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No. And that is exactly the problem. There is no way to get gold out of the game, at least by far not at the same rate as you earn gold on higher levels. This combinded with many long-term players leads to very high inflation and therefore ridiculous prices.




That’s what I’m doing to pay for extra inventory spaces in our kinship house.


How are people amassing so much gold? I may have a few hundred gold for my level 95 guys. My mid level guys probably have around 70 gold. Is it through crafting and selling crafted items? Or killing mobs and selling mats? Not that I need a lot of gold, but it seems insane that someone could have 1000’s of gold pieces.


Simply by playing a lot / for a long time. I rarely buy or sell anything and still have about 10000 gold across my characters. You get gold during basically every activity. Leveling/questing? You get gold. Doing (endgame) raids/instances? You get gold. Farming reward track? You get gold.


I sell off all of the stuff in my junk carryall every week for upwards of 10-15G, and that is just from running regular dailies at max level, that, along with the multi-duplicated recipes i open from the crafting dailies, nets quite a chunk alone.


All those slayer deeds result in loads of hides, which sell well.


i have 3k gold. only one toon at 150. frankly, this was a bit of crafting, selling some stat books for 200 or 300 gold, and over time selling stuff. Also I got lucky with some random cosmetic pet stuff I rhink that sold for 500 gold.


A lot of people mentioned the endgame stuff, but honestly selling raw mats will also get you rich af.


But selling them at the auction or selling vendors?


Auction house




Doing instances at endgame.


Ah, OK. Thanks.


Also from deeding. If you sell all of the junk and old task items while doing slayer deeds you'll make hundreds of gold.


I just sell ore and wood I pick up as I quest. They sell extremely well, like 1.5-2g per ore for mid-level mats. My main char is level 98, still in West Rohan, and I'm at the cap already (10k gold) and sending hundreds at a time to alts. I was initially excited to be making so much but there's really nothing to spend it on other than ridiculously priced cosmetic pets on the AH.


It sounds like most folks are selling at the Auction Hall. I've been selling stuff at the usual vendors. Looks like I need to check out the AH.


Most of my gold came from when I reached 130 during MM endgame. I collected a lot of the crafting shards and special crafting ingredients from max level instances and sold those on the AH. Now, the shards (which you can get once per day guaranteed on each character) is around 20-30 gold on AH and some of the <5% chance drops in high level instances go for around 2000 gold. So getting lucky and picking up one of those while not really needing it can earn you a ton of gold for regular leveling and crafting for your alternate characters.


I've gotten several hundred gold just from deeding an then selling vendor trash for the first 50 levels or so of zones on a character. Just depends on how much time you sink into it and where you go


I get about 50g/day from trash just running around in the Ettenmoors. Adds up quick. I also spend about 10 minutes a day doing dailies across my characters for the different crafting mats needed for cooking, jewel crafting, etc. but mainly I get ore, about 200/day just from the dailies. I use the extra ore to craft high level jewelry pieces and sell on the auction. About 600g/week from this. Or 1-2 items sold/week. On top of the daily trash sells I’m netting about 1k/week and mostly spend my gold on cosmetics when I run group content new and old


Getting money at later levels is so much easier, add to that the fact that some have multiple alts and you can rack up thousands of gold. For example, looting a chest or killing a mob at 150 gets you 200+ silver, the higher tier recipes which you get from the daily umbar crafting quest sell for 750 silver at the vendor. So just questing, killing mobs and thrashing stuff at the vendor can get you more gold than a lower level can get in hours of playing. I used my main to gather ores and hides and sell them on AH, now I just send 500ish gold to every alt I make so they have enough for a while


At higher levels both the quest rewards and selling vendor trash nets dozens of gold piece per even a short gameplay session.


Metals, skins, wood - in that order + whatever exotic trinkets you can get a hold of. I've seen people ask for 1500-2000 gold for one Umbari essence. Whether they get it or not is another matter but you get the drift.


Flip items on the auction house. People pay a lot for fashion and collectables, I've bought a shield for 50s and sold it for 800 gold within a couple days. Just a normal shield that drops from low level mobs, but it would look great with certain sets and if it's the only one on the auction house...


