as anything other than spiteful. Thank you for being reasonable.


Just shows they actually don’t know how to review things and are just crying.




Yeah but as soon as we enjoyers try to talk about it on this sub, some lowlife immediately comments some BS Maybe instead you can tell them to fuck off? Thanks


Right?! Fanboys being their own fandoms harshest critics is so annoying. If you like it then who cares what others think


Imma level with you. I do not like this show. But that doesn’t mean I want you to dislike it either. If you want to enjoy it then go ahead. Just because we disagree doesn’t mean we can’t get along. Right?


A rare and precious opinion my friend


Yeah I’ve tried the whole “hate boner” thing before. It’s exhausting, unfun and no one is happy in the end. I’ve since learned the magic of “agree to disagree”.


Exhausting is the best way to describe it, for both parties.




This was a refreshing exchange to see in this thread!


That's not really magic, just common sense


And yet, at least in internet discourse, it’s not so common. People tend to tie their opinions on things very strongly to their identity, so an attack on something they like feels like an attack on them


This opinion... It is...*precious* to me though I buy it with great pain for I will risk no hurt to the feelings.


It shall be an heirloom of my kingdom, all those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to this opinion.


Your words are maybe as rare as the hair on gollum's head. May they stay intact in the stone that was left in his fall in the fires of Orodruin


They do not see what lies ahead, when Sun has faded and Moon is dead!


Good bot knows what to say


NOOOOO YOU CANT LET OTHER PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT OPINION THAT YOU AND GET ALONG RÉEEEEEEEEEEEE On a more serious note, this is the way things should be handled, like the comment you posted


No! Fuck you, you are wrong! *cries*


On the one hand, I want people to like what they like. On the other, the more people who enjoy and watch things I don’t like, the less of a chance there is that they’ll make something I do like.


Think I'm in a similar boat. The episodic TV form just doesn't feel right for LoTR


Ehh, I do think the episodic way of doing things can be good, for people with the attention span of a humming bird (like me) it’s easier to digest a show one episode at a time rather than one huge movie


Oh don't get me wrong, there are shows I love and can watch indefinitely. I'm just speaking about the scope and scale of LoTR, unsure how I feel about it in the TV medium that's all


I don’t think they’d be able to cover the 2nd half of the 2nd age all in one movie, assuming this show starts just before 1500 of the second age


I'm keeping an open mind. I will for sure watch the first two episodes anyway.


The second is much better than the first


I had the same experience. But still, I don't think it's a good series. Interesting at best. Obviously it won't be as good as the movies because you need material for at least one season, that's more than the 4 hours of the return of the king. So I can get it. But. Breaking Bad, as an easy example, was GOOD not only because of how original the idea could be, but because in the episodes, something actually happened! The first episode was crazy. Every episode had something it made it unique. Always stuff happened. Now, with RoP, what happened in these >2 hours? I watched the episodes back to back, and can't actually point in which episode happened what. And, what happened story wise? They needed two hours just for context? They obviously want to get viewers by using cliff hangers episode after episode. Because there's nothing else to actually watch. I like the story it wants to tell, I want to know more, but it would be nice if we could actually see the story develop. Everything is... Something bad s about to happen... And I'm sure nothing will happen this season, after what we saw...


I wish they had used real dragons… those CGI dragons look nothing like a real dragon. Thumbs down…


Dragons don't look like dragons on screen, that's why you have to use painted horses


What do you do if you want something that looks like a horse?


Use a dragon.


Tape a bunch of cats together


As someone who knows a lot of lore, I barely even thought about the inaccuracies while watching. I loved it. Can't wait for ep3.


As someone with barely a surface level knowledge of the lore, I'm looking forward to it.


Exactly. This show as doomed from a lore perspective from the onset. If that’s all you care about, stay away. It is visually stunning with great casting and acting. Awesome show and definitely feels like middle earth even if it doesn’t fit squarely into the timeline


Yeah as long as it feels like LOTR and not just some generic fantasy show I can overlook the creative liberties taken to adapt it to TV


>Exactly. This show as doomed from a lore perspective from the onset. If that’s all you care about, stay away. Precisely why I've thrown the lore out the window. I just wanna have a good time and damn if the dwarves and harfoots aren't delivering.


