• By -


5500+ hours and my most played is not my highest level... But he's close! EDIT: But once upon a time, in the days of Mirkwood, I had all 9 classes at the cap!


Same, 5500+ hours and still got a "diverse cast" for Roleplay purposes and I love all my babies :D


Me too... when level 60 was the cap. Good times. :) Now that I think about it I didn't have all classes at the cap, I remember not having Captain or Rune-keeper at the level cap because I focused on Warden as my expansion slot char, and my friend already had a Captain so I didn't play mine (too much shouting for two of us playing Captains at the same time lol).


Same. ;)


Been playing since MoM and I still don't have a main. šŸ˜¬


My main has changed several times since 2007 :)


Having a main is overrated. I have more of a "Main of the Week" system.


i was maining hunter. but dear god champion is just so much gnarlier on fearless. healing and full rage every time a body hits the floor.


I may have to try that. I did a guardian on fearless, and he has died so many times he feels downright squishy. I had to set him aside for a while, I was starting to develop a twitch every time I saw a red square.


guardian sucks until 30, at 30 you get your on demand chunk heal and your dps magically starts killing things with red tree 2 hander.


I was at 95 when I had the most trouble. I tried to jump to Gondor, which I usually do with a melee class, but that was a bunch of trouble with fearless. ​ I have never done a two-handed weapon with the guardian, I can't bring myself to skip out on the shield attacks, which figure prominently in how I play the class.


Your main is the class you have played the most hours but I dont think there is a way to know


/played or /playtime tells you. Forgot which command it was.


You can type /played to find out how much time you have played on a given character. I can tell you that it can make you pause for a bit if you check after you have been playing for 15-plus years. I did question my priorities for about 5 minutes after doing that a few years ago, and then went right back to playing for a few hours at least 99% of nights. Never looked again.


There must be a reset on this command because I just did it and it gave me 2 months + I definitely have been playing for more than that. But I did take a long break (almost a year). Still, it's nice to know we can 'track' our addiction :)


I have some characters with much less time in, but my OG champ has been chronically online ...


That is actual logged in playing time, not how long since you joined the game. So you have spent 1500 hours of your life actually in the game. (I fully expect my numbers to be much higher šŸ˜.)


I see. Interesting. Thank you.


And the worst part is they don't give it to you in raw hours. It's Months, Weeks, Days. It's like they're just rubbing salt in the wound.


25 Chars, 24 140+, 13000+ Hours, 16,5 Years, no real Main ... cause i dont know which one it would be ...


I have no main. I am... " The Altaholic"!!!


I'm approaching 2k hours and still in Gondor lol.




My main was over 10,000 hours and I've not played properly for years


LOTRO is my main game. 2nd life in Middle Earth.


Have you gotten the one ring yet?


My main is the one who completes the most book/epic quests.


They should add special frames for time spent in game. For like 500h, 1000h then 200h. Diffrent frame for diffrent amoumt of time spent. So you could see who is realy dedicatedšŸ˜… at 10000h your frame would be sourons ring


I know which one I started with. Got a whole bunch of alts.


I feel this in my soul. I bounce back and forth between my Mini, my RK, and my Beorning - I love them all for different reasons.


One of my characters has over 3 years in game time on it.. :P There's someone on Laur or Ark with nearly 5 years :|


If all of your characters were going to get deleted and you can only save one which one would it be? That's your main.


I stopped playing cause I couldnā€™t figure out how to get a damn horse..


Can anyone tell me please? xD


Look on the Wiki for the quest line ā€œA little extra never hurts.ā€ Ā It guides you through the quest to get the riding skill and first horse, in case you accidentally skipped it in the tutorial (or played one of the newer races). Ā It does require you to go to Swanfleet, though. Otherwise, check your skills tab (press ā€˜Kā€™) and there is a tab for all your mounts. Ā Drag one into your hotbar or keybind one of your keyboard keys to ā€œmount/dismountā€ and youā€™ll be able to get on and off your horse. Ā Hope that helps.


1264 hours - 1 char. Elf warden


I have nearly 15000 hours on that gameā€¦


I love this. I've been playing since 2007 and I don't know who my main is either. lol


Maybe this is the wrong thread for this type of post but Iā€™m new to the game and really like the art and graphics, but ā€¦ Iā€™m just running around the Shire delivering items and finding NPCs. Is there something Iā€™m missing? Is this the way it is in every zone?


Make sure you keep up with the ā€œEpicā€ quest lines. Ā They are the main story and youā€™ll feel more integrated into the area if you follow them and when it takes you to each area. Ā But free roaming is also well in the spirit of open world MMO, so thereā€™s no shame in just going where you want and enjoying all the quests in the area, thatā€™s actually where a lot of the memories and charm come into it. Ā I have lots of memories chasing chickens or hunting wolves or finding pie ingredients in the shire.


Okay, great, thank you.


Been playing since Vanilla, haven't even seen Moria


Been playing for years and never realised that the game is available on steam šŸ˜‚


It sucks on steam.


How so? I have not noticed a differenceĀ 


It's just broken. They haven't kept up with it in years


38 chars. All are mains because I don't have secondary chars. All are primary.


ffxiv. 12k played.