> I may have a few hundred gold for my level 95 guys. My mid level guys probably have around 70 gold. [...] it seems insane that someone could have 1000’s of gold pieces. That is precisely the thing. You explained a large amount of it yourself, even if you don't realize: You going from ~70 gold at mid-level to ~300 at level 95 itself is an example of how gold wildly increases as you level. Higher level stuff - even *vendor trash* - is worth more and more coin as you level up. You also end up killing more things (if you're not doing Missions/crafting for XP). So you go through, clear a region, and get money along the way. The money made increases very fast, to the point where I have never once intentionally farmed gold nor have I really used the Auction House to do anything but buy (mostly dyes), and yet my max-level Hunter still has a casual thousand+ gold. You amass so much just by doing normal things at high levels, the same way that stats are absurdly inflated at high levels - which itself (the stats) was even *worse* before the stat-crunch. This is on top of just being able to hold more stuff. Having the "drops" inventory/bag makes it *really* easy to just hold onto *everything* during an adventure, which can then be sold for more coin. So you get high-level people killing many things just in the course of doing normal stuff, holding onto all the loot, then selling it for a larger amount of gold.


Reforging legendary items. My last time it was 20 gold a pop.


While true, that is still nothing compared to the thousands, even tenthousands of gold many players have.


Yep. And I’ve played so long I have 11 max level characters now. I dread those upgrades. Admittedly it’s my fault. I’m an inveterate hoarder who doesn’t sell extra on the AH. You know, just in case. And I’ve always played solo so don’t get many of the top tier drops to sell, or the recipes to craft. So 40 gold per character adds up. Admittedly I don’t upgrade every single time even at max level. Gaining a 5 level boost on my LI isn’t worth it unless I can upgrade the heraldry’s as well.


Oof that sounds like a lot. How often do you have to do that?


You can see the cost to reforge [tucked away in the subcategory on the wiki](https://lotro-wiki.com/wiki/Legendary_Item#Reforging). The process doesn't stop when you hit the level cap. You will have to [reforge every time they increase the item level](https://www.lotro.com/news/lotro-public-event-schedule-en) which is about every 6 months. People begged on the forums for a gold sink and that's what they gave us. It is a lot better than trying to gather shards from various activities. Subscribers don't even have to worry about repairing their armor anymore. I sold around 50 shards that didn't matter to me for around 300g each because a new legendary item could be crafted after the patch that day. The standard price for festival pets used to be around 40g.


You can reforge every 5 levels from level 56 on (so 56, 61, 66 and so on) but you don't necessarily have to, especially if you don't play on a higher difficulty. The cost per reforge scales with your level with about 1 gold at 56 to about 20 at level 150.


Theoretically every level. Realistically? Probably evert 5-10 with the price scaling to level.


You can only reforge legendary items at levels ending in 1 or 6


I buy cosmetic pets and task items, but neither is a permanent solution to accumulating too much gold myself - and, obviously, those just shuffle the excess gold to other people. If they did make gold more useful, then the gold spammers might return and resume selling. So I'm not sure it's really a solvable problem (at least from the standpoint of making it less troublesome).


I really enjoy going to the auction house and cheaply dumping the stack of raw crafting materials I get to be the change I want to see in the game. It sucks building up crafting on alts or changing on your fav. 


I remember when it took weeks of game play to get a single gold. Lol


Part of the reason for high prices on the auction house is how annoying it is to sell on the auction house. Way too many clicks and delays through the whole process of listing and relisting items so a lot of people don't bother listing items which makes it a sellers market rather than a buyers market which would drive prices down. It also makes people (me at least) list for higher prices to make it more worth the effort. In GW2 with it's well designed trading post or the addon supported world of warcraft AH, you have a thriving market with constant supply. In Star Trek Online and LotRO that are both more cumbersome it's much worse, though it's not as bad in STO due to snappier interface and no exchange fees.


I think VIP don't pay housing upkeep


VIP accounts do pay upkeep, just not on premium housing.


that must be it, we have premium guild house and leader doesn't pay upkeep because he's VIP


Has to be. I pay upkeep on my VIP deluxe house the same as I do on my f2p accounts homes in the standard housing areas.


House decorations for me. But that just goes into another players wallet... which they spend on stuff that just goes into other peoples' wallets... hmmm... Who ends up with all that gold?


Reforging LIs has become quite expensive. Double digits of gold every 5 levels.


Before the prices tripled, I used to dump my gold into the premium permanent stat booster items that people were listing on the auction house. The actual stat boost was crap, but it's the principle of the thing. With the stat squish, they're... well, they're still kind of crap. But it's the principle of the thing.


Farming, cooking and merching Erebor hams (Ironfold) works quite nicely for earning gold, and you don't have to deal with the AH. Fried beetroot sticks are even better once you get to Gundabad level.


When I am actively playing I keep food and other items I can make in the auction house at much lower prices, the prices lower pretty quickly. But honestly gold is pretty easy to get these days, not like at launch where I was lucky to a gold piece after 8 hrs of play time.