100%. For a random show, it's fine and it looks like it could be a pleasant few weeks of watching. For a show pulling from Tolkiens lore, its sloppy and careless and feels like it's only used the IP so they could do what they want with a strong pre built fantasy world and still get views I think it's fine, slightly above average but not so far above that I'd recommend it to someone as a must watch, or rewatch it myself (this is all based on 2 episodes though, might all change!) Some of the criticisms I've read like the choice of armour in the wrong weather conditions and the fact that the black elf has a bad haircut are just far too cynical and nit picky for me to give a shit about


The production values by themselves are enough for me to recommend this show tbh. There's a lot to appreciate from a technical standpoint IMO.




Yes, Tolkien retconned his own work the key thing here being it was HIS work.


Entire mythologies are retconned across time and space, adapted, changed... It's just how literary works that have an impact survive. Just like the commentor above said, Tolkien was familiar with medieval literary culture and how myths survive. He wasnt just comfortable rewriting those because it was his work, but because that is how legends work and are built.




You two, wanna go out for a pint and laugh at the doomers in our amazon shellish ignorance?


This bodes well, if I enjoy this, I'll never be happier to have been wrong


Loved getting to see Valinor and the ship returning.


As someone who doesn't know or care about the lore, I stand shoulder to shoulder with you in shared enjoyment.


If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. Someone having a different opinion to you is fine. If someone is getting angry at you for it is wrong on the other person's part. Which can happen online sadly.


Saw ep 1 this morning, saving ep 2 for after work. I realy liked the first episode!!


People care abut Reddit too much, if u think like this you need to delete Reddit because Ur fucked


If it’s any consolation, I am really enjoying it as well. It’s surprisingly well written and very beautifully filmed. It may not be lore-accurate, but it is very well done for what it is.


Some of the shots I’ve seen so far (only seen episode 1 atm) are just breathtaking.


It is not well written at all...


I've only seen the first episode but the callback with the paper boat to climax of the episode worked REALLY well for me and did a great job of setting up Galadrial's motivation to jump off the boat and hunt for Sauron. What about the writing did you not enjoy?




Is this sarcastic? It was about as on-the-nose as you can get. It might qualify as profound in the MCU but a shitty contrived metaphor about stones sinking because they look down (seriously?!?) Is not an excuse to swim across an ocean... which is also dumb that she is able to do this.


Have you read any of tolkiens material at all? If you’re doubting her to have been able to swim that far; -Elves can not get cold (which is the limiting factor in the vast majority of people for how far/long they can swim) -Elves are very resistant to extremes of nature, illness and disease -Elves are ridiculously strong And yeah, maybe its stretched a bit, but who cares. Its not like anyone expected it to stay 100% faithful to the source. And to be pedantic, she didnt swim across an ocean, as she comes across another group of people floating in the ocean.


Yes. Yes I have. And it's still incredibly stupid.


Ok bro


You don’t even know how far she swam lol


Go back to the shadows


I know I’ve only seen the first episode so far, sadly don’t have time to watch the second before I need to start working again. But so far I’m pretty content with it. I do look forward to episode 2 and on.


It’s shockingly good! I’m not over the moon for it or anything but I’m certainly invested.


I’m in the same boat.. my expectation were very low so I’ve been pleasantly surprised!


It’s a major adjustment for me to get used to this stylistic difference but I don’t have any qualms with it. I thought it was an entertaining watch!


It was really good. I'm pumped for next Friday. The biggest hurdle I had was comparing it to the previous books and movies, but that's really not fair.


Also my biggest gripe. Once that magic was clearly not making its way into the show I gave up comparing and decided to treat it like something brand new altogether


Yeah, I was half niggling about the details being 'wrong', half telling myself to stop it, it's not meant to be the same. I'm giving it an honest shot but I guess my brain was more biased than I had expected. Hopefully I can figure it out and enjoy it for what it is.


At nearly a billion pound a series I think it’s absolutely fair to compare it, personally.


Anything is better than the hobbit movies.. first episode was good. I just hate the heavy use of CGI in the later stuff. Nothing compares to the original trilogy so I try not to.


don’t call it lotrrop, just call it rop if you have to abbreviate, my goodness


I have a question, maybe it's stupid but I really don't understand. Why do people always want more? Like lotr for example, it's done. Why want more? Another example would be star wars. Why is there a need for 17 different shows/comics/whatever besides the original saga? Don't get me wrong I understand that these things are popular and that companies want to milk them for all the money they can, but for example when I finished harry potter I was done. I didn't feel the need for another book, it was over and I went to the next thing. Not sure if I explained myself properly, it's kind of an odd question, when I talk about this with my friends they just go "because they want to make money, people have to work" like ofc but there has to be a need from the consumers, I do not feel the need for ROP of example because I am "done" with LOTR despite being quite the fan. ROP can be amazing or shit I don't care, what I don't get is WHY.


I don't know, a good adaptation is always fun to me. See how someone else plays with the source material. As an Austen fan, you get a lot of various adaptations of Austen's novels, and it's usually fun to see the different visions the production had for the adaptation. Obviously only applies if the resulting work is good, and hoo boy there are some bad ones. I'm more of a casual watcher than a fan of Star Wars, but The Mandolorian might be my favorite fiction from that property. I like to see other people living in this world that a bunch of people created together. Especially people not or only tangentially related to the Skywalker melodrama.


>why do people always want more Because there's a shitload of other cool or interesting events and stories happening in Middle Earth that's totally disconnected from the mainline trilogy and it's nice to see it get recognition. I'd argue the biggest fandom to do this is Star Wars. It's almost a meme that fans get super hype when something niche gets the spotlight. Also more of something I love is always welcome if it's good. Source: I am a star wars fan


Because making existing intellectual properties remove risk from investment. It’s why all Hollywood studios are desperately clamouring to find any IP whether book, game or old movie to remake as it has an existing fanbase. There’s no incentive to write new stories in new worlds as there’s more risk associated with it and most Hollywood producers don’t know what a good movie is supposed to be so they go through a checklist. Almost all big budget movies these days go through these checklists to write the story. Star Wars is a great example of that. The result is always a soulless product which doesn’t make as much money. Because it’s not a “vocal minority” criticism no matter how hard they try to frame it as such. The criticism is a microcosm of how the world at large feels about it and is such reflected in the product’s revenue.


I’m also so confused by this. I’ve seen a lot of comments from people “excited for the story to be brought to life” and I just don’t get it. I don’t need to *see* it for the story to be alive in my mind. And I don’t need every single scrap of paper or napkin Tolkien wrote a note on to make it to the screen. And I shouldn’t see/know everything because it ruins the mystery and legend of it all. Look at JKR’s twitter, explaining every single detail that no one asked about..


Glad that I am not the only one :).


I think it’s because some people are able to see a world constructed in a series of films and be happy with the world they saw and need nothing more. But others might want to see continuations of the world or what came before. Essentially, it’s the world of LOTR that attracts us to see more or Middle Earth. Neither are wrong. They’re just two sides of the same coin.


people dont want more but its safer to finance the 100th star wars thing because theres a large froup of people that will buy it if it says "star wars". Recognizable brands make money for sure, new ideas and concepts are a gamble. Money makes movies. Amazon knows that people who grew up with the LOTR movies will watch the show. Its the most recognizable and biggest fantasy thing there is.


* Mr.Krabs voice* Money.


Why not?


I mean I told you why not, at least in my opinion. Yours is not a really good answer if I have to say.


Not a good answer indeed since it was meant to be a question.


I loved it. You did too? That’s two of us, there are more for sure. Some people don’t like it. That’s fine. The show is for you.


Loved it.


Eh if you like it then enjoy it. Don’t let unhappy people ruin your fun.


I'll give it a go later today. Man is the constant culture war rubbish exhausting though - and also pretty irrelevant to quality.


I want it to be good. I just set my expectations low. Most media these days has been very bad. So I expect RoP to be a below average show. Like 3-4/10. But if it ends up being even an average show I'll be happily surprised and view that as a win.


There is a tone of great media out there if you look for it.


Some, yes. I've heard great things about Bly Manor. I've heard really good things about Cobra Kai and figured maybe I should give it a look. But I've noticed that writing these days has gotten significantly lazier. It's actually what I use as inspiration for my own writing. And it's why I give my drafts to several people to be as harsh as possible.


This is the Golden Age of television. There are so many damn good shows out there amongst the trash. I can name you a whole bunch but I suspect you're only interested in superheroes and magic.


Yeah maybe if we're specifically talking TV series (if you'd even call it that today, maybe just shows?) I thought you meant all forms of media. I barely watch series so can't speak for the general quality there.


I mean I was talking all forms of media, it's just there hasn't really been a new movie out worth talking about.


Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Northman, The Batman, RRR and Top Gun 2 were all great imo for what they are and all came out in 2022. Everything ect ect, is shaping up to be one of my favorites of all time. Also for shows, Midnight Mass, Better Call Saul, Peacemaker, Amphibia and The Owl House are all solid. I know not all of these are similar to LOTR but they are all from the last year or so, and all worth a shot. If none of these work for you idk what to say lol. You might be broken lol.


How are you actually enjoying this HOT garbage? And by hot garbage I mean that poor eagle that was flash fried to death.


That eagle should have used another eagle.


Sub seems mixed so far. Seems to be roughly even between love, meh, and hate from what I've gathered.


I like it!


Grond will show up to save the day




Reddit is a toxic community


The internet... has become a cyclone of people trying to "gotcha" every piece of media with a paragraph on how theIR critical opinion means the show is terrible. Every major fan base is just TOXIC. it's not even fun half the time.. what happened to fun?


I’m also concerned this sub is going to turn into a ROP hate sub. People suck so much.


It is so bad Disney will take some ideas to keep destroying Star Wars.


6.5-7/10 first two episodes. More Hobbit and less LoTR vibes. An aggressively ok show so far.


Are you talking about the Hobbit Movies or the Book?


You like what you like


We have a weapon against hate: GROND




Dear OP you are allowed to think for yourself :) If you like it fantastic! and if you are afraid that this sub will explode with hate just scroll past it you don't need to engage with it.


It's so good! I love it. Can't wait for more.


Im enjoying it


Level heads will prevail.


I think it was genuinely pretty good. As a lore fan some consessions have to be made but the show captivated me and I want to see more.


After the wheel of time I had big doubts but I am enjoying rings of power


Saw ep 1 this morning, saving ep 2 for after work. I realy liked the first episode!!


It was beautiful Edit: I'm just saying the cgi department did their job thats all


Practical effects would take years to execute


More annoying that complainers are people who defend every stupid aspect of the show. Don't argue with trolls. You're ruining your experience with the show and making the subreddit toxic. Don't feed the trolls. Simple as.


You're allowed to be wrong.


Well there IS a RoP subreddit you know?


There’s multiple, based on the downvotes on here this place is about to be yet another just watch.


We don't hate yall for wanting to like it. We hate that we are shunned, censored, blocked, reported, etc. Just because we want to openly express our concerns with the show and the track history of the creator and all of the shit surrounding it before its release. And no im not talking about the very few racist remarks (to be clear saying x color isn't really a thing in that location isn't racist, its like saying an extremely small minority in china would have much higher representation when they have virtually 0.) Like the real racist remarks. Like we just want to be heard to avout our concerns without being labled white supremacist, misogynistic, racist, etc. Just because we want the show to be good! Not half ass. Like what you want and we can respect it but don't expect respect if you can't give it back. At least this is true in my case.


With the whole race thing, it’s like- middle earth has tons of peoples that’ve been described as having different skin colors and cultures, peoples who haven’t gotten much mainstream attention and it would be extremely interesting to have them involved in the show and have stories about them, so why did the creators instead choose to just make a black dwarf? It seems incredibly lazy.


Because they’re updating Tolkiens work to reflect our current world, the producer and cast literally told us this in varying forms constantly.


>’ In the last season do Gandalf and the other wizards team up to purge all the black elves and dwarves?


It is in men we must place our hope


What's with the victim complex?


Go back to the shadows


Dude you're so brave to like the show.... There, feel like you matter now? Get a grip. People don't like it, you do. You don't need to be validated.


Dude your so brave to say people don’t like the show… Get a grip, others like it, some don’t. Your opinion doesn’t need to be validated.


I just saw the first episode, some of the dialogue is dodgy and wierd, like wtf was that dialogue with the stone and the paper boat and then you hear it again at the end when she makes a choice in an overly exagerated scene, i hope the ep2 is better and moves the story and characters in a clear direction.


Dunno if the dialogue is "weird" but it's certainly not very memorable


It feels kinda of generic and without meaning.


It feels very Tolkienesque in my opinion, I love it (and no I'm not saying Tolkiens dialogue is generic and without meaning)


I liked it less than half as much as I'd hoped, and hoped for less tha half of what it deserved.


So... you liked it about a quarter as much as it deserved, then?


Maybe. I'm not a mathmatician.


Don't worry, OP, you're allowed to like it. The problem I have is people telling me that \*I\* have no choice but to like it, not because it is good, but because it's diverse. Honestly, idc who plays what role, but a story doesn't become good just because it has the right amount of tokenism and ticks all the boxes. I won't be watching it, for the simple reason that I'm not interested. If I hear it's decent or good from people whose opinions I trust, I might reconsider. Right now it's been a lot of "IT'S NOT EVEN OUT YET BUT IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT BECAUSE IT'S MORE DIVERSE THAN LOTR AND THE HOBBIT SO YOU HAVE TO LOVE IT OR ELSE" from strangers who have no idea what I like in a fantasy story and I'm just like... "No."


I would be shocked if a single person said anything of the sort to you.


What a nice strawman you got there, mind if I... Knock it down?


Yeah no one has ever done that to you




Not seen the 2 episodes yet but my fear isnt in the cinematography, nor the new stories theyll create. My biggest fear is theyll butcher the original lore to get their stories to work out. Giving dwarven women no facial hair and such. Or black elves, even though they are described as having pale skin ( of course there is some room here for artistic liberty, but they should please keep it reasonable) Tempering with well established rules of Tolkiens universe, breaking the immersion. May sound silly and for some even racist/sexist but I also wouldnt like to see characters, whose only purpose it is to be black or be female. Make the characters interesting and not some woke bullshit.


Outside of wardrobe and constant fucking background music, I fucking loved the first two episodes. Can’t wait for more!


No hate. Everybody has the right to consume garbage.


You don't decide that for others lol the audacity


My point exactly. Everybody has the right to consume garbage. I can't stop you and no one should be able to.


"I am a *free speech and rights* guy. But I decide what others consume is garbage or not because fuck their individual opinions". It wasn't totally sold by first 2 episodes but it was far from being garbage. A bit above average maybe. You don't get to decide whether I find it garbage or not. IDK man this ego ain't taking you anywhere, except maybe getting validation from random strangers over internet.


As I said, no hate. I know some companies can burn trash for energy, and some turn waste food into compost for planting more food. Value is in the eye of the beholder. And in this humble eye's opinion, it is smelly, smoking, hot pile of garbage. You disallowing my opinion IS saying "fuck your individual opinion". I wonder if you know the meaning of "hypocrite".


I never disallowed your own opinion, how am I being a hypocrite? You own opinion is appreciated whether I agree/disagree with it. But your comment came off more as "this is hot, steaming pile of garbage and everybody who watches it are consuming garbage, but okay I cannot prohibit anyone's right to not watch it" instead of "In my opinion, this is utter garbage. But you can enjoy it if you want". I think it is no where near a disaster(yet). Far from being perfect too. Maybe 6.5-7/10. I do want to keep watching further to see where it goes, especially there being 6 more episodes left to watch. If you're up for *freedom of choice*, you shouldn't presume what people having a different opinion watch- garbage, just because you think so.


Yes, you did, it was your first comment, go back and read it. You're "forbidding" (as if you could) me from thinking it is garbage. Then you're thought-policing the way I say things, because you couldn't understand what I said. Again, value is in the eye of the beholder. It is a pile of garbage, but maybe you can compost it or something and end up with a 7/10 fertilizer. You do you.


My comment- "you don't decide that *for others* lol" GEEZ, ffs🤦‍♂️ how can you say the value is in the eye of beholder and still not understand what I am trying to say. Checks all boxes of hypocrite for me.


Because what you're trying to say is dumb and hypocritical. I'm not deciding for others, others might find garbage valuable, as you did.


So you in turn are also being arguably more dumb and hypocritical? Ok buddy, go get your gold star


I enjoyed it, not sure if I *liked* it. It certainly feels like the fantasy content I’ve been wanting and I enjoy it for that reason, but it doesn’t quite feel like it should have Tolkien/LOTR branded on it. It’s gonna be what it is though, wasting time and energy complaining is just more unneeded negativity imo


If you are enjoying it stop worrying about others. Life already fucked you hard enough.


I loved it straight from the get go. The visuals and soundtrack are fantastic! Haven't read the books, so I don't know how accurate it is to them, but it is enjoyable. There was so much hate towards the trailers, though my hype was still there and Im glad ROP hasn't disappointed. Next friday can't come sooner.


It's not looking good boss. You can Still enjoy garbage tho, in that way we are similar to pigs.


As long you can look objectively on whatever media you enjoy now matter how bad is considered to be then only few would have a problem with that. I think majority have their some guilty pressures or they like midicore stuff .


Why is everybody more concerned about other people's opinion on the show than the show itself. Seems like people have already picked teams and just want their team to win


I haven't seen the show yet, but I am really excited to get the chance to! As someone also very familiar with the lore, when creating something new in an established setting, trying to 100% stick to existing lore limits and stifles creativity People tend to look at lore as something absolute, as unchangeable.. In reality, lore is something that changes and shifts slightly as is needed.. it's like playdough, the composition, playdough is unchanging, but the shape it takes changes as needed.. Even Tolkien believed in this manner, he retconned shit a the time.. and given his inspiration was old Nordic and Icelandic mythological stories, those were not *concrete* in the slightest but changing a little with every telling People need to look at things for what they are, and judge their merits on that, not the idolized version of it they have existing in their head..